Transmitted Into A Novel As The Lonely Villainess
episode 16
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
*talking with the girls* "huh why do I feel that someone is looking at me" *look around and see no one* "I must be overthinking who will stare at me"
Ava Edmund/William sister/Fl bff
Athe what happen you seem lost
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
no it's nothing
Ava Edmund/William sister/Fl bff
Adrik lionel/elder twin/Fl brother
*looking at someone*
Liam Arenberg/ml Lili bro
*look at him and then follow his gaze and notice Olivia* she is beautiful
Adrik lionel/elder twin/Fl brother
*look at him* what
Liam Arenberg/ml Lili bro
*smirk* you're staring at her for a while
Adrik lionel/elder twin/Fl brother
I'm not *look away*
Liam Arenberg/ml Lili bro
Yeah yeah like I believe you
Adrik lionel/elder twin/Fl brother
Think whatever you want to think
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
*staring at Ava*
Ava Edmund/William sister/Fl bff
*notice someone staring at her and look towards that direction*
Both of their eyes meet a for a few seconds they were staring at each other and than Eva broke the eye contact
Ava Edmund/William sister/Fl bff
*blush and look away* "ughh why is he staring at me like that *again look towards him and find him staring at her again* "ushhh why is this guy not looking away"
Isa mandinga/Noah sister/Fl bff
Ava what's wrong where are you looking
Ava Edmund/William sister/Fl bff
nothing*look at her*
Isa mandinga/Noah sister/Fl bff
*Looking at her suspiciously*
Ava Edmund/William sister/Fl bff
*notice her suspicious gaze* what
Isa mandinga/Noah sister/Fl bff
Ava Edmund/William sister/Fl bff
*look at Austin again and find him talking with Liam now*
Isa mandinga/Noah sister/Fl bff
*follow her gaze and notice where she is looking* whisper like him
Ava Edmund/William sister/Fl bff
*startled* *look at her* what nooo I don't
Isa mandinga/Noah sister/Fl bff
*smirk* hmmm
Ava Edmund/William sister/Fl bff
Yeah what with that smirk
Isa mandinga/Noah sister/Fl bff
Nothing *smile*
suddenly song start playing indicating that it's dance time
So first as tradition the crown prince will dane
So Oscar went towards Isa
Leonard/crown prince/ml bff
My lady will you like to dance with me *offer his hand*
Isa mandinga/Noah sister/Fl bff
It's my pleasure your highness*take his hand*
they went towards the center and start dancing and soon after other couples join them
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Ava will you like to dance with me *offer his hand*
Ava Edmund/William sister/Fl bff
why not *take his hand*
Liam Arenberg/ml Lili bro
umm Elizabeth will you *offer his hand*
Elizabeth /princess/Fl bff
*smile and take his hand*
and they all went towards the dance floor and start dancing
Arora Mendez/Fl bff
Wahhh know it's just both of us left
Arora Mendez/Fl bff
When will we find ourselves a boy
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
*chuckle* you like someone
Arora Mendez/Fl bff
*smile* hmmm *look towards that person*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
*notice her gaze* you like my brother adrik *surprise*
Arora Mendez/Fl bff
hmm he is an amazing person I know he don't show much emotion but he care about everyone that what I like about him the most he is also very sweet and get shy easily *smile"
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
*Listening to her attentively*
Arora Mendez/Fl bff
*smile turn sad* but he don't like me
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
How can you say that did you ask him
Arora Mendez/Fl bff
No but I just know *look at him looking towards Olivia*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Huh *confuse* "how can she be this sure without confessing her feelings " *notice her gaze and follow it and saw adrik looking towards Olivia* "ohhh so that's the case*
Arora Mendez/Fl bff
*eyes become teary*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
*hug her* shhh it's ok
Arora Mendez/Fl bff
Hmm *broke the hug and wipe her tears* I already decided to move on but it's a bit hard but I believe that I can *smile*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
of course you can "even in this situation she is smiling so beautifuly"
Ok guys ending this here