Transmitted Into A Novel As The Lonely Villainess
episode 9
Everyone having there dinner silently
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
*broke the silence* Athena I heard that you were not well how are you know
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
"finally someone broke the silence" I'm fine know
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
That's good
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
I wanted to inform you guys that there is going to be a ball held in the royal palace
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
ohh yeah it's that bastard birthday
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Language Austin he is older than you
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Athena will you go
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Yeah I will go
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Ok good
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Yeah sissy it will be fun right adrik
Adrik lionel/elder twin/Fl brother
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
father you will enter with mother and we both will enter with sissy
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
ok as you say
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
So start preparing for the ball
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Hmm need to prepare a gift also this is the hardest part ughhh
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
*softly smile*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
* notice it* " what a beautiful smile he has"
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Such handsome brothers I have they both are cutie one is introvert and the other one is extrovert
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
adrik is like mother and Austin is like father mother and my both brother have the power of fire like dad
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
unlike me I was abondaned and never got family love you were lucky to have them but you didn't notice there love
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
But know I'm going to cherish them
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
the crown prince birthday party is the first formal party I'm going to attend
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
I should look representable
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Should I design a dress for myself
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Yeah I should
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
I should just sleep know I'm so tired and tomorrow have to go to market and start the work of shop
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Umm *woke up* such a good sleep I had
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Let's get ready fast I have alot of work today
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Im looking beautiful
Lara/ Fl maid
*knock* *knock*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Come in
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Ohh Lara you are here where is my breakfast I'm so hungry
Lara/ Fl maid
Oh that my lady the duke is calling you to have breakfast with them
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Oh ok let's go
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Athena you are here
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Hmm good morning
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Good morning* smile* Have a seat my child
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Come here sissy sit with me *point to the chair beside him*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
* goes and sit beside him*
Everyone start having breakfast peacefully
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Sissy * whisper*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
what happen*whisper back*
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
will you go with us to the market me and brother are going to the market we will also see dresses for the party * whisper*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Ok let's go together I was also going to the market *whisper back*
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Ok *whisper*
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Adrik lionel/elder twin/Fl brother
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Sissy will also go with us * whisper*
Adrik lionel/elder twin/Fl brother
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
my dear mother and father me my sissy and brother are going to the market can we go
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Ok but return early
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Ok than take care don't create trouble outside especially you Austin
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Mother I'm an innocent child
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Yeah that we all know how innocent you are
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Ok we are going *dragging Athena and adrik*
Adrik lionel/elder twin/Fl brother
Hey stop dragging me and sissy
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Ok then come fast
Austin Lionel/younger twin/Fl brother
Left while junping
Adrik lionel/elder twin/Fl brother
*look at her*
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
*look at him*
Adrik lionel/elder twin/Fl brother
*chuckle* I don't know when will he grow up
Athena Lionel/princess/Fl
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
* looking at them* I'm happy that they are finally bonding together
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Hmm I'm also happy and I'm noticing so many change in her she is changing
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
I just want them to be happy
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
That's the only thing I wish
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Hmm there happiness is our happiness
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
she finally look lively
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Hmm I notice it too let's protect that smile on her face
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Yeah I will see who dare to snatch that beautiful smile of my daughters face
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
*smile looking at him*
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
*look at her and pull her on his lap*
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Yeah what are you doing *blush*
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
What am I doing *smirk*
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
You are so bad
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
yeah that I am * kiss her*
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
* kiss back*
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Ufff have some shame
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
I don't have any
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Arik and Austin are your two different personalities
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Austin is really like you by looks and personality also
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
What to do my genes are so strong *smirk*
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Tsk you will never behave yourself right
Sebastian Lionel/duke/Fl father
Patricia lionel/duchess/Fl mom
Hmm what can I even expect from you
ok let's leave this couple alone and let them have some alone tr
time after all they meet after a long time
Ok guys ending this here
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