My Hidden Pain

My Hidden Pain

Episode One

(Early morning.)

(So early in the morning Kim woke up from bed washed his face and got ready to go for a long run cause that is what he always does every morning before he came back to dress up from school he left the bathroom he heard a knock on the door)

Gem: who is it?

Four: It's me young master I'm here to wake you up for your morning jog before going to school sir you shouldn't be late on the first day third year in school sir

(Gem moves closer to the door and opens it)

Gem: four I've always told you to stop calling me young master we are the same age and even though I don't like the name young master okay my name is Gem. It is not difficult to say, Kim; in fact, I adore my name, Gem; it is a great choice for a charming man.

Four: Indeed, sir

Gem: (he scowled) Stop that, "sir"

Four: Okay, sir. I apologize.

Gem: You are amazing.

Four: (he grinned)

(After checking out of the hotel and going for a 1.5-hour jog, they returned and got dressed for school.)

Four: Young master, sorry, I mean gem

You missed your mom's calls because you forgot to bring it with you. She texted me now, and I think you should call her.

Gem: Oh, I thought it was in my pocket. He checked by taking the phone off the bed. I need to call her back, as you said. I hope she will not scold me.

Four: She will.

Gem: (he dialed his mother's number in two rings; she answered) Yes, I know.

Mrs. Kim: How come you do not pick up when I call? I have called you more than nineteen times, gem. Are you attempting to kill me? I am going to purchase a ticket and fly back to Bangkok.

Gem: Mom It is fifteen, not nineteen. Stop exaggerating things.

Mrs. Kim: It does not matter as long as you answer my phone when I call.

Gem: Alright, mom. Why do you call me then? I have to go off to school now.

Mrs. Kim: can't I call my cute son anymore

Gem: I am not cute, Mom, I am handsome.

Mrs Kim: You are not handsome. You surpass a girl in beauty and cuteness.

Gem: Mother I am not pretty, but I believe you can still give birth to a girl if you allow it, and my father is still good and handsome.

Mrs. Kim: Stop gem. I am too old for that, which is why I always dressed you up as a princess when you were little.

Gem: I know Mom, but I am a man, not a girl, or else I will have to call my father and make an effort since you need one more child to provide for him.

Mrs Kim: Stop it, gem. Okay, I give up, baby.

Gem: yes, Mrs. Kim.

Mrs. Kim: I do not know what is going on in my mind, but I do not feel good about you today. I am afraid that something is not right. Please be careful in everything you do at school. We do not care if you spend our money extravagantly.

Gem: Mom, you do not need to worry. I will always be watchful, and four is always by my side. Nothing bad will ever happen to me. Therefore, you should take care of your health and tell Dad to take care of himself and tell him that I love him so much.

Mrs. Kim: Why don't you tell him yourself since you love him so much? What about me?

Gem: Mom, do not be so envious. I called Dad to tell you too how much I love you, Mom.

Mrs. Kim: I know I am just saying by the way, are you going back to your condo or staying at the house?

Gem: "No Mom." The house is too far from school. I am moving back to my condo today.

Mrs. Kim: Okay.

Gem: Mom I have to end the call if you do not want me to be late.

Mrs Kim: make sure you always pick up my calls to make me worry less, okay?

Gem: Okay, bye Mom.

Mrs Kim: Bye bye, son

(He hangs up and grabs his bag.)

Gem: I am done. We will have to order something to eat on the way.

Four: You mentioned returning to your condo, is that correct?

Gem: Yes I am, or are you not moving yet?

Four: yes, I am moving out this weekend. I will have to stay with my aunt for a week.

Gem: Okay, tell her I will also come visit.

Four: alright

Gem: Let us move or we will be late.

(They both left the hotel and waited for the taxi they had ordered.)

Fourth, what should I order for you?

Gem: Anything except shrimps.

Four: okay, I know you are allergic to shrimp, I will not order it for you.

(The taxi arrived, and they both left for school.)

Star mek university

There are three faculty students at the school gate; two are from the business faculty and one from the art faculty.)

Night: You are late.

Sun: Yeah, I know.

Summer: You can never change. I am not sure who you are fighting with this early, but could you please just laugh or smile?

Sun: Like a joker?

Night: stop, you know he won't, so do not start arguing with him.

Summer: Okay, I won't

Night: Do you remember tonight's party?

Sun: Yeah.

Night: You are coming right?

Sun: No. I am not

Summer: Come on, it will be so much fun!

Night: you know I can not leave without you.

Sun: I'm not stopping you.

Night: Do not be heartless; I want to go, please.

Sun: Do you not know why I am not going?

Summer: Is it not because of the guy who is always after you?

Night: I know it because of that perverted guy, but his twin invited you himself to his birthday party, and you told me he is your old-time friend, so why can not you honor his invitation and go

Sun: I do not feel like going; I am feeling weird.

Night: Common, can not you just go because of me?

Sun: Okay, let's meet at seven because I will be back before nine o'clock.

Night: nine o'clock?

Sun: yeah, nine.

Summer: Make a deal before he changes his mind

Night: Okay, deal meet up at seven. You said it yourself; do not be late.

Sun: I won't!





Wow, what a ride!



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