Mystery Of Love

Mystery Of Love


Aaa aaaa aa

Suddenly I fell in to sea I was trying to take breaths it feels like I am going to passout any time then I felt a pain in my arms and i woke up from my dream and saw my mom tried to wake me up by pinching my arms....

Mom : get up you lazy ass it's already 7:30 am

If You don't want to study I can burn your whole book.

shen: uhh ( check the phone ) mom It's not even 6 o'clock yet please let me sleep for 5 minutes more.

Mom: No , I know your 5 minutes your 5 minutes is just like one hour... Now get up

After taking lots of time in convincing my mom to let me sleep for 5 min my mom throw me out from my bed then I do my morning routine and when I come back to my room I saw my mom is sleeping in my bed ...

At 8o'clock my mom wake up and start making breakfast fast and I was cleaning the house after that at 10 0' clock I went to my computer classes but on the way of going computer classes I felt strange like someone was following me I look behind but no one was there. At 11:30 my computer classes was over after that I felt again that someone was following me but no one was there. As soon as possible I went to home .

When I was watching TV I felt some one was looking me I felt so strange but I ignore it

In evening I went for evening walk suddenly a stranger came towards me and it's a lady

Lady: you should be ready and accept your faith and fight if you want to live (in serious voice)

shen: what the hell you are talking madam and

please leave

Lady : I am here to warn you ( and a smirk plastered on her face)

Shen : ( with a little fear) what hell is happening

After saying that she left the lady behind and went back to home and told her father about the incident her father laugh and said

Father: most of the people tries to terrify you by this kind of things so ignore it

shen: uhh mm ok dad

Father: hmmm

After that i eat my dinner and go to sleep but the lady words still haunting my mind ...

The atmosphere become cold and the surrounding because more and more silent and cold only the voice of insects are coming and i woke up by a growling sound and look around my surrounding

Wait where am I and the sound of growling and she scream loudly


Wait but where she actually was??...

And kind of animal was growling??..

In the dark forest where he was laying on the ground terrified and after the growling sound he become more terrified and he saw a strange thing comming towards him and when it came more nearer to him . He came to know it was the last day on earth because it the strange thing was a wolf

shen : wo-wolf shen get up and run

After saying that to himself he get up and try to run fast as he can . The wolf was chasing him and legs are hurting because he was barefoot and he remembered the word of lady and his leg got tangled and he fell into the ground but he still stand up but he fail and he close her eyes thinking now no one can save him.

But from the Building which was inside a the dark forest a dark shadow was observing him from the window but the dark shadow disappeared and the shen also get unconscious ...

What happened to him is he is safe or dead ?

Or what was the dark shadow of ?

Changing sides in bed suddenly he found himself on a bed and he was happy that all the things happened with him was just a dream but when he saw his surrounding a fear ran inside him he was not in his home. And there were lots of bed and almirah and a girl appear

? : hey how are you and where are you from shen: uh I ii uh-uh-mmm

? : please don't be afraid

shen : hmn I am shen and you

? : ooh sorry I forget to introduce myself so I am rubina

shen: where well where am I

Rubina: oo this place it's is life and also I don't know where it is but I know that we are in the middle of a forest.

shen: don't say that I want to go home

Rubina: I am sorry but you cannot go home

shen: why

Rubina: the wolfes will kill you

shen : (start crying) no please don't say that my parents are worried about me

Rubina: don't cry y/n I will try to help you ok but

Please don't cry

shen : ok

Rubina : nice listen I want to say something that there are lot of students who are from different countries and there are two team

shen : uh ook

Rubina: actually the both team have equal members so

shen : so

Rubina : I mean it's not like that but you know that some people always want power so they are like that

shen: so in which team are you

Rubina : no one team that the thing I am telling you that both team leader will try everything to join you in their team.

shen : so

Rubina: that the thing I don't wanted so please be aware of them

shen : ok

Rubina : i think you are hungry let go we should eat something but before that brush your teeth

shen : ook

Rubina : and if you need anything just call me

shen: ook thank you Rubina..

Rubina : it's my pleasure


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