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Mystery Of Love


Aaa aaaa aa

Suddenly I fell in to sea I was trying to take breaths it feels like I am going to passout any time then I felt a pain in my arms and i woke up from my dream and saw my mom tried to wake me up by pinching my arms....

Mom : get up you lazy ass it's already 7:30 am

If You don't want to study I can burn your whole book.

shen: uhh ( check the phone ) mom It's not even 6 o'clock yet please let me sleep for 5 minutes more.

Mom: No , I know your 5 minutes your 5 minutes is just like one hour... Now get up

After taking lots of time in convincing my mom to let me sleep for 5 min my mom throw me out from my bed then I do my morning routine and when I come back to my room I saw my mom is sleeping in my bed ...

At 8o'clock my mom wake up and start making breakfast fast and I was cleaning the house after that at 10 0' clock I went to my computer classes but on the way of going computer classes I felt strange like someone was following me I look behind but no one was there. At 11:30 my computer classes was over after that I felt again that someone was following me but no one was there. As soon as possible I went to home .

When I was watching TV I felt some one was looking me I felt so strange but I ignore it

In evening I went for evening walk suddenly a stranger came towards me and it's a lady

Lady: you should be ready and accept your faith and fight if you want to live (in serious voice)

shen: what the hell you are talking madam and

please leave

Lady : I am here to warn you ( and a smirk plastered on her face)

Shen : ( with a little fear) what hell is happening

After saying that she left the lady behind and went back to home and told her father about the incident her father laugh and said

Father: most of the people tries to terrify you by this kind of things so ignore it

shen: uhh mm ok dad

Father: hmmm

After that i eat my dinner and go to sleep but the lady words still haunting my mind ...

The atmosphere become cold and the surrounding because more and more silent and cold only the voice of insects are coming and i woke up by a growling sound and look around my surrounding

Wait where am I and the sound of growling and she scream loudly


Wait but where she actually was??...

And kind of animal was growling??..

In the dark forest where he was laying on the ground terrified and after the growling sound he become more terrified and he saw a strange thing comming towards him and when it came more nearer to him . He came to know it was the last day on earth because it the strange thing was a wolf

shen : wo-wolf shen get up and run

After saying that to himself he get up and try to run fast as he can . The wolf was chasing him and legs are hurting because he was barefoot and he remembered the word of lady and his leg got tangled and he fell into the ground but he still stand up but he fail and he close her eyes thinking now no one can save him.

But from the Building which was inside a the dark forest a dark shadow was observing him from the window but the dark shadow disappeared and the shen also get unconscious ...

What happened to him is he is safe or dead ?

Or what was the dark shadow of ?

Changing sides in bed suddenly he found himself on a bed and he was happy that all the things happened with him was just a dream but when he saw his surrounding a fear ran inside him he was not in his home. And there were lots of bed and almirah and a girl appear

? : hey how are you and where are you from shen: uh I ii uh-uh-mmm

? : please don't be afraid

shen : hmn I am shen and you

? : ooh sorry I forget to introduce myself so I am rubina

shen: where well where am I

Rubina: oo this place it's is life and also I don't know where it is but I know that we are in the middle of a forest.

shen: don't say that I want to go home

Rubina: I am sorry but you cannot go home

shen: why

Rubina: the wolfes will kill you

shen : (start crying) no please don't say that my parents are worried about me

Rubina: don't cry y/n I will try to help you ok but

Please don't cry

shen : ok

Rubina : nice listen I want to say something that there are lot of students who are from different countries and there are two team

shen : uh ook

Rubina: actually the both team have equal members so

shen : so

Rubina : I mean it's not like that but you know that some people always want power so they are like that

shen: so in which team are you

Rubina : no one team that the thing I am telling you that both team leader will try everything to join you in their team.

shen : so

Rubina: that the thing I don't wanted so please be aware of them

shen : ok

Rubina : i think you are hungry let go we should eat something but before that brush your teeth

shen : ook

Rubina : and if you need anything just call me

shen: ook thank you Rubina..

Rubina : it's my pleasure

rush hours

After freshing I saw note on table it was from Rubina and there was a message written that after freshing wear this cloth which I put in my bed after that plz come to cafeteria.

After wearing those which was given by Rubina I was heading toward the cafeteria. and I didn't find the cafeteria but I saw couple of group of boys after that I saw a masculine boy who have blue eyes and super tall come towards me .

? :- hello young boy who are you?

shen: uhmm I am shen . what about you?

?: (sarcastle laughing) Noble.

Shen : nice to meet you but can you tell me where is the cafeteria.

noble: why are you so in hurry let's have a little bit introduction.

Shen: oooookky !

Noble : okay firstly let me introduce my group and you will find interesting to know about our group .

Shen : can we talk about this letter because I am getting late to go to the cafeteria because my one of my friend Rubina is waiting for me at the cafeteria so if you don't mind can you tell me the way to the cafeteria .

Noble : aaah ......

?: who is this boy he seems to be interesting .

Noble : get out of from here your mother f***** kkang cheol.

Kang cheol: this is how you should treat me in front of this boy

Noble: shut up you punk

Kang cheol: leave this let me introduce... where did he go

Noble : because of you he ran away

Kang cheol : It's good he not in your team.

Noble: so accept that you are a loser

Kang cheol: I'm just protecting him for you now get lost.

Shen pov

it's good I ran away from there and thanks to Rubina she tell me about this thing earlier . But now how I will find were is cafeteria .

?: I think you are finding something

Shen: uh-uh-mmm yess can you please tell me where is cafeteria

Professor ne : (smile) yes ofcourse well you can call me professor ne

Shen: oh thank you professor ne

Professor ne: no problem well if I am right so you are shen

Shen: yes

Professor ne: ok nice to meet you and please be comfortable here

Shen : yes thank you

Professor ne: ok follow me I will direct you to cafeteria

Shen : thank you

After following professor ne i finally found Rubina in cafeteria. And i also found that all the people in cafeteria was looking at me like a prey . Then suddenly two of them I mean kang cheol and noble was behind me . But they didn't uttered a single word a silently sit on the seat and then professor ne said

Professor ne: This the new trainee so you will help him during training session and classes

After that professor ne went out and all of the students starts gossiping and I was thinking about what kind of training professor ne is taking about because I don't want to attend training session or classes now I want to just to go home .

Rubina : In what kind of dream you are lost

Shen: nothing I was wondering what kind of training session professor ne is talking about

Rubina : you will get it after you attend the sessions

professor ne pov

Talking in phone

That's good we found a new trainee in wood it is good for our new project.


?: You should be more careful with this project . Because it is very important for us if we successfully completed this project we will become rich and successful .

Professor ne: i know I know

What kind of project are they talking about..

what are they going to do with shen

Rubina : let's go for our first training session

Shen: okk let's go

Furry : let's start your training and wait I think today we have a new trainee come out

Shen: hello sir

furry : a kiddo (laugh sarcastically) so for today 50 round of ground and after that 100 pushups

Shen: I am sorry but I can't do this much

Furry : you will do and kang cheol and noble you will count after that you guys can have a meal and sleep and kang cheol and noble if he didn't complete your know what kind of punishment you will get

I just completed my 2nd round and I was breathing heavily because I never do this much work out and also the ground soo much big . Infact in comparison of my school ground this group is 10 times larger .

And these students were so fast like a wind that they complete 100 round of ground without even gaining fatigue.

Kang cheol : run naa why are you stop

Shen: I cannot run more please

Noble: you should run for you life because of you don't run they will punish us and you also . After that we will make you life hell

shen pov

They are so mean it's is 8 o'clock of night and right now I completed my 50 round now push up are left I beg them to leave me and also tried to run but my legs aren't helping me but t after so much effort and hardwork I completed my pushups and now my body is paining a lot . At 1o'clock at night I tried to move but now my body was not helping me noble came toward me and pick me up and then we went to cafeteria for our dinner but their was nothing left so I think to leave but they stop and said

Noble: you shouldn't leave you should eat something.

Shen: but there was nothing left

Kang cheol: don't worry about that we will make dinner

Shen: oo really thanks

Noble: don't thanks us we know you need energy for tommorow because you have to do this training tommorow also

Kang cheol: that's why we are making food just for your sake

Shen: no way I am going to run in the woods

Noble: you know you gonna die there

Shen: uuh leave it well you guys were fighting in the morning so why are you so being close to each other like best friend

Kang cheol: cause we are besties

Noble: yes

Shen: so why are fighting in morning

Noble: cause we are mak like this . This place you think is not good as much you think .They train us until we don't become perfect in every thing we fight until we become like a lifeless body .. Andd

Kang cheol: thsi for enough today I think he is afraid by your talks ..

Few hours later

Noble: eat this and go back to sleep

Shen: ook thanks you should also start eating

Kang cheol: we will First you

after finishing my dinner I went to sleep but I still thinking about what noble said the thing was roaming inside my head... Uhhhh shen stop thinking and sleep...

What are the thing noble and kang cheol wants to tell shen but they stop ..


A siren 🚨 was start and someone was running in the wood and allow the students was in shock ..

why was students in shock who was running in the woods lately????

Running away

The students were in shock because the person who was running in the woods is none other than shen.

But why he was running in the woods lately ??

Kang cheol: why the hell he is running in the woods.

Noble: I don't know but we have to catch him before he become the food of wolf

Kang cheol: yeh let's go

Rubina: where are you guys think you going

Noble: To find the new trainee

Rubina: stop right there -

Before Rubina say something more they run from there to help shen . And also professor ne furry and some guard ran behind them to find shen. They all went to different directions

Suddenly kang cheol and noble saw shen but the thing was that he was surrounded by wolfes . He was so terrified that he couldn't move a inch form there

Noble and kang made a plan and kang tried to distract the wolfes . When wolf start running behind kang . Noble tried to help out shen then out of nowhere a wolf came toward them but noble defend the shen and got hurt. Furry light up the fire due to which wolf ran away. After all the incident happened they finally reached to the life ( building were all the students live) .

Professor ne: what the hell in this world are you thinking about to running on wood and put your life in danger.

Shen : No, it's just a dream you all are not real shen you just have to wake up wake up please it is a terrifying dream please

Noble: I think he is a mental patient because who puts themselves in danger twice.

Kang cheol : yes you are right

Shen : stop you are just dream

Noble: get up it's not dream

Shen: (crying) please say it dream

Noble: no it's not your dream it reality but next time you put your life in danger we will not come to save you

Professor ne: cannot you please shut up

Noble: sorry professor

Professor ne: what happen why you run

Shen : what year is this

Professor ne : 2004 but what happened

Shen : thats the thing you guys are fooling me and all the other students it nots 2004 it's 2024

Professor ne : what are you taking

Shen : you kidnapped us

Professor ne: it's not 2024

Shen : it is and I can also give you proof give me your phone

Professor ne : ooooh really then take this

After giving phone to shen .shen was still in shock how smart phone is still different there are nothing in this phone

Shen: it's fake you are trying to fool me

Kang cheol: you are right noble he is crazy

Shen: no I am not if I am correct any one you guys went for COVID

Furry : what that thing

Shen : a disease

Professor ne: wait a minute if I'm not mistaken you have time travel

Shen: i know you are joking

Furry : professor you are crazy

Professor ne : no Im not shen could you tell us what happen to you before coming here

Shen: I was sleeping then suddenly I felt cold and I found myself here.

Professor ne: see who could travel from other country to this country.

Furry : professor ne I want to talk with you in private.

Furry : how could you say that if she is a spy

Professor ne: it could be

Furry : so what should we do

Professor ne: I think we should start the project on him

Furry : you are literally crazy

Professor ne: yes I am

Furry : that why I like you but if he does

Professor ne: it's not our problem

After that incident everything went normal both Kang cheol and noble tries that shen come to their team but shen tried to stay away from them .

And Furry was trying to make shen fit for the project and every student knew that except shen. One day due to heavy exercise shen was fainted . Some guard take shen to medical room.

Professor ne : it's time to start the project

Furry : ook

They start injecting different kind of serum. Checking his heart rate and mental stability body temperature.... And then they mark her back with a code no

Alpha 30

Ooooh professor ne his brain is taking load if the load becomes to much high his brain will brain and he will die

Professor ne: inject this serum to him

In shen dreams pov

Father: be brave always the world tries always to make you kneel down or feel low or sometime you will afraid to do anything but remember that the person in front of don't know anything about you so being yourself.

Shen : I know

Father : so you will try to fight for your self

Shen: yess I will dad

Father: good br braymy little boy

In reality

Professor ne he is becoming stable. I think our first stage is successful

Professor ne: don't be happy now there are lots of things to do.

And remember when he gain consciousness give this medicine to him

Ook professor

What are they doing to shen ???

Is he will be alright....

shen: where am I

Professor ne : are you fine

Shen: yes I am

Professor ne: ok if you will feal pain just eat this medicine you will feel alright

Shen: thanks professor ne

Professor ne: sleep well shen

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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