Meeting In Endless Worlds

Meeting In Endless Worlds

Shackled By system

In the city bustling with people, the evening mood seemed to be different. The shout of students who were at the internet café, the office workers who were returning home, the street vendors going from place to place, and the light-up places ready to entangle day and night. Amidst these interesting things, people saw a person drunk at the top of the building.

At the construction building on the twentieth floor, a man without steady footsteps, but clear eyes look at the sky for a while. He has his white shirt and black trousers with shoes. Everything is okay with his body. His look can't be considered very good but not too bad either. He stood and saw the slight moon showing itself because the darkness was about to fall. Nighttime is the best time in this city. Sparkling light from the shops and buildings in every place can be seen from this height. He sighed and without looking ahead or back he jumped down in a relaxed position. With a thud, he landed in the middle of crowded people, bursting his brain out, and shocking people. Screams everywhere. When his body was seen by others, people couldn't help but cry, "He is dead!!!" Taking out their phone they started to share this news with others. Some more humanly were the ones calling the police and the nearest medical. 

A man named Aaron Blake jumped from the top floor. He is the infamous young master of the Blake family.

Aaron is a man of twenty-nine years old. The Blake family adopted him when he was four years old. Saying he is their child and was lost during a festival. He was very happy to have someone related to him. The orphanage was a very harsh place. After returning to Blake, his lifestyle changed, and he was happy for it. However, the real nightmare started after his twenty-second birthday party.

For the world, he is good for nothing, and an unwanted person abandoned by Blake. In actuality, Aaron is a calm and responsible man. His academic results were very good, and his looks were average. He can't be considered handsome like those upper-class masters, but he can be regarded as a scholarly gentleman and amiable person. However, the main reason why he was regarded as a gentleman was that his every work was done perfectly, and due to his calm composure and good communication skills, he became very famous.

Yet, this was not the outcome Blake wanted. The elder members couldn't see the real heirs as inferior in comparison to an adopted one. So, they tried every means to make him suffer. He was humiliated in front of others, his reputation was tarnished, and he was tossed and turned to the point of weariness. The black and white were exchanged. Within five years Aaron Blake changed from a famous intelligent young master to an unwanted young master of Blake.

He is used by his sisters and brothers to outshine him. Due to the schemes used by the members of Blake, his reputation was shaped like an unwanted young master. Blake had used every way possible to suck him dry. With no one backing him, he was ridiculed, and, in the end, he was drugged to commit suicide. He was aware of their schemes, but he didn't care about them in the slightest. All he wants is now a peaceful sleep, eternal.

However, right after breathing his last breath, a mysterious force appeared out of nowhere. Aaron was sucked inside of it. He lost consciousness. Nonetheless, the moment his mind went blank, a cute little fluffy snowball appeared.

"System binding initiated, system binding initiated,"

"System binding with Host complete."

" The perfect Mission-taker system is bound with host Aaron."

"Mission shall be started after the host's consciousness returns."

After the complete darkness, he saw light. He wanted to just sleep and never wake up. But he cannot ignore the sounds coming to him. When he regained awareness, He saw himself in a mechanical bed. The room is covered with mechanical instruments and lit up in four directions, not leaving a single place of darkness, even a shadow. The sound was coming from the Robot that was cleaning the floor. The robot glanced at him, and his big black glass eyes blinked twice and looked away, disregarding his existence. Looks like his awakening doesn't matter to the robot.

Aaron is an extremely intelligent and agreeable person. Due to his approachable nature, Blake could use him. No matter what they did, he never felt anger and resentment toward them. Some used to call him a coward. No matter how hard the people kick him and punch him it wouldn't matter. He wouldn't retaliate. Collecting his thoughts back he surveyed the room. In his point, this room has an all-computerized system. The main door is locked with a technical device. He seems to be locked up here, but why. The confusion didn't take long to clear up.

People said other worlds like parallel worlds exist around us, but we can't see them. Is the words true, if it is, then Aaron could believe it right away. Earth is not very developed to provide such a room and even that mechanical robot. The robot is very interesting. So, it should be a foreign dimension or something else.

However, it is not the time to enjoy this. He has to explore roughly this place first. Not a single speck of dust could be seen in this room. All he can see is flashy things lighting up the room. The bed, still rubbing the floor robot and nothing else. He coughed a few times to clear the voice before saying, "Is anyone here?"

Snowball's fluffy things pop up from the air, scaring his fragile heart for a moment. A mechanical word ranged, "Host is done savoring rest."

Aaron smiled, but he can't smile at all in his heart. He asked, "Can you inform me where I am? I was dead, wasn't I." What is he doing in a place like this? Please enlighten me. Don't tell me I'm a hostage or experimental body for something. Thinking about all these things, his gut shook due to this hunch.

The system's cold voice ranged again, "You are bound to the system. The host knows about the system, right?"

Aaron stood stiff before breaking his calmness, his eyes wide open as he screamed, "What!! What? How can it be?"

"You are saying, you are the system?"

"Yes, host."

"Are you really a system?"


His worldview collapsed once again. The first time was when he knew he was not the son of Blake's family. After taking care of him like their own son and suddenly saying I'm not their son, who can be calm in that type of situation? But the news right now is way too much for his mind to bear. He heard the fluffy thing saying again.

"That's it. The host knows about this, let's start with my introduction. I'm the perfect mission-taker system. The Department of Soul had ordered me to bind with you. You are my first host. Please, start the mission plane number 1236 an ancient one."

"Wait!! Please wait." How can he just start taking missions, he doesn't have anything to do with these worlds. Okay!

He said, looking at the shiny ball, "I don't have any desire to take a mission whatsoever. Can't you just destroy me?" I have been tormented by those old and young suckers. Now, even after death, I have to visit different planets for missions. Heavens are joking, right?

'I Aaron cannot accept this!!!!'

The system snowball flashed twice. The mechanical voice said indifferently, "Please host, don't even dream about this. You can die alone, but at least don't drag me with you. We are bound by each other. If you perish, I will too. So, you cannot turn back. I can give you some time if you're needed, but you can't abandon the missions."

Aaron cried without tears. He wishes for death, but why could this happen? But taking an innocent soul or code with him is not good. Moreover, he is just a soul and has nothing to do. So, if he can help this little thing, it doesn't seem to be frittering anything.

He considered it and asked, "How many missions do I have to complete? It shouldn't be infinite, right?"

The system replied, "Hosts have to cover fifty missions. Every mission should be a hundred percent perfect without any fluctuations. If the host makes any mistake, you have to accomplish the extra mission and maybe the task can multiply."

"Your work is only to complete the mission without flaws. Other processes like emotional level, the luck of the main character, and the thread of love. All this depends upon the wish of the original soul. Your main goal is to perfectly complete the mission without OOC."

Aaron sighed at his misfortune, "Is my first mission an ancient one?"

"That is, but once started, the next mission will be without a break. You have to consecutively complete this without rest. Does the host want to start this, if so, then I will explain the first plot and the owner's wish?"

Aaron sighs again and again. He never expected to exhaust himself after jumping from the twentieth floor. He has bad luck.

Seeing him not replying, the mechanical voice said, "Host, please answer me. There is no stepping-back thing. You have to start the mission sooner or later. There will also be rewards. When you finish all these missions, you can go back to your original world at any time."

Aaron explained after hearing the reward, "It's not like I don't want to. I felt exhausted from them. I wanted to die and sleep for eternity. Who would have thought you would appear out of nowhere?"

My only wish did not come true. I had tried to make my family's name happy with my presence. But they did not feel this way. I studied hard, suppressing my interest in them, and I quarreled for them with other great families. At last, I died due to that family and friends.

I did die deplorable. When I was on the top floor of that construction building, it was not me who came by myself there. My lovely sisters and brothers accompanied me to that place. However, none of them accompanied me from jumping from that floor. I laughed, mocking myself. I was a very big fool to be congenial with them.

Now I have to take an errand and run within all these planes. I can work as I wanted, perfect in every way possible. If it's like this, then he will not make things difficult for the system. If he can do what he wants, then everything is fine.

Aaron took a deep breath and said, "Let's start our first mission then." Let's start something new from here.

1 Shackled By system
2 General and Crown Prince!!
3 General and Crown Prince
4 General and Crown Prince
5 General and Crown Prince
6 General and Crown Prince
7 General and Crown Prince
8 General and Crown Prince
9 General and Crown Prince
10 General and Crown Prince
11 General and Crown Prince
12 General and Crown Prince
13 General and Crown Prince
14 General and Crown Prince
15 General and Crown Prince
16 General and Crown Prince
17 General and Crown Prince
18 General and Crown Prince
19 General and Crown Prince
20 General and Crown Prince
21 General and Crown Prince
22 General and Crown Prince
23 General and Crown Prince
24 General and Crown Prince
25 General and Crown Prince
26 General and Crown Prince
27 General and Crown Prince
28 General and Crown Prince
29 General and Crown Prince
30 End (General and Crown Prince)
31 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
32 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
33 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
34 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
35 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
36 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
37 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
38 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
39 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
40 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
41 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
42 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
43 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
44 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
45 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
46 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
47 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
48 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
49 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
50 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
51 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
52 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
53 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
54 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
55 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
56 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
57 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
58 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
59 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
60 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
61 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
62 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
63 Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
64 End.
65 Announcement

Updated 65 Episodes

Shackled By system
General and Crown Prince!!
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
General and Crown Prince
End (General and Crown Prince)
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
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Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
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Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master.
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master
Poor Topper and Devilish Young Master


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