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Meeting In Endless Worlds

Shackled By system

In the city bustling with people, the evening mood seemed to be different. The shout of students who were at the internet café, the office workers who were returning home, the street vendors going from place to place, and the light-up places ready to entangle day and night. Amidst these interesting things, people saw a person drunk at the top of the building.

At the construction building on the twentieth floor, a man without steady footsteps, but clear eyes look at the sky for a while. He has his white shirt and black trousers with shoes. Everything is okay with his body. His look can't be considered very good but not too bad either. He stood and saw the slight moon showing itself because the darkness was about to fall. Nighttime is the best time in this city. Sparkling light from the shops and buildings in every place can be seen from this height. He sighed and without looking ahead or back he jumped down in a relaxed position. With a thud, he landed in the middle of crowded people, bursting his brain out, and shocking people. Screams everywhere. When his body was seen by others, people couldn't help but cry, "He is dead!!!" Taking out their phone they started to share this news with others. Some more humanly were the ones calling the police and the nearest medical. 

A man named Aaron Blake jumped from the top floor. He is the infamous young master of the Blake family.

Aaron is a man of twenty-nine years old. The Blake family adopted him when he was four years old. Saying he is their child and was lost during a festival. He was very happy to have someone related to him. The orphanage was a very harsh place. After returning to Blake, his lifestyle changed, and he was happy for it. However, the real nightmare started after his twenty-second birthday party.

For the world, he is good for nothing, and an unwanted person abandoned by Blake. In actuality, Aaron is a calm and responsible man. His academic results were very good, and his looks were average. He can't be considered handsome like those upper-class masters, but he can be regarded as a scholarly gentleman and amiable person. However, the main reason why he was regarded as a gentleman was that his every work was done perfectly, and due to his calm composure and good communication skills, he became very famous.

Yet, this was not the outcome Blake wanted. The elder members couldn't see the real heirs as inferior in comparison to an adopted one. So, they tried every means to make him suffer. He was humiliated in front of others, his reputation was tarnished, and he was tossed and turned to the point of weariness. The black and white were exchanged. Within five years Aaron Blake changed from a famous intelligent young master to an unwanted young master of Blake.

He is used by his sisters and brothers to outshine him. Due to the schemes used by the members of Blake, his reputation was shaped like an unwanted young master. Blake had used every way possible to suck him dry. With no one backing him, he was ridiculed, and, in the end, he was drugged to commit suicide. He was aware of their schemes, but he didn't care about them in the slightest. All he wants is now a peaceful sleep, eternal.

However, right after breathing his last breath, a mysterious force appeared out of nowhere. Aaron was sucked inside of it. He lost consciousness. Nonetheless, the moment his mind went blank, a cute little fluffy snowball appeared.

"System binding initiated, system binding initiated,"

"System binding with Host complete."

" The perfect Mission-taker system is bound with host Aaron."

"Mission shall be started after the host's consciousness returns."

After the complete darkness, he saw light. He wanted to just sleep and never wake up. But he cannot ignore the sounds coming to him. When he regained awareness, He saw himself in a mechanical bed. The room is covered with mechanical instruments and lit up in four directions, not leaving a single place of darkness, even a shadow. The sound was coming from the Robot that was cleaning the floor. The robot glanced at him, and his big black glass eyes blinked twice and looked away, disregarding his existence. Looks like his awakening doesn't matter to the robot.

Aaron is an extremely intelligent and agreeable person. Due to his approachable nature, Blake could use him. No matter what they did, he never felt anger and resentment toward them. Some used to call him a coward. No matter how hard the people kick him and punch him it wouldn't matter. He wouldn't retaliate. Collecting his thoughts back he surveyed the room. In his point, this room has an all-computerized system. The main door is locked with a technical device. He seems to be locked up here, but why. The confusion didn't take long to clear up.

People said other worlds like parallel worlds exist around us, but we can't see them. Is the words true, if it is, then Aaron could believe it right away. Earth is not very developed to provide such a room and even that mechanical robot. The robot is very interesting. So, it should be a foreign dimension or something else.

However, it is not the time to enjoy this. He has to explore roughly this place first. Not a single speck of dust could be seen in this room. All he can see is flashy things lighting up the room. The bed, still rubbing the floor robot and nothing else. He coughed a few times to clear the voice before saying, "Is anyone here?"

Snowball's fluffy things pop up from the air, scaring his fragile heart for a moment. A mechanical word ranged, "Host is done savoring rest."

Aaron smiled, but he can't smile at all in his heart. He asked, "Can you inform me where I am? I was dead, wasn't I." What is he doing in a place like this? Please enlighten me. Don't tell me I'm a hostage or experimental body for something. Thinking about all these things, his gut shook due to this hunch.

The system's cold voice ranged again, "You are bound to the system. The host knows about the system, right?"

Aaron stood stiff before breaking his calmness, his eyes wide open as he screamed, "What!! What? How can it be?"

"You are saying, you are the system?"

"Yes, host."

"Are you really a system?"


His worldview collapsed once again. The first time was when he knew he was not the son of Blake's family. After taking care of him like their own son and suddenly saying I'm not their son, who can be calm in that type of situation? But the news right now is way too much for his mind to bear. He heard the fluffy thing saying again.

"That's it. The host knows about this, let's start with my introduction. I'm the perfect mission-taker system. The Department of Soul had ordered me to bind with you. You are my first host. Please, start the mission plane number 1236 an ancient one."

"Wait!! Please wait." How can he just start taking missions, he doesn't have anything to do with these worlds. Okay!

He said, looking at the shiny ball, "I don't have any desire to take a mission whatsoever. Can't you just destroy me?" I have been tormented by those old and young suckers. Now, even after death, I have to visit different planets for missions. Heavens are joking, right?

'I Aaron cannot accept this!!!!'

The system snowball flashed twice. The mechanical voice said indifferently, "Please host, don't even dream about this. You can die alone, but at least don't drag me with you. We are bound by each other. If you perish, I will too. So, you cannot turn back. I can give you some time if you're needed, but you can't abandon the missions."

Aaron cried without tears. He wishes for death, but why could this happen? But taking an innocent soul or code with him is not good. Moreover, he is just a soul and has nothing to do. So, if he can help this little thing, it doesn't seem to be frittering anything.

He considered it and asked, "How many missions do I have to complete? It shouldn't be infinite, right?"

The system replied, "Hosts have to cover fifty missions. Every mission should be a hundred percent perfect without any fluctuations. If the host makes any mistake, you have to accomplish the extra mission and maybe the task can multiply."

"Your work is only to complete the mission without flaws. Other processes like emotional level, the luck of the main character, and the thread of love. All this depends upon the wish of the original soul. Your main goal is to perfectly complete the mission without OOC."

Aaron sighed at his misfortune, "Is my first mission an ancient one?"

"That is, but once started, the next mission will be without a break. You have to consecutively complete this without rest. Does the host want to start this, if so, then I will explain the first plot and the owner's wish?"

Aaron sighs again and again. He never expected to exhaust himself after jumping from the twentieth floor. He has bad luck.

Seeing him not replying, the mechanical voice said, "Host, please answer me. There is no stepping-back thing. You have to start the mission sooner or later. There will also be rewards. When you finish all these missions, you can go back to your original world at any time."

Aaron explained after hearing the reward, "It's not like I don't want to. I felt exhausted from them. I wanted to die and sleep for eternity. Who would have thought you would appear out of nowhere?"

My only wish did not come true. I had tried to make my family's name happy with my presence. But they did not feel this way. I studied hard, suppressing my interest in them, and I quarreled for them with other great families. At last, I died due to that family and friends.

I did die deplorable. When I was on the top floor of that construction building, it was not me who came by myself there. My lovely sisters and brothers accompanied me to that place. However, none of them accompanied me from jumping from that floor. I laughed, mocking myself. I was a very big fool to be congenial with them.

Now I have to take an errand and run within all these planes. I can work as I wanted, perfect in every way possible. If it's like this, then he will not make things difficult for the system. If he can do what he wants, then everything is fine.

Aaron took a deep breath and said, "Let's start our first mission then." Let's start something new from here.

General and Crown Prince!!

The original story is about the general of the country Shenoy, General Daniel Frank. It is a Chinese plot. He is the youngest general, Twenty-nine years old. He has a very good friendship with the crown prince, Stephan Logan. They were childhood friends. He was an orphan and during his dire state, he was rescued by Stephen Logan. Stephen raised him despite being the same age he considered Stephen as someone as respectable as his parents. He used to play with him but most of the time he was blank without any emotion. The psychological impression of being left alone in those dire alleys where wild dogs roam around made him forget the word joy. Still, despite all these contradictory emotions he stayed with Stephen and worked for him. But Stephan treated him as equal to himself. He made arrangements for his studies and made way for his own path. He chose the military when Stephan asked him to take literature. Because he wanted to help Stephan. He wanted to repay him for every grace he left on him. Stephan also knew this and let him go. They never had any quarrels till John Allen came between them. Through a banquet, Stephan met John, and from then on, the friends started to drift apart.

However, for every need of Stephan, the original owner helped him a lot. Still, due to Jon's misinterpretation of not knowing if it is intentional or unintentional, it made two good friends separate. The original character had been very strict when it came to John. John is a meek soldier. He was in contact with Stephen who insisted on joining the army for him.

However, John stuck with Stephan and became a burden for them. In different dangerous situations, they used to plan everything which is enough to have control over every situation, but every time John came to be a variable in their plan. Changes are made at the peak time of every situation, making the situation worse just for this one person.

Due to his weak appearance and beauty, he garnered all the attention towards him. Stephan was touched due to John appearing in different dangerous situations to protect him. When all this was happening, Daniel was madly suppressing the whole enemy. Also, while protecting the wounded armies, his contribution was not noticed by Stephan, and he died regretting not clearing the misunderstanding. He died a tragic death.

"The wish of the original owner is to clear the misunderstanding with his only friend and die for his country. We cannot provide full information about the character. We are external elements and don't possess permission from world consciousness. All we can do is go there after getting the original host's intention of getting help. Then collect the remaining data. From the memories too, you would get a few clues. The memories of the original owner shall be imposed after entering the plane."

Aaron nodded seriously considering the main goal. In no time, he was surrounded by darkness again. He was given only a gist of it, but it would be clear once he gained all memories. The system started transportation. When he cleared his dizziness, he found himself lying on the wooden king-size bed. He received all the memories of the original owner. After considering it for a while, he glimpsed at the time and calendar. Daniel only arrived at the capital today, after ten whole years.

It is the day before the banquet when John and Stephan meet. He doesn't have to stop their meeting, just having clear friendship and trust between themselves is enough. He will only do his mission and nothing else. Moreover, he can see several loopholes in this plot. How can a protagonist be so naive and indifferent to the original host? After all, having a deep friendship. Just because of John? There is more to go in this story which he is not aware of. In the given time, everything would be cleared up. Calculating everything, he lay down to sleep.

The next day, he wore his black brocade robe, appearing very cold yet gorgeous. The country knows the General is known for his looks. No beauty is more beautiful than him. His black eyes, straight nose, extremely sharp jawlines, and additionally a dark black mole on the left side of the eye is the most eye-catching part. This look can really kill anyone without picking a weapon. Aaron himself was an average looker, now he gained such a handsome appearance, so he is naturally very pleased. On the way, he saw beautiful scenery that could take your breath away. These little waterfall streams and small residents are made of wood, not the marble of those palaces.

His two guards Jerry and Jenny Frank were twins of the opposite gender. Both had cute looks with their martial arts and were very powerful. They were orphans. It was Daniel who picked them up and made them martial master experts.

When they saw Daniel coming from the courtyard, a smile bloomed on Jenny's face. She laughed cheerfully and said teasing her twin, "Look brother I got it right. The General is wearing a black robe. Didn't I say to you earlier, that I would win the bait?"

Jerry scratched his head and said, making a confused face, "How did you know what the General wears? You did not cheat, right? I have doubts, whenever we bait upon men, you guess it's correct."

Jenny humped proudly before saying, "I can tell anyone's dress color without seeing them. You don't know this special instinct about women."

Jerry did not give up and turned the topic of a shocked face "Oh God!! I think you are a pervert, knowing everyone's dress color without seeing them. It is not possible. You have sneaked into everyone's home at night, right?"

Jenny flushed at her brother's words, "You are that pervert. I'm not. Huh."

Jerry did not let her go away easily, "You are. My sister, how can you be so shameless? You used your martial arts at the wrong place like this."

Jenny screamed "Ah!! Don't you dare to say it again? You lost the bait, that's why you are acting like this, I know. So don't be pretentious like those bitches of a brothel."

Watching them laughing and fighting, Daniel who has been in the carriage for so long smiled coldly, "Are you two planning to stay here today? I've been waiting for half a day for you to start the carriage. Don't you two think you should give more attention to your master?"

Hearing Daniel's words, they gulped almost their tongue due to fear. Daniel's their master, if they do anything immature, he will punish them. And the punishment has never been light.

Both apologized and stepped into the carriage, silently cursing each other.

"It's because of you."

"Who told you to make a bait with me? If the general becomes angry, what should we do?"

"Hey, don't blame it was you who provoked me first. Women are stinky and vicious."

"Jerry, don't you dare to say it again."

Daniel could not control himself and shouted, "You two shut up!!"

This person is extremely quiet and peaceful. Even the slightest unwanted noise cannot stand by him. On the battlefield, he gets annoyed by the noise, which makes his anger boil up. Aaron sighed; how weird this character is. He can kill anyone after being annoyed once. The journey was very smooth without any noise.

Jenny and Jerry shut their mouth the entire way. This made Aaron feel good. On the way, he saw beautiful houses and stores. People are walking across the streets wearing ancient robes. They are no less beautiful than modern beauties. When they reached the palace, he stepped out of the carriage, and he saw several maidens and lords anchoring now. He was about to say something to the twins, but he heard a clear yet old voice calling him. "General."

" General, how are you? It's been a long time since we last met."

Aaron looked at the person who had a long beard, sharp eyes, and was wearing a purple brocade suit. He is General Sam Kenner. The very famous war god of Shenoy.

He is a person, Daniel is always respected, and due to his vigorous victories and fighting skills General Sam is a very influential person in Shenoy. Aaron smiled and greeted back, his voice respectful, "Hello, Senior General. I'm okay and how are you doing?"

"I'm fine." He waved his hands casually and turned serious in a split second, amusing Aaron, "I was waiting for you. The Jenal has chances to face drastic floods this year because I think the dam can't stand it any longer. It's been years since the dam has been manufactured. At this key time, the bandits have the best chance to attack the city. So, the matter regarding the flood in the northern city of Jenal should be dealt with immediately. The emperor may ask us to go. General, you are brave. I have high expectations for you, will you go with us?"

General Sam has been watching and appreciating this general as an apple of his eye. In his forty years of catching talents, Daniel has exceeded all his expectations. This young man is very brave and intelligent. Every person can see this, and he is very modest. A person like this in the thorns of capital is very hard to find. Not even a maid here can be regarded as a pure and good person. But this young man is a general who can have anything he wants and is very humble and straightforward. These types of things are the liking of Sam and all soldiers too.

Opportunity to work with such a brave junior, maybe Sam wouldn't get this chance again. So, he will grab it, no matter what. He has made up his mind to take Daniel with him on this issue. He wanted to see him in live action. Daniel had no idea how great he was in Sam's heart. All he knew was that this person was very good from the heart. He would be going with him on his last battlefield. So, having friends with him is naturally not a loss.

Now Aaron is Daniel. Every wish Daniel has is also his. So, he will do all this for Daniel and himself.

General and Crown Prince

Aaron nodded and his sincerity could be seen as he said, "Senior, I have always admired you. I'm very grateful for this rare opportunity. I'm honored to go with you."

He gave a rare deep bow along with his agreement. General Sam smiled; his whole body shook in excitement. He is feeling truly happy. All he could utter was, "You brat! Don't butter me. This old man may not be able to take it." He really can't take it.

While they were talking and laughing, Stephan from the flank saw everything. Behind him, several palace courtiers and advisors are talking about today's event. He was walking towards the palace door when he saw Daniel looking with eyes filled with admiration towards General Sam. The beautiful face, so jade-like skin but slightly tanned and rosy lips high nose, and that bewitching eyes which can make people forget where to step next. That mole, so cutely hanging below his eyes. The person is soul-sucking.

Stephan stood frozen at the same place seeing the beautiful laugh of Daniel. Behind him, other courtiers also saw this scene. Several couldn't help but sigh in admiration but who knows what they are thinking in their heart? He waved his hands indicating to disperse. He muttered under his breath, "Daniel looks beautiful."

He without any extra thought walked towards them. They seemed pretty close to each other. Suddenly he felt tightened and scratchy to separate them. His eyes darkened and only locked on the beauty in front of him. He walked toward them and stopped. He greeted, "Senior General Sam, General Daniel nice to meet you."

Aaron heard his voice clear yet hoarse for some reason. He glimpsed at him and saw a very handsome person. He felt his heart beating crazily right after seeing Stephan. A handsome yet casual person appeared before him. Fair, strong, and what else could be described as an immortal, that portrayal can be fit for this person. His heartbeat sped up and only words rang in his mind, "Who is he?"

But soon he could not ponder any longer because his cold face started to heat up. He tightened his face to be more serious and faced him. He cleared his mind and greeted with a bow, "Your royal highness."

General Sam also greeted smiling; he is older than the crown prince. So, it is natural for him to be more casual, "Your Highness. Nice to meet you too. It's been a long time since we met after that hunting event a year ago."

Stephan smiled as he normally does and replied " It would be a hunting event again. General Sam, please guide me again. You were busy handling the border disputes year-round. I wanted to visit you for military guidance."

General Sam patted his shoulder, "I'm free after one last issue. Crown Prince, please visit the training session to talk."

Stephan nodded, "Very thanks for teaching me."

Pausing here he glanced at Daniel and asked the question which is scratching his heart, "The two generals seem to have an important discussion. Sorry to interrupt." Aaron cannot help but think, 'Yet you still came knowing you would be disturbing others?'

General Sam said with a free spirit. It could be seen that he is very excited, "It was about Jenal city's flood incident and bandits hidden in it. The general and I were talking about going there."

He gave a gist about the situation there and the Crown Prince also displayed his heartfelt sadness. The Jenal is not a very big city, but it is a very important one. Jenal produces a very large amount of rice and wheat every year which is the main source of food of Shenoy. Of course, as big as the country is it is not the only source but having it as good and productive is better than having nothing. They talked for a while. In this conversion Aaron didn't participate. He is a junior here and he doesn't like to talk unnecessarily he just stood with them. If it is others, they would feel discomfort but for him this is comfort. Ignoring everything in this world having only peace of mind is his thing. Yet today is different from any other day, he is unable to have that peace of mind because of Stephan. He would just think about the person before him. But soon he couldn't just stand there when the banquet was about to commence.

He bowed and politely said, "The event is about to start. I shall leave first for convenience. Please continue your conversation."

General Sam and Stephan nodded. Aaron didn't waste any more breath walking straight towards the entry grand door where Jerry and Jenny are waiting for him at the flank. General Sam said with a sigh, "I don't understand why he is still single. With his look, he can marry any woman under the heavens."

Stephen finding this amusing laughed and said, "That's to be said. Everyone in this country says he is indifferent to women. Maybe he doesn't like women but men." He didn't see the story saying the general likes men or women, but he did read that Daniel only has one friend and that is Stephen. So, taking this person under his wings wouldn't take much effort, would it?

Staring at his back General Sam shook his head and expressed, "He is always surrounded by men in the army." He added, "Your Highness doesn't know this, but the army also has man beyond beautiful like these scholars. Yet there are no men he is close with either. Certainly, even a man would fall for him. Liking a man is nothing special either. I do think he can be matched with men more than women. No woman can match his looks. His will outshine them." 

He again said with a meaningful grin, "If I was to be judged and can say outrageous words then he can be matched with someone as handsome as you, Your Highness."

Hearing his words Stephen looked at this General with slight shock and doubt. Stephan can't help but think that General Sam knew how he felt toward Daniel because he didn't try to hide it from him. Yet it was just today that he expressed such an attitude towards him why he is so perceptive. But, as if Sam was casually saying things he changed the issue, "Such a handsome and great talent. I regret coming into this world too early."

Stephan's gaze also followed Aaron's figure with his profound eyes "Truly a peerless beauty and talent." While he looked at Daniels back, he missed the interesting flash across General Sam's eyes.

When they were talking earlier, Sam saw Stephen have his eyes locked on Daniel. If not, he would glance at him from time to time. If this is not the start of something incredible then what could be? He wants to see them together. What imperial family rules, what people thought, what worldview. All matters are the heart of the person in the end. General Sam continued his talk with Stephen thinking about different things in his mind. He doesn't know this but not long after this he would be in cloud nine.

Aaron felt Stephen's gaze following him. He really couldn't calm down his silly heart. He tried to calm down till he was exhausted. He thought, he must not meet this person again but if he didn't wouldn't their friendship ends here? And is his task incomplete? So, what should he do now? His thoughts are messy, and all he can do is sigh in his heart.

Looking at his constant frozen look the twin exchanged looks but remained silent. He took a moment and after a while, headed in, with his twin guards, He calmed down his emotions.

The eunuch announced his arrival, "General Daniel Frank is on the way to the hall." This type of entrance is reserved for few people. Apart from him, the other one is General Sam a member of the imperial family and right minister.

After his announcement was made the entire hall fell silent. because the thing that General Daniel doesn't like noise has been known by everyone. There is a rumor saying at the party on the border side due to the certain person the atmosphere grew noisy. The general slapped that person thrice. Even though the person was drunk he was not forgiven but mercilessly slapped a few more times to be sober. No one wants to test if it is true or false.

All the people present heard clear and strong footsteps sounding in the entire hall. Looking slightly upwards from the ground the crowd saw his long slender legs, then porcelain-like slim hands, then his robust body, and at last that peerless look that can topple the whole country appeared. Beautiful like something else that they never saw but he doesn't feel feminine at all. The person is lean like bamboo. Utterly gorgeous. An individual loaded with a dignified aura. People couldn't help but sigh. Such a person went to the battlefield fighting with enemies. Who can guess if not for his reputation as a cold general that this beautiful person is the youngest general in Shenoy's history? Not any young master of a big family but an orphan. It is truly a remarkable fact for which everyone in Shenoy is proud of.

The young women saw such a handsome beauty and they were in amazement but soon envious. They wonder if the general is honestly a human. Feeling envious of that face is more gorgeous than any woman. The civil servants' shudder into pieces due to fear because of his cold look. He is excluding immense frostiness. The higher officers of the army held their heads up because the general was the person who guarded the two ends of the country all by himself. Protecting the weak of those ruins.

At the innermost side of the hall, a pair of big eyes fixedly also followed Aaron. He is John, slender and sweet. He is a beauty however he could not be compared to Aaron. Daniel is so beautiful that it would be a lie if anyone said they were not envious of him. John too felt this. His heart cannot help but feel rage seeing someone superior to him in looks. He always keeps up saying he doesn't like those who are in higher ranks to act like a god. Yet he is like them. He looks down on people who are lower in rank and more towards those who have no backing like General Daniel. Those people who have no background are the most pathetic of all. They don't have anyone as their parents and brothers and sisters. They would leave behind descendants, but they would never be cared for genuinely. His gaze followed till Daniel reached the center of the hall. He gritted his teeth to hold his mocking words.

Aaron felt such an intense gaze, so he conformed to it and found the most crucial target of his task. The ladies from that side blushed in excitement. Amidst this Aaron noticed, John looked at him like other nobles, but he saw resentment in him. However, he looked away so fast that he appeared casually glancing toward that side. He thought John did have beautiful features. He had also attracted a lot of attention. But his body is so small not like a man at all. He is excluding feminine aura which made people treat him like a feeble lady.

Aaron sat at his designated seat collecting his thoughts back. Various official young men and old superiors started to greet. He did not drop his frostiness front however his voice loosened up while talking to his subordinates. "You all can stay where you are. I will listen to you one by one." These people are from the border side. High official visits are very common to the palace from the border side for different purposes. The army does guard those areas, but the importance placed on them is not as high as it is in the capital city. Some cities would be neglected for their internal development. So, they have to talk with the general and other high officials about their needs.

Some soldiers also came to him regarding the matter of their leaves. He could only ask Jerry, "Collect their written reports and bring them later on." He cannot neglect their life. Although they are soldiers, they also have families not orphans like him. Thinking about his own life Aaron felt wrong. Why even during this transition he doesn't have any family? He sighed and skipped this negative thought.

As for Daniel, he had different views regarding these subordinates of his. These soldiers and army officials are the shield of the country. They all are equal, and they have to sacrifice themselves at any moment. They are helpless fighting puppets. In ancient times, people were forced to go to war. Any one or two people from every house. They have no choice but to go for a living. In front of his subordinates, Daniel will always speak softly after all, who knows, what will happen tomorrow. He chatted with them for a while and the surroundings never once became noisy. This made Aaron relax considerably.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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