Project 07

Project 07

Chapter 1

I killed her.

I took her life. And I don't feel any remorse. I regret nothing.

It wasn't my fault.

A faint smirk crept across my lips as I witnessed her descent into the shadows. She cried out for redemption, yet I withheld my hand. The rush of satisfaction consumed me as I beheld her final moments, consumed by envy.

I lingered, eagerly anticipating the thud of her body upon impact. My heart throbbed with anticipation.

None of this weighed upon my conscience. If only she grasped her place, her ending might have been avoided.

**32 hours earlier**

The below ground estate—dubbed the Underground Mansion by our master—remains a mystery, covered in secrecy and isolation.

Memories of my youth are fragmented, haunted by nightmares. My upbringing was flawed by neglect and control. My parents, vessels of hatred, admitted me to a psychiatric ward, a problem child unworthy of their affection, despite being so young at that time. Salvation came in the form of our master, discharging us from the asylum's clutches.

My lineage holds little significance; My parents abandoned me willfully, lowering me to the confines of an experimental institution.

Awareness dawned upon me—my fate sealed by the plotting of our master.

Every three years, five souls are sacrificed, their usefulness to our master expended. My expiration loomed at thirteen, yet my purpose postponed my life. I am the sole survivor from the original unit—Number Seven.

"The day's trials have concluded." Master decreed. "Retire to your chambers and prepare for your final assessment in forty-five hours."

I understood the implications. My time was drawing to a close; our master had gleaned all necessary knowledge needed from me. My twenty-first year indicated a peaceful departure.


I paused, captivated by an unexpected sight.

A boy, unmistakably a test subject, passed by, his name illuminated boldly: "Sky."

He wasn't given a number.

Curious, I hesitated.

"Why the sudden pause?" Master's inquiry jolted me from daydreaming.

I met his gaze, perplexed. "That boy..."

"Is he the object of your affection?" Our master's bluntness failed to draw out a reaction, my emotions surrounded by years of conditioning.

"No," I replied. "It's his name tag."

With a sigh, our master redirected my focus, leading me forcibly to my chamber.

"Remain here until summoned," he instructed before closing the door.

I admired our master, but obedience is not something I need to give with every command. My remaining time was almost coming to an end.

Engrossed in a written escape, I envisioned a world beyond these walls—a realm of purple-hued gardens, a solace found in fairy tales. Do these scenes offer a glimpse into the mazelike corridors of our private mansion?


A whisper pierced the silence, rousing me from my fantasy thoughts.

"Seven!" I percieve through my ears once again. "Seven! Seven, you there? hello?"

The persistent summons compelled me to acknowledge Number Thirty-Six, my best friend.

Unrestrained and impulsive, she awaited my response, unmindful of potential consequences.

"What's the matter?" I queried upon opening the slot through my door.

Her eyes gleamed with passion, her smile contagious. "Meet me atop the roof in thirty minutes. I have news!"

Before I could intrude her excitement, she vanished, leaving me to speculate.

Covering traces of my sneaking out, I concealed my absence from master's inspection, adopting protective measures to preserve the front of conformity.

Navigating the deserted corridors, I ascended the ladder, a secret gutter to the top.

Upon reaching the rooftop, I encountered Thirty-Six, her demeanor disconcerting, her smile betraying a sinister intent.

"You've finally arrived," she greeted, her expression unreadable but that wicked smile is seen so clearly.

"What did you do?" I demanded in horror.

Strolling past her, I surveyed the aftermath—a blood-stained scene, a proof to her wild nature. The last instance of such violence was put down to lore—a narrative of passion turned to tragedy.

"I did nothing wrong," she insisted. "He shouldn't have rejected me."

The look before me is frightening. I don't want to believe she did what I think she did. "Tell me you didn't..."

"But then I would be lying." She tilted her head with a grin. Her eyes glistened horrifyingly.

"What will master..." I begin but before I could even finish my sentence, she sobs, falling to her knees.

"No!" she pleaded, her desperation visible. "Don't tell master about this! he'll kill me for sure!"

Infuriated, I grappled with disbelief. How could she yield to such base impulses?

"I'm not important to him as you are!"

That's right. She's always been like this. But I thought she was at least getting better. I can't let this incident be known to master regardless.

She grabs onto my shoulders. "You're my best friend! You understand...right?"

She's so desperate...and I can't lose my best friend over this. I know it was wrong of her, murdering someone just because he rejected her...but...

"You have to help me!" She sobs harder. "Master likes you the most!"

Those words knock me out of my thoughts. She's scared, she knows master won't take this lightly...especially if it's her. Compelled by loyalty, I agree to help her for the sake of our friendship.

"Okay, i'll help you." I whisper, wrapping my arms around her as she cries uncontrollably into my neck. "I'll make sure master never finds out about this."

I managed to hide everything under rugs. No one will find out it was thirty six behind this event. There is no trace left behind. She won't even be considered by master.


Later, preserved within my chamber, sleep avoided me, haunted by the ghost of thirty six's wrongdoing. Had I arrived sooner, could I have prevented tragedy? The theory offered no comfort, only torment.

A sudden intrusion shattered my vision—an threatening command, an accusation that shattered my gloss of security.

"Number Seven, you are a suspected criminal in the death of Number Twenty-Seven."

Confusion engulfed me, disbelief yielding to fear as the facade of innocence crumbled.

"Come," our master commanded, his grip unyielding. "A witness awaits, bearing testimony to your evil deeds."

A witness?

But no one else was there...

Except 36.

My resolve wavered, the realization of betrayal dawning.


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