Episode 20
He came to meet me, he's a very generous person if he wasn't there at that moment I would be still trapped with Raghav he came like an angel in my life and I thank Durga maa for sending him in my life
it was the first time someone besides my parents and swasti who was willing to help me without asking anything in return...tho he was a little cold, he's a good person by heart
kavya Mukherjee
*suddenly realised something and stop smiling*
Stop thinking about him Kavya you have more important things to do, I have nowhere to go now I have to call swasti,get a job ik its not going to be easy but m not returning to kaku kakima again I don't want to be trapped again
kavya Mukherjee
*take a deep breath*
(you got this)
saying this to myself I closed my eyes and drifted myself to sleep
I got up early in the morning, I want to leave as soon as possible I can't bother them anymore they already have helped me enough
I packed my wedding dress in a bag and was ready to go
i opened the door of the room just to find that beautiful lady standing there
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
Are you leaving?
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
Ik its not appropriate to make you stay here any longer but you should atleast have breakfast before going
*smiles gently*
kavya Mukherjee
Thanks aunty but I already...
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
I insist please
*Hold her hands*
Ok I guess I fell for that
kavya Mukherjee
*Smiles and nods*
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
Ok then come with me
*Dragging her*
kavya Mukherjee
*Being dragged*
Alexander Castelló(ml dad)
Aarón they're coming to meet us today, be gentle to them and you will be talking to koyel
Alexander Castelló(ml dad)
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
common have it don't be shy
kavya Mukherjee
Thank you aunty
*Smiles at her*
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
Now tell me something about you..
kavya Mukherjee
me...i don't have anything special to tell
*fidgeting hands*
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
Tell me everything
*hold her hands*
They talked a lot... kavya told her about her story, how she was forced to marry Raghav and Courteney told her all the Stories of Aaron's childhood
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
Aarón was always like that
kavya Mukherjee
*Smiling at her*
*Eyes suddenly went outside the window*
kavya Mukherjee
(what are they doing here,it can't be true no...if they get to know m here they will take me from here)
*sweating* *tensed*
xSuresh Mukherjee(fl uncle)
*Getting down from the car*
kamini Mukherjee(fl aunt)
*excited looking at the house*
so big... I can't believe my daughter is getting married in this house
koyel Mukherjee (fl cousin)
kamini Mukherjee(fl aunt)
you have to behave well infront of them, seduce your to be husband properly,make some use of your face
*instructing her*
koyel Mukherjee (fl cousin)
Yes *nods*
xSuresh Mukherjee(fl uncle)
Don't make any scene here... they're asking for our daughter just because he is brother's friend...
kamini Mukherjee(fl aunt)
*Rolls her eye*
let's go inside already
koyel Mukherjee (fl cousin)
kavya Mukherjee
*Looking at them*
kavya Mukherjee
*Hands trembling*
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
Are you ok... kavya
kavya Mukherjee
'm ok aunty... it's just too hot here
*fake her smile*
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
Oh wait let me turn on the AC
kavya Mukherjee
(I should go from here as soon as possible)
Aunty i...
Servant:- mam, master is calling you downstairs
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
Kavya you wait,i will be coming in some time
kavya Mukherjee
*raise her hands towards her*
Courteney Castelló (ml aunt)
kavya Mukherjee
*Sighs in defeat*
How come a mom said this to her daughter?? 🙄
shame on u...
Tabassum Silk
Oh c'mon!!!!😤