Episode 16: Warrior or taekwondo

As Hiku led Hina to the training field, he turned to her with a curious expression. "Hina, what would you like to choose—warrior training or taekwondo?" he inquired, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Hina pondered for a moment, weighing her options carefully. "I think I'd like to try them both," she finally replied, her eyes sparkling with determination.

Hiku nodded approvingly. "Very well, it's up to you. You can try them both and see which one suits you best. Good luck!" he exclaimed, offering her a supportive smile.

With a confident nod, Hina set off towards the area designated for taekwondo training, her heart brimming with excitement. But before she could take another step, the system chimed in, its voice echoing in her mind. "Acquiring combat basic movement," it announced matter-of-factly.

Hina frowned, feeling a twinge of frustration. "Hey, that's cheating!" she protested, shooting a playful glare at the invisible system.

The system's response was swift and unwavering. "Negative. You can't expect yourself to enter hand-to-hand combat without any basic training," it retorted, its tone unyielding.

Reluctantly, Hina conceded defeat, realizing the logic behind the system's argument. "Fine," she muttered under her breath, resigning herself to the inevitable.

As she approached the taekwondo training area, Hina sought out the instructor, a formidable figure known as Magus. With a deep breath, she addressed him respectfully. "Sir Magus, I would like to try taekwondo training, please," she requested, her voice steady despite the nerves that fluttered in her stomach.

To her surprise, Magus burst into laughter, his booming voice echoing across the field. "Hahaha! You? Taekwondo training? That's rich!" he exclaimed, his laughter bordering on mockery. "You're only good for housework, little girl. And at ten years old, you've got a long way to go before you can handle real combat," he added, his words dripping with disdain.

Hina's cheeks flushed with indignation at Magus's dismissive attitude. "So you're saying that if I can beat your best student, then I can join the training?" she challenged, her voice laced with determination.

Magus's laughter subsided, replaced by a skeptical smirk. "Sure, why not? But don't come running to mommy when you get hurt," he taunted, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

As Hina squared her shoulders and prepared to prove herself, she couldn't help but feel a surge of determination coursing through her veins. Despite Magus's disparaging words, she was determined to show him and everyone else what she was capable of. With a steely resolve, she faced off against her opponent, ready to prove that she was more than just a housewife in the making.

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden hue over the training field where Hina and Magus's best student faced off. The air crackled with anticipation as Magus outlined the rules of the duel, his voice booming across the open expanse.

"If one of you surrenders or passes out, you will consider it defeat. Understood?" Magus instructed, his tone firm and commanding.

Both combatants nodded in agreement, their eyes locked in fierce determination. Magus couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride as he observed his star pupil, confident in his abilities to emerge victorious.

With a sharp intake of breath, the student launched into action, his movements fluid and precise. He unleashed a series of rapid kicks, his body a blur of motion as he propelled himself through the air with astonishing speed. "Haaaaaaa ya!" he shouted, his voice echoing across the field as he executed each move with precision.

But Hina was no ordinary opponent. With grace and finesse, she dodged each attack effortlessly, her movements as fluid as water. She danced around her opponent with ease, her eyes focused and determined as she anticipated his every move.

Undeterred, the student pressed on, unleashing a barrage of taekwondo moves with increasing intensity. But Hina was always one step ahead, her reflexes honed to perfection as she deftly blocked each strike with precision.

As the duel raged on, Hina's confidence grew with each passing moment. With a sudden burst of speed, she launched herself into the air, executing a perfect flying kick that sent her opponent hurtling towards the edge of the ring.

With a resounding thud, the student crashed to the ground outside the ring, his body bruised and battered from the impact. Magus could only watch in astonishment as Hina emerged victorious, her skill and determination shining brightly for all to see.

As the cheers of the crowd filled the air, Magus couldn't help but feel a sense of awe wash over him. Hina had proven herself to be a formidable opponent, her mastery of taekwondo surpassing even his wildest expectations. With a sense of pride swelling in his chest, Magus knew that he had witnessed something truly extraordinary on that fateful day.

Hina stood before Magus, her expression resolute as she declined his offer for further taekwondo training. Magus couldn't hide his surprise at her decision. "What do you mean you're done here?" he asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

With a forced smile, Hina replied, "I mean exactly that. I'm done here." Despite her attempt at appearing confident, there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Magus regarded her for a moment before offering, "I can teach you more taekwondo styles, if you're willing to learn." But Hina shook her head, her determination unwavering. "No, thank you," she said firmly, declining his offer.

"Alright, if that's what you wish," Magus conceded, though there was a hint of disappointment in his tone. "What will you do now?" he inquired, genuinely curious about her next move.

"I'll try warrior training," Hina replied without hesitation, her eyes gleaming with determination. Magus couldn't help but feel a pang of doubt at her choice, considering her slender frame. "In that twig-like body of yours, I don't think you can lift a sword," he remarked, his words tinged with skepticism.

Hina's smile faltered for a moment before she regained her composure. "Are you blind, teacher? Or did you forget that I hurdled over your best star student?" she retorted, a touch of defiance in her voice.

Magus's expression softened, a hint of sadness creeping into his eyes. "I've learned my lesson. Forgive me," he said, acknowledging his earlier mistake.

With a determined stride, Hina made her way to the warrior training area, her mind set on proving herself once again. As she approached the training grounds, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. This was her chance to show everyone what she was truly capable of.

With a deep breath, Hina lifted her chin defiantly, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead. For her, the path of the warrior was not just about physical strength, but about determination, courage, and the unyielding spirit that burned within her. And with that thought in mind, she stepped forward, ready to embrace her next adventure with unwavering resolve.

1 Episode 1: Starting journey
2 Episode 2:The Inevitable Path
3 Episode 3: Unexpected Transformations
4 Episode 4: Adventure begins
5 Episode 5: A dream about the past
6 Episode 6: Arrived in asmobio in unexpected way
7 Episode 7: Asmobio city strolled and meet new friend
8 Episode 8: Guild quest wyverns purge and hina power unleashed
9 Episode 9: Aftermath and demonlord interest
10 Episode 10: Good bye Asmobio city and Unexpected visit in hot spring mountain
11 Episode 11: Village is raid by the elite infected orc
12 Episode 12: Hinagawa vs Elite infected orc
13 Episode 13: Thankyou Miss hinagawa and unexpected bad omen
14 Episode 14: Arrive at Tryni elite academy at last
15 Episode 15: Hina school journey in Tryni elite academy start now
16 Episode 16: Warrior or taekwondo
17 Episode 17: Warrior with live sword fight and unexpected revelation
18 Episode 18: Hina are you alright and Hiku history's lesson
19 Episode 19: Unexpected upcome in Tryni elite academy
20 Episode 20: Hina new skill tree unlock magic shift
21 Episode 21: Tryni elite academy and trip to the beach
22 Episode 22: A dream about the past (part 2)
23 Episode 23: Demonlord manipulation to Hina failed
24 Episode 24: Demonlord Phobio's righthand minion berserker attack
25 Episode 25: Hina vs berserker
26 Episode 26: Hina vs Berserker (Part 2)
27 Episode 27: Hina meet up with celistia goddess
28 Episode 28: Hero's party arrive
29 Episode 29: Hero's party has arive in kingdom of ingrasya
30 Episode 30: Hina meet Lefa king's daughter
31 Episode 31:Hina and Lefa watch Binimaru practice bad omen arise
32 Episode 32: City ingrasya castle wall britches begin
33 Episode 33: Hina finaly step in to save Ingrasya kingdom
34 Episode 34: Hina joined the battle with lightning fast movements
35 Episode 35: Demonlord Phobio's amusement with anger
36 Episode 36: Tryni elite academy has concern's for Hina
37 Episode 37: Hina's identity
38 Episode 38: The unexpected encounter friend or foe
39 Episode 39: The unexpected encounter friend or foe (Part 2)
40 Episode 40: Hina meet up with celistia goddess__ (Part 2)
41 Episode 41: Hiku's journey and the gang
42 Episode 42: Hiku's journey and the gang (Part 2)
43 Episode 43: Hiku's journey and the gang (Part 3)
44 Episode 44:Carrion's arrival
45 Episode 45:Carrion's arrival (Part 2)
46 Episode 46: Hina's taking a stroll in ingrasya kingdom
47 Episode 47: Hina and hiku and the gang meet up with uncertainties
48 Episode 48: Ingrasya kingdom event day has come
49 Episode 49: The "Tournament of power" has begin!!
50 Episode 50: "Tournament of Power" (Part 2!!)
51 Episode 51: "Tournament of Power" (Part 3!!)
52 Episode 52: "Tournament of Power" (Part 4!!)
53 Episode 53: "Tournament of Power" (Part 5!!)
54 Episode 54: "Tournament of Power" (Part 6!!)
55 Episode 55: The Unexpected turn of event
56 Episode 56: Hina vs Berserker, Rematch
57 Episode 57: Hina vs Berserker (Rematch Part 2) unexpected demised
58 Episode 58: What will it Be!!!
59 Episode 59: After the big event
60 Episode 60: Demonlord Phobio's regret
61 Episode 61: Benimaru the hero and his party
62 Episode 62: What just happened?
63 Episode 63: What now!!?
64 Episode 64: Night Raid!!
65 Episode 65: Nightmare!!
66 Episode 66: Did i do something last night!?
67 Episode 67: Training ground!!
68 Episode 68: Demonlord Phobio's new plan in motion
69 Episode 69: Are you leaving father!!

Updated 69 Episodes

Episode 1: Starting journey
Episode 2:The Inevitable Path
Episode 3: Unexpected Transformations
Episode 4: Adventure begins
Episode 5: A dream about the past
Episode 6: Arrived in asmobio in unexpected way
Episode 7: Asmobio city strolled and meet new friend
Episode 8: Guild quest wyverns purge and hina power unleashed
Episode 9: Aftermath and demonlord interest
Episode 10: Good bye Asmobio city and Unexpected visit in hot spring mountain
Episode 11: Village is raid by the elite infected orc
Episode 12: Hinagawa vs Elite infected orc
Episode 13: Thankyou Miss hinagawa and unexpected bad omen
Episode 14: Arrive at Tryni elite academy at last
Episode 15: Hina school journey in Tryni elite academy start now
Episode 16: Warrior or taekwondo
Episode 17: Warrior with live sword fight and unexpected revelation
Episode 18: Hina are you alright and Hiku history's lesson
Episode 19: Unexpected upcome in Tryni elite academy
Episode 20: Hina new skill tree unlock magic shift
Episode 21: Tryni elite academy and trip to the beach
Episode 22: A dream about the past (part 2)
Episode 23: Demonlord manipulation to Hina failed
Episode 24: Demonlord Phobio's righthand minion berserker attack
Episode 25: Hina vs berserker
Episode 26: Hina vs Berserker (Part 2)
Episode 27: Hina meet up with celistia goddess
Episode 28: Hero's party arrive
Episode 29: Hero's party has arive in kingdom of ingrasya
Episode 30: Hina meet Lefa king's daughter
Episode 31:Hina and Lefa watch Binimaru practice bad omen arise
Episode 32: City ingrasya castle wall britches begin
Episode 33: Hina finaly step in to save Ingrasya kingdom
Episode 34: Hina joined the battle with lightning fast movements
Episode 35: Demonlord Phobio's amusement with anger
Episode 36: Tryni elite academy has concern's for Hina
Episode 37: Hina's identity
Episode 38: The unexpected encounter friend or foe
Episode 39: The unexpected encounter friend or foe (Part 2)
Episode 40: Hina meet up with celistia goddess__ (Part 2)
Episode 41: Hiku's journey and the gang
Episode 42: Hiku's journey and the gang (Part 2)
Episode 43: Hiku's journey and the gang (Part 3)
Episode 44:Carrion's arrival
Episode 45:Carrion's arrival (Part 2)
Episode 46: Hina's taking a stroll in ingrasya kingdom
Episode 47: Hina and hiku and the gang meet up with uncertainties
Episode 48: Ingrasya kingdom event day has come
Episode 49: The "Tournament of power" has begin!!
Episode 50: "Tournament of Power" (Part 2!!)
Episode 51: "Tournament of Power" (Part 3!!)
Episode 52: "Tournament of Power" (Part 4!!)
Episode 53: "Tournament of Power" (Part 5!!)
Episode 54: "Tournament of Power" (Part 6!!)
Episode 55: The Unexpected turn of event
Episode 56: Hina vs Berserker, Rematch
Episode 57: Hina vs Berserker (Rematch Part 2) unexpected demised
Episode 58: What will it Be!!!
Episode 59: After the big event
Episode 60: Demonlord Phobio's regret
Episode 61: Benimaru the hero and his party
Episode 62: What just happened?
Episode 63: What now!!?
Episode 64: Night Raid!!
Episode 65: Nightmare!!
Episode 66: Did i do something last night!?
Episode 67: Training ground!!
Episode 68: Demonlord Phobio's new plan in motion
Episode 69: Are you leaving father!!


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