Episode 10: Good bye Asmobio city and Unexpected visit in hot spring mountain

As Hina walked out of the city gates, she felt a sense of freedom wash over her. The crisp scent of fresh grass tickled her nose as she stepped into the open expanse, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. She took a moment to savor the earthy aroma, breathing in deeply as she reflected on her journey thus far.

The warmth of the sun kissed her skin, its gentle rays caressing her face as she basked in its golden glow. She closed her eyes, letting the sensation envelop her, and felt a sense of peace wash over her.

With a flick of her wrist, Hina transformed back into her true form—a magical wand.

As she fell to the soft grass below, her other belongings scattered around her. She could feel the cool touch of the grass against her , its velvety texture a comforting contrast to the warmth of the sun above.

But Hina was not deterred by the confusion of her belongings. With a determined expression, she focused her thoughts and activated her dimensional storage—a magical space where she could store her belongings. The air seemed to hum with energy as she waved her body wand, neatly organizing her items within the storage. She felt a sense of satisfaction at her newfound ability, a tingling sensation coursing through her fingertips.

"Thank you, Celestia, for granting me this knowledge creation skill," she whispered gratefully, her voice carried away on the gentle breeze. The soft rustle of leaves in the wind provided a soothing backdrop to her words, as if nature itself were listening to her prayer.

But Hina's exploration of her powers didn't stop there. With a sense of anticipation, she decided to test her telekinesis—an ability she had only recently discovered. With a quiet command, she activated her telekinetic powers, feeling a surge of energy coursing through her body structure wand. It was as if a spark had ignited within her, filling her with a newfound sense of strength and purpose.

Suddenly, Hina felt weightless as she soared into the sky, propelled by the sheer force of her telekinetic abilities. The rush of wind in her feather structure part in her wand body drowned out all other sounds, leaving only the exhilarating sensation of freedom and power. Mingling with the sweet scent of wildflowers that danced in the breeze.

As she soared through the clouds, Hina couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at leaving her friends, Miya and Balf, behind. But she knew that they would understand. With a silent apology echoing in her mind, she continued her journey, eager to explore the world and unlock the full extent of her magical abilities.

As Hina soared over a mountain, her keen eyes caught sight of a hot spring nestled amidst the rugged terrain. Intrigued by the prospect of a relaxing soak, she decided to take a detour from her journey. With a graceful transformation back into her human form, she descended towards the hot spring, her heart racing with excitement.

As she plummeted towards the earth, Hina unleashed her telekinetic powers, slowing her descent to a gentle glide. With practiced precision, she landed beside the bubbling waters of the hot spring, her anticipation building with each passing moment.

But as she gazed upon the steaming waters, a sudden realization struck her—she hadn't checked her appearance in weeks. With a wry smile, she chuckled at the thought of relying on magic to keep herself clean. "Maybe I should take a moment to see how I look," she mused aloud, her voice barely audible over the sound of rushing water.

With a mixture of curiosity and hesitation, Hina began to disrobe, her hands trembling slightly with nerves. It had been so long since she had seen herself in this new body, and the prospect both excited and unnerved her. "I can't believe I'm about to do this," she muttered to herself, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

But as she finally lowered herself into the soothing embrace of the hot spring, all thoughts of doubt and insecurity melted away. The warm water enveloped her body like a comforting embrace, soothing away the tension that had built up within her.

As she closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax, Hina couldn't help but marvel at the changes in her body. Her curves were more pronounced, her skin softer and more supple than ever before. "Wow, I look cute," she thought to herself, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

But even as she admired her new form, a sense of vulnerability washed over her. With her magical powers temporarily disabled, she felt defenseless, like a normal girl. It was a humbling experience, one that reminded her of the fragility of her own existence.

But despite her momentary vulnerability, Hina refused to let fear dictate her actions. Instead, she allowed herself to fully immerse in the simple joy of the moment, humming her favorite Japanese song from her past life as she bathed in the warm waters of the hot spring.

And as she soaked in the tranquility of the moment, little did she know that her peaceful respite would soon be interrupted by an unexpected visitor.

The hot spring enveloped Hina in a cocoon of warmth, its soothing waters caressing her skin like a gentle embrace. She giggled softly as she splashed around, the sensation of the water against her body sending shivers of delight down her spine. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, carried on the gentle breeze that rustled through the trees surrounding the hot spring.

Lost in her own world of bliss, Hina didn't notice the two young men approaching until they were practically upon her. Startled, she turned to face them, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she realized she had been caught unaware.

The two young men blushed furiously at the sight of Hina, their eyes darting away as if unable to bear the sight of her nakedness. They exchanged hesitant glances, unsure of how to proceed in the presence of this unexpected intruder.

One of the young men suggested waiting for Hina to finish bathing, but the other hesitated, his curiosity getting the better of him. Ignoring his friend's protests, he stepped closer to the hot spring, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious bather.

But Hina was not one to be caught off guard. Sensing their presence, she unleashed her telekinetic powers, sending a shower of pebbles flying towards their hiding spot. The sound of impact echoed through the air as one of the pebbles found its mark, eliciting a yelp of pain from one of the young men.

"Who goes there?" Hina called out, her voice laced with authority as she emerged from the hot spring, her naked form glistening in the sunlight. With a mixture of fear and embarrassment, the two young men reluctantly revealed themselves, but they kept their eyes averted, unable to meet Hina's gaze.

Undeterred by their discomfort, Hina approached them with determination, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. But as she drew closer, she suddenly realized the gravity of the situation. She was no longer the man she once was—she was now a girl, her body exposed in all its feminine glory.

With a gasp of realization, Hina turned and fled back to the safety of the hot spring, her heart pounding in her chest. The two young men, equally flustered by the encounter, made a hasty retreat down the mountain, their apologies trailing behind them on the wind.

Alone once more, Hina sank back into the warm waters of the hot spring, her mind awash with embarrassment. "What a shame," she murmured to herself, the bubbling water providing a comforting soundtrack to her troubled thoughts.

As Hina emerged from the hot spring, a sense of calm washed over her, replacing the embarrassment that had consumed her moments before. The air was thick with the scent of earth and steam, mingling with the sweet fragrance of nearby flowers. The warm sunlight danced across her skin, casting dappled shadows on the ground below.

With a flick of her wrist, Hina unleashed her telekinetic powers once more, the ground beneath her trembling ever so slightly in response. With practiced ease, she summoned her clothes from her dimensional storage, the fabric swirling around her in a dazzling display of magic. In an instant, she was clothed once more, her embarrassment now nothing more than a distant memory.

Taking a deep breath, Hina propelled herself into the air, her telekinetic abilities propelling her forward with incredible speed. The wind whipped past her face as she soared through the sky, the rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

As she flew, Hina couldn't help but reflect on the embarrassing encounter with the two young men. She chuckled softly to herself, the sound echoing in the crisp mountain air. "Well, that was embarrassing," she thought, a wry smile playing at the corners of her lips.

But despite the awkwardness of the situation, Hina couldn't deny the exhilaration she felt as she soared through the air. With each passing moment, she felt more in tune with her newfound abilities, more confident in her own skin.

And as she flew, leaving behind nothing but a small crack in the ground where she had once stood, Hina knew that she was ready to embrace whatever adventures lay ahead. For she was no longer just Hinagawa, the boy who had been bullied and ridiculed in his past life. She was Hina, a powerful mage with the world at her fingertips, ready to carve out her own destiny.

*To be continue*

1 Episode 1: Starting journey
2 Episode 2:The Inevitable Path
3 Episode 3: Unexpected Transformations
4 Episode 4: Adventure begins
5 Episode 5: A dream about the past
6 Episode 6: Arrived in asmobio in unexpected way
7 Episode 7: Asmobio city strolled and meet new friend
8 Episode 8: Guild quest wyverns purge and hina power unleashed
9 Episode 9: Aftermath and demonlord interest
10 Episode 10: Good bye Asmobio city and Unexpected visit in hot spring mountain
11 Episode 11: Village is raid by the elite infected orc
12 Episode 12: Hinagawa vs Elite infected orc
13 Episode 13: Thankyou Miss hinagawa and unexpected bad omen
14 Episode 14: Arrive at Tryni elite academy at last
15 Episode 15: Hina school journey in Tryni elite academy start now
16 Episode 16: Warrior or taekwondo
17 Episode 17: Warrior with live sword fight and unexpected revelation
18 Episode 18: Hina are you alright and Hiku history's lesson
19 Episode 19: Unexpected upcome in Tryni elite academy
20 Episode 20: Hina new skill tree unlock magic shift
21 Episode 21: Tryni elite academy and trip to the beach
22 Episode 22: A dream about the past (part 2)
23 Episode 23: Demonlord manipulation to Hina failed
24 Episode 24: Demonlord Phobio's righthand minion berserker attack
25 Episode 25: Hina vs berserker
26 Episode 26: Hina vs Berserker (Part 2)
27 Episode 27: Hina meet up with celistia goddess
28 Episode 28: Hero's party arrive
29 Episode 29: Hero's party has arive in kingdom of ingrasya
30 Episode 30: Hina meet Lefa king's daughter
31 Episode 31:Hina and Lefa watch Binimaru practice bad omen arise
32 Episode 32: City ingrasya castle wall britches begin
33 Episode 33: Hina finaly step in to save Ingrasya kingdom
34 Episode 34: Hina joined the battle with lightning fast movements
35 Episode 35: Demonlord Phobio's amusement with anger
36 Episode 36: Tryni elite academy has concern's for Hina
37 Episode 37: Hina's identity
38 Episode 38: The unexpected encounter friend or foe
39 Episode 39: The unexpected encounter friend or foe (Part 2)
40 Episode 40: Hina meet up with celistia goddess__ (Part 2)
41 Episode 41: Hiku's journey and the gang
42 Episode 42: Hiku's journey and the gang (Part 2)
43 Episode 43: Hiku's journey and the gang (Part 3)
44 Episode 44:Carrion's arrival
45 Episode 45:Carrion's arrival (Part 2)
46 Episode 46: Hina's taking a stroll in ingrasya kingdom
47 Episode 47: Hina and hiku and the gang meet up with uncertainties
48 Episode 48: Ingrasya kingdom event day has come
49 Episode 49: The "Tournament of power" has begin!!
50 Episode 50: "Tournament of Power" (Part 2!!)
51 Episode 51: "Tournament of Power" (Part 3!!)
52 Episode 52: "Tournament of Power" (Part 4!!)
53 Episode 53: "Tournament of Power" (Part 5!!)
54 Episode 54: "Tournament of Power" (Part 6!!)
55 Episode 55: The Unexpected turn of event
56 Episode 56: Hina vs Berserker, Rematch
57 Episode 57: Hina vs Berserker (Rematch Part 2) unexpected demised
58 Episode 58: What will it Be!!!
59 Episode 59: After the big event
60 Episode 60: Demonlord Phobio's regret
61 Episode 61: Benimaru the hero and his party
62 Episode 62: What just happened?
63 Episode 63: What now!!?
64 Episode 64: Night Raid!!
65 Episode 65: Nightmare!!
66 Episode 66: Did i do something last night!?
67 Episode 67: Training ground!!
68 Episode 68: Demonlord Phobio's new plan in motion
69 Episode 69: Are you leaving father!!

Updated 69 Episodes

Episode 1: Starting journey
Episode 2:The Inevitable Path
Episode 3: Unexpected Transformations
Episode 4: Adventure begins
Episode 5: A dream about the past
Episode 6: Arrived in asmobio in unexpected way
Episode 7: Asmobio city strolled and meet new friend
Episode 8: Guild quest wyverns purge and hina power unleashed
Episode 9: Aftermath and demonlord interest
Episode 10: Good bye Asmobio city and Unexpected visit in hot spring mountain
Episode 11: Village is raid by the elite infected orc
Episode 12: Hinagawa vs Elite infected orc
Episode 13: Thankyou Miss hinagawa and unexpected bad omen
Episode 14: Arrive at Tryni elite academy at last
Episode 15: Hina school journey in Tryni elite academy start now
Episode 16: Warrior or taekwondo
Episode 17: Warrior with live sword fight and unexpected revelation
Episode 18: Hina are you alright and Hiku history's lesson
Episode 19: Unexpected upcome in Tryni elite academy
Episode 20: Hina new skill tree unlock magic shift
Episode 21: Tryni elite academy and trip to the beach
Episode 22: A dream about the past (part 2)
Episode 23: Demonlord manipulation to Hina failed
Episode 24: Demonlord Phobio's righthand minion berserker attack
Episode 25: Hina vs berserker
Episode 26: Hina vs Berserker (Part 2)
Episode 27: Hina meet up with celistia goddess
Episode 28: Hero's party arrive
Episode 29: Hero's party has arive in kingdom of ingrasya
Episode 30: Hina meet Lefa king's daughter
Episode 31:Hina and Lefa watch Binimaru practice bad omen arise
Episode 32: City ingrasya castle wall britches begin
Episode 33: Hina finaly step in to save Ingrasya kingdom
Episode 34: Hina joined the battle with lightning fast movements
Episode 35: Demonlord Phobio's amusement with anger
Episode 36: Tryni elite academy has concern's for Hina
Episode 37: Hina's identity
Episode 38: The unexpected encounter friend or foe
Episode 39: The unexpected encounter friend or foe (Part 2)
Episode 40: Hina meet up with celistia goddess__ (Part 2)
Episode 41: Hiku's journey and the gang
Episode 42: Hiku's journey and the gang (Part 2)
Episode 43: Hiku's journey and the gang (Part 3)
Episode 44:Carrion's arrival
Episode 45:Carrion's arrival (Part 2)
Episode 46: Hina's taking a stroll in ingrasya kingdom
Episode 47: Hina and hiku and the gang meet up with uncertainties
Episode 48: Ingrasya kingdom event day has come
Episode 49: The "Tournament of power" has begin!!
Episode 50: "Tournament of Power" (Part 2!!)
Episode 51: "Tournament of Power" (Part 3!!)
Episode 52: "Tournament of Power" (Part 4!!)
Episode 53: "Tournament of Power" (Part 5!!)
Episode 54: "Tournament of Power" (Part 6!!)
Episode 55: The Unexpected turn of event
Episode 56: Hina vs Berserker, Rematch
Episode 57: Hina vs Berserker (Rematch Part 2) unexpected demised
Episode 58: What will it Be!!!
Episode 59: After the big event
Episode 60: Demonlord Phobio's regret
Episode 61: Benimaru the hero and his party
Episode 62: What just happened?
Episode 63: What now!!?
Episode 64: Night Raid!!
Episode 65: Nightmare!!
Episode 66: Did i do something last night!?
Episode 67: Training ground!!
Episode 68: Demonlord Phobio's new plan in motion
Episode 69: Are you leaving father!!


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