Portal Surfer
The story begins with Modd J on the beach in his hometown of surfer's paradise to show off his skills in the town's surfing contest. Then out of nowhere a gateway from a another world appears in the water! also these creatures come out from the gateway with heads made of slime and bodies made from steel they were called slime droids. they Come from a World called Tor 3145 a planet that has a chemical mixture of Slime and acid it is called slimecid also the toxins of tor 3145 are called crog a poisonous gas that is the oxygen for the planet. So Modd Tries to fight off the slime droids. but he ends up losing the battle because the number of droids increased from 15 to 1000. the droids taking people prisoner. Modd's only choice is to walk into the portal. as the portal closes modd watches as his town gets invaded by the slime Droids. The Portal opens up and teleports Modd into a temple of godly design it is called the temple of worlds. Modd walks inside of the temple and sees a man with dark black eyes and hair made out of stars and super nova's. This man is called the god of the multiverse or God Multi for short. God Multi says welcome Modd to the temple of worlds. But time is short I know why you were sent. I need you to save all of the universes that connect to this one I can give the power to be a hero what do you say modd.? Modd says yes I will become the portal surfer. Then modd goes through the portal and says cowbunga and that's how the portal surfer was born. the town of surfer's paradise is no more because the slime droids gave the town to the lords of time and reality in the next chapter the surfer's mission starts with a wild ride . and a sweet allien babe tune in for the next chapter dudes cowbunga!
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