Tournament Of Power II: The Land Of The Lost!

Tournament Of Power II: The Land Of The Lost!

Let's Do It, Lord! The Universes' Second Annual Tournament!!

It was a year since the final wars between the heroes, the villains, and King Ghidorah. Everyone was glad that they had no more villains to deal with, but it was the life of a hero to deal with villains with quirks. All For One and Shigaraki are dealt with and are never heard or seen from, again. Class 1A, however, didn't go unscathed. Ochaco got stabbed in the vital organs, Tsu almost lost her life to the Jin duplicates, and Junior got surgery for the massive hole in his stomach that Dabi delivered when he teamed up with Todoroki to take him down.
Bakugo almost went to the other side, but he managed to get a new heart after Edgeshot sacrificed himself. While dealing with All For One, Yamcha got pierced in the gut by his rivets, Tien lost a hand to the ninja robot from Lord Boxman, Krillin got a scar on his right eye just like Yamcha's, Piccolo survived with minor surgery, Goku had to get surgery for his broken bones and stab wound that Toga gave him, and Vegeta miraculously survived. However, Midoriya lost both of his arms to Shigaraki, and he's now quirkless. But, luckily, Eri, using her quirk, saved Midoriya's life by rewinding time and also gave him his quirk back.
Outside the city walls, people were still upset by the outcome of the final wars, but we're relieved. Some of them decided to still hate heroes, and they started to use support items they bought and began to corrupt themselves. Overhead, Beerus, Whis, Supreme and Old Kai, and the Queen of God, Queen Aleena, watched as the people below began killing, looting, fighting, stealing, plunder, and destroy things around them and hate each other for living.
Old Kai
Old Kai
I remember back in 580 BC when man would listen and just live happily without this kind of technology and hatred for heroes and each other.
Supreme Kai
Supreme Kai
But yet, they began to hate themselves and move on by becoming what they hate and fear the most; Villains.
Lord Beerus
Lord Beerus
*Walks around* It seems to me that all these stores that house delicious foods here have gone bad and destroyed.
So instead of thanking those who saved their home and the entire universe, they decide to turn away and become ungrateful.
Supreme Kai
Supreme Kai
Your highness?
Queen Aleena
Queen Aleena
It pains me to see that mankind have corrupted themselves and what's worse, even cursed the heroes that The Lord of Hosts created to keep the planet from going into chaos.
Lord Beerus
Lord Beerus
But yet, they decide to turn their backs on Him and go their own ways.
Old Kai
Old Kai
All the shops, homes, and businesses here are destroyed. And I was looking forward for the new pastry downtown in Hosu.
Supreme Kai
Supreme Kai
Elder Kai, maybe this isn't the best time to think about sweets and treats. Right now, all the heroes are either dead, still roboticized from Lord Boxman, or killed by the people down their for interfering with what they were doing.
All I can say is that after a millennium or observing and watching, God has made his decision and judgment on the people of the Earth.
Queen Aleena
Queen Aleena
I agree. This is what the Lord said about the people of Tokyo corrupting themselves. He says, "I am sorry for what I have created. And what has become of humankind in this era."
For I have sent my son to be bestowed upon my servant Mary not to destroy man's lives, but to save them. But yet, they still reject me. And because they have rejected me and throughout the entire all twelve universes, which I have seen and heard for myself, I will destroy them all one by one, but not with quick thinking or a plague, but with a tournament with all the known fighters in the universe.
Queen Aleena
Queen Aleena
"With this tournament to come, it'll decide the fate of man, of every beast, and every living thing throughout the entire twelve known universes. Aleena, my faithful wife, here is the proof that what I say is true; Tomorrow we will hold a expo at the Palace of Aleena in the ring of which I will create, and from their, I will send my angel to each and every universe to deliver the message of coming to Earth for the Lord God's expo."
Lord Beerus
Lord Beerus
*Shocked* He wants to hold the Tournament of Power again?
Queen Aleena
Queen Aleena
I'm afraid so. And it's his decision. Whatever he says goes.
Supreme Kai
Supreme Kai
Well then, we can't waste any time just sitting here and watching all the humans try to better themselves. We have to find Goku and Sonic and tell them what's happening.
He's right. The grand priest to the Omni King and the Lord God will be showing up, any minute.
Queen Aleena
Queen Aleena
Right. Let's get going.
Yes, your majesty. *Taps his staff*
Whis, Lord Beerus, Queen Aleena, Supreme and Elder Kai all left for where Sonic was, the Big Island, Hawaii. All the people of Tokyo, from Hosu to Kamino, have sealed their fates.
In the early morning, students around the Big Island got ready for school, even though some of them wished that it wasn't a school day because of the war. All the kids from grade K-12 are entering the school as classes are about to begin. Unfortunately, one class and its students are hitting a bit of a rough patch.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
*Groaning* I can't believe it's a school day.
*Annoyed* Yeah, I know, dude. It sucks. I just wish that there wasn't any more school. I wish the heroes fought the villains and King Ghidorah here instead of Tokyo.
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
Well, guys, they needed to keep Monster Zero from spreading throughout the earth and causing Mayhem. Plus, if they didn't lead the gigantic monster to Tokyo, then we would've been toast.
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
But anyway, what did you and Penelope do, Jr.? Did you guys go on your little date from yesterday?
Yeah dude, give us the details.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
Well you see guys, we had an awesome time together yesterday. We went to the zoo, we went to McDonald's, we went to the arcade...
Wow, bro, I wish I was you. Planning things one step ahead.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
Thanks, Joseph. You're a true friend.
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
(I wouldn't say a true friend since his logic about how to treat girls is all wrong.) Anyway, have you guys noticed something different lately?
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
What do you mean, Cody?
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
I mean, lately we've been getting some nasty and hateful glares from the girls.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
I get it's because they know that you're not a prince. But you are, but only for men.
Yeah, dude, I think it's time you stepped it up or notch. Remember what Junior said before leaving the hospital?
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
Oh, you mean the "Penelope, keep your chin up," or is it "The future where Jr. doesn't have a girlfriend anymore?"
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
Well, I don't know, but I bet it's the keep your chins up one because she knows that she's probably depressed about losing her mom to the villains and Lord Boxman. And that's when I cheer her up.
Go get her dude.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
Okay, wish me-
*Sadly groaning* Hmm, this is the worst.
I know. How can we make this up to them?
Dude, what was that?
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
I don't know. I think it was one of our friends.
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
I think they're sad about something.
*Confused* Did we do something wrong?
Kenny McCormick
Kenny McCormick
*Muffling* I don't know. I tried talking to Eleanor and Nancy today, but they just turned the other way and walked away angrily.
Pip Pirrup
Pip Pirrup
You too? I was going to give this lovely bouquet arrangement. I asked my dear mommy to help me out with, and then she took them and slapped me with it.
What is going on? Why are the girls being this mean to us?
Big G
Big G
*Stressed out* I don't know, but whoever did this, I'm going to make sure that they regret what they did! Even my little sister won't talk to me anymore.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
I tried asking Sue if I could come over and play some card games, but then she hung up on me.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
Uh, hey guys, what's going on?
What's wrong, buddies?
It's the girls. Something is obviously wrong. I tried talking to Tenko and Madoka the other day and they both slapped me.
Hey, I think I see two hand prints on your face.
Aw man, this is going to take a lot of ointments.
Did they have a reason for slapping you?
No! I didn't do anything wrong. That was the entire point.
Maybe we just did something to them, but we can't just remember what?
Big G
Big G
Well then I say, we go and find out why they're angry with us. So Noby, you go and ask.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
Why do I have to ask them? If they're not going to talk to us, they aren't certainly going to talk to me.
He has a point, Big G. I think we should send someone else.
Big G
Big G
Okay then, Sneech, Jr., go and ask them.
Why do I have to?
Big G
Big G
*Threatening* Because suggesting asking was your idea. Because you're small and insignificant, and because I'll pummel you if you don't go.
*Nervous* Why else?
Big G
Big G
Now, Jr.! Sneech!
Sneech and Jr. both left to go ask the girls what was wrong. At the table surrounding Penelope...
Hiromi Seijo
Hiromi Seijo
*Shocked* 何? Braxton Jr.がそのようなことをするとは信じられません。
*Shivering* ひどいですね。
Tenko Yokohama
Tenko Yokohama
*Angrily* 真剣に、ペネロペ、これがその男とデートするのが最悪だった理由です。 彼は、彼らが彼らの友人と避難を求めていた戦争中に、ジュニアサンとコーデイ・サマを島から追い払うために人々を集めました。
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
同意します。 その少年は自分だけを考えています。
I think it would be best if you dated another guy who doesn't cheat or steal or comes up with ridiculous excuses and chooses himself over others.
Seriously, the boys on the island need to take a page from Junior, Codey, and Ace's book.
*Annoyed* Speaking of boys, look who's coming?
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
*Cheerful* Hey ladies.
Penelope Guy
Penelope Guy
*Furiously* Go! Away! Jr.!
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
But I'm here to talk to you Penelope.
Penelope Guy
Penelope Guy
Are you?! Or are you just here to check one of us out?
*Disgusted* Seriously, you should find a new hobby and also get a grip on your life.
*Persuading* But ladies, what we really want to know is something that's kind of weighing on our minds lately ever since the final war.
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
What is it?
Why do you guys seem angry with us today? It's like when we talk to you, you just-
Hey dudes, are you going to hurry up and ask the stupid idiots why they're being so melodramatic and ignoring us, yet?
It was at this moment that Joseph knew, he f**ked up. The girls with furious red expressions on their faces began to scratch, slap, and punch Jr. and Sneech before the bell rang. Everyone was in their seats, and Mr. S walked in with his materials.
Mr. S
Mr. S
Good morning, Class. It's time to...hmm? What the heck happened to Sneech and Jr.?
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
[+Girls] *Angrily* Hmph!
Mr. S
Mr. S
*Confused* Okay. *Focused* Back to discussion, with the final wars concluded and everyone around the world fixing their homes, streets, and buildings, that doesn't mean we get to skip school.
Mr. S
Mr. S
So today, the school board has decided that from this term, this class will have two teachers.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Surprised* Two teachers?
We're going to have two instead of one?
But that means our homework will be doubled.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
This sucks!
That's not fair!
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
Yes! I love homework! This is the best day ever!
But Mr. S, who's going to be our new second teacher?
Mr. S
Mr. S
Well class, she's athletic, intelligent, great with kids, and she has a wonderful personality that you will all love. And speaking of love, Madoka, Tenko, Maruko, Hiromi, you four might know this teacher.
Hiromi Seijo
Hiromi Seijo
はぁ? 私たちはしますか?
Mr. S
Mr. S
And now, class, here she comes now. You are free to enter.
The sliding doors open, and everyone looks to their right to see a teacher with great proportions, beautiful eyes, and all the features of a dream woman that no one could ever imagine. Joseph and Jr. look at their teacher, and their hearts instantly skipped 5 beats.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
*Shocked* Whoa, she's gorgeous!
Who. Is. That?
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
Well, if I had to guess, that's our new second teacher.
Mr. S
Mr. S
Everyone, this is Mai Machiko. She's a teacher at Arama Academy in Tokyo. Before the whole war, she was an evacuee refugee. But now, she's back to being a teacher.
Mai Machiko
Mai Machiko
こんにちは、みんな。 私の名前はマイ・マチコです。私はあなたの2番目の教師になりますか? マドカちゃん? テンコちゃん? ヒロミちゃん? マルコちゃん?
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
*Happy* マチコシェイ!
Madoka, Tenko, Hiromi, and Maruko all jumped out from their seats and began to hug Machiko in a reunion like never before.
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
Mai Machiko
Mai Machiko
*Giggles* 私もあなたがいなくて寂しかったです。 そして今、私はここにいるので、私たちは一緒にもっと楽しくすることができます。
Hiromi Seijo
Hiromi Seijo
しかし、他の男の子はどうですか? ケンタ・クン、ginzo-kun、kame-kun? 彼らもここにいますか?
Tenko Yokohama
Tenko Yokohama
私は彼らがそうではないことを願っています。 この学校が最後に必要とするのは、3人の変態男の子です。
Mai Machiko
Mai Machiko
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
*Glad* ケンタクンが彼の行動のためについに軍事学校に来たことを嬉しく思います。 私たちは彼と彼のスカートがひっくり返るのに会う必要がないことをうれしく思います。
Tenko Yokohama
Tenko Yokohama
手遅れです。 それらの1つはすでに持っています。 そして彼の名前は牽引力で韻を踏んでいます。
All four laugh at Jr. and Joseph, for they are the boys who do pranks on girls without consequences. Penelope, in the corner, sighs as she looks out the window to view the sky and the town as time passes by.
Penelope Guy
Penelope Guy
*Irritated* (I wish I had a boyfriend who wouldn't cheat on me, tell lies about me, defend me, and most importantly, listen to my opinions).
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Concerned* (Why would the girls ignore us, if they can't tell us what's going on?)
Ace looks at Noby, who is glancing down in sadness as he doesn't know what he did to the girls.
Mr. S
Mr. S
All right girls, now that your reunion is over, it's time we took our seats and our attendance.
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
[+Hiromi, Tenko, and Maruko] 押忍!
Mr. S
Mr. S
Okay class, now that we have gotten ourselves acquainted, it's now time that we took our attendance. But first, today, starting after lunch, Ms. Machiko will be taking over the afternoon classes.
Big G
Big G
But what about you, Mr. S? Where are you going to be?
Mr. S
Mr. S
I'll be assigned to take over the class next door during the afternoons. Do be prepared today. Because this is how it's going to be forever.
Mai Machiko
Mai Machiko
これがどのように進むかです。 日中は、朝から正午までそのクラスを教える科学研究所にいます。 それから、S氏は私と一緒に切り替え、彼は言語芸術を教えています。
Mr. S
Mr. S
Okay then, now with that out of the way, let's for our attendance.
And so, the school day went without a breeze. After school, the boys are at the empty lot in the park where they are talking about the girls. During the whole school day, the girls excluded, ignored, and even scared away most of the boys with dirty looks. Braxton Jr., however, was crying over his breakup with Penelope and how he was told to never speak to her again.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Sighs in relief* I'll take the silent treatment over death looks any day.
School was intense. The girls even blocked off the cafeteria until they were done eating. And Tenko ratted out on me for carrying the new Pokémon comic to school.
And now, I'll get in trouble and I won't be getting it back until the end of the school year.
Why are the girls doing this to us? Isolation? Separation?
Have they gone bonkers or something?
Yeah! I didn't even get to eat my mom's famous shrimp Alfredo today. And now, I can't eat it, because it's spoiled!
Pip Pirrup
Pip Pirrup
This really is a pickle. We have to try and overcome this.
But with the girls not talking to us, how? I felt weird and awkward to and from school now.
Big G
Big G
Even at my house, it's awkward. I tried offering Lil'G some snacks, but she told me to buzz off. She even wrote a drawing on my door that said, "Bug off!"
Well, we can't do anything about it as long as we don't know why they're so upset.
Kenny McCormick
Kenny McCormick
*Muffling* Except for us, the only people they would talk to is Ace Goody, Junior, and Codey. Those two are the only exception because they weren't here before the whole "ignoring the boys" fad.
Speaking of Ace, here he comes now walking home with the girls.
Hiromi Seijo
Hiromi Seijo
デキソギさん、あなたは学校全体で最も賢い子供です。 あなたが名誉ある大学に推薦を得ているとは信じられません。
Tenko Yokohama
Tenko Yokohama
Ace Goody
Ace Goody
*Modest* Oh, it's nothing, really. I just think that if people put in hard work, perseverance, and dedication into what they love, then their dreams would come true.
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
*Amazed* Wow Ace, that was wise of you to say.
Well, I still can't believe that Ace helped the legendaries and our two little friends win the war against Shigaraki and Lord Boxman.
That was really smart thinking of you Ace to help them out.
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
それは正しい。 さらに、Uravityのスピーチは、悪役に侵略されている間、島の誰もがUAの人を避難させるのを本当に助けます。
Madoka, you sound like you want to marry one of the student heroes in the future.
Or maybe, is it that you like someone else.
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
*Blushing* 待って、待ってください。 それはまったくそうではありません。 たぶんマルコちゃんは恋をしています。
Tenko Yokohama
Tenko Yokohama
ああ! それで、あなたは将来デキソギさんと結婚したいですよね?
Nothing would be wrong with it. You would be extremely lucky. Codey is also like Ace, but except he is a bit small.
Tenko Yokohama
Tenko Yokohama
私は今見出しを見ることができます。 坂田丸と科学者、天文学者、オフィスワーカーのデキソギ・ヒデトシと結婚します!
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Jealous* Sure he has good grades, and a big brain, and all those looks, but that doesn't mean that he can just flaunt it off.
Yeah, just because you get all A's on all of your assignments makes you the better man? Sheesh!
So they'll talk to Ace, but not to us? That seems unfair.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
Oh, yeah? Well I'm going to go and give them a piece of my mind. *Walks over to Ace*
Ace Goody
Ace Goody
Sure, I can see if you can come over and-
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
*Jealous* Wow! You sure moved on fast.
Penelope Guy
Penelope Guy
*Angrily yelling* GO! AWAY! JR.!
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
I'm just saying that if you're quick to break up with me and go out with this geek, then I say you're making a big mistake.
Penelope Guy
Penelope Guy
Well at least Ace has a brain and good grades.
Yeah, Jr., stop being jealous of Ace. He's a great guy to be around and certainly a lot more fun.
If I had to choose which birthday party to attend, between yours and Ace's, I'm going to go with Ace's.
Ace Goody
Ace Goody
*Blushing* Aw, thanks.
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
Anyway, what do you want? We're trying to go home now.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
I just want to see why you girls wouldn't talk to me and the other boys in the class?
Penelope Guy
Penelope Guy
*Sighs irritatingly* Because, Jr., you did something really horrible when the heroes came. You tried to shoo away Junior and Codey, off their home, and also called Lord Boxman to tell them where they were for a stupid bounty award.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
But if I had money, then we could've probably taken a trip together.
Well, it goes to show that you have dark ages thinking right their. Selling your friends for money is just downright cruel and despicable.
*Angry* After all the things Junior and Codey did for you like save your butt's from Lord Boxman, you repay them by selling them out?
*Angry* That's not very attractive at all in a man.
*Angry* It's not nice to sell out those who saved your life.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
But it's different.
Heidi Turner
Heidi Turner
How is it different?
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
Ugh! It's because Junior and Codey are nerds. They don't even deserve to live.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Angry* Hey! Don't talk about Junior that way. Especially Codey! They saved you like over a thousand times.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
I'm just speaking out the honest truth. Listen, they brought a death trap to the island when their own home has been invaded and conquered.
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
That's because they didn't have enough time or the energy to fight off against the villains. They were all dirty and exhausted from head to toe! Junior and Codey are my friends. And I would never abandon them.
But dudes, you abandoned us. You ignored us all and gave us the cold shoulder. It's even awkward coming to and from school.
Heidi Turner
Heidi Turner
That's because you had much part in this than Jr. did. If anyone here is to blame, it's your behavior.
Yeah, so do us all a favor and never talk to us again.
Ace Goody
Ace Goody
Well, hold on just a second. Let's not be too crazy and tell them never to talk to us again. After all, what would Junior say if the whole island was separated?
Ace Goody
Ace Goody
Wouldn't he be sad? Wouldn't he feel like we all hate each other and ourselves?
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
But look where that has gotten us. Junior is in physical therapy for the hole he got in his stomach, and Codey is probably missing a tail.
Ace Goody
Ace Goody
But don't forget what the old saying goes, "To love your neighbor as yourself."
Suddenly, the sky shows a swirling vortex as it begins to spark and then expand. From it showed a golden kingdom in the sky, with four seraphims on each side as the wind blows at a medium pace and the kids' hair gets blown against the wind. The seraphim floated at the Grand Priest to the Lord of Hosts and the Omni King.
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
*Struggling* What's happening?
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Fighting the wind* Just once I would like to have a normal day!
With Sonic...
Amy Rose
Amy Rose
*Concerned* Sonic, honey, what is that in the sky?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
*Gasp* (It seems like what my mom said over the phone was the truth. The Grand Priest is coming here for the details of their tournament.)
Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!
What's going on?
What is this? I'm kind of scared right now!
Wait, who's that? Appearing from the light?
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
*Appears from the kingdom of God* Hello there, children. It's been a while since my last visit to Earth. *Looks around* Is Sonic not here?
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
W-who are you?
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
I'm the Grand Minister to the Lord of Hosts. Your creator and your heavenly father. I've come today to bring good news, for I have the details of the Tournament set and stone.
Heidi Turner
Heidi Turner
*Worried* What did you say? A tournament? What tournament?
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
I will now read from the royal decree written by the Lord All Powerful and his wife, her majesty, the Queen of the Lord. On day 4,209,345, in Earth time, on the Sabbath Day of April, at precisely 4:47 o clock, the second annual Tournament of Power shall commence in all of its glory for the Lord and his beloved.
Sonic runs up to join the commotion and later finds out that he was late hearing the details about the tournament that's going to be held.
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
Ah, Sonic, glad for you that you can join us.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sorry I'm a bit late, Grand Priest. Anyway, I heard that you gave the kids the deeds to the Tournament of Power.
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
Yes, that is correct. On April 7th, the Sabbath Day, that's when the Tournament of Power starts.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
(Sabbath Day? I never heard of it.) Okay, that's good to know.
But if it's a tournament of power, how come it's not going to be held here for all of us to see?
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
Because sweet child, the Tournament of Power is only meant for the warriors of each different universes and its destroyer Gods that the Lord had made.
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
As for the location, it will be in the 1st Universe at the coordinates of -7.42365910 to 5.24634529. Also known, as the Land of The Lost.
Pip Pirrup
Pip Pirrup
*Confused* The Land of The Lost?
Have you ever heard of the land of the lost?
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
No. Never.
Wait! Why did I talk to you to ask that question? Hmph.
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
*Irritated* Of course.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
What's the Land of The Lost?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
I know that place. Because me, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles have been there. It's a world where the past, present, and future all meet on one planet in the first universe.
So dude, is there a cash prize in this tournament? What do the winners receive?
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
I intended for this to be an announcement that the Lord would give, but because of your deepened relationship with your mother, I'll make an exception. The winner gets to go on.
You mean, like a stage?
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
*Gasp* We get to perform with Lil' Flip?
Aw dude, I have all of his music on repeat.
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
I live for Lil' Flip.
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
Sorry children, but no. The winner gets to go on as before. And, if the universe that don't win, the Lord will destroy them.
[+Kids] *Shocked* Whaaaaat?
Tenko Yokohama
Tenko Yokohama
はぁ? 私たちの宇宙は忘れられますか?
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
Yes. The Lord God will see to it perfectly. And Sonic, your mother has a favor to ask of you.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
What's the favor?
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
The Lord has seen your battle against Aqenomba and how you and the kids from UA Academy have triumphed. So, they want you to bring three kids from UA to the expo, but as the main show. They want to see them go up against warriors from the ninth.
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
Since the fight against Shigaraki amazed them to see the strength of the boy with the green hair, go up against a villain within a villain.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Well then, I think I can go and see what I can do.
Grand Minister
Grand Minister
Don't worry, Sonic. Think of it as a warm-up act before the main show begins. You have exactly two hours to gather three kids from UA and then present yourself at the Queen of God's palace.
And with that, the Grand Priest and the Seraphim left. Leaving the sky at how it was. Sonic knew that he had to find twelve warriors. Ten from the children's team and twelve from the adults.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
Thirteen warriors? How is Sonic supposed to find that many people?
Ace Goody
Ace Goody
Well, we just got to have faith. Sonic will find these warriors for the expo and the tournament.
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
*Worried* And if he can't, then we're all going to get erased.
Ace Goody
Ace Goody
Then, let's just pray to hope that we win the tournament, and we get kept un-destroyed.
Braxton Jr.
Braxton Jr.
Then, I guess if this tournament is happening, then we should stick together and pray together.
Penelope Guy
Penelope Guy
Eww! No, go away! I'm still not talking to you.
Come on, Ace. *Ignores the other boys* Let's go home. Hmph!
As the girls walked away with Ace, the boys felt like they didn't accomplish patching things up for what they didn't do.
Big G
Big G
*Defeated* Aw, man, they didn't even forgive us.
*Stressed* Now I'm really confused!
Big G
Big G
Then here's what we're going to do; We're going to ask them what we've done to them to deserve to be ignored. So Noby, it's going to be your job.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
But, you already asked me to do it, and we already knew the outcome. Plus what are the chances that the girls or even Sue would want to start talking to me ag-
Big G and the other boys give off a threatening aura to tell Noby to go while they wait and Noby immediate gave in and left.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Screaming* Okay, okay, I'm going! *Runs after Ace and Sue*
And off Noby went to go and chase after the girls. Meanwhile...
Amy Rose
Amy Rose
*Shocked* The Tournament of Power is back? And this time, the Super Dragon Balls are not going to bring back any of the universes that get erased?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Yep. That's what I heard. Plus, maybe it won't be so bad. This new tournament could probably boost my training.
Amy Rose
Amy Rose
*Worried* But Sonic, do you think you can stop this if it actually happens? What would happen to all of us?
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Don't worry about it. The Grand Priest of my mom and the Lord told me to go and find three kids from UA to participate and then meet them at the Palace of Aleena for the expo.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Well, anyway, I'm off. And don't worry, we'll win the tournament again like we have before.
Amy Rose
Amy Rose
And Sonic, if you see Junior, please make sure that he isn't doing anything to re-open his scar from the surgery. The fight with Dabi literally took everything out of him.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Right. See ya! *Runs off to Tokyo*
Amy Rose
Amy Rose
*Worried* (The Tournament of Power is back. So now it's on to find ten warriors for the children's team and twelve for the adults.) *Motivated* Right. I better make a list.
So now, the race was on to find all the warriors from around the earth and UA Academy to participate in the Tournament of Power and save the Earth. But who will be in it? Find out at the next chapter.


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