Vol 4 - 18

Vol 4 - 18

I bit my lip tiredly. The topic continued to be discussed and then naturally returned to the last things Taeui mentioned before.

"But he won't come. After joining UNHRDO, he said he had to take on two jobs at the same time so he was very busy, and he rarely did anything else. Back when there was a similar thing If something like this happens, the other members he contacted have already resolved it. He also said that it has nothing to do with him."

At those words, Taeui silently nodded. I think maybe Ilay has to separate himself. Although on the surface it seems like his life is very leisurely, the reality is that the workload at UNHRDO is no joke. I don't know clearly, but a branch of a large-scale company like T&R, even if it's just a business trip, will have a lot of work to do. Ilay's working speed is very fast, but even when Taeui is still by his side, his workload is already huge.

Besides, if a member of UNHRDO came to T&R's branch not just to check the company's work but to resolve matters like this, it would also cause many problems to discuss.

I looked at them and nodded repeatedly, um um um. It's also impossible for Ilay to get into trouble like this to save a stranger he doesn't know, after all he doesn't know who Kim Young Soo is.

"... ... ."

Just thinking about it gives Jeong Taeui goosebumps. I rubbed my arm. I'm wearing only underwear but it's summer after all. Yet when I think about it, chills still run down my spine. I can't even think about such luxuries as someone coming to save me. But I would rather hug those kidnappers' legs and stay here if the one who comes to rescue is Ilay. I don't know if they would accept someone like me who has no value as a hostage.

Thinking of that, I sighed again, they locked me up without doing anything, which means there's still a lot of time left, really doing useless things.

"Okay.", Jeong Taeui dejectedly stood up and went to the bathroom inside. Even if I don't drink any water and still want to go to the bathroom, the human body is truly a mystery.

The bathroom was also empty as if everything had been removed. There wasn't anything inside except the basics like a toilet and sink. Jeong Taeui went to the bathroom and looked around the bathroom. Suddenly, my eyes fell on a small ventilation hole above the wall. It was a hole of a size that a person could not get through with that width and length. However, the deep blue sky could still be seen behind the ventilation fan, so it was probably directly connected to the outside.


I thought for a moment then held out my hand. I had nothing to prop my feet on, but I was still tall enough to reach the ventilation fan and hold on to the blades. Through my fingertips, I looked at each fan blade, it was quite sharp. If I touched it too hard with my bare hands, it could cut my hands.

This time, I gently pushed the fan blades with my fingertips, but it didn't budge, it seemed like it was installed quite firmly. This is it. It won't be difficult to stick to it. But there's another problem: I can't get out just through this small hole. Taeui thought for a moment about whether or not to scream and ask for help from the outside, but surely the kidnappers wouldn't be able to reveal this location to outsiders as stupidly as they did. That's okay. Before anyone passing by heard my screams, the sound would have reached the kidnappers' ears and they would have rushed to stuff a rag into my mouth.

So, this ventilation hole is just a useless piece of junk.


I thought for a moment then took off my underwear, then I wrapped my underwear around my hand like a glove and moved towards the ventilation hole.


I tried placing my hand in the ventilation hole and bending my body up, supporting my body weight with one arm for a moment, then reaching out with my other hand wearing the roll of underwear and clutching the fan blade. I grabbed the fan blade tightly to keep from slipping off it, and then used my non-dominant foot to hold on to the wall. I shook the fan with all my strength.

I shook it vigorously a few times, my body vibrated in the air, a squeaking sound was heard. It wasn't a very loud sound, but it still made me worry if the people outside would notice. But I quickly reassured myself that this sound only echoed in a closed space like the bathroom and it wasn't really that loud.

Three or four times, I grabbed and shook the firmly mounted fan, causing the wall to fall off in small pieces. Even though I was wearing a layer of underwear, the blades of the fan still cut my hand very painfully. The joints of my fingers touching the edge of the fan felt like they were about to break.


The fifth time fighting it, the screeching fan finally fell out of the ventilation window. When the fan fell, I was hanging all my weight on it and fell too.


My entire body hit the floor hard, my tailbone hitting the floor in a shocking way.

I trembled. If I didn't scream, I would probably die of pain, but I couldn't make any loud noises, so there was a possibility that I would die of pain.

I curled up on the bathroom floor and hugged my tailbone. When the time passed and the pain subsided a bit, I stood up and sighed. The bathroom didn't have a mirror so I couldn't see anything, but it was definitely bruised.

"Damn it, it'll hurt like hell..."

I reflexively raised my fingers to wipe away the physiological tears that were falling. I almost rubbed it and raised my head. The ventilation hole where the fan blade had just fallen was now empty.

I carefully patted the area around my throbbing tailbone again. I went to the ventilation hole again and looked at it. I had already fallen once. If I fell again, my tailbone would be gone.

Now climbing up the ventilation hole was much easier because the fan blocking the way was gone. I hung myself up again, but I still couldn't see out easily because the hole was too small and was obstructed by the ceiling. The first thing that caught my eye was a pure white branch. A pure white branch appeared wherever my eyes could pass. Even if I tilted my head left, right, up and down, I could still only see a single scene. Jeong Taeui listened silently. There is no human voice. In the quiet space, only the sound of birds singing suddenly rang out from far away. And cool, fresh air poured in from the ventilation hole.


I let go of the vent and lowered it to the floor, looking at my dusty hands, I brushed them away.

Outside is a forest. There was no way to know where this forest was or what it was called. This place is like an isolated mountain resort built in the middle of a green forest.

I don't know what forest this is, so I can't say for sure. But as long as I can sneak out of here somehow, I think then I can escape by hiding in this forest......

Jeong Taeui sat as still as a statue on the toilet and thought for a moment. But my train of thought was soon interrupted by a knock on the door from outside.

"I'm in such a hurry.", a gentle but slightly urgent voice rang out after the knocking sound.

"Oh, I'm coming out now."

Jeong Taeui quickly stood up and shouted out. But just as I was about to leave the bathroom, I realized I was still naked and quickly went back to looking for underwear.

When I took off my underwear that was still wrapped around the ventilation fan, it was covered in black dust.


I silently held the underwear and looked at it, then heard a knock on the door. I need to think about how I can do this again.

If you are kidnapped and held captive, the easiest thing you can do is wait for someone to rescue you.

----- Jeong Taeui had heard everyone say that, but it seemed like those words were just lies. That is not the most optimal method because being rescued by others may be the best way to preserve life but is not the most convenient way.

Jeong Taeui lay on the floor, looking out the window and deep in thought.

The sky is getting brighter. White light penetrated through the cracks in the wooden planks blocking the window. It's been less than a day since I was kidnapped, but it feels like several days have passed. What's more annoying than having to sit helplessly in one place with nothing else to do but wait in vain? I firmly think that if I try to escape from here, it will be better no matter how hard I have to struggle. If I had the right tools, I could try anything. It's better to be beaten to death for trying to escape than to die of boredom.

Last night, I couldn't sleep well. It wasn't because of the problem of changing the sleeping place, but because I was drugged during the day so I couldn't sleep again at night.

Even now when it's time to go to sleep, I lie tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep while my mind is still fully awake. I finally sighed and sat up. Even lying down on this cold hard floor makes it difficult to sleep.

I scratched my head and looked around. The others are not much different. Some people slept quite well, some people just fell asleep, and some people opened their eyes and woke up.

I wasn't allowed to brush my teeth, so my mouth felt dry. I looked out the window again. If I do it well, I can break it. Talking about wooden boards, nine times out of ten they are cheap wood, because there is no reason to use expensive, genuine wood for things like this. So it should be possible for a person with average strength to break it with his bare hands. If it was plywood, Jeong Taeui could also break it. But not now. No matter what, I have to use all my strength to smash it, but if the people outside hear that sound, they will rush in immediately.

I got up from my seat and walked over to the window and knocked on the wooden panel blocking the door. It was sturdier than I thought. Furthermore, besides Jeong Taeui who can do manual work, the others all seem old and weak at first glance. Honestly, I don't have any confidence in being able to destroy it with my bare hands.

I used my fingertips to tap the tapping plate again. Through the opening above, I could see a bird flying across the red sky outside.

Today seems to be a beautiful day.

"We'll have a bit of trouble if we escape without any tools."

The man lying below opened his eyes thoughtfully, looking at Jeong Taeui knocking on the window, he spoke slowly. Jeong Taeui replied, "Absolutely."

There will be many types of problems that can occur in this case. First, they were kidnapped, without any tools to support them, and it was difficult to know what the outside environment was like. Another problem was that if they tried to escape and failed even once, escaping the second time would become even more difficult. There is literally no other choice but to wait for outside help.

"If Kyle can negotiate with them, that would be great...But nothing can be that easy."

Jeong Taeui sighed and muttered. This is no different from playing the lottery. Life depends on the person who will come to the rescue. If I'm lucky, I can just wait patiently without lifting a finger and return without any problems. But if I'm unlucky, I might die here.

It seems like the people in this room don't think much about that future, perhaps because of their status or the influence of their working environment. Even though I look like them, I grew up in a very normal environment, a true commoner. So I naturally lean more toward that unlucky side.

As if suddenly remembering something, I left the window and headed towards the bathroom.

The ventilation fan that had been removed last night was still lying haphazardly in the corner of the floor. It seems like Jeong Taeui was struggling with a rather heavy fan.

"I only care about the future. I have to try to get out of here..."

I muttered to myself as I touched the fan blades with my fingers. I stared at the ceiling for a moment then glanced outside. From this position, people can be seen through the other door.

I have never seen any story of a successful prison escape with a group of people by bringing along normal people who are not used to fighting or do not know how to use their hands, that only happens in the bible.

In fact, the biggest problem lies in thinking, these people have no intention of even trying to escape.

This matter would have been resolved quickly if this had happened in the military or with my colleagues at UNHRDO. If that was the case, they would probably try to run away and I would be the one who wanted to stay still and wait for someone to save me. No, if it was them, they wouldn't have been brought here in the first place.

Now, escaping from here with others is very difficult, so I have to try to find a way to escape from here on my own. There is an issue that concerns me, which is that even if I fail while trying to leave this place, if I just escape alone, I will be the only one who will die. But if other people are involved, their lives will also be involved.

However, I couldn't just leave these people here and jump out alone.

"The most elegant thing is to sit still and wait for the prince to come save me, right?"

Jeong Taeui repeated the man's words and walked out of the bathroom. The two people who were awake in the room looked at the fan I was holding in my hand with curious eyes. I moved my hand and was immersed in my thoughts, seemingly not feeling those eyes.

In fact, trying to escape from here with nothing in hand was foolish. No, this is a very good opportunity to be a fool. For example, when I was trying to seek death by escaping on my own with the wound still on my leg, at that moment the negotiation with the kidnappers ended successfully while I decided to quietly take people walk out of there without knowing anything, so that must be the stupidest thing in the world.

Even so...

"I should still think of at least one excuse."

Then when I see Kyle, I'll say, "I tried my best....., sorry I couldn't help."

I will have to try to justify my own stupidity. Of course, since Kyle is the cause of this, I could argue that he should also be responsible for it, but I don't think so.

"I can guess what you're trying to do with that thing. But if you do something wrong and they catch you, it's even more dangerous."

The man watched Jeong Taeui move and whispered in worry.

I glanced at his dissatisfied eyes, I immediately realized what it was and smiled. Instead of worrying about me, this man was worried about the dangers he would encounter when I did so.

That's normal, it's not fair to have your life in danger because of someone else.

But there was one thing that he overlooked, which was that the people in this room were all important and valuable hostages, except for Jeong Taeui who had no value at all and was quite insignificant. In other words, even if they were unlucky enough to encounter this kind of thing, those kidnappers could easily kill Jeong Taeui without touching the rest.

"It's okay, it's okay. Even if I have to die, I will take responsibility and die alone."

I joked and continued moving my hands. I took the fan blade out of the core, which can almost never be removed. This fan is definitely made by a very good company with such excellent quality. I think I have to invest and buy shares of that company in the future. I thought as I looked at the core with the company name engraved on it.

Finally, all four wings were removed. My hands were covered in cuts from gripping and twisting the wings, but I could bear it. I pulled out the twisted wings. As sturdy as these wings are, I have endured the same amount of pain. I sighed in satisfaction and stood up with the four wings overlapping each other.

Approaching the window, I looked up again at the crack above the wooden panel, it was already morning, the sound of birds outside was far away. A new day begins.

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22 Vol 4 - 22
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25 Vol 4 - 25
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30 Vol 4 - Hidden Track
31 Vol 5 - 1
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59 Vol 5 - Hidden Track (2)
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