Vol 4 - 2

Vol 4 - 2

Kyle's POV

First, I browsed the bookshelves set up on the roadside outside the bookstore. Even though I couldn't find a book as valuable as the first two, I still found a book that would be very valuable if auctioned. But anyway, I already owned such a book, so I decided to skip that one.

Back inside the store, the thought of having to walk around in this cramped and messy place made me helpless for a moment but it quickly passed because I was willing to endure any pain with this treasure before me.

The inside of the bookstore is just as messy as the outside. I had no choice but to look through each of the randomly arranged books.

Start with the bookshelf closest to the door until I get inside. One book at a time. I found a few other rare books, but among them, there was only one that I wanted to pull out immediately and hug in my arms. However, if other book addicts saw those books, they would probably be so moved that they would hug them all.

Today is an extremely lucky day.

As if falling into a lifelong trance, I bent down and ran back and forth, not missing a single bookshelf, and then suddenly woke up in the middle of my drunken stupor when I felt something bump into my butt.

I turned my head, it was the guy with the hat covering half of his face from before. A young man reads books early in the morning in a used bookstore. Is he still reading?

I turned around and said briefly,

"I'm sorry." then immediately returned to my passion. Now, no matter

how much I like someone, I don't have time to stare at someone I don't even

know. I like people, but I like these treasures even more, it's simply incomparable.

While frantically sweeping the pile of books, I felt the young man's calm eyes focusing on me, but I didn't have time to care, after all, I had already said sorry. .. ....

Oh my god, this book is also extremely difficult to find, how could a treasure like this lie rotting here without any wind reporting it. No, I couldn't believe there was a place that could collect books like these treasures. Maybe that strange-looking uncle sleeping over there is a legendary book collector..... Immediately after that, the young man's eyes left me, and the sound of flipping books continued to sound. A moment later, I held five books in my hand after looking through every corner of this bookstore, holding them tightly like treasures.

And there wasn't a single one of them that I could get out of here with dignity.

The young man was standing in front of the last bookshelf that I had not yet reached.

"I'm sorry but can you step aside for a bit?"

I politely started a conversation with the young man who was still reading a book in the same place. The hat covered half of his face so I couldn't see clearly, but his jawline and features were probably Asian.

The young man just looked at me calmly after hearing those words as if he didn't understand what I just said.

I read the book and thought for a moment about what language I should say so he could understand.

I looked at the book he was holding. It's an English document. So I repeated those words in English again and then the young man also gently turned away.

I quickly took his place and began to sweep the last remaining bookshelf in this treasure trove again, starting from the top row. The books just piled up next to me after a long time passed until I could see through the entire shelf. The whole body is bathed in sweat.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead after finding another precious book on the last shelf.

It must have been 10 years before I felt such complete satisfaction in my heart. I looked around the bookstore again with undisguised pride. I will have to come here often in the future.

But that was also the moment that brought me back to the cruel reality.Calmly, I fell into contemplation.

Stop it. I don't have money. How should these treasures be counted?

I pondered while groaning and then suddenly turned my eyes towards the young man standing next to me, he was still standing there reading a book. So focused that he didn't realize how much attention was directed toward him.

People who read books without buying them are the type of customers that bookstore owners hate the most...

I suddenly thought and tilted my head to check out the interesting book he was reading, my eyes glancing at the cover of the book. The book looks quite old and is bound with a red leather cover. The book's title, which seemed to be

golden in color, was obscured by the young man's fingers, making it difficult

to see. But I don't pay too much attention to him anymore because my money

problem is the top priority right now.

At the same time, the young man closed the book as if he had read enough and then walked to the cashier where the uncle was sitting dozing as if to buy the book.

This is the moment.

The title of the book flashed before my eyes.


I quickly grabbed the young man's

wrist. He looked at me with surprised eyes, his raised lips hidden under his



Millow Cabli.

This book is so rare that almost

no one has actually seen it and has only heard rumors about how great it is.

For more than 20 years, I have been searching for this book at any cost but

still in vain. This was the book that I couldn't find even a single clue about.

I opened my eyes wide to see the

old and yellowed book which was in poor condition, there was even a bit of mold

on its back cover. But this book is still a treasure. It was a treasure that I

wanted to possess so much that I could trade it with my life. Even if I brought

out all 6 books I found today, there was no way to compare it.

"Are you going to buy this


I asked the young man in a

faltering, worried voice. He suddenly looked surprised and looked at me as if

the two of them were about to fight.

Finally, he slowly said

something. At that moment, I could only tense up and stare at his mouth.

Would he buy this precious


"I don't understand what

you're saying. If you can speak English, please speak in English."


I immediately fell silent.

Stunned thinking about what he said and then realizing my mistake, I was so

desperate that I forgot for a moment that he didn't know German.

"... ...Sorry. Are you going

to buy this book?"

I politely apologized and

repeated my words in English. The young man nodded slightly. "ah."

"Yes I will."

"....! You've never read it

before, right? You haven't read the whole book, right?"

I spoke in an urgent voice. He

hesitated for a moment as if startled by my somewhat fierce appearance and then


"I found it a bit

interesting after reading it... So I want to buy it and read it carefully


I want to faint.

The treasure seemed to turn into

sand and gradually disappeared right before my eyes. A book that you happen to

pick up that looks interesting, of course you should read it, right? Is that

what he means?

"ah...., actually, that

book. It's a book that I've wanted to read for a long time but couldn't find

it. Now that I can see it in front of my eyes,... I want to read it." It's

too much, can you, please leave it to me?"

I didn't lie, I just told him

part of the truth. The young man thought for a moment and looked at the book

again as if regretfully, then gently nodded and handed the book to me.

"Okay, take it. Here."

"Ah. Thank you."

I happily accepted it and at the

same time secretly felt sorry for the young man because, in addition to the

interesting book, he had just missed a treasure that was difficult to convert

into money. Right now, at this moment, he had just let a treasure slip away

because of that ignorance.

It wasn't that I didn't feel

guilty about deceiving an innocent guy; after all, I had no intention of making

a profit from this book. Besides, wouldn't it be better if a treasure like this

was cherished by someone who understood its value?

I thought that I would never have

such a lucky day again. It feels like even if I don't eat for another year, I

won't feel hungry.

He looked back at the book again

with a calm expression and then looked at my poor face as if he didn't know

what tragic incident I had just encountered. Finally, his eyes drifted to the

books I was holding in my hand.

""Rumpels, Henry March,

Heinzra....... You found some rare books."

I suddenly became motionless at

the young man's words. I silently glanced into my eyes but he didn't seem to

have any other intentions.

But if he knows the relationship

between those names and these books, it seems that he is not simply a passerby

who happened to visit this bookstore.

The boy loved books and seemed

quite interested in these rare books, yet he was able to give up Cabli so

gracefully for me. Even though I still had some doubts in my heart, I still

spoke in a friendly manner.

"Ah, I just happened to see

them,... do you also like old books?"

After that, he shook his head as

if to say "I don't like it that much" then turned around to leave the

bookstore and said.

"No, because there were some

people around me who liked books, I just borrowed them and looked through them...

But this bookstore is a bit strange. Yesterday I was impressed with it when

buying Ayers here."


As soon as I heard the words

"buy Ayers", I reflexively grabbed the guy's arm. He was surprised

and turned to look at me again.

"I, if it were Ayers...-."

"....It's Pablo Ayers. ....

.... Do you want to see it?"

My head nodded like a chicken

pecking rice at the young man's question.

Pablo Ayers is also the book that

I have been searching for so long. I was afraid that this was a dream. If it

was a dream, I would forever be immersed in this dream without waking up.

The only angel-like boy left on

this earth nodded happily and said that he had left it in the dorm room and did

not bring it with him now. But anyway, his room is nearby so I can come with

him and see it.

Unbelievable. He knows the value

of this book. He knew clearly how precious this treasure was but still

generously gave it to me.

Until now, there were only a few

people who shared the same interests as me, but a kind guy like this was also

among them. If Helena wasn't married, I would have introduced this guy to her

right away. It was a pity, but i quickly ran back to the cashier before he was

about to leave. There's no one ahead so there's no need to wait long, so I'll

buy this book and immediately follow him.

But at the same time, I also

realized the harsh reality. This is truly not a dream, and I also have no money.

After standing still for a long

time with a bewildered expression, he approached me with a somewhat confused

expression. And I responded with sad eyes.

"...Because I was

pickpocketed, today I had to wander without any money..."

I muttered with a sullen

expression. Everything seems to return to the starting point. I didn't have a

penny in my pocket. Even though the treasure is in my hands, there is no way to

make it my own.

If that's the case, then maybe I

should call James and ask him to rush over here immediately regardless of all

the scheduled schedules.

"If you don't mind, I can

lend you the money I have now."

He is an angel. I almost hugged

him tightly after hearing those words.

If I wasn't holding precious

books in my hands, I would have thrown them away and hugged him.

But I also regained consciousness

in a moment. These books are never cheap. No, if you calculate the total price

of all these books, you might even be able to buy a decent house in a village


However, the young man did not

pay attention to the worries clearly shown on my face, took out his wallet,

approached uncle who was still dozing behind the cashier, and gently woke him


A young man who did not speak

German and an uncle who did not speak English began the communication process

with hand gestures. Even though the two of them looked quite professional, they

probably had never used this method of communication before. I was about to

come over to see if he needed any help, but the sale process ended quickly. The

young man pulled out a 50 euro bill from his wallet and gave it to uncle.

I was startled and intervened

between him and uncle, but the uncle calmly took the money and even returned

the change.

He smiled and greeted uncle, who

also responded with a grin.

"Shall we go?"

He gently nodded at me and walked

out first. I looked back and forth at him and uncle with a bewildered

expression and then quickly chased after him.

I don't know if I dreaming or

not. These treasures only cost about 50 euros. Impossible!

"You were unexpectedly lucky

today, weren't you?"

The boy turned back to look at me

and smiled. When he gently lifted the hat, the face hidden behind the hat made

me feel a bit familiar. And I immediately remembered where I had seen him


But before I could speak, he leaned forward and added.

"I guess the uncle just

opened the bookstore as a hobby. He also didn't know how valuable the book was.The uncle said that a relative of his passed away a few years ago and his

books. He didn't know where to take them, so those books were brought to his

used bookstore. This town is so small, the books are so old that there are

almost no customers. The People here just see it as a library where they can sunbathe all day."


I nodded, thinking that the

uncle's deceased relatives must have been heartbroken to know that his precious

books were being treated like that. On the other hand, I wondered why he knew

all this. The young man waved his hand with a relaxed smile and replied that

body language could also work surprisingly well like that.

1 Vol 4 - 1
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10 Vol 4 - 10
11 Vol 4 - 11
12 Vol 4 - 12
13 Vol 4 - 13
14 Vol 4 - 14
15 Vol 4 - 15
16 Vol 4 - 16
17 Vol 4 - 17
18 Vol 4 - 18
19 Vol 4 - 19
20 Vol 4 - 20
21 Vol 4 - 21
22 Vol 4 - 22
23 Vol 4 - 23
24 Vol 4 - 24
25 Vol 4 - 25
26 Vol 4 - 26
27 Vol 4 - 27
28 Vol 4 - 28
29 Vol 4 - 29
30 Vol 4 - Hidden Track
31 Vol 5 - 1
32 Vol 5 - 2
33 Vol 5 - 3
34 Vol 5 - 4
35 Vol 5 - 5
36 Vol 5 - 6
37 Vol 5 - 7
38 Vol 5 - 8
39 Vol 5 - 9
40 Vol 5 - 10
41 Vol 5 - 11
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44 Vol 5 - 14
45 Vol 5 - 15
46 Vol 5 - 16
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48 Vol 5 - 18
49 Vol 5 - 19
50 Vol 5 - 20
51 Vol 5 - 21
52 Vol 5 - 22
53 Vol 5 - 23
54 Vol 5 - 24
55 Vol 5 - 25
56 Vol 5 - 26
57 Vol 5 - 27
58 Vol 5 - Hidden Track (1)
59 Vol 5 - Hidden Track (2)
60 Vol 6 - 1
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62 Vol 6 - 3
63 Vol 6 - 4
64 Vol 6 - 5
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66 Vol 6 - 7
67 Vol 6 - 8
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69 Vol 6 - 10
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71 Vol 6 - 12
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81 Vol 6 - 22
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89 Vol 6 - 30
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107 Vol 7 - 17
108 Vol 7 - 18
109 Vol 7 - 19
110 Vol 7 - 20
111 Vol 7 - 21
112 Vol 7 - 22
113 Vol 7 - 23
114 Vol 7 - 24
115 Vol 7 - 25
116 Vol 7 - 26

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