Stolen You From World

Stolen You From World

introduced 1


The palace is busy with prepration as. All the family members are busy telling the palace staff about the settings. It's chaos all over the place, the voice of gigglings of females and loud laughter of males could be heard.

"Uday? Did you called our business partners??" Harish Rajput, my grandfather and former king of Bharatpur. He is very calm and supportive person. He is very respectful person in our Royal society.

"Ji pita ji" (yes father) Uday Rajput, my father and king of Bharatpur. He is one of the powerful businessman, very respectful and responsible. He doesn't show many emotions but he loves his family and very protective as well.

"Bhai sa, some business associates wants to meet you" (brother) Nitin Rajput, my uncle and my dad's only brother. He is very nice and kind person. I've learnt to help everyone selflessly from him. He have a calming aura, always that smily person. He loves me just like his own child.

I started moving towards the kitchen where the ladies were.

"Bhabi sa? The chef is asking about the desert" (sister-in-law) Prarthna Rajput my aunt. she's such a sweet lady, always so funny she and my uncle are really hell of a couple.

"Ha! About the desert.. I made a list over there, there are some bunch of sweet dishes we need today." Rashmi Rajput, my mother and Queen of Bharatpur. She is, just like my dad, is loving towards her family. She is a bit bossy and stubborn like my father teases her, but as a queen she needs to be, as she says.

"Ma! Where are you?" Abhiraj Rajput, my brother. He is like my father, man of few words and showing less emotions but his actions clearly tells how much he loves Everyone. It's not like he's emotionless or something, he's fun loving and loves teasing Everyone.

"Bhai! Wait we need your help" two voices came Abhinav Rajput and Abhijeet Rajput. My uncle's son, they are twins. Very naughty siblings but lovable.

"Gaytri" I heard my mother's voice

"Ji??" she came in front of me and said "go and see if Priya woke up or not, tell her she need to get ready we don't have much time left." and went away without glancing at me.

It hurts.

I left from there And saw Priya on her bed lying on her bed. She is my sister, she is spoilt by my family, everyone loves her so much.

"Priya Di (elder sister)? Wake up, you need to get ready, it's already 10 Am and guests are coming" I said while picking up her scattered clothes.

"Lemme sleep!" she says in her sleepy voice. "M-Ma told me to wake you up" I said.

"FINE! And tidy up my room when I am out"

After sometimes I came out of her room and looked all of them sitting and laughing together.

I smiled, looking at everyone. This is what happy family looks like. Their family is very loving and supportive for each other.

Yes, their family not mine. It was never mine even though I was born here.

I faintly smiled, It hurts me that I am not the part of them.

Hey lovelies!

Here's my new story... I, at first, thought to release it once I am done with it but you see my impatient here I am again...





ok I am into it 🙂



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