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Stolen You From World

introduced 1


The palace is busy with prepration as. All the family members are busy telling the palace staff about the settings. It's chaos all over the place, the voice of gigglings of females and loud laughter of males could be heard.

"Uday? Did you called our business partners??" Harish Rajput, my grandfather and former king of Bharatpur. He is very calm and supportive person. He is very respectful person in our Royal society.

"Ji pita ji" (yes father) Uday Rajput, my father and king of Bharatpur. He is one of the powerful businessman, very respectful and responsible. He doesn't show many emotions but he loves his family and very protective as well.

"Bhai sa, some business associates wants to meet you" (brother) Nitin Rajput, my uncle and my dad's only brother. He is very nice and kind person. I've learnt to help everyone selflessly from him. He have a calming aura, always that smily person. He loves me just like his own child.

I started moving towards the kitchen where the ladies were.

"Bhabi sa? The chef is asking about the desert" (sister-in-law) Prarthna Rajput my aunt. she's such a sweet lady, always so funny she and my uncle are really hell of a couple.

"Ha! About the desert.. I made a list over there, there are some bunch of sweet dishes we need today." Rashmi Rajput, my mother and Queen of Bharatpur. She is, just like my dad, is loving towards her family. She is a bit bossy and stubborn like my father teases her, but as a queen she needs to be, as she says.

"Ma! Where are you?" Abhiraj Rajput, my brother. He is like my father, man of few words and showing less emotions but his actions clearly tells how much he loves Everyone. It's not like he's emotionless or something, he's fun loving and loves teasing Everyone.

"Bhai! Wait we need your help" two voices came Abhinav Rajput and Abhijeet Rajput. My uncle's son, they are twins. Very naughty siblings but lovable.

"Gaytri" I heard my mother's voice

"Ji??" she came in front of me and said "go and see if Priya woke up or not, tell her she need to get ready we don't have much time left." and went away without glancing at me.

It hurts.

I left from there And saw Priya on her bed lying on her bed. She is my sister, she is spoilt by my family, everyone loves her so much.

"Priya Di (elder sister)? Wake up, you need to get ready, it's already 10 Am and guests are coming" I said while picking up her scattered clothes.

"Lemme sleep!" she says in her sleepy voice. "M-Ma told me to wake you up" I said.

"FINE! And tidy up my room when I am out"

After sometimes I came out of her room and looked all of them sitting and laughing together.

I smiled, looking at everyone. This is what happy family looks like. Their family is very loving and supportive for each other.

Yes, their family not mine. It was never mine even though I was born here.

I faintly smiled, It hurts me that I am not the part of them.

Hey lovelies!

Here's my new story... I, at first, thought to release it once I am done with it but you see my impatient here I am again...

introduction 2



"So tell me why you did that?" I sat on my office chair.

"S-Sorry sir" employee said while crying.

"Is the sorry enough Mr. Gupta? Will it give me my money I fucking spent on your company?"

"I will pay it all but please leave me and my company" this old man is crying badly but do I care. "You are under huge debt Gupta, how will you return me?"

"S-Sir please" before he could say anything I motioned my guard to beat him, they were beating him mercilessly. I took out my ciggerate and started smoking.

I went in front of him and my guards stopped. "Sign on these papers, if you love your life" he have no choice and he signed.

I smirked and went away from their. "Achintya!" I heard my best friend who is also my assistant, "You did it purposely right?" He narrowed his eyes.

"I wanted his land and he wasn't ready... He dared to say No to Achintya Raghuvanshi so I took everything he had" I simply stated.

"You could've just made him sign on the papers of land" he came closer.

"He was out of line that day Prashant, he denied me and disrespected me! You think I'll let him live peacefully? I took everything he was proud of" I said and sat in my car.

I can never let someone go after they disrespect me. Everything and everyone should be under my control. I was not like this before, but time changes so do people.

Somethings just cut you so deep that you bear the scar throughout your life.

I bear the scar of past making me a monster. I am not an angel neither I want to, I am a devil and like it this way. I smirked.

No one dares to mess with me and who do, they see the way to hell. I got no heart, no mercy and definitely these people do not deserve it.

"Hukum!" (Sir) I heard my driver call, "we reached the palace" I saw outside, my palce.

I came out and looked around all the staff of bowing down in front of me as the sign of respect, which I like. I am a dominant and control freak person. Everyone just surrender themselves in front of me and this is how it should be

I went in my father's chamber, he was looking at some files, didn't recognised my presence yet.

"papa? You called me urgently" (father)

"Oh you came" he smiled warmly, Hridya Raghuvanshi, my father and king of Udaigarh. He is opposite of me, I am more of a quite person while he is a bit outgoing.

Although he's a king he interacts with everyone, friendly. But I believe in authority. He is soft hearted while I don't even have a heart.

There are many differences between us but still we have our different bonding. So many years away from him, I truly missed him.

I went and touched his feet, as a gesture of respect towards elders.

"Yes beta, Actually we need to leave for Bharatpur, there's success party"

"So this is your urgent work?" I looked at him in disbelief. "Of course it is, you are going to meet your fiance after 3 years" he laughed.

Yes fiance, me and her were engaged due to our family when I left for America for my further studies which is five years ago.

We knew eachother since we were teenagers as we studied in same school, she was my friend. As we become 18, I got into Harverd in Cambridge and she in her Acting or theatre University. We took apartments at same place. We became more close and we started dating. 34

"Hmm... I'll be ready then" I said and was about to go when I heard.

"Papa I am going out..." Aditya raghuvanshi my only brother. He's 5 years younger than me. He is a just like my dad, outgoing and fun loving. He doesn't have any interest in Royal works or business.

His words dies when he saw me, for a brief moment he looked at me as turned his face "I'll come by the evening"

It's sad how my brother doesn't likes my presence.

"It's fine, give him time, you came a week ago he is still not used to your presence here" My father reassured me.

"Guess it's my fault" I sadly smiled.

As you saw I don't have a big family, but whatever are I have, they are precious.

"Hukum! Suit"

"Hmm... Keep it here?" I curtly asked, he quickly handed me and went away.

I got ready and came out.

"Papa? Let's go"




"We are leaving for Bharatpur, Rajput Mahal" (palace) my heard my father.

Me and Rajput family was close since very long time, for what I know our grandfather's were good friends and then my father and Uday uncle.

When I still lived in India I went to Rajput Mahal quite of sometimes.

It took us 4 hours to reach Bharatpur. Rajput Mahal, it was decorated beautifully as ever. Guess it's a big occasion. I started moving towards inside and I saw Abhiraj standing.

"Khammaghani Uncle" he touched my father's feet "Abhiraj bacche Congratulations" he hugged him.

Abhiraj turned to me and made hard face "Hello Achintya! And welcome back to India"

He doesn't like me nor do I like him. Since we were kids there was a compition between both of us. "Hey Abhiraj! Thanks" we shake our hand.

We started moving inside palace to meet others when I heard a beautiful melodious voice which made me want to turn and look for the source.

I turned saw a girl wearing white suit, twirling while the rose petals were Falling on her. Her long straight hairs were tucked in gajra, falling down till her waist. I couldn't see her face and something in me was desperate to see her.

She stopped and turned towards my way but the piece of cloths stopped my view.

Fuck this shit!

I only saw her big kohel eyes, her green eyes mesmerized me the very moment. I could feel my heart bursting out of my chest. I saw her running away.

What was that? Who is she?

Rose I smiled internally

"Achintya!!" I heard a female voice. I saw Priya coming my way and hugged me. "God I missed you" I smiled, she's cute.

"Well now I am here" I patted her head. "And that's great come let's go inside" she took my hand. she's always like this, overexcited for nothing. Unlike me she knows how to live life.

She loves to party and going out. when we dated, she made me go literally everywhere she goes.

She is bold and full of life, I like it. I like confident girls, she goes perfect with my personality.

I sat on sofa and looked around, still those beautiful eyes and melodious voice is in my head, wanting to get a glimpse again.

"Achintya are you even listing to me?" I heard Priya voice.

Did I zoned out? What's wrong with you man? You checked out a woman, it's so unlike you.

"I called you guys early for a reason.... I wanted to talk about something important, Actually it's a favor to ask" Uncle said, "what is it Uday?" My father asked.

"As you know We still need to have proper engagement for Priya and Achintya"

Marrying Priya is not at all a problem, we know eachother better.

Soon Everyone engrossed themselves in conversation, me and my father sat with Uday uncle and Abhiraj talking about business.

"Abhijeet come here!!" I heard the same melodious voice, I felt my heart beating faster. I turned my head and saw the same girl descending the stairs.


She was holding her long traditional white suit by one hand and another was moved to her hairs to collect the fallen string of her hairs.

Her payal was making beautiful sound. Her waist came to my view although it was covered, I could say it's perfectly curved and small. Her slender neck and milky white skin can make anyone crazy.

I was curious to see her face but her hairs were Falling, and were making me feel irritated. But my wait came to an end and finally I got to see her face.

My breathe hitched, she's truly a beauty. Her beautiful green orbs which made me crazy in just one look, her white cheeks have cute natural blush. She had perfectly fined nose, her lips are pink like and plump totally kissable.

Wait what the fuck Achintya.

"Gaytri!" I heard Uday uncle speaking and I saw her stiff in her place. "Where is Nitin?"

"Chacha ji is in his room" she lowered her head. I don't know why I didn't liked this. "Call him and don't run around like a kid, sometimes be mature can't you see there are guests?" She nodded and went away.

"Achintya How have you been.. without me?" Priya asked I smiled at her and said "never been better"

She gasped and narrowed her eyes. Uday uncle laughed and said "See they look cute together"

"Is it?" My father said, "by the way Uday who was that girl?"

"Gaytri... My younger sister" Abhiraj said which suprised I didn't knew Abhiraj and Priya had a sister.

"Wait is that our little Gayu?" My father looked happy and surprised "My godess she grew up so well and beautifully"


"Hmm.. we'll talk further but for now take rest. The party will start shortly.... Priya beta show Achintya his room" Priya excitedly jumped and dragged me to a room.

"So my soon to be husband " she smirked as she turned after locking the door. "Are you ok with this?"

"I have to be, who else will marry me a man

she turned after locking the door. "Are you ok with this?"

"I have to be, who else will marry me a man knowing how of a demon I am." we both laughed.

"I understand" she circled her hand on my shoulders. "Well you take rest, I need to get ready for the party"

I know she takes too much time to get ready, women.

She went away and I heard her "Gaytri!! Help me get ready!"

Will she come? I am looking forward for it.


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