Ep 20 - Make you regret
Scarlett Van Allsburg / Fl
Because of utter awkwardness we all ended up going our ways silently...
Scarlett Van Allsburg / Fl
*falls back on her bed* Ah...it was such a good chance
Scarlett Van Allsburg / Fl
*rubs her both eyes* He almost got hooked~
Scarlett Van Allsburg / Fl
🙂 If It's you then leave
: But you don't even know me your grace-
Scarlett Van Allsburg / Fl
*already irritated* Then how would I know who is "me" if you don't even tell me your name !
Scarlett Van Allsburg / Fl
Just come in *sits up*
: *opens the door* I am sorry for causing you trouble my lady
Scarlett Van Allsburg / Fl
*looks up*
: *standing infront of Scarlett* Myself vice captain of Holy knight
Zachary D Alger / Ml Bff
Zachary D Alger
Erasmus Bachelot / Bishop
Are you sure about this ?
Eros Grace Benzoyl / Fl lover / Ml
It it is royal ball partner she intended to have than Zachary will be the best choice
Erasmus Bachelot / Bishop
But from her behavior it...didn't seem like she would bat eye to any other knight around here....
Eros Grace Benzoyl / Fl lover / Ml
*clenched jaw* Than it would be her loss
Eros Grace Benzoyl / Fl lover / Ml
Zachary is second son of Marquis Alger there would be no one better than him ❄️
Erasmus Bachelot / Bishop
But she is-
Eros Grace Benzoyl / Fl lover / Ml
No !
Eros Grace Benzoyl / Fl lover / Ml
She can never be associated with me
Eros Grace Benzoyl / Fl lover / Ml
*frown* You know it well enough that even if I am at most secure place in this world he would just not let his eye off of me
Eros Grace Benzoyl / Fl lover / Ml
*clenches his fist tightly* It's not me but people around me I care about....
Erasmus Bachelot / Bishop
*taps on Eros shoulder* I understand....
Erasmus Bachelot / Bishop
I will leave it to you then *walks away*
Eros Grace Benzoyl / Fl lover / Ml
Eros Grace Benzoyl / Fl lover / Ml
*looks up at moon through window* I hope you understand this...
Eros Grace Benzoyl / Fl lover / Ml
*strokes his fingertips on the window* ....is for you
Meanwhile at royal palace-----
: *gently admiring the dress* Yeah send this dress to Florencia...she will love it....*strokes softly on the dress* it's her favorite colour after all
Servant : Yes your Majesty *nods and leaves*
*suddenly appears* Your Majesty
: Oh you are back...now then...
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
*eyes turn cold* Tell me what that witch is scheming
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
*hand placed over his left chest bowing down* Your majesty...she...she...went to holy kingdom...
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
*not surprised* So she can actually stoop so low to just get a partner?
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
I expected she would search for partner afterall duke Allsburg never cared about his wife enough to show his face to her
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
*chuckles darkly* But to think she would go for Holy Kingdom
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
She won't find anyone worth pursuing-
It's second prince that she is pursuing your majesty-
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
Eros? *smiles*
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
That scaredy cat would not dare to take out his claws to come out of holy kingdom
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
*takes out something* But just in case he does get out of there with that witch
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
Make sure they won't be able to attend the party *throws the pouch to the henchman*
*bows and leaves* As you command your Majesty
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
Little rat you had better stay in that hole of yours
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
Raphael Van Celestine / Emperor / Og Ml
Because if I catch you
I will make you regret being born
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if it is royal**
yh... seriously so true....☠️🤣
It is really really "HOLY" 🌚