Ep 1 - Going down Hell
Welcome back to my another story with strong female lead and time travel which I hope you would like 😗
Let's begin ✨️ With new journey of time travel ✨️
In the thrilling landscape of the 21st century, advancements soar to unprecedented heights, pushing the boundaries of technology, business, health, and wealth to exhilarating new peaks.
? ? ?
*snickers* Everything being advanced, but one thing remains same~ Guess what ?
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
You are up to that riddle again
? ? ?
Oh come on don't be a bore Alpha A
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
Seriously...you really got a lot of guts to be solving riddles in middle of such serious fight...
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
Agent red
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Oh ?
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
*jumps down from the roof* I wasn't trying to mock them or anything
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
This fight is just too boring
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
*scoffs* As dangerous as the color red, yet equally captivating, she commands attention wherever she goes. The agency bestowed upon her the name 'Agent Red', a moniker that sets her apart from any other agent.
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
Ain't I right Scar ?
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
*kicks on his head knocking him down*
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
That would be the last one
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
I am done too now we should go ba-
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
*pulls him in by collar* Little Charlie you do remember what date is today ?
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
*scowl* If you have forgotten I swear I would push you off from this building-
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
! !
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
*closes eyes and kisses back*
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
*draws back and grin* How can I forget this special day when we will become one ?
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
*smirk* You-
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
Finally, *grins*
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
The last task
It was supposed to be our final mission before we could embrace a normal life—marriage, dating, raising three adorable children, growing old together, hand in hand, and witnessing our children embark on their own journeys.
Working as a secret agents surrounded with blood and secrecy...leading normal life would be a fantasy for us and I wanted to live that fantasy with you...
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
*eyes turned red*
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Now I understand how being pierced a hole through a heart feels like
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
*tears rolling down* But I guess that wound is not what is hurting me more...but...
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
The person standing in front of me...
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Just one...one...question...*cough blood*
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
! !
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
*twist the dagger in her chest* You are....
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
...too dangerous
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
*scoffs bitterly*
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Hahahahahahahah ! *laughing like a maniac*
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
You think you won ?
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
! !
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Have no one ever told you that I am a ticking time bomb ?
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
*eyes widen with realization*
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
You got it right as soon as I stop my heartbeat the bomb transplanted inside me will blast destroying everything
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
NO ! *tries to run away*
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
Ergh *falls down on knees*
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
I have hit your nerve spot your won't be able to stand *stands up slolwy*
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
Scar Rosetta / Fl / Agent Red
*grins evily* I am going to drag you down to hell with me
Charlie / Alpha A / Fl's past lover
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Aaron [Moaaz Khan]
I saw this coming from a mile away.
stands up slowly**
I knew it!!