Recovering the Injured Luna

Recovering the Injured Luna

Episode 1


Everything revolves around power in this pack. I am 11 years old, but I am constantly humiliated and treated with contempt by those whom I have never spoken to. My mother, to whom I owe love and understanding, is the one who has hurt me the most and continues to do so to this day!

I am afraid of becoming like her or like my older sister! Being treated like trash by others is truly humiliating. Still, I do not blame anyone and always try to be kind to those I know, the Alpha's son, Roger, is constantly courting my sister Hellen. And whenever she sees me, she says that when she becomes the Luna, she will order me to be killed in public square as an example for the "scum". I do not know why she hates me, I have always tried to be a great sister, but it never worked with her. Now I am in the only place where I have peace, near the humans' territory. There I see everything I wish for, family, children smiling, happy animals, friendships, and everything I do not have! I have always wanted to go to the other side, but I do not know if I could survive if I cannot even awaken my she-wolf yet. I have faith that one day I will be able to! Now I have to go back, because if my mother realizes I am not working, she will beat me like yesterday. I ran to the hill and descended it carefully, when I was about to arrive home I feel a hand dragging me to the corner. Still scared, I quickly let go and step back until my body touches the wall.

"Look who's here..."

"Was it her, Hellen?"

Hellen - Yes...

my sister said, crying...

Anastasia - What happened?

"You bastard! You still ask!"

"You hurt your sister, you damn!"


Everyone started cursing me brutally while I put my hands on my ears and cried... Their friends came all over me and started beating me with everything they had in their fists, I screamed, cried, and struggled but they did not stop until I fainted from pain. Before I could faint, I clearly saw the smirk on my sister's face...When I woke up, I was destroyed in the white snow that insisted on burying me. No one cared to get me out of here! My regeneration has always been slower than others', so I have always been seen as a useless weakling. The pain was still unbearable, and the cold was overwhelming! I shivered as I felt my bones broken...I started crying a lot! As soon as I was more regenerated, I got up with difficulty and went inside, my mother who was at the table with my father and sister just looked at me with disgust while my father pretended I did not exist, my sister, on the other hand, looked at me smiling triumphantly. Ignoring all that, I went up to my room with a lot of pain and threw myself on my bed! My room was never like my sister's. It was simple, small, and unhealthy! Despite having the means and being the pack's beta, my father never cared to give me anything...I always worked to buy my things, even though everyone in the pack looked at me with disdain. Tomorrow will be the Alpha's son's birthday, and his name is Kaleu, he will turn 14 and is getting stronger every year due to the heavy training he always received! My sister Hellen is 13 and has studied with him since forever. They have always been together, and obviously, like everyone else, he always treated me with contempt! This treatment I received was due to the bad reputation my sister had created for me. In the eyes of others, I envy my sister and always try to harm her, if this does not change with time, I will put my plan to go to the human world into practice!

After a whole day, I finally managed to fully recover. It was already night, I put on one of my simple dresses and took a shower, then dressed and grabbed a coat before slowly descending the stairs while everything was still dark, I went outside to try to breathe some fresh air or I'll go crazy near this "family." When I was turning the corner, I felt a hand pull me into a blind spot on the street, still terrified I tried to scream but another hand covered my mouth. Still crying and breathless, I looked to see who it was...

"I thought you had learned from the last beating you took, but you keep messing with Hellen..."

It was the Alpha's son.

Kaleu- Can I know why so much fear?

His hair was black and straight, his neck was slender, and his skin was pale like mine. He was the beauty of the pack... Even though I was as beautiful as him, I was seen as the ugly witch.

"this is not fair!"

I reached my patience peak today!

I abruptly removed his hand from my mouth while he looked at me incredulously.

Kaleu- How dare you skinny little thing?

Anastacia- Just because you are the Alpha's son, doesn't give you the right to intimidate the members of the pack!

Kaleu- And can you intimidate your sister without any consequence, huh, weirdo?

Anastacia- I didn't intimidate anyone!

Kaleu- Liar!

Anastacia- Every time it's like this, people say I did something, yet I either have amnesia, or I am under some spell of forgetfulness to not remember!

Kaleu- But your sister always says that you hit and intimidate her!

Anastacia- It's she who is lying!

Kaleu comes at me and pushes me against the wall, making me hit my head hard on the wall.

Kaleu- Never call Hellen a liar, you jealous one! People like you shouldn't even exist.

Anastacia- This conversation will lead us nowhere... Let go of me!

He gives me a sarcastic smile and says harshly:

Kaleu- I will make you kneel before your sister and beg for her forgiveness, you skinny one!


I don't know what happened, but a strong red light made the Alpha's son be thrown away from me. He looked at me astonished, but now I had a great anger in my chest! I ran hastily, but he transformed into his wolf and jumped on me with force, causing me to hurt with the fall. He started growling and staring at me as if he wanted to kill me...

I don't know what got into me, a strong urge to stroke his fur hit me, and I did it without even realizing it. His angry look turned into a look of calm and tranquility! He backed off and ran through the streets. I felt his feelings and knew exactly what he was thinking...

He was confused for having liked the sensation, just like me.

I ignored all that and ran inside, closing the door and putting my hand on my chest, very breathless. I still remember the feeling I felt at that moment! The feeling of belonging.

"I must be going crazy!"

I ran to my room and locked myself in.

Days passed and we were avoiding each other at all costs! Neither of us wanted to acknowledge this crazy feeling, so we just treated each other with indifference.

Years went by and my beauty began to be noticed daily. I had no contact with the Alpha's son anymore, and the persecutions became more intense... My mother forced me to wear a cloak whenever I went out, and with my beauty becoming even more absurd, they plotted to hire a witch to cast a spell on me and make me ugly, with wrinkles. But it didn't work, and the most they achieved was making others see me that way! No one saw my beauty anymore, just a deformed face full of wrinkles. Everyone looked at me with disgust and even beat me when they had the chance. I was completely unhappy! My father kept me locked up to not embarrass the family and deprived me of school and society.

Today is my 16th birthday. And like every she-wolf, today is the day I will meet my mate! I am not at all anxious about it, I don't want to meet him because I know he will reject me. Everyone has rejected me since my birth! I haven't even met my she-wolf yet and I don't know if I ever will...

I get up and go to work. I spend over half an hour sewing clothes for my mother's store and then go to have lunch... Today is Friday and it is very quiet since today is the day the new Alpha Kaleu will return from the Alpha Academy. I imagine today will also be the day he meets his mate as today will be his coronation... There will be a ball and my sister, as expected, will be his hostess. Everyone expects her to be his mate!

Finally finished the last piece...

I grabbed the dress and hung it on the hanger, then went to my room to write in my diary while having a coffee.

[Dear diary, I hope that today that spell ends because I can't stand living as a trapped witch! Everyone thinks this was my punishment for being a "mean witch to my sister." Only I know what I have gone through and still go through at the hands of these two. I stopped calling my mother "mother" because every time I called her that I received a slap in the face! My sister is considered the most beautiful woman and wolf in the city, her hair is blonde and curly, her skin is white, and her eyes are green, she is sly and always watching me. It has been a week since I last saw her and I couldn't be better...]

It is 11:00 at night and the bond of mateship is about to happen. My mind is restless, I feel something is about to happen to me... I get up abruptly and start pacing around the room feeling my skin burn and a fire consume me! I go to the bathroom and take a cold shower and suddenly a risky idea came to me. I grabbed the dress I had made for my mother's store a while ago and put it on, then I styled my hair. I looked in the mirror and saw my beautiful reflection! I am so beautiful...

Something calls me but I don't know what it is...

I rush to the door and run towards the forest, I don't know what is happening to me, but I feel like I am being followed. I look back and see a giant black wolf with crimson red eyes... I had never seen a wolf with that color in its eyes! He was scary, but I felt an extraordinary attraction to this wolf. I start running against all my instincts until I feel an infernal pain in my bones, I fall down a hillside and start feeling a pain like never before, it was terrible! My bones felt like they were breaking and my body felt on fire. The wolf came to me and transformed into an attractive man with black hair, tall and muscular, he was clearly at the ball as he is in a tuxedo.

His gaze was piercing, but I couldn't just stand there admiring his beauty because the pain was getting more brutal. I feel like I will set everything around me on fire, so in a scream I demand:


Kaleu - How could you...

A red light began to radiate through my body, making him cover his eyes because the light was tremendous! I let out a deafening scream and then feel my hands turn into paws and my body was no longer the same. I had transformed into my she-wolf!

I looked at a nearby lake and noticed the majestic white she-wolf. One eye was red and the other was blue, around my neck was a shimmering necklace with colorful and unrecognizable stones...

"Finally met you, my princess..." she spoke in my mind, it was my she-wolf.

Anastasia - What's your name? You're so beautiful...

"Hours... I am you, Anastasia! But my name is Diana."

I can't believe I'm seeing her.

"So beautiful, so majestic, so..."

My thoughts are interrupted by a throat clearing. I look into the man's eyes again and now I know...

With a growl, he said:

Kaleu - MINE...

He is my partner. His eyes draw me in, call out to me, and his scent sends shivers down my spine like I've never felt before...

He transforms and starts running after me! My speed is extraordinary...

I dash through the trees, with a great ability to jump from one to another and dodge the big black wolf. He runs even faster after me and the feeling of freedom and belonging is so beautiful... I want him, how I want him!


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