Rebirth For Take Revenge For His Death [Taekook]
8. travelled back through the time
Taehyung tilt his head a little and looked at the mirror. He blankely stared at the reflection on it. But soon his eyes frowned a little. He gets up from The bed and walked towards the mirror. He stood closer and raised his chin a little.
There..... There is a mark on his neck..... A mark like a star..... That star he clearly saw on the shining thing he used to cut his neck.
He took a step backward. He was panicked. Because of that he lost his balance and he knocked into the study table.
The Digital calendar fall from the table. He looked back at it . But this time...... His eyes widened more.....
Because...... Because it wasn't September 21th..... It shows the date.... January 21...... Yes.... He came back to eight months ....
He traveled through the time and he is standing eight months before the wedding..... And everything starts from here.
Taehyung felt extream pain in his head. No.... That's not possible.
kim taehyung
I must be dead. And this..... This is must be my imaginations..... It will be fine when i fall asleep and just wake up....
kim taehyung
Or do i really want this as a dream??? I really came back to time...... And..
His eyes again fell on that digital calendar. His eyes blinked.
kim taehyung
ain't today that day!!! The day i rejected him!!? Does that happened or..... I can't think anything right now.... Really.... I feel..... Pain....
He again pressed his head with his both hand as he felt extreamly pain in his head.
He felt he is going to die again. He felt dizziness and he felt his strength is draining.....and he fell on that soft bed with a loud thud..........
Krishna Thakur
don't reject him this time tae
nooo don't reject him please 🥺🥺🥺
That's it