Obsessed By The Crown Prince

Obsessed By The Crown Prince

New Beginning

In this dreadful kingdom, every morning was hell. The fresh air provided by trees and wildlife had been covered by the stench of blood. Once you stepped out, and came back in, you were smothered with dirt; tainted with sin. The cries of families could be heard as daughters were taken away; fathers were murdered, and mothers were raped.

The church bell no longer rings as there was no need for purity for the town anymore for it has been ravaged by royalty.

The joyous look on [Name]'s face had been wiped out as soon as the death of her mother had fallen upon their family. Her father cried, her younger sister suffered in silent pain. The day her mother had succumbed to the illness was the same day where church bells halted, cries began, and merchants to be robbed.

No matter how much the kingdom had fallen upon Satan's wing, [Name] clutched her bible and her mother's necklace in her hands as one day, she was sure of, that a prince would take away all the pain and sorrow. Repaint her canvas to purity and white.

However, it was all just a dream, she was happy already, just by seeing the smile on her father and sister's faces.

Horses can be heard from outside. Knights began knocking down the possession of other people. The screams and cries of girls can be heard as the knights carried them away back to the castle. One day, you thought, that will be my voice mingled with others. One day, I'll be taken too.

Innocence was slowly being dominated by hell. Slipping into pity, [Name] wore the necklace her mother have gave before her death and prayed to God that he'll hold off the guards coming to their house.

Before she could even finish her prayers, the door was broken down, her younger sister's cries and her father's pleads can be heard all the way to her room. Rushing down, [Name]'s stomach started to turn. Promising her mother that she'll take care of her sister and father, she clutched the necklace and bravely walked down- only to be greeted by her father desperately trying to free [Name]'s younger sister from a knight's grip.

"Please. I'm begging you. Don't take my daughter, you can kill me in exchange for my daughter. Whatever you do, please, not my daughter," walking up to the knight, [Name] started to kick and punch the knight- only to annoy the said man. "Why you little bitch!" Dropping down her younger sister, the knight had grabbed [Name]'s shirt collar and slapped her in the face. "No!" Her father cried. Your father had started to pull on the knight's arm, only to be knocked down on the floor. "Don't hurt my little sister. Take me instead. I don't care what you do to me, just leave my family alone." A sinister grin traveled up on to the knight's face as he exited the house.

"No! [Name], come back. I lost your mother and I can't lose another one of you. Stop!"

"[Name]! No, don't go! Don't leave father and I alone. We love you! Come back! Please, I'm begging you. . ."

Their voices trailed off as the knight carried you to his horse and went away.

"The prince is gonna love you."





I really like it please update more /Smile/





i like the picture/Smile/



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