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Obsessed By The Crown Prince

New Beginning

In this dreadful kingdom, every morning was hell. The fresh air provided by trees and wildlife had been covered by the stench of blood. Once you stepped out, and came back in, you were smothered with dirt; tainted with sin. The cries of families could be heard as daughters were taken away; fathers were murdered, and mothers were raped.

The church bell no longer rings as there was no need for purity for the town anymore for it has been ravaged by royalty.

The joyous look on [Name]'s face had been wiped out as soon as the death of her mother had fallen upon their family. Her father cried, her younger sister suffered in silent pain. The day her mother had succumbed to the illness was the same day where church bells halted, cries began, and merchants to be robbed.

No matter how much the kingdom had fallen upon Satan's wing, [Name] clutched her bible and her mother's necklace in her hands as one day, she was sure of, that a prince would take away all the pain and sorrow. Repaint her canvas to purity and white.

However, it was all just a dream, she was happy already, just by seeing the smile on her father and sister's faces.

Horses can be heard from outside. Knights began knocking down the possession of other people. The screams and cries of girls can be heard as the knights carried them away back to the castle. One day, you thought, that will be my voice mingled with others. One day, I'll be taken too.

Innocence was slowly being dominated by hell. Slipping into pity, [Name] wore the necklace her mother have gave before her death and prayed to God that he'll hold off the guards coming to their house.

Before she could even finish her prayers, the door was broken down, her younger sister's cries and her father's pleads can be heard all the way to her room. Rushing down, [Name]'s stomach started to turn. Promising her mother that she'll take care of her sister and father, she clutched the necklace and bravely walked down- only to be greeted by her father desperately trying to free [Name]'s younger sister from a knight's grip.

"Please. I'm begging you. Don't take my daughter, you can kill me in exchange for my daughter. Whatever you do, please, not my daughter," walking up to the knight, [Name] started to kick and punch the knight- only to annoy the said man. "Why you little bitch!" Dropping down her younger sister, the knight had grabbed [Name]'s shirt collar and slapped her in the face. "No!" Her father cried. Your father had started to pull on the knight's arm, only to be knocked down on the floor. "Don't hurt my little sister. Take me instead. I don't care what you do to me, just leave my family alone." A sinister grin traveled up on to the knight's face as he exited the house.

"No! [Name], come back. I lost your mother and I can't lose another one of you. Stop!"

"[Name]! No, don't go! Don't leave father and I alone. We love you! Come back! Please, I'm begging you. . ."

Their voices trailed off as the knight carried you to his horse and went away.

"The prince is gonna love you."

The Crown Prince

Arriving at the castle, the knight had picked you up and shoved you through the door of a room. And in this room, you found a small bed, with a drawer besides it. There was a faint source of light as you could only make out clothes sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Move it. You wouldn't want to keep the prince waiting. Go put on the clothes there and a maid will be here to escort you. You wouldn't want to cause trouble as you know what we do with trouble makers."

Pulling out his sword, he placed it against your neck, threatening you if you misbehaved.

"We exterminate them, no matter what the cause is."

Slamming the door shut, you were left alone in the tiny room. Unable to formulate any plans on getting out, you quickly changed into the clothes they gave you. If you could call it an outfit. It barely went past your ass. It was see-through if you stared closely at it.

As promised, right after you had slipped into the 'dress,' a maid had knocked lightly and opened the door. "Miss, follow me. It's time for the. . .nevermind that, please just come with me," her voice was shakey and it held a bit of remorse. Her eyes had said everything about what she was feeling. From her voice and eyes, you could tell that she felt pity and fear.

Following her out, you closed the door. Startled by the sound, the maid jumped and turned around, "Mis-- Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were trying to run away."

"Oh, I'm sorry to have frighten you."

"It's alright. Just come with me."

Following her orders, you had walked down the hallways with her. The walls were very decorative, the wallpaper was a color of royal red. Clean and elegant; something you had never saw around the village. Who knew that someone so vile could have a place that contradicted his personality.

"We're here, Miss. I'm deeply sorry but you must enter. I'm so sorry," bowing her head, you just motioned for her to put her head back up. "It's alright, it's not your fault anyways. No need to apologize." Pushing open the door, a bright light shone through, as you were walking behind the maid, you just looked down on the floor. The floor also being the same color as the walls- truly a magnificent color.

As the maid stopped, you stopped and looked up. Only to be greeted by a male who accompanied the throne. His green eyes shone in the light. "Welcome, welcome. Meredith, please escort the young lady to the line," a guard had said. When the maid, who's name was Meredith, had lead you towards the end of the line, the prince's emerald eyes still followed your moving form. His eyes glimmered with amusement as if enslaving women- not even women but girls- was fairly amusing to him.

You had only known that they took girls from the village, you had never knew what had happened inside for curiosity had killed the cat.

Looking up at the prince, seeing as his eyes never left your body, he had clapped his hands two times, "Alright, let the game begin!" Laughing, his signaled for the first girl to step up. As she did, the said prince had examined her, only lifting up the dress a little to examine her skin. "Hm, next~! This one just won't do. Guards! Please show the young lady. . .out." Snickering at the prince's command, the guards dragged the girl away. The only remaining thing was her screams and cries. You looked down and prayed silently for the girl- wishing for no harm to be inflicted on her.

Soon, after, the prince had repeated the process to every one. Only a selected few who were outstanding and gorgeous were accepted. After the last dress was lifted and the prince had proclaimed her to be alright and sent her to the selected few, it was your turn.

Turning towards you, the prince had smirked, "Come now, dear, you wouldn't want to keep me waiting." Stepping forward slowly, you thought to yourself. Thinking that you weren't as pretty as the selected few, you thought for a second that you would be dragged away and not stay in this horrid place.

As you approached the prince, you faced him and stared at his eyes. They were pretty, too bad it belonged to such a hideous person.

"Hey, sit on my lap," he grabbed you by the wrist and jerked you towards him. He practically purred as he felt contact with your skin. Flinching a little, you tried to pry his arms off of you. "I wouldn't do that if I was you. I would just injure that pretty face. . .and your family," biting your right ear, he smirked. You stopped struggling, knowing that your family was at stake. Satisfied, that prince started to place his hands on your knees. Slowly, but gradually going more up. As his hands were snaking more farther up your thighs, you could only watch as this happened. Letting him violate your body more. You were in shame. Not only were you violated, you were spread wide for everyone to see as your back was facing him. His hands started to rile up your dress, letting your undergarment to show. Grabbing his arms, you tried to stop him but, sadly, he was too strong.

Before reaching up to the side of your underwear, he stopped and placed his hands on your chest.

Touching them slightly, he loosened his grip and told you to get up. "I'll keep this one, she's a beauty." He watched you walk towards the group of selected few with lustful eyes. Obviously, you said to yourself, I could've already figured it out once you had touched me further than any of the others.

"Guards! Escort these ladies towards my chamber."

As he had said that, the knights immediately came and escorted everyone out. Looking back for one last time, you realized that he was still staring at you. Always staring with that lustful gaze.

Laughing, he blew a kiss to you. "Don't worry, darling. This won't be the last time I'll see you. Or touch you for that matter."

Breaking down into a fit of laughs, you furrowed your eyebrows. He sure is weird.


"Alright, get in!" The guards forcefully shoved you inside a room. The room was significantly bigger than the room you were previously in. The walls and the floor were the color of gold; luxury and royalty. However, your amazement was soon replaced by a frown once you saw more females seated on the floor, their clothes all tattered and ripped. Their eyes held a look of fear and pity for you as you walked inside. If only you knew that you had walked straight into hell.

Now, you were permanently a part of his collection of women - his harem.

Walking towards the room more, you had noticed that the females that sat on the floor looked broken and tired. They looked frightened. However, you didn't care about the looks they had, you only cared about the substance they all had in their hair. Why did they all have that?

Sitting yourself next to one of the more friendlier females, you stared at her; wondering about the suffering she had gone through. You wanted to pray, you wanted to ask Him for guidance but, you figured that it wouldn't help for He had failed for once.

Noticing you, the girl turned around,,, and a weak smile formed on her face, "H-Hello. It's nice to meet you."

Her voice sounded broken. "It's nice to meet you too," smiling at her, you noticed how everyone just gazed at the 'newcomers' with fear.

You and the selected few were confused as to why everyone kept staring. However, that was soon answered after a female with blond hair had spoken. "A-Are you g-guys n-new here?"

Everyone just stared at each other, dumbfounded. "If you mean by setting foot on this castle and being forced to wear these dresses, then yes. Yes we are." She gasped at your answer as the others clasped their hands together as if they were praying.

"Oh no. You're going in his collection."

"You'll never make it alive."

"Oh god no. You won't be able to escape."

Confusion danced on your face. As one after the other joined each other in the chants, your confusion started to spiral more out of control.

"Please calm down, everything's fine. What do you mean by any of this?" A girl with brunette hair asked. She was the same girl that was in front of you on the line-however, she seems more confident and fearless right now. Under the prince's eyes, she cowered in fear; under nobody's eyes, she was herself.

"Malisa, go tell them," a red-head had ushered the blond to talk. Gulping, Malisa had started to approach you guys. "It doesn't matter right now but, answer me one question, did the prince even touch you in the slightest besides raising your dresses?"

Everyone started to look at you. "Well, he didn't do it to any of us. . ."

"Except her."

The girl with a ponytail had pointed at you. "Even if he had touched me more than that, what's the meaning of it?" You questioned the girl named Malisa. "Frankly, it doesn't mean a thing to me."

Everyone covered their mouths with their hands as they stared at each other with wide eyes.

A girl with tanned skin had come up to you and placed her hand on your shoulder. "My dear, I feel sorry for you. You're turning into the next Lisa."

You touched her hand-which felt weak and fragile- and looked up at her, "Lisa?"

"Wait, will it be alright if you guys explained? I'm getting a little scared h-h-here," a girl, who was too young to be here, had spoken up, twirling the hem of her dress in her pointer finger.

Tears started to roll down Malisa's eyes. She looked at the others and waited for a signal to tell their story. After she saw that everyone nodded, she turned back to you.

"You see, the prince had not kidnapped you here for nothing. He, um, does this every year to, um, find the girl who is most fit into his, uh, collection. And, um, on rare occasions, the prince does have a favorite out of all of us. So, from the 'game' he had played, he shows his, um, affection more towards the one he likes best. So, um, before you guys came, last year, all of us were captured here and taken from our. . .families. Although we had a lot of females with us, the prince still had his favorite. Um, her name was Lisa. So when the prince did visit, he, uh, he did play with us,, but he chose Lisa more often. So, um, one day, she broke. She completely broke and. . .and. . ." Unable to finish her story, Malisa started to sob into her hands.

Even though - from what you have gathered - Lisa was the most 'used,' you felt as if Malisa was the one who completely broke down. Lisa must have been her friend. That's why she's breaking down. She looked like a mess. Her hair stuck to her face as she cried and cried.

Scooching over to her, you started to hug her and stroke her hair. "There, there. It'll be fine. The prince will eventually get tired of us," you smiled softly at the others and, judging by their appearance, it worked. Their faces had softened a little as you stared down at Malisa.

"Y-Y-You don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?"

"We're not just play-things, we make up his sick collection. His harem."

Being the calm person you were, you decided it was best not to freak out. Mother had always told you to save your virginity until marriage but, however, it seemed impossible right now.

"It'll be okay. Look at me. All of you," everyone glanced at your direction, and you smiled a little. "It'll be fine soon, trust me. It's going to be okay, don't cry."

"Well, well, well~ How's everyone doing~?" A sickly sweet voice called. As you looked up, you were met with familiar emerald eyes. His eyes bored right into your soul. Malisa started to shiver into your embrace and started to cling on you more. Being the big sister you were, you hugged her tighter.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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