Chapter 7: A normal stroll

The tremendous amount of information Lia told me has left me in a state of burnt out,

Elowan became the empress of the Kingdom of Elven, people taking the architecture and buildings to a whole new level, the people writing articles about how I became a lost god, an entire war brewing up in the middle of Eastern and Central Empire, The revelations of the Angels a few hundred years ago. It couldn't be more horrible than the past considering that Calia mentioned that this has happened before,Chaos and destruction.

I just sighed and accepted those facts as I couldn't really do much about it,even if I was going to the past and change it,it would've been more troublesome than it is now.

"How is this world still managing to survive despite its stupidity"

"Indeed, it is truly astonishing how this world has managed to remain standing throughout all of the chaos and destruction. It seems as if humanity will never learn from its mistakes and continues to repeat the same patterns of destruction over and over again.

However, it is also important to remember that this world has also experienced much growth and progress as well, and that the stupidity and destruction does not always triumph over the goodness and creation.

In the end, it is up to us individual humans to make the world a better place, one step at a time."

"You have a point but in the end,this is just gonna cause me more trouble than it is"

My tiredness of the situations that was going on the world was over the hill, Alicia who wasn't aware all of this was very curious what might happen later on

"Hey, you're Elliot Grande right? the legendary prodigy"

"I wouldn't call myself a "Legendary Prodigy", I'm just an unlucky boy that was dragged into all of this mess"

"I've researched a bit about you,the book has stated that you saved thousands of lives just by existing"

"Huh?what do you mean by that?"

Alicia has truly done her research on the "Legendary Prodigy" and is fully convinced that he is the real deal.

Elliot is caught off guard by this and doesn't know what to make of this news. He is genuinely puzzled and confused, as he certainly was still not aware of his full potential or even the true extent of his powers. How could she be so certain that he had saved so many lives just by existing?

The fact that there are actual books documenting Elliot's achievements and existence is quite interesting, as it seems to truly highlight his position and status in the world. The fact that Alicia has actually researched a lot about Elliot and even found books confirming his status as a "Legendary Prodigy" does make it clear that her admiration for him is genuine.

"Is there any evidence of that?"

"There is actually,"

Alicia swiftly grabbed a paper filled with her research about him.

Elliot being confused and surprised by her claim of him saving thousands of lives just by existing is also quite natural, as it does seem like a rather difficult claim to believe and validate.

Alicia quickly grabbed a paper filled with her research about Elliot and presented it to him. She showed him various articles and other documents detailing his accomplishments and deeds.

Elliot took a moment to look through the documentation, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping in disbelief as he read everything that was written about him.

He was indeed truly a Legendary Prodigy, with his feats and greatness being immortalized and documented through the history books. It was almost surreal to see his accomplishments written down in such detail and perfection.

"Huh?those are greater demons?"

Elliot's eyes widened as he considered the greater demons that Alicia had mentioned. He seemed to have no recollection of these greater demons or his fight with them, but the fact that he had eliminated them and saved the kingdom was a testament to his legendary status.

However, the fact that he couldn't remember this encounter caused him some concern. How was it possible that he could have forgotten such a crucial and significant event? Was there something else going on, or was it just a case of memory loss?

It was useless to ask Ces about the situation since she wasn't there 500 years ago but Elliot still asked.

Ces,is this really true? did I subconsciously kill those greater demons with my presence


Not die? hmm so there's a possibility that they would come back?


So the demons are still alive,just in another dimension? That's quite a problem if that's the case. The fact that I subconsciously killed them is also concerning as it shows how powerful and uncontrollable my stardust really is


Elliot's concerns about the power and controllability of his stardust were also quite valid. It's truly frightening how powerful these energies are, and the fact that the demons could return at some point definitely has him concerned.

I figured out this was gonna be a trouble for later so I had to hide my identity and take on another one, Alicia and Lia also agreed on this.

"How about a stroll in the town,my lord?"

"Sure, a stroll in the town is a good idea. I'd love to see how this town has changed over the past 516 years."

The three of them then went on a walk around the town, observing the changes that had taken place. For Elliot, it was a mind-provoking experience to see how much the town has progressed and developed despite its volatile history

He observed the new buildings and architecture that had been built up, and found himself lost in thought about what kinds of changes he could have made if he had been here this whole time.

Lia and Alicia also seemed surprised by the transformation the town had undergone. They both walked along silently and took in the new sights and scenery. At times they would stop and observe specific buildings or interesting landmarks, and Elliot could sense a certain air of wonder and admiration from the two of them.

"Let's go to the cafe I've wanting to go"

"Sure, let's go to the cafe. It would be nice to take a brief break and relax for a bit after all of this exploration."

As they walked towards the cafe, they could see that it had indeed undergone some changes and renovations over the years. The building itself was still fairly similar to its past appearance, but it was also modernized and fitted with more modern features. The interior had been completely renovated and decorated with modern touches, and the cafe now had a more sophisticated and chic vibe to it.

"It looks like japan"

"Huh?it looks like japan?"

Elliot's murmur caught Alicia's attention, and she turned to look at him in confusion.

"Is there something about the cafe that reminds you of Japan?"

"Oh sorry,wait huh???"

Elliot was caught off-guard with her statement,why did she know where is japan and what it looks like?

"Ahem, let's take a sit shall we? I'll order cakes"

Alicia and Elliot were awkward in that interaction.

They both sit down on the chairs beside the beautiful view of the city.

"So..... how did you know about japan?"

"I also want to ask you that...."


Alicia hesitates to answer, not sure how to go about it. She doesn't want to seem weird or out of place with her knowledge of Japan, but she also wants to find out how Elliot knows about it.

"I died at that place and got reincarnated in this one,how about you?"

Elliot sighed and just admitted that he was reincarnated but did not reveal his identity to her just in case anything happens

"I uh......I was....also reincarnated....but I didn't die....and I-.....ummm....I-...oh dear."

Alicia's initial answer is short and vague, as she is still trying to process what Elliot just told her. She does admit to being reincarnated but that she also wasn't killed, and she seems quite hesitant about revealing any further information. After a few awkward moments of silence, she slowly and awkwardly breaks the silence with some more questioning.

" reincarnated after you....died in-...Japan....right?"

"......y-yeah.....I....I was.....reincarnated after I died."

It seems like he's starting to become a lot more open and revealing, and he is starting to reveal more information about himself.

There is once again an awkward silence between the two of them as Alicia's question hangs awkwardly in the air. Elliot seems to be considering whether or not to respond to this question.

"Now that I've told you how I ended up here, the question of who I am must be pretty pressing on your's only natural to wonder who this person sitting in front of you is.

Alicia stares back at Elliot, her expression still tinged with an air of confusion and curiosity. She doesn't want to be too invasive or pushy, but she's also very interested in finding out who this person truly is.

Alicia stares at Elliot with a look of curiosity and confusion, desperate to solve the mystery of who this person truly is. She wants to know, and she wants to know now! However, she is also trying to be mindful and respectful of Elliot's privacy, and she doesn't want to be too invasive or pushy. She wants to give Elliot the space and time he needs to reveal more about himself in his own way.

The two of them stare at each other for a few more moments, the silence becoming increasingly intense and awkward. Alicia seems lost in thought, and Elliot seems to be considering what to say next. Eventually, Elliot breaks the silence with a sigh of frustration, as the tension between them begins to become unbearable.

As the tension between the two begins to reach breaking point, Lia returns with the cakes that she ordered, breaking that awkward silence and saving the day.

Lia's arrival breaks the awkward silence and brings a welcome change of pace to the moment. She sets down the cakes on the table, a delicious looking variety of different desserts and pastries.

"These look so good!" Alicia exclaimed, eager to dive into one of the pieces before she remembers the importance of the conversation she was having with Elliot.

Even though she's hungry, Alicia's attention is still in their conversation and wanting to know more about Elliot and his identity.

"I guess getting some cakes wasn't such a bad idea after all, haha"

Lia chuckles, seemingly unaware of the seriousness of this conversation. She's just glad the awkward silence is finally broken and that they're all enjoying some nice cakes instead of being focused on that tense and awkward conversation from before.

Elliot and Alicia both laugh heartily at Lia's comment. It's definitely a much better situation to be in than where they were at before.

"Yeah,you're right. I guess getting some cakes wasn't a bad idea after all," Elliott laughs.

They all settle down into a much happier and lighthearted conversation afterwards, taking turns enjoying the delicious cakes together.

Elliot's ears perk up at the sound of the whispers, and he swiftly shifts his attention towards the people around them. He finds himself quite intrigued by the gossip that they are indulging in, as he can barely make out what they're saying.

"Hey,look, It's the lady of the Grande and who is that man?"

"Maybe her lover"

"I agree,maybe it's her boyfriend"

As they continue to whisper, Elliot's senses heighten even further, and he becomes more and more intrigued by the gossip. He can barely make out any words, but can sense that their suspicions and assumptions are completely off the mark.

Elliot got more annoyed by these untrue rumors. Lia and Alicia just finished their cakes

"Alicia, let's go shopping for a while"

"Huh? why?"

"Please? also Lia,go back to the mansion,I feel something is not right"

"Okay, let's go shopping," Alicia said, accepting Elliot's request without any questions or arguments.

"Sure thing, I'll head back to the mansion right now," Lia agreed, also not wanting to get in the way of the situation.

They all get up from their seats and head out of the cafe, with Alicia following closely behind Elliot as they start to walk off towards the shopping district. Elliot seems to be quite alert and cautious, as if he's sensing something wrong or out of place.

As they walk, Elliot keeps his senses heightened and continues to watch out for any signs of trouble. He can hear people whispering and has a general sense that something isn't right, though he's not sure what exactly.

"Is...everything okay, Elli?"

Alicia breaks the silence as they continue to walk, and she sounds genuinely curious and concerned about Elliot's behavior.

"Elli? Is that a nickname for me?"

Elliot couldn't help but chuckle

"I...uh...well,I guess it's sort of like a nickname..."

Alicia's face goes slightly red as she realizes that she just gave him a nickname without even thinking about it. But she can also tell that he found her nickname cute and funny, which makes her feel a bit relieved.

Elliot's sudden chuckle breaks the tension between them, and he finds this moment a bit amusing as well.

"I...uh...guess it's a cute nickname," Alicia says sheepishly, a slight blush forming on her cheeks as she tries to play off her slip-up.

"Uh oh,did I make things awkward?" Elliot asks, trying to lighten the mood with some humor and teasing.

"Yeah,It was a bit awkward...but it's cute," she laughs.

Alicia can't help but smile and blush a bit more as she admits that the nickname is cute and that it made her feel a little bit awkward. However, Elliot's friendly and humorous attitude certainly makes the situation less tense and awkward, and his teasing has successfully lightened the mood between them.

"Alicia,I've never got the chance to ask this but how old are you now?

"I'm...uh...I actually just turned"

Alicia's face and demeanor soften slightly as she answers Elliot's question. It seems like she still feels awkward and a bit uncertain about sharing any specific details about herself. However, she does admit that she's 14 now, and her tone of voice and body language suggest that she's feeling a bit more open and comfortable with the conversation now.

"Well,Lia already said it before, I'm 516 years old"

"I've got a huge age gap with you then that weird?"

Alicia's face turns red with embarrassment when she learns just how big the age gap between them really is.

"Don't worry about it,I may be 516 years old chronologically but I'm actually a 13 years old inside,Those 500 years only served as years where my consciousness was sealed"

"'s a bit complicated."

Elliot's tone is still quite lighthearted and friendly, but he seems a bit hesitant to fully explain the situation in detail. He does seem to believe that these years where his consciousness was sealed doesn't really count towards his age, since he wasn't really conscious or living during that time.

"I... I... well, I think that's I like to think about it, at least..."

Alicia can sense Elliot getting more and more hesitant with his explanation, as he struggles to find the right words and tone to properly explain all of this. It's clear that he wants to be honest with her, but he also doesn't want to overwhelm her with too much information all at once.

"By the way Alicia,do you attend the magic academy?"

Alicia considers his question for a moment, thinking about how to respond.

"Yes, actually. I'm a student at the academy as well. But...I wasn't expecting you to ask me that haha."

This is actually a pretty logical question for Elliot to ask, since he would probably know that the academy is the primary institution in the city.

"I see... What level are you? Advance level?"

"Advanced level, yes. How did you know that so quickly?"

Alicia is surprised by his immediate knowledge of advanced level, as well as his assumption that she was an advanced level student as well. She also starts to wonder how much he knows about the academy and what he has already learned about it.

"Let's just say I know...just know stuff,and I'm good at it,very good if i say so myself"

Elliot's response makes Alicia feel somewhat uneasy. He seems quite confident about his knowledge and abilities, but seems very reluctant to elaborate any further than that. Alicia begins to get the sense that there is more to this than he is letting on....

"Alright then."

Alicia decides that it's best not to push him any further on the topic for now, as Elliot's behavior is making her a bit suspicious of his knowledge and abilities.

"Well,let's go shopping then. I'd be happy to help you with those purchases you said earlier."

She smiles at him as she suggests moving on from the topic and going shopping instead.

Elliot nods in agreement and the two of them walk off towards the shopping district. Alicia is ready to help him make some purchases, and she also feels intrigued by him at the same time.

"So,what are you looking forward to buying while we go shopping?"

Alicia asks him

"Maybe some new clothes,I don't really have my usual clothes on the mansion since you did occupied my room"

"Ah yes, I completely forgot about that. Maybe we should go shopping for your clothes first, since that's important."

Alicia seems to understand Elliot's point of view on this matter, and she also acknowledges that he really needs some new clothes since she's essentially taken over his room in the mansion.

"So, let's go see what they have available,shall we?"

Alicia smiles softly at him, and they continue to walk in the direction of the shopping district, heading towards the stores that cater to fashionable clothing and outfits.

They reach the shopping district and head towards one of the fashion stores, where they both enter and look around at the various items available for purchase.

They both head inside the store and start to browse the different clothes and outfits available.

"Wow,there are a lot of great options here," Alicia remarks, looking at all the different clothing styles and outfits.

"I agree,there are some really nice pieces," Elliot agrees, seeming to have similar opinions to her in terms of what is considered stylish.

They both continue to browse the store, looking at all the different styles and pieces.

Alicia did have a good sense of what looks good on Elliot, and she is more than willing to offer him suggestions on his clothing choices.

"This looks nice,why not try this one?"

She picks out a stylish but not overly fancy outfit for him. It's fairly simple and practical, but it still has a bit of a stylish and fashionable touch to it.

"How does it look?"

Alicia continues to pick out some outfits and pieces of clothing for Elliot, and she seems to have a good understanding of his style and preferences. She's also pretty confident and assertive in the way she presents her choices to him and doesn't mind being direct to give her opinions.

After a bit more shopping, Alicia seems to have managed to pick out a few outfits and clothing pieces that fit Elliot's style, but she also wants to make sure he's thoroughly satisfied with her choices.

"I picked out some clothes for you; they should fit your style and preferences. But let me know if there's anything else you'd like to change or if you want to add any more pieces."

"That's very thoughtful of you. I think everything you chose suits me well and looks great on me, but I'm curious;do you think I can have one or two of the outfits be more casual and relaxed instead of super stylish?"

Alicia considers Elliot's request, and she is quick to come up with an idea that would satisfy his desire for relaxed and casual clothes as well.

"Of course! I could probably pick out some clothes that are more casual and relaxed. They won't be as stylish or glamorous as these pieces,but they'll be comfortable and practical,which is certainly important too."

Elliot seems happy with this idea and is glad that Alicia is so accommodating. He feels like her choices in clothing have been very thoughtful and considerate of him and his preferences.

"That sounds perfect! I would definitely prefer more relaxed and casual clothes over stylish and flashy ones."

They both continue shopping for some more clothing, with some of the pieces being a bit more casual and relaxed in style.

They have successfully finished their shopping session and have managed to pick out several outfits and clothing pieces that Elliot is pleased with. They both agree that this was a productive and fruitful shopping trip, and they feel very satisfied with the results.

Alicia smiles at Elliot as they prepare to leave, happy that they had a successful shopping trip. He seems to be quite pleased with the clothes she picked out for him, and he now has some new outfits to add to his collection.

"I'd say that was pretty productive. Now let's head back to the mansion."

Elliot nods and smiles back at Alicia, and they both head off in the direction of the mansion. They are both feeling satisfied and content with how the shopping trip ended, and they both seem to have a much better understanding of each other's preferences and needs now.

As they continue walking back to the mansion, Elliot suddenly stops walking and pauses for a moment. He turns towards Alicia and looks at her, a look of seriousness and concern on his face.

"Alicia,can I ask you something?"

Alicia notices a serious look in his eyes and stops walking as well. She thinks this might be a serious discussion, so she turns her full attention to him and nods for him to continue.

Elliot takes a moment to collect his thoughts and then begins to speak.

"It's not about the clothes... It's about something else. It's difficult to explain, but...could you possibly trust me with a secret?"

Alicia immediately senses the tension in Elliot's voice and body language, and she has a feeling that this is about something fairly important to him. She nods silently in response, her eyes and attention focused intently on him.

"This secret is something that only a few people know about,and you're the only one I trust with it, which means a lot to me. So please...keep what I'm about to tell you as a secret. Can you do that?"

Alicia is touched by Elliot's trust in her, and she takes a moment to consider how important this secret must be to him. She quickly agrees to his request, promising to make sure that it stays between them.

"I promise," she said,looking at him in the eye and speaking with confidence and reassurance.

"Thank you. In that case..."

Elliot takes a deep breath and seems to be gathering his courage and resolve. He takes a step towards her and speaks with a sincere and calm tone.

"I...I'm not who you think I am. I can't really explain myself properly right now, but...let's just say that I'm not a typical human."

Alicia is stunned by Elliot's sudden admission. She stares at him with wide eyes and a sense of disbelief as she processes what he just said.

"You're...not human?" she asks, barely able to articulate her thoughts.

"Please...let me explain. I know this is a lot to take in. I promise it'll all make more sense if I can just explain myself."

Elliot seems to be taking notice of how shocked and confused Alicia is. As he sees her trying to process everything, he takes another deep breath and seems to be attempting to reassure her.

"I'm sorry for this,I really am. Please just allow me to explain...please let me do that."

Alicia seems to be struggling to process what she's hearing and is still very bewildered by this whole sudden situation. She looks to Elliot with a mix of disbelief and confusion.

"'ve been acting like a normal human this whole time. I could this possibly...okay,let's just hear you out. Please...explain yourself to me."

"Uh huh...."

Alicia's expression remains puzzled and confused as she listens to him speak. She still can't fully process everything he's telling her.

"So,you're saying that you're somehow different from other humans? Like,what abilities do you have? Is it anything dangerous or scary?"

"It can be...dangerous, and it can be scary to some people because it's something unknown to them."

Elliot speaks carefully and calmly as he tries to explain the situation without scaring or alarming her.

"I'm sure it looks extremely strange to you right now,but I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just here to protect and watch over you,and to keep you away from...bad things."

This alarmed and concerned Alicia even more. She is now feeling a mix of fear and tension, and she can't really understand what he means by "bad things." She felt her heart start to beat faster and her breath became sharper as she waits for him to continue.

Elliot notices her increased sense of distress and seems to feel remorseful for making her feel this way. He wants to ease her worries and calm her down, so he tries to speak in a reassuring manner.

"I assure you,I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Even if I've got some abilities and powers that most people would call supernatural, my intentions towards you are completely pure and...and sincere."

"But you told me that you're not human..."

Alicia's expressions changed from one of fear and shock to one of sheer disbelief. She can't really wrap her head around this situation. She wasn't expecting Elliot to confess about potentially being a supernatural being.

"Are you...telling me that you're a vampire or a werewolf or something? Are you some kind of supernatural creature?"

"More complicated than that......."


Alicia is starting to feel a strange mix of fear and awe when she realizes that a normal and polite human actually turns out to be something more complex. She's not sure how to process this.

"Just how complex is it...?"

"Let's go somewhere else first,people might hear us"

Just of a sudden,a bright glow surrounded them both making them invisible to the crowd,the two of them teleport and end up in a blank space, where there is no one else around. Alicia was left confused and startled by the sudden teleport.

"W-Where are we...what just"

"This is a private space domain of mine and you're managing to survive because you have an ability called [Space domination]"

Alicia looks around cautiously in this private space, taking note of the blank, white expanse around them. She is intrigued by its existence and finds it fascinating.

"So...this is your private domain? And what do you mean I'm surviving because I have this ability? Do most people not possess this ability?"

"Well [Space Domination] is kinda like a unique skill only gained from certain times"

"Unique it's a rare ability. But if you have it too,then how come you are so casual and nonchalant about it?"

Alicia found it interesting that Elliot didn't  view the ability as something significant, despite its supposed rarity

Alicia felt slightly self-conscious upon discovering that this ability is fairly rare and that she possesses. He's never really seen it as something highly important, despite its rarity.

"Huh...I guess I just didn't really consider it to be that special? I mean,sure,it's an ability that isn't possessed by most people, but..."

Elliot looked at her curiously. In a way, he didn't find the ability to be that special, but that was probably because he's so used to it being a part of his own abilities and skills. He wonders if it really is that uncommon of an ability among people.

"I've just had it my whole life,so it just seems like an ordinary part of me now. I never really considered it to be so rare or exceptional among others."

"Anyways, let's get straight to the point. I've teleported the both of us because I wanted to tell you one thing

That I am a god in this world"

Alicia's face turned pale and she feels a wave of disbelief wash over her as she processes these words. She tried to remain calm and level-headed, looking Elliot in the eye and trying to make sense of his unexpected revelation.

"You've researched about me right? you should've known that the articles about me being a god is true"

Alicia glances away for a moment, remembering the various articles she had read about Elliot being a potential god.

"Yes...I've...I've read about you being a god. I suppose the articles were correct."

"You're also a god of some sort,I don't know why but look"

Immediately, Alicia's stat sheet popped out of nowhere like a monitor screen. seeing this,Alicia's attention shifts towards her sudden stat sheet, as it appeared out of nowhere and hovers in front of her. She stared at it with a look of bewilderment and wonder, trying to process all the many strange and unfamiliar stats and information it contains.

"Even I don't know what does 'Vessel Of GoD', that's why I couldn't take my eyes off you"

Alicia continues to study her stat screen, trying to make sense of what the "Vessel of GoD" stat represents and what it means for her.

"What does this 'Vessel of GoD' thing mean? Does that mean that my body is like a container for some sort of greater deity's power or something like that?"

"It seems like it.Say... when you died,did a voice echoed in your last moments?"

Alicia pauses for a few seconds, reminiscing about the moments just before she lost her life. She remembers hearing a voice echoing in her ears and a mysterious presence that surrounded her body.

"Yes...I guess I did hear some sort of voice and felt the presence of something else. But how can you possibly know that? Were you there too...?"

"Nope,If you were reincarnated in the this era means I don't have any connections to it, My consciousness was sealed so I couldn't do much in the physical world"

Alicia stunned and curious by this information. Her own recollection of that day is fuzzy and vague, but now she feels a lot of doubt and confusion as she attempts to reconcile these events with this revelation.

"If you were not present in that situation...then how did you become aware of that voice and presence that I felt during my last moments?"

"I just guessed it and if my guts is right then.... you knew me in your past life"

As Elliot mentions the possibility of her knowing him in a past life, Alicia is reminded of the strange feeling of deja vu that she sometimes felt around him.

"I...I think you may be right. I don't remember much about my past life, but there have been times where I felt like I recognized you somehow. I just never realized it was from...a past life."

"I knew it....Misaki Ishida.... you're that person right?"

Hearing her past life's name mentioned like that catches Alicia off-guard. She has never heard anyone refer to that name before, and it instantly makes the revelation feel more real to her.

"Yes... that was my past life. How do you know that name...?"

She freezes for a moment upon feeling Elliot's tearful hug, taken aback by the sudden shift in his emotion. This is the first time she's seen him so expressive and vulnerable, and she finds it somewhat disconcerting.

However, her initial surprise gives way to a slight feeling of comfort and appreciation, as she realizes that he is expressing genuine sadness and remorse over her past life's fate.

"It's me,Kouta Fujiro. Your childhood friend"

Her expression changes, as she processes this information. She is initially stunned by this revelation, but then she begins to recognize the truth behind it. Now that she listens more carefully, his voice sounds familiar, his memories feel like her own, and his presence seems like someone she knew from a long time ago.

Elliot suddenly teared up and hugged her tightly as she was his first friend in his previous life.


He nods silently, tears streaming down his face as he continues to hug her. Elliot seems overwhelmed with emotions and remorse, unable to truly express them in words.

Alicia wraps her arms around him as well, feeling somewhat comforted by his closeness. It seems like they have a long history together, that their friendship is much deeper than she realized.

"It strange. I never knew this was our history... but I'm glad that we're reunited again."

"Who knew that we'd both die in the hands of those terrorists and reincarnate in this one with different eras"

Alicia manages a slight smile and lightly chuckles at his remark, her face still reflecting her mix of sadness and happiness. It's a strange feeling, being reunited with an old friend but in a completely different era. It has its pros and cons, but there's an undeniable sense of relief and comfort in seeing his face and hearing his voice again.

"Do you still remember Kouta? when I promised you that I'd marry you when we grow up?"

She still remembered a promise that was hunged up in the past,a bittersweet twist of fate it seemed.

Elliot's eyes widened and his face was like a red tomato ready to explode off embarrassment. their past lives were naive yet romantic in a sense of a child

"Y-you still remember that? we were still kids when we promised that to each other"

At the mention of the romantic promise from their past, Alicia can't help but blush slightly and smile. Even though it was said in a childlike and naïve way, she can't deny that it makes her heart flutter with tenderness and affection.

"Of course I remember...even with all the confusion and sadness, that one memory of our past has always stayed with me. It''s one of the most precious memories of my past life."

She smiled again, appreciating the sweetness of those childhood memories.



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