Chapter 6: The villainess of the Grande's

Misaki's POV

It's still fresh in my mind,on how they killed Kouta.

The sound of the gunshot that killed him,the blood that came out of Kouta's Head.

Not too long after that,the Terrorist had me choose two options

"Listen girl, Let's not make this more complicated than it is,Tell me where the Ishida family hid the goods that we were expecting"

"I do not know what you are talking about"

I didn't know that my family had goods for the terrorists, was it because my father was involved in illegal transactions?

"So you wanna die like your friend?"

When the terrorists had me choose between two options - give them the goods they desperately sought or death - I had no idea what they were talking about. My family had never told me of their involvement in illegal transactions.

"I do not know what you are talking about" I replied, unwilling to condemn myself to the same fate as my friend.

"So you wanna die like your friend?" the terrorist inquired. It was clear from his tone that my answer wouldn't matter much to them.

I was beginning to realize that I might die, just as my friend had done. I didn't want to suffer the same fate as he had, so I remained resolute in my decision.

"I don't want to die like him!" I replied, my resolve and determination to live unwavering as always.

I refused to let the terrorists claim another victim. They could do whatever they wanted to me, but I wasn't going to give up so easily.

They couldn't get the answers they wanted from me, and I wasn't going to let them have my life either.

"If you don't wanna die then tell us where the goods are and maybe we'll spare your puny life"

"I don't know what goods you are talking about," I replied, my stance resolute and firm.

I wouldn't give in to their demands for information I didn't possess. The risk of death seemed to be increasing with each passing second, yet I remained resilient.

The terrorists' expressions changed to one of irritation, and they didn't seem to be in the mood to take no for an answer.

The terrorist's temper flared, and they grew increasingly upset at their failure to extract the information they were seeking.

However, I remained adamant in my unwillingness to provide information I didn't possess, even if the cost was my own life.

"Tsk, you're useless" the terrorist sneered at me in frustration.

The terrorists pointed his gun towards my head and started counting as he was demanding the goods I didn't even know about

"5....." the terrorist began counting as he steadily raised the gun toward my head. I could tell by his expression that he wasn't messing around.

While I didn't have the information they were looking for, I was starting to realize that my life was in serious danger.

"4..." the terrorist continued to slowly count down, his eyes narrowing in anger.

"3...." the terrorist's voice grew increasingly agitated as they continued to count. I kept my eyes firmly locked on the gun pointing at my head, unable to afford to take even a single blink.

"2..." the terrorist's counting now had an ominous feel to it, a feel of finality. It was clear that he wasn't going to back down until he got what he wanted.

"1..." the terrorist finally reached the conclusion to his count, and he was now right up close to my face. I could tell I only had one last chance, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

It felt like a foregone conclusion that I would die at this point, and I couldn't deny that I had accepted my fate.

The bullet pierced my head and instantly took away my life, just as the terrorist had intended. What a cruel turn of events that led to my death.

As I lay dying, my life flashed before my eyes and all the regrets and unfulfilled dreams came rushing back. I wondered what would have happened if I could start all over again with a second chance. Perhaps I would be the one doing the torturing instead of being the one who's being tortured.

My consciousness was slipping away, yet a sudden voice suddenly echoed inside my head before I could slip into oblivion.

"Your resolve is just what I wanted, let's make a contract shall we?" the voice echoed, offering me a chance at life once more.

Before I could even reply, my consciousness faded away, and I was whisked away to the world of reincarnation, ready for a second chance at life.

Having been tortured and killed in a past life, I was sure to take vengeance on those who had wronged me in this second coming.

I would play and toy with people just as they had with me, I would become the one doing the oppressing instead of the one being oppressed.

I would become the villainess in this life and reap what I sow. There would be no mercy or kindness in this second life.

My consciousness was suddenly and unexpectedly placed into a baby's body, one with white hair and scarlet eyes.

I was now reborn into this new body. I was no longer the girl I had been in my past life, but rather something entirely different. I had a completely new birth, and I was determined to make the most of this second chance that had been given to me.

A gentle voice cradled me and said, "Aww, how cute you are my baby Alicia, I'm sure that you're going to be the youngest prodigy among the Grandes."

I was a mere baby now, still weak and helpless. I couldn't even tell whose voice had carried me, but it felt like a comforting presence.

As my consciousness slowly began returning, I could tell that the voice belonged to a female figure who had carried me.

In addition to the gentle, female voice, another voice chimed in - a male voice that seemed to belong to a different person.

"She will be honey, our baby is going to change how those shits look down on us," he said, his voice carrying a note of pride and optimism.

It seemed that the two voices were the parents of the child, and they were discussing the potential of the tiny baby now in their care.

A feeling of comfort and security filled me, as the two voices echoed peacefully around me.

It seemed clear that the male voice was the father who was overjoyed at the birth of his child, and the female voice was the mother who seemed to be equally as elated. Their loving and caring conversation brought me a sense of tranquility and warmth.

As the year progressed, I began to grow and develop at what seemed like an abnormally rapid rate.

My ability to talk and walk had progressed beyond what was typical for children of my age, and it appeared to have surprised both my parents and the maids.

I was now living in a peaceful environment where my parents and maids catered to my every need, and I received a loving and caring upbringing.

As my curiosity sparked my interest in exploring the mansion, I found myself in the library. The library was an old and dusty place, and it looked as though it hadn't been used for centuries.

Yet behind the old and seemingly neglected appearance of the library, there was something magical and intriguing about it. The atmosphere seemed to be imbued with a sense of mystery that beckoned me to inspect the various books and artifacts contained within.

I began to browse through the books and artifacts in the library, allowing my natural curiosity to lead the way.

While I continued to wander around the library, absorbed in the books and artifacts contained within, my parents and maids panicked at my unexpected disappearance.

It seemed my parents had ordered the maids to find me, but my innate curiosity kept my attention focused on the books and artifacts contained within. I didn't even notice the worry and panic occurring around me.

My parents and maids continued to search frantically for me while I remained oblivious to the hysteria going on around me. I was still immersed in the books and artifacts contained within the library, finding myself captivated and enthralled by the rich history and knowledge they contained.

My attention was so captivated by the books and artifacts that I didn't even notice when my parents and the maids eventually found me and scooped me up in their arms.

As my parents gently lifted me up and started to carry me away, they exclaimed that "You're too young to hit the books, besides can you even understand them?"

"You don't need to tell me that, and I can understand them" I replied, my language proficiency surprising them as I easily comprehended their words without a hitch.

The language of this world was different from the Japanese language but for some reasons,I could understand them without a hinch.It seemed that my language proficiency was another anomaly they were beginning to notice about me.

My language proficiency seemed to take them by complete surprise, and they looked at me with wonder and disbelief.

"How can you understand the language so easily!" my mother exclaimed, puzzled, as if trying to figure out how I could grasp the language so easily.

"That's strange indeed," my father chimed in, his eyes growing even wider in disbelief.

"I'm just that intelligent father"

"Oh, you're just that intelligent, huh?" my father responded with a light chuckle, clearly surprised by my language proficiency as well.

It seemed my father had accepted that I was highly intelligent, and he had begun to take pride in my talents.

"Well, it seems she certainly got that intelligence from her father," my mother stated in a playful tone, her prideful demeanour toward me beginning to show.

My intelligence, which had seemingly exceeded their expectations, had now become a source of pride for my father and a talking point for my mother. They began to discuss my intellect and talent in a light-hearted manner, and they seemed to have a newfound appreciation for my abilities.

It was refreshing to see my parents take pride in my intelligence and have a playful banter about it, making the atmosphere light and cheerful. It was as though some of the worry and fear that had gripped their hearts before had been alleviated, and they were beginning to gain more confidence in my abilities.

"Alicia,just tell us if you're having a hard time okay?"

"Yes, my darling, please be honest with us and let us know if anything is troubling you?" my mother added on as she spoke to me in a gentle and loving manner.

It was heartening to see my parents showing such care and concern for me, and I could sense that their worry and fear had begun to ease.

I could feel the love and affection they had for me, and it was touching.

"Don't worry, mother, father." I reiterated in a lighthearted manner that reassured them that nothing was troubling me.

"I won't, probably," I said with a mischievous and playful smile, hinting at my intelligence and the ability to handle my own problems.

It was comforting to know that my parents were ready to assist me when needed, but it was also relieving to know that I was capable of handling many situations on my own.

"We'll leave you here with the head maid then dear," My mother chimed in, having determined that they could leave the responsibilities of supervising me in the hands of the head maid.

It seemed that they had deemed me responsible enough to be left in the care of the head maid, which was a good sign of my growing maturity.

I would remain with the head maid and continue to explore the library's collection of books and artifacts with her supervision.

"Lady Alicia, you might be the youngest prodigy among the Grandes" the head maid exclaimed, her voice containing a note of admiration and respect.

"My parents already told me that a long time ago" I replied, my tone confident and matter-of-fact.

"But remember this Lady Alicia, you will never surpass the greatest prodigy of the Grandes, Elliot Grande" the head maid continued, her tone shifting to one of warning and caution.

"May I ask why?" I replied to the head maid's statement, my curiosity sparked by the claim that I would never surpass Elliot Grande.

I wondered if the head maid had some insider knowledge about Elliot Grande that I was uninformed about, or if she had some other reason for doubting my ambitions to surpass him as the greatest prodigy in the land.

"You will never match Elliot Grande's intellect, talent, or drive, as his mind is one of a kind and unparalleled. His achievements and contributions to this world are unmatched, and his legendary status is unquestioned" the head maid continued.

It seemed the head maid had a lot of admiration and respect for Elliot Grande's achievements, and she was not willing to stand for anyone claiming to surpass his accomplishments.

"But 500 years ago, he disappeared without any notice, and the last time his name was mentioned was when a new Deity had arrived," the head maid continued to speak.

It seemed the head maid had some knowledge of Elliot Grande's mysterious disappearance and the arrival of a new Deity. She had mentioned something about his legacy being unquestioned, yet the details of his final actions seemed suspicious.

"500 years ago? Well, how did you know?" I questioned the head maid's knowledge of Elliot Grande's mysterious disappearance, which seemingly occurred 500 years in the past.

"Lady Alicia, I'm an immortal being you see?" the head maid stated in response. She had suddenly revealed her identity as a being who lived past the limits of mortality.

"I owe my life to the ancient ancestor of yours," she continued, her words hinting at a deep connection to my own family tree.

"What's your name by the way?" I asked the head maid, curious to know more about her identity besides her immortal body.

"I'm Lia, my lady." she replied with a bow of her head in a respectful gesture towards me. it seemed she was indeed an immortal being, and that the bond between her and my ancestors was a deep and powerful one.

"Well, Lia, did you personally meet Elliot Grande?" I continued to question the head maid's knowledge and experience of Elliott Grande, my curiosity sparked by the mention of a new Deity appearing around the same time of his mysterious disappearance.

"I was his personal maid, his informant, and many more" Lia continued to elaborate on her relationship and history with Elliot Grande, which was filled with a variety of duties and responsibilities to the legendary prodigy.

"Welp I'll probably surpass him someday."* I confidently declared, my tone filled with pride and determination.

It seemed that despite the head maid's warnings about the greatness and legendary status of Elliot Grande, I was firmly set on surpassing him. I was determined to prove not only to the maid but also to myself that I could become a greater prodigy than Elliot Grande had ever been.

The head maid seemed to sense my determination and unwavering resolve, and she seemed to harbor some doubts as to whether or not I would actually be able to surpass Elliot Grande.

In fact, she had made it a point to constantly warn me against trying to surpass Elliot Grande's legendary status, as though she were trying to dissuade me from even trying.


As the years had passed, I had reached the age of 8 years old and had acquired a decent amount of mana pool and magic training, all with the goal of surpassing Elliot Grande. The head maid had remained adamant that I would never surpass his legendary status, yet her doubts only fueled my determination to prove her wrong.

I had now begun to actively search for ways to exceed Elliot Grande's achievements and power, and I was intent on proving my abilities to surpass him once and for all.


Elliot's POV

Some time had passed away but my consciousness is still intact after those bastards sealed me away in the ability of so-called 'Chronostatis'

I've heard or rather read this ability before but didn't know that this actually was the true nature of it.

My consciousness was placed in a place where the concept of time didn't exist.Was it beyond the bounds of space-time? I don't know and I don't care,furthermore,I couldn't define what was going on in the physical world

It was filled with pure nothingness,if I were stuck here for eternity and the physical world is still moving at normal pace,it only means one thing. I've been brought to another dimension where nothing exists at all

I didn't have any contact with any physical entities and didn't know what year it was. 10 years? no much longer than that


HUH?? Who are you??


The first Skill that talked had been born from a common sill [Observer]

So how were you able to evolve from such a common skill? It's even more unusual that a skill can evolve to a self-analyzing skill


I see,so? is there any way I can break this 'Chronostatis' or some shit?


So it's no way?


Can you execute it for me?


In that exact moment, The ability [Chronostasis] which was holding my consciousness got devoured in a matter of seconds

I regained my consciousness on my body and destroyed the base of the abillity using a limited amount of [Zero Breaker]

"Pheww,that should do it"

What should I do now? It seems like 516 years had passed.

I tried to contact Lilith with thought communication that I recently learned from Ces. It was unexpected but it failed to communicate with anyone.

Did someone mess with the information network around the world?

Keeping that in mind, I decided to teleport to the mansion to see if anything changed.

I was In front of the gate,peeking inside the mansion to see if there was anybody in there,to my surprise there was actually no one in the mansion,even the maids were absent,it was quite unusual to see nobody in there.

I flew over the mansion and entered my room by the window and laid in my bed, I decided to look over my room if anything changed at all. Some things were changed and I felt really uneasy about it. One of those were the clothes hanging in my cabinet,they were clearly not mine and even had feminine features

As I was observing my room,I heard footsteps approaching from outside. I was cautious so I camouflaged myself with an invisibility spell.

The footsteps were noisier each step closer to the room.

The door was closed but not locked. My gaze shifted to the door as it was opened,a girl entered in the room wrapped with nothing but a towel. Her hair was silky smooth with a pure white color and had Scarlet eyes,her height was about 4'7 which was really small.

I wonder if this girl is a Grande,I could try to ask but then again I'm old as fuck and it would be weird if I just recklessly make noise while invisible

"That was refreshing"

The girl continued to walk past the bed and towards the closet, where she proceeded to pick out her clothes for the day. She seemed to be quite carefree and relaxed, despite the fact that she was wrapped in nothing but a towel.

I watched her closely from my invisible position of concealment, taking note of her small stature and the silky-smooth texture of her pure white hair. She also had scarlet eyes, which was another indication that she could very well be a member of the Grande family.

The girl proceeded to pick out her clothes from the closet and I noticed that she was very well aware of her surroundings despite being in such an exposed and vulnerable state. After selecting her clothes, she began to slowly put them one by one on her body. As she was doing this, I observed that she had a slim and curvy body with defined contours of her waist and hips. The girl was indeed a beauty and she seemed to be very much aware of her striking physical attributes.

She's hot….No,no,What am I thinking, that's a child Elliot, THAT'S A FUCKING CHILD

The girl then proceeded to finish getting clothed and was preparing to leave the room. Before she departed, she suddenly stopped right before leaving, turning her eyes to look directly at me.

This took me by surprise, as I was still obscured by my invisibility spell. I couldn't believe that she was able to notice my presence, despite the fact that I was completely surrounded by the invisibility spell.

The girl smiled sweetly at me, and I felt my mind and senses begin to flutter as she gazed at me with her striking scarlet eyes.

The girl continued to lock her gaze with mine, with the same gentle and friendly expression on her face. I could feel myself becoming overwhelmed by her piercing gaze and the beauty of her striking eyes. She also seemed to have a very gentle and sweet personality, which only added to my already-overwhelming sense of attraction towards her.

Our eyes then shifted away from each other, as the girl finished preparing herself and left the room. I felt a sense of unease as she departed, and I felt a strange mixture of curiosity and admiration for the girl's gentle and charming nature.

I should keep my posture here, I can't afford to lose my mind on someone that is younger than me. I slapped some sense to myself to distract me from the kid.

I hid my presence entirely as I followed the girl to the library, making sure to not even reveal my mana signature in order to remain undetected.

As I silently entered the library, I realized that there was indeed a drastic change in the atmosphere, as this entire library was clearly now designated for the use of a female. The books and scrolls seemed to be arranged in a feminine fashion, while the decorations and furniture were all decorated in a delicate and graceful manner.

I wondered what level she was to notice my presence even though I was invisible. 

Ces,can you appraise her stats sheet?


Classification - Vessel of God of Destruction (GoD)

Level - 587

Attributes:Destruction magic,Creation magic,Summoning,Shadow magic

Magic Skills: Sword Dance, Space domination, Shadow Cloak, Pandemonium

Mana: 100,000


Strength: 9,000

HP: 8,700

Wow, that's heck of a child

Ces displayed the girl's stats sheet in front of my eyes, which gave me a clear picture of her impressive capability.

Her level alone was astounding, and I could hardly believe that anyone, let alone a young child, could possess such tremendous power and magic skill.

This girl was no ordinary child, that much was clear from her incredible stats sheet. She seemed to already possess a frightening amount of magic, durability, and mana, and even her physical attributes were far from ordinary.

The girl was truly an extraordinary child, possessing a vast and impressive assortment of magic and physical attributes. She might be able to become an unstoppable prodigy someday if she continued to develop her capabilities at such a rapid and astounding pace.

Still, it seemed odd that a child this powerful and capable would be left without a guardian or parental figure. It was concerning to think that she was left to roam alone, without any mature supervision or guidance.

As I watched the girl continue to explore the library, the familiar figure of Lia appeared at the entrance.

My confusion was immediately aroused as I realized that she was indeed still alive, despite being an immortal being. She had evidently survived for 516 years, but how was unclear. It was indeed surprising to realize that she was still alive after such a long time, and I was curious to understand the reason for how she continued to survive despite being an immortal being.

"Lady Alicia, the Crowned prince Davis Deva will meet you in a few minutes, won't you greet him at the gate?"

"And? it's not that important right? he's just going to visit me upon our engagement"


As I heard this, I was suddenly hit with a wave of realization. The girl was engaged to be married to the Crowned Prince Davis Deva, despite being still far too young to even understand the concept of marriage. It seemed that the royal family was indeed quite desperate, and that they were willing to go to any lengths to ensure their bloodline's continuity.

'I will protect my descendant at any cause',that's what on mind all the time when I heard that she was going to be engaged with the crowned prince

The thought of protecting one's descendent was one that seemed to be deeply ingrained in many societies and families, as they wished to preserve their lineage and legacy for future generations. However, the thought of a young child being engaged to be married to a crowned prince was a bizarre one, and its implications on the royal family's desperation to preserve their bloodline was clear.

As I continued to eavesdrop on the conversation, I heard the sound of a carriage and horses outside the mansion. This suggested that the Crowned Prince Davis Deva was likely close to arriving and was en route to meet his betrothed, Alicia Grande.

The carriage stopped in front of the mansion's entrance, and I realized that the Crowned Prince Davis Deva had arrived. I remained concealed as I watched the arrival, curious to see what would happen next.

A few moments later, the doors of the carriage were opened and out stepped the Crowned Prince Davis Deva.

Alicia sighed in defeat and went to the gate of the mansion to greet the crowned prince,

"There's no stopping this huh? what a pain in the ass"

I think she was against the proposal but despite the hate,she was held responsible for the engagement. I couldn't interfere yet so I followed closely as I can

As I continued to observe the situation, I could sense the girl's frustration and irritation with the whole engagement situation.

She clearly was not in favor of the engagement and thought it was a burden and a nuisance, but despite her reservations, she seemed to have no choice other than to follow along with the engagement. It seemed like her parents had made the decision for her and that she had no say in the matter.

I continued to watch the situation unfold, still remaining concealed and out of sight. I was curious to see how the engagement meeting would proceed and what the outcome of the whole situation would be. However, it seemed clear that the girl was against the proposal, and she had no choice but to go along with it despite her reluctance.

I continued to keep a close eye on the entire situation as the conversation between Alicia and Davis seemingly took a turn for the intimate.

The girl had invited the crowned prince to the garden to chat privately, which was obviously a sign that the meeting had now taken a romantic or intimate turn. I was reluctant to follow them in a situation like this, but my curiosity and desire to know how the situation would pan out prevailed and I decided to follow them.

"This garden is so beautiful,like you"

Corny,that was my first impression, I'm sure that even Alicia agreed with me even though she haven't met me formally yet. She just forcefully smiled and replied

"Aww, thank you your highness"

The crowned prince was pretty bad at his pick up lines,If I would rate it, I'd give it -10/10

The Crowned Prince Davis Deva had tried his best with his corny and cheesy pickup lines, but it was clear that his efforts had been unsuccessful and had only left the girl feeling uncomfortable and uneasy.

However, she had been polite and graceful in her response, simply forcing a smile and giving an empty gesture of gratitude in response to his poorly executed remarks. She had likely been trained and instructed to give a kind and gentle response to the Crowned Prince, regardless of her personal thoughts or feelings.

"S-shall we take a walk in the open forest? there's a great waterfall there"

I really feel sorry for my descendant if it this engagement turns out to be successful.

Alicia's invite was a clear indication that she was trying to keep the engagement going, as she was now inviting the Crowned Prince to take a walk in the open forest and see the nearby waterfall. I could sense that Alicia's discomfort was growing with each passing moment, but it seemed like she didn't really have a choice in the matter and had to comply with Davis's requests.


Ces suddenly sensed the presence of multiple enemy assassins lurking nearby, which gave me a huge sense of urgency and alarm.

The enemies were likely planning to ambush and attack Davis and Alicia, who were proceeding deeper into the forest at an alarming speed. I quickly decided to follow right behind them, keeping my distance to not reveal my presence.


I knew something was fishy from that bastard,I can't leave Alicia to someone like that who earns their trust by faking a heroic scene

I could sense that Ces was right in pointing out that the enemy presence seemed like an act, as their killing intent was non-existent and the situation felt too orchestrated.

Indeed, it seemed like the ambush was likely planned by someone to earn Alicia's trust, which implied that the attackers had already formulated a plan of action and knew of Alicia's presence ahead of time.

The fact the assassins had no killing intent made me even more wary of the situation, as it meant they could have a more sinister plan at hand. I decided to follow the pair very closely and monitor the situation closely as we went deeper into the forest.

I didn't know what would happen next, but I was extremely alert and vigilant, ready to respond to any unexpected surprises.

As we continued to move deeper into the forest, we eventually came upon a stunning and impressive waterfall. The tranquil and serene environment of the waterfall was a stark contrast to the chaotic and tense atmosphere surrounding us.

I couldn't help but feel slightly amazed at the beauty of the waterfall, but my attention was still fully focused on the dangerous situation at hand.

The peaceful and scenic atmosphere of the waterfall was suddenly disrupted by the sudden presence of multiple enemy assassins. I could see several individuals darting their way from all sides, seemingly attempting to surround the Crowned Prince and Alicia.

In a moment, the beautiful scenery of the waterfall turned into a chaotic and dangerous battleground, as the assassins attempted to make their strike and attack the Crowned Prince and Alicia. The ambush was now underway.

"Get behind me Alicia"

The Crowned Prince was swift and decisive, immediately moving his body to shield and protect the girl from any immediate danger. It was clear that he took his duties as Crowned Prince seriously, and he was dedicated to protecting his subjects and betrothed.

Alicia followed the instructions quickly and moved behind the Crowned Prince, as the attack from the assassins began.

I swiftly intervened and used my magic to immobilize the 9 assassins, freezing them in place and causing them to cease their attack.

The Crowned Prince was indeed shocked by this sudden revelation, which he hadn't seen coming at all. He then realized how ineffective his plan had really been, as I had swiftly and efficiently defeated all the enemy assassins in a moment.

"It seems like your 'Heroic' plan was unsuccessful"

The Crowned Prince was left dumbfounded, as he hadn't expected the situation to have been resolved so quickly and easily. He looked at me with a mixture of shock and awe, not knowing how to respond or react to the situation.

I decided to retract from the battlefield and retreat, eager to observe how Alicia would react to the Crowned Prince's setup and whether or not she would still fall for the whole thing.

The Crowned Prince appeared dumbfounded and intimidated by the sudden outburst and rage of the girl. He clearly was not expecting her to react in such a way, as he had become too comfortable with her gentleness and kindness.

"What's the meaning of this? What do you think you can achieve by doing this"

However, his surprise and shock quickly turned into fear and panic when she grabbed him by the collar and pinned him against the nearby tree. Her glare and expression were no longer gentle or soft, but cold and menacing.

"Answer me!"

Alicia's aura burst out and encompassed the whole forest with a menacing and dreadful aura, which truly made Davis fear for his life. It was as if she was a completely different person now, no longer the docile and gentle girl that he had assumed her to be. Instead, she was now a fierce and terrifying force to be reckoned with.

Alicia Calmed down after some time and thought it through,

"Crowned prince,Davis Deva, I believe that this relationship is going nowhere so I suggest that we part ways here"

Davis Deva realized that the romantic engagement between him and Alicia was now officially no longer happening. Her cold and aggressive attitude had swiftly dismantled the hopes and expectations he had for this relationship, and now she was no longer interested in pursuing the whole thing.

She had shut down the idea of their engagement entirely, and now he had no choice but to comply with her wishes.

Alicia walked away from the forest and back to her quarters, seemingly undisturbed by the events that had just transpired. She did not appear upset or angry, but simply accepted the situation as it was and moved on with her life.

Upon returning to her rooms, she was greeted by Lia, who was waiting for her like she had somehow anticipated that the engagement would fail.

"I know that the royal family is no match for you,my lady"

"I agree, they are full of bullshits"

Alicia laughed and agreed with Lia's assessment, calling the royal family "shitheads" and saying that they were no match for her. It seemed like she had finally found a genuine and supportive ally in Lia, who had backed her up and agreed with her decision to turn down the engagement.

At that moment.I teleported to my room but did not conceal my presence,the particles of myself were slowly transferring from place to place. I saw Lia and Alicia chatting in the bed but they seemed to pretend to not notice me.

"Seems like you two are having a great time".

Lia who was chatting was surprised at my presence.

"Young master?! Is that you?"

Lia held my hand and felt my warmth, she sobbed,She really did miss me,even though It was only a brief moment that we had together in this life, I'm sure that she missed me.

"I'm sorry that I left you guys"

"I was worried,"

Alicia who was sitting on the bed got curious and asked

"Who are you? and why is Lia crying?"

Lia seemed quite shocked and surprised by Elliot's appearance, as she hadn't seen his actual form before. However, she still recognized him due to his warmth, which appeared to have touched her deeply.

Alicia did not comprehend the situation at first and was curious as to why Lia was sobbing in the first place, but as soon as she learned the truth, she seemed quite surprised by the revelation.

"I'm Elliot Grande" I said as I leaned near the window.

"So what are you going to do now,my lord? 516 years had passed and people already forgotten your name"

"You're quite right, I need information, Lia. Would you like to be my Informant again?"

My question threw off Lia, who was clearly taken aback by the huge time gap. She still looked exactly the same age despite the time difference, which was baffling.

"Information? You need information about this era...and you want me to be your informant?"

The way that I phrased the question made it seem like this was something they had done multiple times before in the past, as if I could just ask her to be my informant at any moment like this.

"Yes...I need information and you're the only person I can trust,"

My tone was surprisingly straightforward and direct, as if it were a normal thing for me to ask her.

"This kingdom has changed dramatically since I've been gone, and I need to know the current state of affairs. You are familiar with the world since you've been living here for such a long time

I don't have anyone else who can be my informant..."


Lia's expression had become concerned as she heard my request. She was truly the only person he could trust, as she had lived in this kingdom for so long and had experienced all of the changes that had occurred over time.

Her familiarity with this current era was now what I required, as I needed to know what was happening in this era.

"Very well,I'll tell you everything you want to know..."


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