Her Demon: Leviathan (Novel)

Her Demon: Leviathan (Novel)

His Creation

DISCLAIMER: This is a creative creation of the writer. All names, personalities, organizations, settings, events, and scenarios are made up. Any resemblance to real individuals, living or dead, or to actual events is entirely coincidental.

God made the Earth and the heavens in the beginning. The abyss was dark over its surface, the Earth was empty and formless, and the spirit of God hovered over the waters. (Books of Genesis, 1–4)

As the Earth took shape under God's design, a celestial order was established with angels—called the guardians, watchful beings entrusted with the task of overseeing both the living and the non-living in God's stead.

Heaven's bestowal of peace and harmony was short-lived. Today, we recognize Samael as "Lucifer," translating to "The Light Bringer," who orchestrated an uprising that shattered the celestial tranquility.

For all fallen angels, devils, and grave sinners, there awaited Hell. The consequences of the rebellion echoed on Earth, where the coexistence of good and evil became intertwined with humanity.

Among the fallen, one angel succumbed to curiosity, voluntarily embracing sin. His descent into Hell marked a tragic turning point. Now residing in the depths of damnation, he is burdened by regrets and surrounded by burning desires. Serving Lucifer for the remainder of his existence remains his only option.

In the midst of the fiery abyss, his life took an unexpected turn when God, in His infinite mercy, chose to grant him another chance. However, this opportunity came with a profound condition—he would undoubtedly retain his celestial powers, but only if he could coexist with people. The path to redemption and the possibility of returning to heaven became intertwined with the success of this newfound duty.

Seven missions awaited him, each corresponding to one of the seven deadly sins. The Almighty, forgiving to all creatures, initiated a contract, and this mission would last for a hundred years. God ensures ample time to fulfill the seven duties.

As the hourglass descended, the sands within it became the measure of his redemption. The remaining time would determine the outcome of his quest. In the divine contract, God's assurance echoed through eternity: 'I will be with you today, tomorrow, and forever, my child. Remember that.'

After a drop of blood falls, he suddenly finds himself in an unfamiliar room. Before him lies a golden book that unfolds on its own.

'A deal has been agreed. This is where all of your missions are listed. One of them will show up here in the book of records once you've finished it.'

Glancing around, Leviathan sees a demon spawn in front of him. The figure is unmistakable — it's Lucifer, someone he's grown accustomed to.

"Lucifer," Levi mutters.

Lucifer smirks, responding, "It is pleasant to meet you, my dearest friend."

"Master," Levi looks up to him.

It becomes apparent that Lucifer understands why Leviathan is here on Earth. He gestures towards the golden book on the bed.

"You might have seemed taken aback, but Dad can be unpredictable," Levi continues.

Lucifer laughs, "Dear old dad and his so-called plans."

"What's your plan?" Levi asks.

Lucifer replied, "As usual, I'm fulfilling my father's wishes by working. I bear the burden as the King of Hell."

"He didn't give you a second chance?" Levi seemed confused.

Lucifer looked at him, "A second chance? It won't be feasible."

"You make a valid point, but why did he pick me?" Levi inquired.

Lucifer smiled, "Just go play along with him for 100 years."

"I will stay by your side forever. Go where you please, master. I'll accompany you. I was with you in heaven, I was with you in Hell, and I will be with you throughout," Levi declared.

Lucifer hushed him, "I don't think we will be together indefinitely. I'm sure you'll leave me eventually."

And once more, Lucifer left him hanging. Despite the brevity of his final message, it still wounded Levi, the prince of jealousy.

It was Levi's first day of life on Earth. He summoned an enslaved person to accompany him on his explorations of Earth, embracing humanity while figuring out how to behave as one.

"What is the next destination?" Levi asked.

Lucas replied, "To the mall, sire."

"Is that so?" Levi seemed excited.

They strolled through the mall, and Levi enjoyed the admiring looks from many people. Demons like him were alluring to humans, especially when assuming a human appearance.

Lucas guided him to an established restaurant around the corner.

"Whoa! What's in this place?" Levi was invested in the meal.

Lucas introduced it to him, "This is called Star, sire. A place where only celebrities can afford to dine. You are the envy of many; thus, I'm sure you have the money."

"Lucas, well said. I'm quite honored. Now let's get inside." Levi was about to enter when he was stopped.

Levi charmed the guard, who appeared unsure of who he was, and gained entry without trouble.

The waiter asked him, "What would you like to order, sir?"

"I want the most expensive meal you have," Levi charmed the waiter as well.

The waiter nodded, saying, "I'll be right back, sir."

Every moment became recorded in history the instant he tasted his first extravagant meal. After 95 years on Earth, he had lost interest in everything and was bored.

Levi stayed at home with a view of the ocean. He found his calling after speaking with his slave.

Lucas said, "You know I have no right to ask, but do you not want to return to paradise, sir?"

"What makes you say that?" Levi inquired.

Lucas looked like he had regrets, "You've been offered a chance, so why don't you seize it?"

"With Lucifer, I've already gone through them all. I must complete the remaining four years and return to Hell," Levi stated.

Lucas laughed at him, "Are you so devoted to your boss, sire? Even though Lucifer finds pleasure in everything, he is ultimately forced to remain in the abyss. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance; won't you try to steer yourself in a different direction?"

"Why do you believe that? It appears you are one of them, aren't you?" Levi looked at him.

Lucas removed his facade, "I'm here to tell you I did my share. Now, for the next four years, do your share. Leviathan, it's time for you to do what you wish. Although you are Lucifer's subordinate, you were once an angel like the rest of us. Now that you are with the humans, you should make the most of every opportunity and, for once, discover your purpose in life."

"Wow! What a message. I was surprised," Levi smirked.

Lucas smiled at him, saying, "I'll let you go if you can respond to me, but if not, you'll need to figure it out for yourself."

"What is it this time?" Levi asked.

Lucas replied, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Levi seemed uncertain.

Lucas nodded, "Yes, who are you?"

"I don't know," Levi admitted. It was time because, although he thought he had an answer, it was insufficient.

Levi received the book from Lucas and opened it. As he turned the pages, all seven missions were revealed.

Lucas said, "Time to pave your path, Levi."

With that, Lucas disappeared, beaming, and returned to heaven.

Levi slept it all out after experiencing discomfort. He wondered if he was daydreaming, believing that everything would return to normal when he woke up.

Upon waking, Levi saw the hourglass and realized he had four years left to live.

"I'm sorry, Luci." Levi whispered as he touched the hourglass.


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