Whose Bride?

Whose Bride?


~ Million years ago, gods ruled the land, and they showered humans with blessings...there was an empire established by sun god" Sol "

and Moon goddess " luna" named "Aristella empire" .... Then they decided that they would

Give their most loyal and favorite kid the kingdom. It was dragon king and his family. The dragon kind made his daughter princess sitara and her mate prince Wagner the emperor and empress.....but the happy time in empires did not last long. The people divided in "solar followers" and "lunar followers". This enraged the sun God and moon goddess. ...so they punished the Royal family a curse.... A curse in which is if they didn't find the Maiden of light they would go crazy and reverse to Their dragon form. They can never be human again....and later will die of heart attack....and to search for the Maiden of light, goddess Luna left a ring. if a girl's finger turns the purple diamond into black then she is the maiden of light. ....~

~ A dingy,cold and dark cell where a girl with faded golden hair and soulless Ruby eyes with trickling tears is looking up at a little window where a bright and blinding sunlight is seeping in. Suddenly, A girl which flaming red hair with jet black eyes in a rosy outfit, where several diamonds are dripping out....smirks at the half dead girl...~

"Didn't I told you not to covet my things...hmm?..

See what you have done to yourself...serves you right ...humph! "

" ....why...? ....just why did you do this...? if you have ever told me that you liked Him ...I would have happily left him...why?.... I thought we were friends...then why Melissa….?.."

"... Tsk. …Tsk….my oh my…." FRIENDS" ….? Friends don't covet other people man...and they don't break Their friends' engagement. ...they don't humiliate their friends .... Like you did Lillian!…"

~ weeping slowly....she gets up and leans on the wall for support~

".... B-but I-i ..... I truly cherished you .... and He loved me...he said that ...he didn't like you...and after that... I said yes... I thought it was better for you.. (feebly holds her hand)…"

" ... ( smacks her hand and squints her eyebrows...) ...you thought it was good for me...so you said yes...huh? ...you know what you are selfish and pretentious. ...I loved him first. he was my fiance and bieng my best friend...oh! I mean Ex-best friend you should have rejected him...but you!. you thought that you could raise your status by marrying him right..? Dream on!..."

".. (Gasps) ....N-no. ..it isn't like that..believe me...I truly love him and he loves me too. This diamond which has turned black in the ring is the proof of our love..that I'm his soul mate. ."

" .... Damn this ring...if I kill you...anyone won't save you...and He. …well why don't I show you….how much he loves you huh…??"

"…..wh..at are ...you...saying...?"

~ while both of them turns and a burly muscular man with black hair and bluebell crystal eyes..enters....he slides the door open while the metallic door crunches...and then came closer to Melissa. ..staring to the corpsly body..his eyes show disgust and cold emotion...~"

"(Coldly) why did you call me in here …it's so smelly, and I think I'll catch an infectious disease from it..."

"Meghan it's me ... I'm here ...y-your lily. …can't-can't you see me…? Please save me …. I'm dying…she betrayed us, and why are you……?"

" Oh my....lily .... it's you? ... I'm sorry you were too much disfigured for me to recognize you… I'm so forgetful. …but Mel I didn't know you would touch my Toy"

"T-toy…… W-what ... A-are you s-s-saying...?

"Oh my... I think after being here for so long ...your hearing sense has been damaged huh...? He said that you were just a toy. A tool for a fling. A doll to be poured of fleeting emotions....you were nothing in his heart.....humph!"

"Is it true....ERHE? "

" Are you deaf ...? What she said was true!....and you were just a mistress whom I can toss of anytime ...you were a rubbish. A stain on me. I hated that ring and the fate with you...!! "

"W-What....but you said...you said that...YOU LOVED ME!!"

"Haha, haha....LOVE? Oh?!! My naive lily... I didn't love you....or I never loved you. I just played with you as you were my "Fated plaything ".

" Now you understand ...about "How much" he loves you...huh?"

"you....never loved me...(stares blankly) and ...you just played with me...? Why? What did I do wrong?just...why?"

" Tsk...you did nothing wrong...but…(smirks)...that ring chose you...and I hate that ring...so I will hate the owner too."

"ERHE and Melissa, I vow on the honor of the ice castle and pledge that if goddess Luna allows me to come back again... I will give both you the most brutal death in the history....and I will retrieve my previous glory .... I promise you…!!!"

"Guards ! Kill her!....this ungrateful wench. (kicks).... I will kill her...how dare you curse me?

you bitch! ...go to hell! (feeds her something)"

".....uh...ugh…glug. ….uh..fwooh. …ah hah. ...w..hat d..id. .y....ou....fee...d ....me....?"

" A special potion which will ease your pain..."

".... (chocks).... W-what is that ....? it's burning my throat ..... I'm dying.... W-what. ...?"

"Haha ha haha. ....your cries are like music in my ears"

~Lillian cursing everyone while ....drawing her last breath ...prays that ..."please luna grant me one wish...please give me a chance to redeem myself and retrieve my position....please give me a chance to rehearse my mistakes..." while begging she died....and there was a person grieving beside her corpse. ~



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