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Whose Bride?


~ Million years ago, gods ruled the land, and they showered humans with blessings...there was an empire established by sun god" Sol "

and Moon goddess " luna" named "Aristella empire" .... Then they decided that they would

Give their most loyal and favorite kid the kingdom. It was dragon king and his family. The dragon kind made his daughter princess sitara and her mate prince Wagner the emperor and empress.....but the happy time in empires did not last long. The people divided in "solar followers" and "lunar followers". This enraged the sun God and moon goddess. they punished the Royal family a curse.... A curse in which is if they didn't find the Maiden of light they would go crazy and reverse to Their dragon form. They can never be human again....and later will die of heart attack....and to search for the Maiden of light, goddess Luna left a ring. if a girl's finger turns the purple diamond into black then she is the maiden of light. ....~

~ A dingy,cold and dark cell where a girl with faded golden hair and soulless Ruby eyes with trickling tears is looking up at a little window where a bright and blinding sunlight is seeping in. Suddenly, A girl which flaming red hair with jet black eyes in a rosy outfit, where several diamonds are dripping out....smirks at the half dead girl...~

"Didn't I told you not to covet my things...hmm?..

See what you have done to yourself...serves you right ...humph! "

" ....why...? ....just why did you do this...? if you have ever told me that you liked Him ...I would have happily left him...why?.... I thought we were friends...then why Melissa….?.."

"... Tsk. …Tsk….my oh my…." FRIENDS" ….? Friends don't covet other people man...and they don't break Their friends' engagement. ...they don't humiliate their friends .... Like you did Lillian!…"

~ weeping slowly....she gets up and leans on the wall for support~

".... B-but I-i ..... I truly cherished you .... and He loved me...he said that ...he didn't like you...and after that... I said yes... I thought it was better for you.. (feebly holds her hand)…"

" ... ( smacks her hand and squints her eyebrows...) thought it was good for you said yes...huh? know what you are selfish and pretentious. ...I loved him first. he was my fiance and bieng my best friend...oh! I mean Ex-best friend you should have rejected him...but you!. you thought that you could raise your status by marrying him right..? Dream on!..."

".. (Gasps) ....N-no. isn't like that..believe me...I truly love him and he loves me too. This diamond which has turned black in the ring is the proof of our love..that I'm his soul mate. ."

" .... Damn this ring...if I kill you...anyone won't save you...and He. …well why don't I show you….how much he loves you huh…??"

"… are"

~ while both of them turns and a burly muscular man with black hair and bluebell crystal eyes..enters....he slides the door open while the metallic door crunches...and then came closer to Melissa. ..staring to the corpsly body..his eyes show disgust and cold emotion...~"

"(Coldly) why did you call me in here …it's so smelly, and I think I'll catch an infectious disease from it..."

"Meghan it's me ... I'm here ...y-your lily. …can't-can't you see me…? Please save me …. I'm dying…she betrayed us, and why are you……?"

" Oh my....lily .... it's you? ... I'm sorry you were too much disfigured for me to recognize you… I'm so forgetful. …but Mel I didn't know you would touch my Toy"

"T-toy…… W-what ... A-are you s-s-saying...?

"Oh my... I think after being here for so long ...your hearing sense has been damaged huh...? He said that you were just a toy. A tool for a fling. A doll to be poured of fleeting were nothing in his heart.....humph!"

"Is it true....ERHE? "

" Are you deaf ...? What she said was true!....and you were just a mistress whom I can toss of anytime were a rubbish. A stain on me. I hated that ring and the fate with you...!! "

"W-What....but you said that...YOU LOVED ME!!"

"Haha, haha....LOVE? Oh?!! My naive lily... I didn't love you....or I never loved you. I just played with you as you were my "Fated plaything ".

" Now you understand ...about "How much" he loves you...huh?"

"you....never loved me...(stares blankly) and just played with me...? Why? What did I do wrong?just...why?"

" did nothing wrong...but…(smirks)...that ring chose you...and I hate that I will hate the owner too."

"ERHE and Melissa, I vow on the honor of the ice castle and pledge that if goddess Luna allows me to come back again... I will give both you the most brutal death in the history....and I will retrieve my previous glory .... I promise you…!!!"

"Guards ! Kill her!....this ungrateful wench. (kicks).... I will kill dare you curse me?

you bitch! ...go to hell! (feeds her something)"

".....uh...ugh…glug. ….uh..fwooh. …ah hah. ...w..hat .y....ou....fee...d"

" A special potion which will ease your pain..."

".... (chocks).... W-what is that ....? it's burning my throat ..... I'm dying.... W-what. ...?"

"Haha ha haha. ....your cries are like music in my ears"

~Lillian cursing everyone while ....drawing her last breath ...prays that ..."please luna grant me one wish...please give me a chance to redeem myself and retrieve my position....please give me a chance to rehearse my mistakes..." while begging she died....and there was a person grieving beside her corpse. ~

~Episode 2~

" E-erhe....p-please... I beg you..don't do this (gasping)..."

"Miss...miss Lillian. .please wake up...."




"...miss ..are you okay..?. You were gasping and huffing a lot in your sleep. Were you having a nightmare...?"

".... Yeah...a realistic nightmare.."

"(smiling and cheerfully) Then just forget about it. It's just a bad dream right?... Let me tell you something good. Prince Erhe and countess Melissa has arrived. They are waiting downstairs. will be relaxed after meeting them.. "

" (clenches teeth)...Erhe. here?...and Melissa too...?"

"Yeah and they arrived 1 hour ago"

"Let's get ready. it's not good to keep them they might bring me in Good mood"


~Gets up and walks before mirror. She looks her face and thinks..." This is me at 19-year-old. Thank you goddess for giving me this chance... I will avenge myself...and punish them"....she gets ready to get down~


"'re so funny your highness. How can you do that?.."

"...why can't I? ... I can and I will."

"Your highness're so great and mighty. But in your comparison Lillian feels dull... I think you deserve better ....(Exposes her cleavage)"

"Oh my .... Lady Melissa can you... (Stares at her)....well you're right. Even though I am her fiancé she hasn't let me touch her hair. She is too boring."

"your highness...the rose tea of my house is very famous ...why don't you..."

"...ah aha...sure..if you insist I-"

" what are you doing Erhe? (stares at him).....and Melissa?(squints her eyebrows)"

~A while ago...outside the door Lillian was hearing Their conversation .....~

"So....what's up going between you...both huh?"

"(stands up and blocks her view) That's the first thing you want to ask after what you did at the yesterday's ball...huh?"


~(Flash back)~

A royal ball in which Lillian was having fever from cold...but she has withstand it due to her status as crown princess..or goddess chosen one. After a while ..she fainted and was carried by second prince. Hence, Prince was reprimanded by the emperor for bringing his sick fiancee at the ball.


"... Oh ...about that.."

" Yeah should apologise for fainting midway and leaving in that bastard's arms..."

~...humph! How foolish I was to fall for a mean and proud guy like him. He doesn't even care about me. All he cares about is...that How his pride was hurt due to king punishing him....ha!"~

"... Why should I apologize to you..instead you would be the one to do it..."

"(shocked).... W-what ...?"

"Lillian. ... (crying coyly)... The Prince was very hurt when he saw the second prince should apologize for that..."

"... And what about Erhe dragging me in the ballroom forcefully...can't you see that..?"

"... should learn something from lady Melissa... (wiping her tears and hugging her)

"....your highness (sobbing slowly) How can you not see his highness pain Lillian. ..?"

~.... Lillian thinks" can't stay away anymore right...then so be it."~

"...your highness should also care about me or else I don't know how long I can support you..."

".....y-your. dare you threaten me...? (Raises his hands)"


" dare you touch her...?!"

"... B-brother. ....yo-you are ...."

 ~Reveals Claude de Rosana, A beautifully sculpted face having Ruby jewel eyes and pink blossom lips. His hair is liked smelted gold in bright sunshine and his jade skin praised his trained young body...An ideal groom candidate and 2nd eye candy young man of empire after second prince...but his temper is his most disturbing flaw ...and that led to his demise~


" Y-your majesty Erhe. ..please don't. ... I'm sure it's a misunderstanding. My brother didn't do anything of this... I-i swear...please reconsider your decision. ..your majesty"

".....SO, you're pleading for a criminal.... (Stares coldly)....never expected that from you...!"

"(smirks)...y-your majesty ... Her majesty's action is understandable ...since he is her brother....while I don't have anyone... So..."

".....why say you don't have have me... (lovingly)"

"(clenches her lips)...y-your majesty m-my. ..."

" I thought you loved me...but I see your claims were worthless....after all you can't even make a small sacrifice to see me happy..."

".... (weak and teary)'s okay. if my life costs your happiness. .. I'm happy being well..."


flashback ends~


"W-What happened silly....why are you crying..?... Did he hurt you...?"

"N-no.... I'm just ....not feeling."

"Your highness I believe you heard my sister...she isn't feeling well, so she won't be able to see you out...please visit sometime later"

"I-I understand "

(leaves hastily. ..)


(outside the door).."DAMN!....that bastard's had the audacity to kick me our. .. I-I. ... I'll kill him"

"Y-your majesty. ... (coyly)"

"(yanked his hand out of her grip)...leave me!... I'm going back"


(Meanwhile in the manor)..." B-brother I'm totally fine... I don't need a checkup"

"(holds her hand)... I know it may anger you again but... I want to say that ... Crown isn't good for you...he doesn't love you...ease snap out of it!....he's using you for his personal gain...."

"I know brother... I...already know all of this... I'm sorry I....kept hurting in my .....childish whim... I'm sorry.. (crying slowly)"

"Hey...silly why are you apologizing. .you didn't do any wrong... I'm not hurt you see?...and what are your plans after this...?"

".....I plan to...Annul the engagement...(hesistates)...ofcourse with yours and father's permission..if it harms our family we can leave it be...i can find another way...too(rambling)"

"Hahahaha. ....your habit of rambling hasn't wore off till now..right?..why won't we agree..? Your happiness matters most to us silly...ofcourse you can do whatever you want...and don't worry about family. Your father and brother will handle that for yo-"

~Door busts open with loud voice...and arrives Allemende de rosiana , the head of the house ....Lillian's father in a flustered state...~

"My baby....I heard you're sick...where are you hurt? much it hurts? hmm? are you still mad? do you want me to show what I got for you? oh! I forgot to ask...have you eaten...? and -"

"DAD!...calm down...she's alright . nothing major"

"HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HER ?!?...she's so small and frail...she must have been scared without me!! bastard (pinches his ears)...I told you to take good care of her...what did ya' do...huh?"

"DAD. ..I'm okay..."

"Are you-"

" Yes dad...I'm fine...and I want to Annul my engagement with crown prince"

"NOW ...I think she's possesed and you're saying she's okay...there's no way she would-"

"DAD ...I'm saying I want to break off my engagement with crown prince ... (mad smile)"

"O-okay...I'll do as you wish my darling"


~ After a while, Lillian leaves for her room..and Allemende turns serious...he turns to Claude de Rosana ~


"Father calm down... I know it's shocking for you, but it's shocking for me as well. I truly don't know how lilly changed her mind...about that

A$$hole...but I can assure you that if she's doing this means she has planned something big. you know she never does something which is not in her favor...right?"

"I hope it goes as you tell I'm not sure that she is really out of love with that bastard!"

"....O merciful god..please bless my sister's future path"

"....Claude. ...I need you to protect her from any means...even if she wants something illegal .... just do it!. Don't ever hesistate...she is more precious than family or anything!"

"I'll do it even if you didn't order me about this...because I'm her knight and she's my princess..."

" You...still remember?!?!"

"Yeah.'s my sweetest memory ever"


~(recalls) " Bworwer...uou ill pwotect mwe. ..rwight? "

"ofcourshe. ..I will...I'll be your knight and you'll be my princess forever"

" I lwove uou Bworwer. .." ~


"It's time to return to the mansion...hmm?"

" Yeah. ..but I don't know why I'm sensing an omnibus sign approaching...I think this visit to capital ended smoothly that's why..."

"I hope your worries would just be illusion ...and don't turn into reality... "


"NOW. can choose any groom present in this imperial court..."

~You must be thinking what is going on here...well let me tell you ~


"Greetings to the sun of the empire, your majesty Alterious de cristiana Aristella. ..may this light shines from eternity"

"Rise Lady Lilliana de rosiana. I have heard a quite few things about you....let me see that if you match up with the rumours"

(Lifts up head)

" hmm...quite nice. You're yet to have your debut hmm...?"

" Yes your majesty"

"hmm...then choose which of the men you want as your escort in your of course your choosen one will be your husband go ahead"

"(Finally! said it)"

~ Time laps one night before...

" Anna ...beautify me tommorow as much as you can...since I will need it urgently.."

" ...yes my lady"

"(Thinks) it is the same day when I chosed Meghan and regretted my whole want to be fiance...let me show you a good show!!"

flashback ends~

" It means I can choose anyone ....your majesty if he is present in this hall?"

" Why..yes you can"

"(smirks and thinks)...she will choose me of course since that fool is in love with me...just let me become the emperor and I'll let you witness how I trample on you like insects..."

"Then ...( deep exhales) your majesty I have carefully chosen my debut partner and oh...ofcourse he will be my life partner too..."

" Do tell me..Lady lillian"

"...just say it's me... (proud and smirking)

" It's Second prince Alexandro ros Astella. it is him whom I Lillian de Rosana chose to be my Husband and Debut Partner "

"W-What (shocked)"

"Maintain your decorum. ..Crown prince (Coldly)"

"...B-but your maje-"

"...quiet...and you lady Lillian are you sure you want to..?"

"Yes your majesty I'm firm with my decision..."

"Then you must know that the second prince is..critically ill and ...are you still adamant about-"

" Yes I am pretty sure..and I only want him to be my husband"

" Fine as you wish..."

"Then be prepared for tommorow's party and at the end of the next week will be your wedding with him..."

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