Lady Flame's Monster

Lady Flame's Monster

Craziness Part One

FILMED IN GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOUR!! (But on the budget of an old black & white B movie) 🦄 OINK 🦄
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
The camera pans in on a scary looking castle on top of a hill, lightning flashing all around, and we zoom in on a room at the top of the highest tower, where a lab is situated... The camera does a close up of a short, stocky, eccentric looking scientist, with red tinted glasses, and long dark hair.
Lady Flame
Lady Flame
BWA HA HA HA HA... I, Lady Cara von Flame, 'ave discovered ze secret of life after death!!
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
She strikes THE pose, you know, THAT one... one hand on her hip, the other in the air, finger pointed, a la John Travolta, and we hear music 'Ah, Ah, Ah, staying alive, staying alive...' She does THE dance, with a little spin at the end, then returns to THAT pose
Lady Flame
Lady Flame
I vil' prove my life's vork, by awakening zis creature I 'ave created from pieces of dead youkai!!
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
The camera pans round to the other side of the lab, where we see a body covered by a sheet
Lady Flame
Lady Flame
Electra... 'ave you finished calling forth a storm, for my experiment to vork?!
Yes, Mistress
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
A young woman with long white hair, and glowing eyes with no pupils, comes through a door that leads out to the roof. She climbs down the wrought iron spiral staircase, sparks flying from her hands as she touches the railings, from her facial markings she appears to be part demon, part storm kami
I still don't understand why I don't just zap him?!
Lady Flame
Lady Flame
Zat is why I is ze scientist, an' you is ze assistant... Ve need all this expensive equipment, to regulate ze flow of electricity, an' so ve do not get crispy fried demon!!
Yosh', let's get started...
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Electra pulls the big lever, (there's always a big lever LOL), the machine hums into action, lights flash, etc, then there is a huge flash of blinding white light, and the machine blows up, sparks and smoke everywhere. Mass coughing noises come from within a huge cloud of smoke, and our scientist gets out a memo recorder from the pocket of her lab coat and presses record
Lady Flame
Lady Flame
Note to self, never to buy machine parts from Nabiki Enterprises again!!
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
more coughing
Did it work?
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Both women turn to stare avidly at the shrouded body through the clearing smoke, the camera follows their gaze, and zooms in on the body on the table... An arm falls out from beneath the sheet, and a finger twitches, suddenly the body jerks upright, and a hand pulls the sheet away from it's face. It is beautiful yet cold, surrounded by long black hair, which immediately turns white
'cause Mangatoon doesn't have a pic of a scary looking pretty dude with long black hair ya know... fourth wall... what fourth wall?! 🙈🙉🙊
Who are you? Where is this? The last thing I remember was...
Lady Flame
Lady Flame
Zis is my lab and I 'ave brought you back to life!!
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Lady Flame strikes THAT pose again... God, I mean me, she is just sooooo dramatic!!
#slow evil smirk 😈
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
The audience of fan girls goes wild, cause that guy is so bish! 😍
Why thank you my dear, now I shall have my revenge on that worthless cur, and his annoying friends
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Naraku waves his hand and sends a stream of miasma out towards Lady Flame, which is then evaporated by a bolt of lightning… the camera quick pans around to Electra, where she is powered up and hovering off the ground, her hair flying round her as lightning crackles around her body
How DARE you attack my mistress!! Its pancakes and plum sauce for you now...
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Electra draws her hand back to unleash a lightning bolt a la Zeus... that overrated poseur!!
I've never destroyed a goddess before, this should be interesting...
Lady Flame
Lady Flame
VAIT... VAIT!! Do not destroy my experiment!!
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Lady Flame jumps between Electra and Naraku who are preparing to kill each other, then realises what she's just done, and ducks FAST!! Thank Me for that, I thought for a moment that I'd created a woman that was not only a drama queen, but a brainless bimbo too!
Hey, you senile old git, that's my avatar you're talking about... and everything I do, I do in the name of comedy! 🤬
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Shut it loser, I'm God here, not you! 😇
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Ahem, where was I...
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Ah yes... a stream of miasma and a lightning bolt meet where Lady Flame's head had been seconds earlier. Our good doctor gets a flare gun out of her pocket and shoots it at the ceiling causing a small explosion
Lady Flame
Lady Flame
Voice of God, The Director of Life
Voice of God, The Director of Life
panting Lady Flame gets up off floor, and goes over and pushes a button on what appears to be an intercom
Lady Flame
Lady Flame
Come in, ze Doctor will see you now…
Who is about to enter the Doctors office... I mean mad scientists secret lair? Don't touch that dial, the next part will be posted shortly! 🎶Intermission Music 🎶 Get your ice cream here! 🍧🍨🍦🍨🍧


Lady Flame

Lady Flame

Although I only posted this here to experiment with the chat novel format... I have to say that I had so much fun adapting the story from it's original movie script format into a chat.

I made a few changes, and even added to the story, in fact you can probably consider this to be a completely brand new version, which is only available on this platform!! 😁

Choosing the icons for the characters was interesting, as I decided to use the ones provided by Mangatoon, instead of looking for actual character icons from the series.

I have to point out that although I do like to add some humour to my stories, I usually only write pure crack like this when I am in hyper sugar rush mode!!



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