Mrs. Tiara Goldman's birthday party 2

Tiara pov:

With so many people grazing at me, the moment I stepped down the stairs, I started feeling nervous.

I am not used to standing in front of a crowd and not talking about this type of crowd with high dignitaries.

All these people present here are wealthy and some of them are perverts as their eyes keep roaming around my body.

It seems like Laurel saw how nervous I was because he walked to my side and held my waist.

Happy birthday sweetheart, he whispered in my ear and gave me a peck at the corner of my lips.

Thanks. I replied.

He came to my rescue at the right time.

If not, I don't know what I would have done standing on the stage.

He held my waist off the stage as we walked to our seats.

On our way to our seats, I could hear some people whispering about Laurel and me, especially the ladies, but I ignored all of them.

The excitement of everyone as they drank and discussed in their various seats made me very happy.

But what made me happy most was the fact that Laurel organized a birthday party for me.

And it is not a simple birthday party but a grand one. I was not expecting that.

I don't know, but this gesture of his has made me understand one thing that has totally changed my mind about him, and that is the fact that he is a good man, even though people say he is ruthless and wicked.

Now, I know that beneath the arrogant, ruthless, and wicked face he portrays there is a lovely and caring man.

Ever since I walked into this house as his wife, even though it is in a paper, he has always taken good care of me and the baby.

Which is something I haven't received ever since I was born.

For that reason, I won't let any family member or enemy of his harm him.

I said to myself.

I really regret using the baby on him, but I am happy he is the father of my baby.

And I pray my baby grows up and has some of his qualities.

Happy birthday, Tia.

Happy birthday Tiara.

 I came back to my senses when Nick and Jane came beside me to wish me a happy birthday. 

Thanks so much, guys.

Don't tell me you both came together.

I questioned, and I could see their faces turning red.

Then I knew something was up.

Yes, I know they love each other, especially Nick, but he has never made a move because he was afraid that Jane wouldn't accept him.

But when he told me the other day at the restaurant that he loved Jane,

Then I knew she must have been the girl he was talking about, but looking at both of them right now, I can say that he has finally mastered courage and accepted the possibility of rejection or acceptance.

And he went and told her about his feelings and, from the look of things, Jane accepted. 

Alright then, if you guys don't want to tell me, don't. I said, pretending to be sad, and that act got to them. 

Fine, you know what?

You always have your way of making someone tell the truth.

So what is the truth then? I question

We both came here together. Nick answered," What does that mean…? I asked while looking at both of them.

You, Nick, said while pointing at me, while Jane was blushing.

You know you are the only big brother I have got, even though we are not from the same mother, or we do not have the same blood flowing in our veins.

You are still my brother.

If I don't have your back and vice versa, then who will? I questioned him and that got him laughing.

You are such a sweet talker and if I didn't know you well enough as a woman.

I would have thought you were a man in those women's clothes. He said

Jane! Are you getting what Nick is saying?

He said I am a man in woman's clothes, even with the big breasts I have.

He still says I am a man in a woman's clothes.

Bae, do you now understand when I told you that you didn't know the real Tiara, and I only know her very well?

I can't count the number of times I have been in a difficult position all because of her. 

You see now, I just asked a simple question and here you are now making me look bad.

 Wait a minute, did you just call her bae or am I deaf? I question 

You know what, Tiara, you are not deaf. Jane said 

Does that mean what I am thinking is true?

Tia, tell me what are you thinking? Nick asked.

Alright, I asked a question and you both don't want to give me a sweet answer and here you are asking me what I am thinking.

 I will tell you both what I am thinking.

I think you have finally asked her out.

What do you mean, by he has finally asked me out?

Am I lying?

Didn't he ask you to be his girlfriend?

Yes he did, and I accepted, but what I don't understand is what you meant by he finally asked me out. 

Well, that's because this brother of mine has been in love with you for the past 2 years, and he didn't dare to say it to you.

Thinking you will reject him.

Wait a minute, you are not saying the truth, right? 

He is not far from us, he is just beside you. You can ask him. I said to Jane, and she turned and looked at Nick.

Is she telling the truth, Nick? 

Yes, she is.

I have been in love with you for 2 years, and she only knows because she is just like a little sister I didn't have.

Even when she told me to walk up to you and express my feelings.

I refused because I was scared you would reject me, but when she told me last week at the restaurant that I might lose you for good if I didn't take the risks of rejection and walked up to you.

Then, I decided to listen to her advice this time and tell you the truth about my feelings, and I am happy you accepted me for who I am.

Wow! Nick, thanks so much for loving me for that long, and believe me when I tell you I love you too. She said and kissed him on his lips.

Ahhhh! Please will you both stop feeding me dog food? 

Says someone who has a husband and can get hers anytime. She wants to. Jane said as they stopped kissing.  

Ohh yeah.

 I am very happy for you both and Jane. Please take good care of my brother and his heart and also, Bro, don't forget Jane is my friend, so you had better take good care of her.

Because if she complains that you hurt her brother, trust me, I won't forgive you and the same goes for you to Jane. 

Don't worry madam Tiara, I will take good care of your brother so that you won't get any complaints and the same goes for me too.

There is no way I will let my girlfriend complain about me to you, my little sis Tia,

 I have been looking for you and here you are with your friends, forgetting you have a husband who might be looking for you.

 Laurel said, and Nick and Jane turned and looked at him since he was behind them.

Sorry horn, I was chatting with my friends. I said as I walked to where he was standing.

By the way, horn, meet my friend Nick.

He is just like the elder brother I never had, and we call ourselves Big Bro and little sis and his girlfriend Jane, who is also my friend, and I am sure you know her. 

Yeah, I know her. I know both of them.

They both work at Exclusive Club, right?

Yeah, they do. 

Alright, I am happy to finally meet my wife's friends,

Especially you, Nick, because she keeps telling me good things about you.

You know, at times I used to feel jealous thinking that she loved you, and you loved her too.

But now that I have seen you and your girlfriend, I can now eat and put my plate down, knowing I am the only man in my wife's life.

There is no need for you to think that because your wife and I are just friends who see each other as siblings from another mother.

So there is no way I will love my younger sister and I have my own woman now. Sir. 

There is no need for you to call me sir.

Just call me Laurel,

Because the friends of my wife's friends are also my friends, so there is no need for the formality. 

Alright, Laurel, and thanks for accepting us. 

There is no need for that.

By the way, you and your girlfriend should enjoy the party, but I will be going with my wife.

I have some people to introduce to her, so we will go first. 

There is no need for you to get permission before you can go with your wife.

We will be fine here.

Alright, then we will be going ahead.

Laurel said and we both left Nick and Jane's side.

We walked to his father who was discussing with a big, belly man.

I can't believe he took me away from my friends to bring me here to listen to them discussing business.

My son and daughter-in-law are here.

I heard my father-in-law saying to the big belly man. 

Greetings dad. Laurel said.

Greetings dad. I said, and he nodded him to both Laurel and me in acceptance of our greetings.

Greetings sir. Laurel and I said together to the big belly man.

Greeting my dears. 

Goldman, I must say your daughter-in-law is very beautiful.

How I wish my son had seen her before your son.

I would have made her my daughter-in-law immediately. 

Well, too late for you because my son is already married to her. Laurel's dad said.

My dear, happy birthday.

Thanks so much, sir.

 I bought this for you.

You know when your father-in-law here told me about his son's wife's birthday being today? I decided to attend, but I refuse to come empty-handed because your father-in-law and I have been good friends for a long time.

That's why I brought you this small present.

Thanks so much, sir, I  do appreciate it. I said to him,

Why don't you open your gift?


Do I need to open it now?

Yeah, bae, open it so let's see what Mr. Kenneth brought for you, Laurel said,

And I decided to open the parcel.

 After I was done opening it, to my greatest surprise, it was a Diamond watch.

Wow! Sir, thanks so much.

The watch is beautiful and trust me when I say I love it. 

You're welcome, dear.

Thanks so much, Mr. Kenneth for gifting my wife such an expensive watch.

There is no need for you to thank me, Laurel.

You are just like my son. 

Mr. Kenneth, what about Charles? Why isn't he here? 

Oh, I forgot to inform you, he went to New York for a business meeting and he will be back by next week. 

Alright. But he sends his regards and his birthday wishes. 

Thanks, sir. 

By the way Dad, I will be leaving you both.

I have some other people to introduce to my wife.

Alright, dear. You can both go ahead. Laurel's father said and we both left their side. 

 I must say that man is very good.

Just imagine he brought me a diamond watch as my birthday gift when he had never met me before. 

He did that because he wanted our company to partner with his company since his company is going down.

as a businessman, he knows that for him to be able to please my dad and me he needed to do something that would make one of us happy.

That is why he decided to buy you an expensive watch since you are the daughter-in-law of the family and my wife so my dad and I will be happy with his gesture.

That's why he was insisting that you open the parcel so my dad and I can both see what he brought for you. Laurel said. 

I must say he is a wise businessman then. I said.

That is why there is this saying that

" There is no businessman who is foolish."

They all have senses but the problem now is some don't know how to place their game card…

1 A Nightstand with a stranger
2 More Worse Days Ahead
3 Congratulation madam you Pregnant
4 Am Pregnant and the baby isn't yours
5 Am carrying your baby.
6 Taking responsibility
7 A meeting at a top restaurant
8 Marriage Contract
9 Marriage Registrar
10 Mrs. Tiara Goldman
11 The Goldman's Garden
12 Use of black magic 1,
13 Use of black magic 2
14 Can we be friends?
15 Our first Romance
16 Our First fight as a couple
17 Mrs. Tiara Goldman's Birthday party
18 Mrs. Tiara Goldman's birthday party 2
19 A plot to kill Laurel Goldman
20 A plot to kill Mr. Laurel Goldman
21 He is Not dead but he is in a Coma
22 Planned backfired; Hidden camera
23 Seeing the Culprit
24 Arrested
25 Mr. Laurel Goldman is alive
26 Laurel gifted me a Car for my birthday
27 Reasons Why he can't die
28 Allen Love my wife
29 Allen confession
30 Finding out the truth
31 My husband loves me
32 Hospital Scan; it's a baby boy
33 The Goldman's family enemy
34 Couples first outing
35 Couples Picnic
36 Family is everything, it's a baby boy
37 Final plans
38 Busines party, someone from his past
39 Business party, someone from the past
40 Laurel Goldman real wife is back
41 Sophia Goldman is back
42 That foolish girl is gone
43 If loving her is a crime then I want to be wanted
44 The Goldman's stock is dropping
45 Another night to remember
46 Loving my ex- husband all over again
47 She is not carrying my baby
48 Warning 18+, this sensation is greater than rapture
49 Allen's spy has been caught
50 Micheal's plans have been exposed
51 Micheal and Sophia's Plans exposed
52 Bringing down the Valdez
53 Everything is back to normal
54 Everything is back to normal 2
55 He can't remain on top forever
56 My dad always has my wife's attention
57 Nick and Jane's wedding
58 You promised me something remember?
59 My husband's best friend
60 There is no peace for the rich
61 Honeymoon in Vernice
62 Nina and Allen escape from Prison
63 Escape prison 2
64 He will be back on Friday
65 Honeymoon is over
66 Flight back home

Updated 66 Episodes

A Nightstand with a stranger
More Worse Days Ahead
Congratulation madam you Pregnant
Am Pregnant and the baby isn't yours
Am carrying your baby.
Taking responsibility
A meeting at a top restaurant
Marriage Contract
Marriage Registrar
Mrs. Tiara Goldman
The Goldman's Garden
Use of black magic 1,
Use of black magic 2
Can we be friends?
Our first Romance
Our First fight as a couple
Mrs. Tiara Goldman's Birthday party
Mrs. Tiara Goldman's birthday party 2
A plot to kill Laurel Goldman
A plot to kill Mr. Laurel Goldman
He is Not dead but he is in a Coma
Planned backfired; Hidden camera
Seeing the Culprit
Mr. Laurel Goldman is alive
Laurel gifted me a Car for my birthday
Reasons Why he can't die
Allen Love my wife
Allen confession
Finding out the truth
My husband loves me
Hospital Scan; it's a baby boy
The Goldman's family enemy
Couples first outing
Couples Picnic
Family is everything, it's a baby boy
Final plans
Busines party, someone from his past
Business party, someone from the past
Laurel Goldman real wife is back
Sophia Goldman is back
That foolish girl is gone
If loving her is a crime then I want to be wanted
The Goldman's stock is dropping
Another night to remember
Loving my ex- husband all over again
She is not carrying my baby
Warning 18+, this sensation is greater than rapture
Allen's spy has been caught
Micheal's plans have been exposed
Micheal and Sophia's Plans exposed
Bringing down the Valdez
Everything is back to normal
Everything is back to normal 2
He can't remain on top forever
My dad always has my wife's attention
Nick and Jane's wedding
You promised me something remember?
My husband's best friend
There is no peace for the rich
Honeymoon in Vernice
Nina and Allen escape from Prison
Escape prison 2
He will be back on Friday
Honeymoon is over
Flight back home


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