Marriage Registrar

Tiara Pov.

Just as the saying goes,

 " Let your goals and ambition be your reason to fight and keep living, no matter if you feel tired and ready to give up, just keep fighting for you will reach those goals one day."

It was 6: am when my alarm clock started ringing indicating for me to walk up from sleep.

At first, when it rings like this, I always feel bad because I will need to go to that club to be a cleaner.

But today I am very excited because this time around it has indicated that I have a few minutes to be the daughter-in-law of a rich family.

I got up from bed, arranged it, took off my clothes, put my bathrobe on, went to the bathroom and had my bath, and cleaned my teeth.

After I was done bathing, I came out of the bathroom with my bathrobe on me. 

Since it was still early for me to be going to the registrar's office, I decided to pack some of the stuff I would be needing when I am at my husband's mansion.

 After I finished packing the stuff, I closed the valise and walked to the closet to take out the clothes.

I will be putting them on today. Placing them on the bed alongside my heels.

I walked to my small table, sat down, and applied the rubbing oil on my body, put on my underwear, and my white gown, and walked back to the table to apply light makeup, wear perfume, put on my earrings, necklace, and watch.

 Comb my straight hair and tighten it into a portrait.

After that, I took my black heels and put them on and when I was done, I looked at myself in my small mirror, and I was out of words.

 Ever since I was born, this is the first time I've looked at myself in the mirror while looking this good.

And I am proud of the lady I have grown to become.

I must say, that one of my real birth parents must be this beautiful for me to inherit the person's looks. 

If only I had been raised by them, then I would have known which of them had this look, but it didn't happen.

They decided to keep me in the orphanage.

After I was done checking myself out, I took my purse and my apartment keys and walked outside and closed the door behind me.

 I walked down the roadside and took a taxi to the registrar's office and I arrived there at 7:45 am.

Since I was 15 minutes early, I decided to wait for my future husband at a corner of the registrar's office.

It was 8 am and he was not there.

 I decided not to think too much because it might be due to the traffic, even though I know deep down there is no traffic in Los Angeles, but I just needed something to keep me calm.

8:15 still no trace of him,

8:30 the same thing.

8:50 still nothing.

Did he lie to me when he said we would be getting married today or is he joking with me?

It was 9: am and still, he was not there.

I felt foolish to think the guy would keep to his word, but no, he is just like all the rich people outside who look down on the poor and less privileged like us and I promise to give him a dose of his own medicine alongside his family members.

It was 9:15, and he was still not there, so I decided to give up and go to my small apartment and rest, since that is what my baby and I want.

 I got up, turned, and walked down the road to take a taxi back to my apartment. That was when I heard a familiar voice.

 Don't tell me after hashing out a plan to get married to me for about 2 months, and you finally succeeded.

You can't wait for an hour longer!

When I turned to see the person,

It was Laurel Goldman, the arrogant bastard.

Did you just ask me a question? Or

You just concluded based on what is in your head?

He looked at me and kept quiet.

If you want to know, you told me we were to be here by 8 am.

Have you checked your time?

It is 9:30 am already, which means that I have been waiting here for you for almost 2 hours.

here you are telling me I can't wait for 1 hour. 

Listen to me and listen to me very well.

I didn't put a gun on your forehead for you to marry me.

You alone decided to get married to me.

 I said to him, pouring all my frustration and anger on him, and he just kept quiet while looking at me. 

Are you done ranting? If you are done, then let's get in there and get this thing done.

I need to go back to the office.

 He said and walked towards the registrar's office while I followed behind.

When we were inside the registrar's office, we both greeted the registrar, and he offered us a seat. 

We both sat down, and he asked us if we truly wanted to get married, which we both accepted.

After that, he gave us the marriage papers for us to sign, and we did.

After we finished signing the papers, he gave us our marriage certificate and when I looked at it clearly it showed

 I am now Mrs. Tiara Goldman, wife to Mr. Laurel Goldman and daughter_in_ law of the Goldman family.

Even though the marriage will last for nine months.

At least by that time, I will be very rich enough to take care of my needs, so I won't need to work as a cleaner again. 

We both left the registrar's office and when we were out of the building, turned and looked at me and said

 " You have finally gotten what you wanted,

Which was to get married to me, but know one thing, you will only be my wife in public, but without the public, you are just a ***** who is carrying my baby. 

When he said that to me, I could feel tears coming out of my eyes, but I cleaned them immediately not to show him that I was affected by his words.

Just when I thought I would leave this place, that was when reporters decided to show their faces.

Mr. Laurel, what are you doing in front of the registrar's office with this woman?

One of the reporters asked and, from the look of things,

I need to start my acting now.

As you can all see, Mr. Laurel and I signed our marriage,

Just a few minutes ago and here is our marriage certificate.

I said as I show them my marriage certificate.

"Congratulations Mam and

Congratulations, sir, on your second marriage. Hope this one works well for you.

 Another reporter said, and I could see the color of Laurel's face changing from one color to another just because of what that reporter said.

You don't need to worry. After all, my husband and I will live together forever because nothing will separate us.

I answered, and I could see how Laurel calmed down instantly.

"Wow! We are all happy for you both." 

Mrs. Goldman, is it true you worked as a ********** at a club before Mr. Laurel came into your life?

One reporter asked 

I started laughing, and they all looked at me as if I had gone crazy. 

Please, there is something I want to use this media to make it straight clear, "Not everyone who works at a club is a ********** except when you all want to tell me all those that work in the bank are thieves. 

When I said that, there was total silence from all the reporters.

To answer your question, I work at a club, but being a **********, that one is a No because my work at the club was to clean places and not to have sex with random men.

Do you guys think Mr. Laurel Goldman,

Who is standing by my side right now would have married me if I was a **********? He is here. He can answer for himself.

I would never have gotten married to my wife here if she was indeed a **********.

When I met her at the club, I fell in love with her because of the way she took her cleaning work seriously.

Thank you so much, Sir, Madam, and happy married life.

Thank you guys too. And they all left the place.


I must comment that you are a good actress and liar.

I don't know why you were wasting your talent by cleaning that club, whereas you would have been a rich actress by now.

Thanks for supporting me back then. 

There is no need for that. It is part of the contract you signed, so I could not let anyone embarrass or disgrace my wife publicly.

So that is why I did it.

"I guess you know the road to my mansion since you came there the last time. 

Find your way there with your stuff because I need to go back to the office.

 At what time will you be back from the office?

The part where you are to act as a loving wife has already passed, so there is no need for you to pretend.

When we are just both of us here.

 Take this money, use it to pay your transport fees and, yes, before I forget, don't take too much of your stuff.

Just your valise will be okay. 

I don't want you to bring your useless stuff to my mansion.

He said to me and walked to his car and drove away. 

I stood there for a while before I walked down the streets.

With mixed feelings.

It was just yesterday that I ended my work at the exclusive club and this is me, the wife of a rich man, even though there are no feelings attached between us. 

Right now I need to start planning on how I will become rich before the 9 months of our marriage come to an end.

I think I will need to have a savings account in which I can bank my money.

 After walking for a while, I decided to take a taxi to go back to my small apartment.

Being pregnant has made me too lazy to walk a long distance.

When the taxi driver arrived at my destination, he stopped, and I paid for his money and walked to my small apartment, opened it and entered inside.

I am going to miss this apartment.

I said to no one but myself. 

I walked to the kitchen and made a little fried rice, since I still had enough time before I went to my husband's house.

 At least let me eat before I get there.

After an hour, the food was ready. 

So I removed some, went to my small sitting room, put my food on the table, and then went to my television. 

Yesterday, I overheard some girls at the club saying Nollywood producers produce good movies, and they were talking about titles like, Better Half, Crazy Besties, Love and Stitches, pretty liars, The Photographer and strange proposals. 

Before I went to bed yesterday, I was able to download some of the movies on my phone, let me connect my phone to the TV and watch the movie. 

The first movie I watched was the movie titled Crazy Besties and I watched it while eating my food. 

When I was done eating my food, I went and kept my plates back in the kitchen and came back to continue the movie. 

And I must say so far the movie is very interesting.

"How can that girl expect her boyfriend to sit down on the floor with her, and they should eat on the same plate.

She has forgotten that he is not her bestie but her boyfriend.

" I hope to say to my husband "No go tell me to say make I go read fashion magazines, ohh like that girl ei boyfriend because I like action Movies them.

When the movie came to an end I must say the producer did well, everything about the movie was great. 

When I checked the time, it was still noon, so I decided to watch another movie and that was Better Half. When the movie started," I must say the female teacher is very beautiful," like say God use another thing to create ei.

" I won't lie to Shah, that student boy is too fine, but ei over cool ei get na only sweet talk when ei dey call the teacher by phone.

`` Well, the film is fine because, for me, the teacher will accept the boy after all the gifts and money.

Why would she deny that kind of marriage?

Even if I am the person and the boy is even 20 or 15 years old and can buy me a car and not any type of car in that movie, an engagement ring worth $40,000 with all the other gifts,


I am accepted with my full chest". 

So, for me, the film is not as interesting as Crazy Besties.

When the film came to an end, I checked the time, and it was 1:30 pm.

 I turned off the television and went to my room to take a nap.

I got up at exactly 6 pm, and I was hungry.

 I went out of my room to the kitchen and took out the remaining rice from the pot and walked back to the sitting room and ate the food while watching Love and Stitches.

I must say the beginning of the movie was fun and I knew the movie would be interesting. 

After I finish eating, I walk to the sink and wash all the dirty plates and pots and keep them up.

I still have about three months before my rent for this apartment expires.

 I took a glass of water and walked out of the kitchen and continued watching my movie. 

I finished watching the movie at exactly 7:30 pm.

I disconnected my phone from the television and went to my room, took my valise and went out with it and collected my phone and my apartment keys, closed the door and walked to the road, and took a taxi to the Goldman mansion.

1 A Nightstand with a stranger
2 More Worse Days Ahead
3 Congratulation madam you Pregnant
4 Am Pregnant and the baby isn't yours
5 Am carrying your baby.
6 Taking responsibility
7 A meeting at a top restaurant
8 Marriage Contract
9 Marriage Registrar
10 Mrs. Tiara Goldman
11 The Goldman's Garden
12 Use of black magic 1,
13 Use of black magic 2
14 Can we be friends?
15 Our first Romance
16 Our First fight as a couple
17 Mrs. Tiara Goldman's Birthday party
18 Mrs. Tiara Goldman's birthday party 2
19 A plot to kill Laurel Goldman
20 A plot to kill Mr. Laurel Goldman
21 He is Not dead but he is in a Coma
22 Planned backfired; Hidden camera
23 Seeing the Culprit
24 Arrested
25 Mr. Laurel Goldman is alive
26 Laurel gifted me a Car for my birthday
27 Reasons Why he can't die
28 Allen Love my wife
29 Allen confession
30 Finding out the truth
31 My husband loves me
32 Hospital Scan; it's a baby boy
33 The Goldman's family enemy
34 Couples first outing
35 Couples Picnic
36 Family is everything, it's a baby boy
37 Final plans
38 Busines party, someone from his past
39 Business party, someone from the past
40 Laurel Goldman real wife is back
41 Sophia Goldman is back
42 That foolish girl is gone
43 If loving her is a crime then I want to be wanted
44 The Goldman's stock is dropping
45 Another night to remember
46 Loving my ex- husband all over again
47 She is not carrying my baby
48 Warning 18+, this sensation is greater than rapture
49 Allen's spy has been caught
50 Micheal's plans have been exposed
51 Micheal and Sophia's Plans exposed
52 Bringing down the Valdez
53 Everything is back to normal
54 Everything is back to normal 2
55 He can't remain on top forever
56 My dad always has my wife's attention
57 Nick and Jane's wedding
58 You promised me something remember?
59 My husband's best friend
60 There is no peace for the rich
61 Honeymoon in Vernice
62 Nina and Allen escape from Prison
63 Escape prison 2
64 He will be back on Friday
65 Honeymoon is over
66 Flight back home

Updated 66 Episodes

A Nightstand with a stranger
More Worse Days Ahead
Congratulation madam you Pregnant
Am Pregnant and the baby isn't yours
Am carrying your baby.
Taking responsibility
A meeting at a top restaurant
Marriage Contract
Marriage Registrar
Mrs. Tiara Goldman
The Goldman's Garden
Use of black magic 1,
Use of black magic 2
Can we be friends?
Our first Romance
Our First fight as a couple
Mrs. Tiara Goldman's Birthday party
Mrs. Tiara Goldman's birthday party 2
A plot to kill Laurel Goldman
A plot to kill Mr. Laurel Goldman
He is Not dead but he is in a Coma
Planned backfired; Hidden camera
Seeing the Culprit
Mr. Laurel Goldman is alive
Laurel gifted me a Car for my birthday
Reasons Why he can't die
Allen Love my wife
Allen confession
Finding out the truth
My husband loves me
Hospital Scan; it's a baby boy
The Goldman's family enemy
Couples first outing
Couples Picnic
Family is everything, it's a baby boy
Final plans
Busines party, someone from his past
Business party, someone from the past
Laurel Goldman real wife is back
Sophia Goldman is back
That foolish girl is gone
If loving her is a crime then I want to be wanted
The Goldman's stock is dropping
Another night to remember
Loving my ex- husband all over again
She is not carrying my baby
Warning 18+, this sensation is greater than rapture
Allen's spy has been caught
Micheal's plans have been exposed
Micheal and Sophia's Plans exposed
Bringing down the Valdez
Everything is back to normal
Everything is back to normal 2
He can't remain on top forever
My dad always has my wife's attention
Nick and Jane's wedding
You promised me something remember?
My husband's best friend
There is no peace for the rich
Honeymoon in Vernice
Nina and Allen escape from Prison
Escape prison 2
He will be back on Friday
Honeymoon is over
Flight back home


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