I'm With You

I'm With You

Now, It's Your Turn!

Darkness falls, villains around start pillaging and rioting. People everywhere lost faith, hope, and trust in God and the pro heroes. All the pro heroes of Japan were either killed, called it quits, or captured and roboticized. As for Monster Zero and Shigaraki, they've escaped as well.
Izuku Midoriya, a student of the hero school UA Academy, left the school to protect his friends from ever engaging with the villains. Before he went out and away from the school, he left letters to his friends about what he's doing and how the villains are after him because of his power. Everyone was Stunned and upset, but the one who was the most saddened was Uraraka.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Solemn and sad* You idiot.
She looks to the sky, with tears in her eyes that her best friend is gone forever. Never to be seen or heard from again, until now. At the start of the rainy season in April, the villains had a plan to catch Midoriya and deliver him to All For One.
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Status report, Snively.
Yes, sir. We have just received a message from Sleet and Dingo. They said that "90% of the hero population is decreasing around the world thanks to Ghidorah waking up the other titans."
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Excellent. What are the prisoner numbers in the Middle East, Russia, Asia, and Europe?
85% of the populations in those areas are affected by the titans. Scratch, Grounder, and the villains by the name of Hasaki and Chōjūrō Kon have captured the world's leaders and are awaiting roboticization, sir.
However, the heroes in those districts and foreign lands have gone into hiding. So they won't be captured right away.
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
I see. Send them the portable roboticizer if they can't wait or can't make it. And speaking of which, is the roboticizer ready?
*Stands and salutes* Yes, sir. Capacitors charged and ready.
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
*Chuckling* Perfect Snively. That's just marvelous to hear. And what about our little "angel"? Is she with the evacuees?
Yes, sir. She's in the walls, and she is "helping" the evacuees at UA Academy settle down now. However, their fire wall is tough to crack. If we're going to do this, then we need to do it now before it gets secure.
All For One
All For One
Patience Snively. Everything is still going to be according to plan. Cell still has Gohan's wife and child in the palm of his hands. They're corralling the public like little lost sheep. Then, when the time is right, we swoop in and cause panic in their flock.
I don't understand All For One. If we're going to catch Izuku Midoriya and take his power away, then why take the school?
All For One
All For One
The school holds many powers that can be taken and given, thus said the demon lord. For I have agents inside their walls without them even noticing.
All For One
All For One
It will be easier for you to shut down the schools' "impenetrable" walls than to have our agents do it. They're like recon planes during WWII Snively. They send us valuable information that we can use before they even realize what hits them.
The monitor at Boxman's monitor goes off and to him and All For One's surprise, Midoriya, Endeavor, and the other heroes of Japan have come to their abandoned house in the woods where Lady Nagant said they would be.
Little did the heroes realize that the real Lady Nagant was getting ready for the upcoming invasion on UA Academy.
Sir. Sirs! The heroes have arrived at the house. Should I alert the special forces to go in and retrieve them?
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Oh no, no, no, Snively, let them explore. Me, Cell, and All For One made sure to leave them a little message. I hope they like our little surprise.
You know Cell, I just want you to know that I'm very proud that your revenge on Gohan is awesome. It has him totally-
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
Shut the f**k up!
Gee Cell, who crawled up your a** and died?
Rex wonders, too. It makes me wonder if bug man's dream of resurrection has been a dream come true.
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
Nobody f**king asked the both of you!
All For One
All For One
Cell, I think it's time that our guest got welcomed. Send Videl and Pan over to the cabin in the woods and say "welcome" for us.
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
With pleasure. *Uses his poltergeist quirk on Pan and Videl*
Pan and Videl, still possessed by Cell, went off to greet Midoriya and his party. The two girls flew out of the building and straight towards the woods. Meanwhile, with Midoriya, he and the other heroes take caution of the cabin in the woods. Midoriya kicked it down, and the whole place was empty.
*Disappointed* Empty. Figures.
All For One
All For One
~Izuku Midoriya! I hope you enjoyed your heart-to-heart with the lovely Lady Nagant.~
All For One
All For One
~If you're seeing this, then it means that she relayed our instructions properly. And we remain a step ahead of you. Lord Boxman and I knew that a righteous boy such as yourself would never abandon a lost soul like her.~
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
All For One
All For One
~But she acted of her own free will. We didn't force her.~
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
~*Laughing* So, boy! How do you like the world that is in now? Suiting, is it not? It's a marvelous sight to behold. The world you once knew has now gone to complete darkness. I'm afraid there's no escape for you and your little entourage. Do you know what the world called Ghidorah back in ancient times? The Golden Wings of Death. And they had a special word for the previous rider: Villain!~
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
The world is quick to praise heroism, individualism, and freedom, but in such truth and reality, this society belonged to the villains and darkness the entire time, so they are ostracized.
All For One
All For One
~Socialism. Communism. Democracy. These prejudices exist across every ideal throughout time and space. Leaving a mark in history that shall forever be heard of. It's a group byproduct of every living society.~
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
~*Chuckles sinister* The path you have chosen is a thorny one. We sent each of our agents to capture you and destroy your friends while we focus on a little surprise for you. Every fight that you encounter wears you down to the point where you won't wake up to the next sunrise. If there is even any light anymore.~
All For One
All For One
~After I teamed up with Boxman, we both realized we had the same goal in mind. While I was in prison, I spent many countless hours thinking about you. I'm afraid we're not interested in All Might and the legendaries anymore.~
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
~Those heroes really bore us those useless oafs. Oh, I'm almost sorry that once we capture you, your power will be ours. If nothing else, you have been the most worthy adversary. But, in every game of life, there are winners, and there are lovers. And as you know...~
All For One
All For One
[+Lord Boxman and Cell] ~Now, it's your turn.
Midoriya looked to the sky and saw two familiar faces on top of them and remembered who they were by a voice inside his head from a memory back when he trained with Monty.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Stunned/Shocked* Is that Pan and Videl?
*Worried* Not good! Guys, get out of there!
Videl and Pan powered up and destroyed the building with their Ki blast! The whole cabin burst into flames after the explosion. Luckily, no one was killed, but they received some scars from the shattered flying glass.
Double the patrols around the area. How many Shiketsu students and faculty members do we have?
SWATBot 112A
SWATBot 112A
Ms. Joke - The Laughing Hero! Her quirk allows her to laugh at her enemies to make them burst into uncontrollable laughter.
SWATBot 112B
SWATBot 112B
Sir, Shiketsu Academy transportation system captured and channels logged in. Ready for transport to Robotropolis.
Perfect. By this time before the principal says it's safe, Izuku Midoriya, One For All, and the other students at UA, including this world society of heroes, won't be a problem.
Roboticizer! Roboticizer! Can I pull the lever this time, Sleet? Huh? Can I? Can I, can I, huh?
No. Because one, we have a lot of work to do. And two, I have a plan. *Pulls out his transformation remote and shoots Dingo to morpg into a spy orb*
Uh, a surveillance drone? Won't they notice?
Yes. Precisely since they this drone can't be broken and shattered into pieces. Instead, you can bounce back. Don't you want to be a hero?
I don't want to be a hero! I'd rather be a failure!
Well, too bad, you don't have a choice. And you're already a failure to Boxman as it is. Now go! Get to UA.
Dingo heads out and leaves to go spy on UA Academy and its facility full of evacuees and soon to be slaves. With the world full of Villains and no more heroes, except for the legendaries, all hope was lost. Back at the resistance...
Vector the Crocodile
Vector the Crocodile
*Overwhelmed* Boxman's army and Monster Zero are unstoppable. Without Sonic and Godzillo dead, the people are starting to riot and giving up hope and give in to fear, depression, and despair.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
Despair's the luxury we don't have.
Blaze the Cat
Blaze the Cat
Frankly, I didn't expect the villains to advance this much. Much of the villains we encounter don't plan two steps ahead.
Fang the Sniper
Fang the Sniper
Every time we make a move, their piece advances and takes us out. How are they doing this?
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
I don't know fang, but what I do know is this: Sonic sacrificed himself to stop the oxygen destroyer from killing us. Amy, she's having a hard time accepting it. Godzillo is also gone, and King Ghidorah has now claimed the title of king of the monsters.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
If we're going to win, then we have to do it without them.
Espio the Chameleon
Espio the Chameleon
Silver is right. We've been praying for a miracle these last few weeks of war, bloodshed, and conflict. But now it's time for the heroes of Japan to make their own miracle.
Tails Miles Prower
Tails Miles Prower
But the problem is, with all hope lost and hatred being spread amongst those who loved heroes, everyone is shunning and hating heroes, especially since we lost Sonic and the war against the villains.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
Tails is right. Boxman's army has everyone terrified. And with what's happening with Izuku Midoriya, now we need to lean onto the boy more than ever to find Boxman and the other villains.
Fang the Sniper
Fang the Sniper
Hey Blaze, how is Amy right now?
Blaze the Cat
Blaze the Cat
She's calmed down, thank goodness. And now she's sleeping. It's best not to disturb her with her heart aching about the loss of losing someone who was close to her.
Suddenly, the door to the resistance opens, and from it comes Knuckles, Endeavor, and the other pro heroes.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
Knuckles! Everyone, what's the sit-rep?
Fang the Sniper
Fang the Sniper
How did it go, mate? Did you find the villains?
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
I'm happy to see you're all still alive. Boxman and All For One have given us the slip. And scouts in the cities we deployed to are getting captured and roboticized.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
*Disappointed* Great.
It's a good thing we narrowed that explosion. Knuckles found us and offered to take us here, so we can rest for a bit before going back out.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
Did you get anything from Lady Nagant back at Central?
That's what I wanted to talk to you all about. It turns out the Nagant we brought to central was more than fake body. Not the one created by Jin, but it was made from something else but with the same material.
So unfortunately, the real Lady Nagant is still out there, working with All For One and Lord Boxman.
Endeavor, I think it's time we made our move. We need to share the secret of One For All and Midoriya with the rest of the heroes. Not just this hand-picked group and the legendaries.
Mt. Lady
Mt. Lady
The incident with Lady Nagant and the SWATBot team confirmed what we and the other legendaries already knew. From here on out, if we wish to find them, we need to lean on the boy.
Mt. Lady
Mt. Lady
Knuckles, I know that you and your friends are overwhelmed with rescuing people getting taken to many factories around the world and roboticized, and the police are overwhelmed with many jail breakers.
Mt. Lady
Mt. Lady
But we need to get a support system into place now, before it's too late.
She's right. If we don't, then the world will be shrouded in darkness forever.
Not two days ago, Death Arms threw in the towel and has turned into "them".
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
*Solemn* I won't forget what he said about how this world hated heroes, especially with Dabi's little speech about you, Endeavor. *Serious* But right now, we have a war to fight. And if we want the people to rally, then we have to show them that strength doesn't just come from numbers.
Best Jeanist
Best Jeanist
Not everyone is afraid. There are still some people in the streets who are praying for a miracle to happen. And we heard that Amy is, too, praying for a miracle after losing her husband.
Best Jeanist
Best Jeanist
It's like losing a very important fabric. Having a loss like this affects your entire clothing.
Out of nowhere, Nicole alerts Tails of the recent events with the tracker he put on Midoriya to find the villains and his activities.
Blaze the Cat
Blaze the Cat
Tails, what is it?
Tails Miles Prower
Tails Miles Prower
*Gasp* Midoriya just made contact with another hired gun! And by a miraculous chance, he won. Instantly.
Midoriya's face, hidden by determination, anger, grief, and sadness, he defeats one of All For One's hired guns and moves on to find the next villain that might know about All For One and Boxman's whereabouts.
All Might
All Might
Over already?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
He didn't have any useful information. This guy could turn to that goop stuff just like Lady Nagant. Be careful. *Jumps away*
All Might
All Might
Wait a minute! I made you something in case you get hungry. It's pork cutlets with-
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
It's okay. You don't have to follow me anymore. It's best that you stay here and move back to UA. I'm good alone. So I'm fine.
All Might
All Might
*Upset and worried* Hold on just a minute!
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
I'm capable of fighting at a level of when you were at 100 percent of your power without backlash! If I don't do this, all on my own, the world, this society, everything that has been made would all crumble and turn to dust.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Don't you get it? There's no point in following me anymore.
All Might
All Might
I made a promise that I would look after you and keep on chasing you to make sure you're okay. What would happen if you were captured? Do you not remember what happened to Sonic?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Yes. I do remember. Which is why I'll finish the work he started. *Leaves at full speed*
All Might
All Might
Come back, kid! *Falls to the ground and cries* Damn it! Damn it!
Midoriya left post-haste to search for Ghidorah, the League of Villains, All For One, and Boxman, so he could put an end to this madness.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(All For One. Boxman. Where are you two hiding? Gohan, I swear to you, even if you can't, I'll get your family back from Cell. I'll deliver them from the shackles they now wear.)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(I'll fight Ghidorah. I'll find Shigaraki. I'll find Lord Boxman, All For One, and the League of Villains. I'll be sure to bring back the smiles of those who have lost hope and return this world back to the way it was.)


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