NovelToon NovelToon

I'm With You

Now, It's Your Turn!

Darkness falls, villains around start pillaging and rioting. People everywhere lost faith, hope, and trust in God and the pro heroes. All the pro heroes of Japan were either killed, called it quits, or captured and roboticized. As for Monster Zero and Shigaraki, they've escaped as well.
Izuku Midoriya, a student of the hero school UA Academy, left the school to protect his friends from ever engaging with the villains. Before he went out and away from the school, he left letters to his friends about what he's doing and how the villains are after him because of his power. Everyone was Stunned and upset, but the one who was the most saddened was Uraraka.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Solemn and sad* You idiot.
She looks to the sky, with tears in her eyes that her best friend is gone forever. Never to be seen or heard from again, until now. At the start of the rainy season in April, the villains had a plan to catch Midoriya and deliver him to All For One.
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Status report, Snively.
Yes, sir. We have just received a message from Sleet and Dingo. They said that "90% of the hero population is decreasing around the world thanks to Ghidorah waking up the other titans."
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Excellent. What are the prisoner numbers in the Middle East, Russia, Asia, and Europe?
85% of the populations in those areas are affected by the titans. Scratch, Grounder, and the villains by the name of Hasaki and Chōjūrō Kon have captured the world's leaders and are awaiting roboticization, sir.
However, the heroes in those districts and foreign lands have gone into hiding. So they won't be captured right away.
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
I see. Send them the portable roboticizer if they can't wait or can't make it. And speaking of which, is the roboticizer ready?
*Stands and salutes* Yes, sir. Capacitors charged and ready.
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
*Chuckling* Perfect Snively. That's just marvelous to hear. And what about our little "angel"? Is she with the evacuees?
Yes, sir. She's in the walls, and she is "helping" the evacuees at UA Academy settle down now. However, their fire wall is tough to crack. If we're going to do this, then we need to do it now before it gets secure.
All For One
All For One
Patience Snively. Everything is still going to be according to plan. Cell still has Gohan's wife and child in the palm of his hands. They're corralling the public like little lost sheep. Then, when the time is right, we swoop in and cause panic in their flock.
I don't understand All For One. If we're going to catch Izuku Midoriya and take his power away, then why take the school?
All For One
All For One
The school holds many powers that can be taken and given, thus said the demon lord. For I have agents inside their walls without them even noticing.
All For One
All For One
It will be easier for you to shut down the schools' "impenetrable" walls than to have our agents do it. They're like recon planes during WWII Snively. They send us valuable information that we can use before they even realize what hits them.
The monitor at Boxman's monitor goes off and to him and All For One's surprise, Midoriya, Endeavor, and the other heroes of Japan have come to their abandoned house in the woods where Lady Nagant said they would be.
Little did the heroes realize that the real Lady Nagant was getting ready for the upcoming invasion on UA Academy.
Sir. Sirs! The heroes have arrived at the house. Should I alert the special forces to go in and retrieve them?
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Oh no, no, no, Snively, let them explore. Me, Cell, and All For One made sure to leave them a little message. I hope they like our little surprise.
You know Cell, I just want you to know that I'm very proud that your revenge on Gohan is awesome. It has him totally-
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
Shut the f**k up!
Gee Cell, who crawled up your a** and died?
Rex wonders, too. It makes me wonder if bug man's dream of resurrection has been a dream come true.
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
Nobody f**king asked the both of you!
All For One
All For One
Cell, I think it's time that our guest got welcomed. Send Videl and Pan over to the cabin in the woods and say "welcome" for us.
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
With pleasure. *Uses his poltergeist quirk on Pan and Videl*
Pan and Videl, still possessed by Cell, went off to greet Midoriya and his party. The two girls flew out of the building and straight towards the woods. Meanwhile, with Midoriya, he and the other heroes take caution of the cabin in the woods. Midoriya kicked it down, and the whole place was empty.
*Disappointed* Empty. Figures.
All For One
All For One
~Izuku Midoriya! I hope you enjoyed your heart-to-heart with the lovely Lady Nagant.~
All For One
All For One
~If you're seeing this, then it means that she relayed our instructions properly. And we remain a step ahead of you. Lord Boxman and I knew that a righteous boy such as yourself would never abandon a lost soul like her.~
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
All For One
All For One
~But she acted of her own free will. We didn't force her.~
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
~*Laughing* So, boy! How do you like the world that is in now? Suiting, is it not? It's a marvelous sight to behold. The world you once knew has now gone to complete darkness. I'm afraid there's no escape for you and your little entourage. Do you know what the world called Ghidorah back in ancient times? The Golden Wings of Death. And they had a special word for the previous rider: Villain!~
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
The world is quick to praise heroism, individualism, and freedom, but in such truth and reality, this society belonged to the villains and darkness the entire time, so they are ostracized.
All For One
All For One
~Socialism. Communism. Democracy. These prejudices exist across every ideal throughout time and space. Leaving a mark in history that shall forever be heard of. It's a group byproduct of every living society.~
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
~*Chuckles sinister* The path you have chosen is a thorny one. We sent each of our agents to capture you and destroy your friends while we focus on a little surprise for you. Every fight that you encounter wears you down to the point where you won't wake up to the next sunrise. If there is even any light anymore.~
All For One
All For One
~After I teamed up with Boxman, we both realized we had the same goal in mind. While I was in prison, I spent many countless hours thinking about you. I'm afraid we're not interested in All Might and the legendaries anymore.~
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
~Those heroes really bore us those useless oafs. Oh, I'm almost sorry that once we capture you, your power will be ours. If nothing else, you have been the most worthy adversary. But, in every game of life, there are winners, and there are lovers. And as you know...~
All For One
All For One
[+Lord Boxman and Cell] ~Now, it's your turn.
Midoriya looked to the sky and saw two familiar faces on top of them and remembered who they were by a voice inside his head from a memory back when he trained with Monty.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Stunned/Shocked* Is that Pan and Videl?
*Worried* Not good! Guys, get out of there!
Videl and Pan powered up and destroyed the building with their Ki blast! The whole cabin burst into flames after the explosion. Luckily, no one was killed, but they received some scars from the shattered flying glass.
Double the patrols around the area. How many Shiketsu students and faculty members do we have?
SWATBot 112A
SWATBot 112A
Ms. Joke - The Laughing Hero! Her quirk allows her to laugh at her enemies to make them burst into uncontrollable laughter.
SWATBot 112B
SWATBot 112B
Sir, Shiketsu Academy transportation system captured and channels logged in. Ready for transport to Robotropolis.
Perfect. By this time before the principal says it's safe, Izuku Midoriya, One For All, and the other students at UA, including this world society of heroes, won't be a problem.
Roboticizer! Roboticizer! Can I pull the lever this time, Sleet? Huh? Can I? Can I, can I, huh?
No. Because one, we have a lot of work to do. And two, I have a plan. *Pulls out his transformation remote and shoots Dingo to morpg into a spy orb*
Uh, a surveillance drone? Won't they notice?
Yes. Precisely since they this drone can't be broken and shattered into pieces. Instead, you can bounce back. Don't you want to be a hero?
I don't want to be a hero! I'd rather be a failure!
Well, too bad, you don't have a choice. And you're already a failure to Boxman as it is. Now go! Get to UA.
Dingo heads out and leaves to go spy on UA Academy and its facility full of evacuees and soon to be slaves. With the world full of Villains and no more heroes, except for the legendaries, all hope was lost. Back at the resistance...
Vector the Crocodile
Vector the Crocodile
*Overwhelmed* Boxman's army and Monster Zero are unstoppable. Without Sonic and Godzillo dead, the people are starting to riot and giving up hope and give in to fear, depression, and despair.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
Despair's the luxury we don't have.
Blaze the Cat
Blaze the Cat
Frankly, I didn't expect the villains to advance this much. Much of the villains we encounter don't plan two steps ahead.
Fang the Sniper
Fang the Sniper
Every time we make a move, their piece advances and takes us out. How are they doing this?
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
I don't know fang, but what I do know is this: Sonic sacrificed himself to stop the oxygen destroyer from killing us. Amy, she's having a hard time accepting it. Godzillo is also gone, and King Ghidorah has now claimed the title of king of the monsters.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
If we're going to win, then we have to do it without them.
Espio the Chameleon
Espio the Chameleon
Silver is right. We've been praying for a miracle these last few weeks of war, bloodshed, and conflict. But now it's time for the heroes of Japan to make their own miracle.
Tails Miles Prower
Tails Miles Prower
But the problem is, with all hope lost and hatred being spread amongst those who loved heroes, everyone is shunning and hating heroes, especially since we lost Sonic and the war against the villains.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
Tails is right. Boxman's army has everyone terrified. And with what's happening with Izuku Midoriya, now we need to lean onto the boy more than ever to find Boxman and the other villains.
Fang the Sniper
Fang the Sniper
Hey Blaze, how is Amy right now?
Blaze the Cat
Blaze the Cat
She's calmed down, thank goodness. And now she's sleeping. It's best not to disturb her with her heart aching about the loss of losing someone who was close to her.
Suddenly, the door to the resistance opens, and from it comes Knuckles, Endeavor, and the other pro heroes.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
Knuckles! Everyone, what's the sit-rep?
Fang the Sniper
Fang the Sniper
How did it go, mate? Did you find the villains?
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
I'm happy to see you're all still alive. Boxman and All For One have given us the slip. And scouts in the cities we deployed to are getting captured and roboticized.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
*Disappointed* Great.
It's a good thing we narrowed that explosion. Knuckles found us and offered to take us here, so we can rest for a bit before going back out.
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
Did you get anything from Lady Nagant back at Central?
That's what I wanted to talk to you all about. It turns out the Nagant we brought to central was more than fake body. Not the one created by Jin, but it was made from something else but with the same material.
So unfortunately, the real Lady Nagant is still out there, working with All For One and Lord Boxman.
Endeavor, I think it's time we made our move. We need to share the secret of One For All and Midoriya with the rest of the heroes. Not just this hand-picked group and the legendaries.
Mt. Lady
Mt. Lady
The incident with Lady Nagant and the SWATBot team confirmed what we and the other legendaries already knew. From here on out, if we wish to find them, we need to lean on the boy.
Mt. Lady
Mt. Lady
Knuckles, I know that you and your friends are overwhelmed with rescuing people getting taken to many factories around the world and roboticized, and the police are overwhelmed with many jail breakers.
Mt. Lady
Mt. Lady
But we need to get a support system into place now, before it's too late.
She's right. If we don't, then the world will be shrouded in darkness forever.
Not two days ago, Death Arms threw in the towel and has turned into "them".
Silver the Hedgehog
Silver the Hedgehog
*Solemn* I won't forget what he said about how this world hated heroes, especially with Dabi's little speech about you, Endeavor. *Serious* But right now, we have a war to fight. And if we want the people to rally, then we have to show them that strength doesn't just come from numbers.
Best Jeanist
Best Jeanist
Not everyone is afraid. There are still some people in the streets who are praying for a miracle to happen. And we heard that Amy is, too, praying for a miracle after losing her husband.
Best Jeanist
Best Jeanist
It's like losing a very important fabric. Having a loss like this affects your entire clothing.
Out of nowhere, Nicole alerts Tails of the recent events with the tracker he put on Midoriya to find the villains and his activities.
Blaze the Cat
Blaze the Cat
Tails, what is it?
Tails Miles Prower
Tails Miles Prower
*Gasp* Midoriya just made contact with another hired gun! And by a miraculous chance, he won. Instantly.
Midoriya's face, hidden by determination, anger, grief, and sadness, he defeats one of All For One's hired guns and moves on to find the next villain that might know about All For One and Boxman's whereabouts.
All Might
All Might
Over already?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
He didn't have any useful information. This guy could turn to that goop stuff just like Lady Nagant. Be careful. *Jumps away*
All Might
All Might
Wait a minute! I made you something in case you get hungry. It's pork cutlets with-
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
It's okay. You don't have to follow me anymore. It's best that you stay here and move back to UA. I'm good alone. So I'm fine.
All Might
All Might
*Upset and worried* Hold on just a minute!
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
I'm capable of fighting at a level of when you were at 100 percent of your power without backlash! If I don't do this, all on my own, the world, this society, everything that has been made would all crumble and turn to dust.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Don't you get it? There's no point in following me anymore.
All Might
All Might
I made a promise that I would look after you and keep on chasing you to make sure you're okay. What would happen if you were captured? Do you not remember what happened to Sonic?
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Yes. I do remember. Which is why I'll finish the work he started. *Leaves at full speed*
All Might
All Might
Come back, kid! *Falls to the ground and cries* Damn it! Damn it!
Midoriya left post-haste to search for Ghidorah, the League of Villains, All For One, and Boxman, so he could put an end to this madness.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(All For One. Boxman. Where are you two hiding? Gohan, I swear to you, even if you can't, I'll get your family back from Cell. I'll deliver them from the shackles they now wear.)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(I'll fight Ghidorah. I'll find Shigaraki. I'll find Lord Boxman, All For One, and the League of Villains. I'll be sure to bring back the smiles of those who have lost hope and return this world back to the way it was.)

Operation: Find Deku Pt. 1

Back at UA, the students of Class 1A are in the main area of their dormitory with the legendary pros Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Gohan, Vidro, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha. They all received letters from a week ago when Midoriya left UA. Uraraka, feeling the most upset about her friend's disappearance was growing worried.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Worried and grips the letter* Really? Are you sure?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
We tried. But no luck.
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
My father wouldn't even answer his phone. I tried to reach out to him multiple times.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
I bet you these letters had Deku's name written all over it. *Tears up the letter* I'm going to kill that damn nerd.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
You guessed? Those three were your mentors. Did you not try reaching out to them?
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
I tried. But dad kept ignoring my phone calls and text.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
Denim face too.
Fumikage Tokoyami
Fumikage Tokoyami
I tried calling Hawks multiple times. And at no point he didn't receive or answer any of my calls.
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
I even tried calling my dad, but he didn't even say hello and kept hanging up on me whenever I called for him.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
And we can't even get promoted to the next grade or in the foreseeable future. The Legendary Pro Hero Knuckles says that after the war, the first semester of the school year shall start fresh from the beginning and all students that are to be ranked to the next class are to remain in the same grade until year after this.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Knuckles also said that we needed to secure the area and help out with civilians that are coming into the shelters for evacuations.
Yeah, but I heard that other legendaries are fighting Monster Zero while looking after Midoriya. So that has to be good news that he's safe, right?
Safe, being the worst word in the time that we're in right now, is highly impossible. Let's not forget that Cell possessed the souls of my daughter and wife. And they're out their hunting him down, probably.
This means that pro heroes will be in trouble if they come into contact with them. Plus, we also have Cell to worry about.
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
He's right. Even if we use our combined strength, Cell and the other villains might be stronger than they are now. And with Goku and Sonic dead, Vegeta returned to his path of evil, I have a bad feeling that we're losing a fighting war.
Hey, speaking of Vegeta, how's Bulma doing?
Not good. She was distraught after finding out about how Vegeta betrayed the heroes when Monster Zero and Shigaraki woke up from their nap.
After Darling and I went to tell her, she went into a mental breakdown. She couldn't believe that her husband was persuaded into fighting alongside the villains and destroy the world.
Rikido Sato
Rikido Sato
*Sympathy* I feel sorry for her. It can't be easy seeing the love of your life working with villains.
Mezo Shoji
Mezo Shoji
If I was in her shoes, I don't think I would ever forgive the things she was doing to us during the fight.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Guys, let's get back on topic. Right now, we have a friend out their who hasn't eaten in days or weeks and is probably on the verge of death due to exhaustion.
Mashirao Ojiro
Mashirao Ojiro
He's right.
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
And you know what's weird? All Might hasn't come back to campus.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
If he didn't want to get near the school, then who the hell put these letters under our door last night? I bet he had All Might doing his dirty work for him.
But the last update we heard, the top three heroes teamed up together.
Yuga Aoyama
Yuga Aoyama
We can assume that Midoriya is safe, yeah?
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
Listen moron, I don't have a good read on All Might, but I have a good feeling about Deku. And I swear, this is the worst-case scenario.
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
*Determined* Then we need to find a way to find and contact Midoriya and help him out. Come on, let's go!
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo Yaoyorozu
But how do we do it? As we heard on the news, all the villains that are working for Boxman and All For One are patrolling the streets.
Damn it! Then there isn't much on what we could do. So far, the other legendary pros are in the US and around the world trying to contain the monsters Monster Zero summoned from their slumber.
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
What does that mean? We can't go and find Midoriya?
As long as Boxman and the other villains remain a step ahead, then they're going to lead us on a wild goose chase. And we also have King Altcray's daughter to think about. If we leave her here, then she'll be a target for the villains.
Our best bet is to wait until Monster Zero is defeated and the League of Villains are found.
But it's not like we can just sit here and wait for Monster Zero to come to us. We all have seen what it could do in a fight.
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
But guys, our friend is in danger. And he needs us more than ever! We're a class, and we have to stick together.
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
I'm afraid it's not that simple. With everything that is going on, if we fight Mosnter Zero, then his head will grow back.
Even having the memory of that gives me goose bumps.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
Yeah. It's unnatural for a dragon to regrow his head.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
(It's unnatural for animals to grow their head, but it's natural for an animal to regrow a tail.) *Gasp* Wait a minute, all living things have a natural order, and they must obey that law to survive!
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
*Surprised* What did you say?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
What I'm trying to say is, what if Monster Zero isn't part of the natural order?
Denki Kaminari
Denki Kaminari
The natural order?
Hanta Sero
Hanta Sero
What's that?
The natural order is a system comprising the physical universe and functioning according to natural as distinguished from human or supernatural laws. This also goes for Titans and animals.
Minoru Mineta
Minoru Mineta
But Codey, everything has a natural order to follow.
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Well, take Piccolo, for instance. On Namek, if he's injured on one part of his arm, then like a lizard, he can rip it off and regrow the missing limb.
It's true. But that still doesn't explain about the three-headed dragon re-growing his head back.
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
That's why I did some research back at Monty's training camp before this all started. *Flies to his dorm and picks up a stack of papers about Monster Zero*
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
*Grunting while carrying it back to the others* Man, how much material did I do? *Drops it on the coffee table*
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
*Surprised* What the? That's a lot of papers.
Mina Ashido
Mina Ashido
*Grabs a folder and reads the research* Hey, this guy looks vaguely familiar. Especially the man on his back.
Toru Hagakure
Toru Hagakure
Hey, what is all this? What does it mean?
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
I have to hand it to you, Codey. This is pretty impressive. How come I don't have you doing my homework from now on?
Mashirao Ojiro
Mashirao Ojiro
Hey, these painting and drawings...are they from early civilization?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Precisely. I did some-
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Whoa, whoa, whoa, how did you manage all this?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Remember the times you guys went to sleep when it was lights out? I pulled all-nighters for four days, coming up with this kind of thing that could help us in the future if it comes to the point of Pandora's Box being opened.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
What's the point of this you two-tailed moron?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
The point is, this could help us understand our enemy better, and it could help us get the advantage of the villains.
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
Then what does it all say?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
It tells of a mystic being, a golden light of death and destruction falling from the stars and crashing onto Earth in 450 BC.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
A hydra that swallows both men and God's alike. Uses them for their power to defeat anyone in their way. It also tells of a warrior from Nubia who rode on the back of the beast into battle with Akkadians and the Philistines.
Minoru Mineta
Minoru Mineta
Philippines? This guy was at war with the Philippines?
Hanta Sero
Hanta Sero
*Irritated* Knock it off, Mineta. He said Philistines, not Philippines!
Mashirao Ojiro
Mashirao Ojiro
But wait, if they were at war, how they weren't stopped?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Because Monster Zero and the rider, Akhenaten, the Egyptian ruler in Meroe, defeated countless armies, and conquered many kingdoms.
So the reason why Godzillo and Mothra were fighting them from the images we saw when were training was because they were...
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Yes. Monster Zero was not meant to be here, and King Akhenaten was not meant to wield the power of a God.
So that makes this Titan...
A false king!
An invasive species. So, my people back on Kepler 452b were actually trying to get rid of an alien threat!
*Holds a document about Monster Zero* Yeah. That's how it's looking. And this may be a hutch, but what if Monster Zero actually has more than one ability?
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
What do you mean Yamcha?
What if this creature actually has the power to not only cause storms and have other effects on titans around the world, but it also has the ability to suck the energy right out of them?
Koji Koda
Koji Koda
Maybe you're right. Back at Monty's, he did say that Monster Zero was 75,000 tons of Kaiju eating muscle.
And if that's true, then Midoriya is in even more danger than he already is. If this bastard gets the chance to suck the energy out of him, then he'll be able to take his quirk like All For One can.
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo Yaoyorozu
These legends, what do they call him?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Ghidorah. The one who is many. In Mesopotamia, the name Ghidorah refers to "The Golden Wings of Death."
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
That's it! I can't just sit around here while that thing is out there! Come on guys, let's go and find him!
Everyone was talking at once what to do about their current situation. Later, Uraraka had an idea that could help.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
We all know that Sonic and Goku sacrificed themselves by destroying the oxygen destroyer and using it on Ghidorah, right?
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Then I know who to exactly ask where we can find Deku and help him.
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
What do you mean Ochaco? The legendaries are busy helping people around the world and bring them to safety from Ghidorah's wrath. Ribbit.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
But like all heroes, there's only one who can stay behind, and keep an eye on things in case it ever goes wrong and he needs to get their.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
You mean...
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Let's ask Knuckles.
Two Hours Later...
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Hey, what is this?
Principal, you set us up.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
When I heard that, my students wanted to talk to you and Knuckles, I thought this would be interesting. When you're an educator, it's important to help those learn new things as they grow.
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
I don't get why you've been ignoring my calls. Didn't we say that we would stop Touya together?
Shoto, the reason why you want to help is the reason I continue to fight.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Uncle Knuckles, why didn't you call Codey and tell him about Uncle Tails? Let me guess, you got Deku, my mom, All Might, and the other legendaries working together, right? Why didn't you bring him back?
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
I knew it. They all thought it was a smart idea. But, you don't know Deku like I do. He doesn't care about himself. He says he's fine without thinking about himself. That's what made All Might the symbol of peace and Sonic the legendary pro hero. So he can't be trusted to be out their all alone.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
*Worried* Listen to me. Something terrible is going to happen if you let them do this alone.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
I understand how you all feel, but right now, this isn't your place to step in and help. The world is falling apart with Monster Zero loose out their and with Shigaraki on his back, that spells planet destruction.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
But you know, the reason why I came by was to actually tell Principal Nezu to close down the school and campus until further notice.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Shocked* Huh?!
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
Why would you do that?
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Because the battle zone has expanded. Sonic was the master of keeping at one place. But with him gone, it's chaos.
Listen to me Knuckles, you don't understand how these kids feel, but I do. And do you even know what's going to happen if your plan to stop Ghidorah fails?
Easy there, Piccolo. I know what he's saying is irrational, but I feel like he's trying to help us understand the situation. Knuckles, I get it. The world is broken and in shambles. But, we got this. We didn't spend all of 7 months on different islands just to do nothing
*Brings out his phone* Midoriya.
Hold up, is that GPS tracking Midoriya?
Endeavor looks up, with a solemn look on his face. Knowing what it is, Krillin slaps the device out of Endeavor's hand and tries to catch it with Toru, Sero, Mineta, Koda, Codey, and Mina.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
*Surprised* Hey. What do you think you kids are doing?!
Hanta Sero
Hanta Sero
I need to borrow this, sorry Mr. Knuckles, sir! I know I'm just a kid who ended up in Midoriya's class, but I want to help!
Koji Koda
Koji Koda
Me too. Especially after everything we've been through together.
Toru Hagakure
Toru Hagakure
Same here.
Come on, Knuckles! I know I'm just a random guy who ended up joining Team Endeavor's evacuation team for the war, but I still want to help.
Same here. I'll make sure that All For One pays for what he's done to our new friend!
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
Me too!
I owe him this much, especially for helping me think positively about getting Pan and Videl back from Cell.
The boy is smart and strong. But he still needs some training, and I will be sure that he gets it after this is over. (Looks like Pan will have a sparring partner.)
I know how he feels. Having to have everything weigh upon your shoulders, he could've told me, and we could've helped out.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
After everything we've been through, I can't help feeling but go out there, trash some villains, and save my friend. That's what he would've done for me. Plus, Dad would've wanted it this way, especially Goku.
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
I can't believe that he couldn't confide me about the burdens of One For All. And he thought that a simple letter would convince me.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
Either way, we know the burden of One For All is a terrible responsibility that he's going through. But, we're Class 1A, and we stick together. Especially the legendaries.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
And knowing that our friend, is walking a treacherous path, knowing that he is in danger, shows us that we can't look to the future with a smile, knowing that our friend is hurt, scared, frustrated and exhausted.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Listen, I get what you guys are saying. I really do, but going out there is madness, and hell. All put together in a chaotic stew. If you do this, then there's no turning back on your decision.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Plus, there are villains out there that are twice as strong since Ghidorah and Shigaraki's awakening. Plus, the Chaos Emeralds are destroyed. Which means you won't be able to wish anyone back to life if one of you dies.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
We understand. Which is why I'll go to such lengths to bring Deku back. Even if it means that out there, it will kill me.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Knuckles, believe in these students. I have the most confidence that they'll finish their goal of which they desire.
But principal, nobody can persuade a legendary. It's considered offensive to do so.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Have you forgotten? There was one Legendary Pro that could do anything no matter how big the enemy is. He can do it not for the sake of the person, but for the sake of the entire planet.
Are you talking about...Sonic?
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Yea. If he was here today, right now, what do you think he would say in a crisis like this?
(He would tell me not to let my fears own me. But the sake of losing my son to Touya would be catastrophic.)
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
*Sighs* All right. Kids, I'll let you go. At least, that's what Sonic would say.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Plus, this would be a good time to test out the new barrier we installed thanks to Tails.
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
My dad?
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Tails designed this barrier even after I offered to pay him. Instead, he did out of generosity and kindness. Sonic's influence spreads quickly. But, the barrier he built allows us to evacuate UA if anything bad were ever to happen.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Inside the walls, there are electronic railroad systems that will travel from here to Shiketsu in the north. Plus, it has a locking mechanism where if the villains trip the alarm, lock down is issued.
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
*Confused* Shiketsu? [+Bakugo] *Remembers* Oh, right. Those guys.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
I've always thought that we could never use them, but now, with the circumstances we have now, this is a perfect time to test them.
But sir, about Midoriya, if we bring him back, then the evacuees will-
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Don't worry about that. Sonic didn't save this world countless times for bigotry and hatred. This school can allow Midoriya to come back. Because it's his hero academy.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Shocked* (That's right. This is our hero academy.)
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Now then, young heroes, Legendaries, go. Go out their and bring your classmate back.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
[+Everyone] [-Endeavor, Knuckles, and Principal Nezu] Right! Thank you sir!
Everyone who was in the room left to get ready for their new mission: Bring Izuku Midoriya back to UA. Knuckles offered to keep tabs here with Nezu to make sure everyone is safe. Before Uraraka could leave with the others, Knuckles stopped her.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Hey, Uraraka, you have a minute? We need to talk.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
(What would he want to talk to me about?)
Later, everyone, including Yamcha, Piccolo, Gohan, Tien, Chiaotzu, Vidro, and Krillin all got ready to leave the campus of UA and head out into the villainous and dangerous new world.
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
All right, you guys ready for this?
Denki Kaminari
Denki Kaminari
Yeah. I am. I won't let the villains catch my friend.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
Just remember this one thing you idiots. The damn bastard has more than one quirk now. So we have to be on guard if he tries to run away.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
More than one? You mean he unlocked every power from One For All?
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
Yeah. But now, we just need to know where the damn nerd is. Sero, where's the GPS?
Hanta Sero
Hanta Sero
*Pulls out the GPS* Right here. Damn it, I can't make a reading to this.
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo Yaoyorozu
What do you mean? Does it have reception?
Hanta Sero
Hanta Sero
Yeah, it does, but for some reason, it says that there's a forest near here that he's heading straight towards.
Could that be the villains?
Mezo Shoji
Mezo Shoji
That wouldn't be possible. The villains wouldn't even be close to the school now.
Minoru Mineta
Minoru Mineta
Then, what could be in that forest that Midoriya is looking for?
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
It could be that he's still looking for the League of Villains. They do want to have his power.
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tsu is right. It could be that.
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Let me see. *Takes the GPS and looks* Hmm, according to the GPS, Midoriya is heading towards the Shopping District. *Puts down the GPS and takes out a map of Japan*
Yuga Aoyama
Yuga Aoyama
*Surprised* Codey, how did you...
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
My family does a lot of traveling. Now let's see, if I'm correct, and I arrange the area of Japan to the old formed Pangaea, then Mesopotamia should be right, here!
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
Did you find him? Or did you find what you're looking for?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
It seems that with King Ghidorah controlling the other titans, it's suiting the world's environment to its needs. World-wide floods, Wild fires, earthquakes, he's starting to reform the land mass of the Earth.
Mina Ashido
Mina Ashido
So, this dragon is literally changing the Earth?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Yep. Back to its original state. When all of the world's countries came together into one big landmass.
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
That should put Midoriya right here. In the Cedar Forest.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
The Cedar Forest? You that place where a giant lives?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Yes. And, thanks to the rapid growth of plants, the Cedar Forest including its inhabitants are making a comeback.
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!
He's right. Now is the time to go and find Midoriya before someone else does. We all know that the villains are after him and that also means-
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Assassins are after him. Preferably those who are recommended by Lord Boxman and All For One.
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
Mina Ashido
Mina Ashido
Where have you been, girl? Why did you stay behind?
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Blushing* Knuckles, just wanted to talk to me about something important.
Mina Ashido
Mina Ashido
Important? *Gasp* You mean he was- *Gets slapped by Piccolo* Ow! What the heck was that for?
This is no time to be talking about girly things and crushes! We're wasting time talking when we should be going.
That's great. But I'm more worried about the evacuees for one being left alone with no one to watch them. And two, how they're going to react with bringing Midoriya here.
We're just going to have to wing it. Why not? Midoriya ran away from UA because he didn't want to bring trouble here right?
Hanta Sero
Hanta Sero
I guess, but Krillin has a point about the evacuees being left alone. But, the pro heroes will be here, right?
Yuga Aoyama
Yuga Aoyama
Yeah. I'm sure Present Mic will help smooth things over.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
About the evacuees, Knuckles says that the princess will keep an eye on things here while we go and look for Deku. So everything should be fine. Let's get going, everyone. I have a feeling that Deku doesn't have much time.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
All right, everyone, remember, if there is a villain that is after Midoriya, we have the right to engage. We only have to bring him back even if it means that he doesn't want to.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Right. Let's do it!
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Class 1A, Piccolo, Vidro, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, and Gohan left the sanctity of UA and headed off into the dangerous world. Nezu looks out from his window and appreciates the students he has taken in.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
I say, Eraserhead has some amazing young heroes to train and teach. I'm proud of their abilities. Knuckles, what will you do?
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
I have to go back and help out on the front lines. But don't worry, I have someone who will look after the evacuees with Present Mic and the other faculty.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
*Knocks on the door and walks in* Am I in the right place?
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Nezu, meet the princess of Scotland. We rescued her after Methuselah rampages through the countryside of Ireland. She'll help calm the evacuees when Midoriya comes.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
That's very good news to hear. It's an honor to meet you your highness. I'm sorry to hear about your country.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
No need. I have faith that the legendaries will save the world like they always have. I have the upmost confidence that they'll succeed.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Well then, I better get going. I'll leave the rest to you. *Walks out and closes the door*
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Princess, I'm glad that Knuckles brought you here. Now we'll be able to have more help soothing the crowds when the young heroes bring back their classmate.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
You really think so, Mr. Nezu?
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Of course. I better go and prep things up for Midoriya's arrival at once. After all he's been through, he's going to need the support of everyone around him.
Nezu walks out of his office with his umbrella to go and calm the crowds. Little did he know that he had a spy among the walls.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
*Whispering* Lord Boxman, everything is ready.
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Perfect. Keep sending me updates as soon as you can. And remember, be sure to get rid of the problem, and then ensure everyone that everything is "okay" as long as the heroes are their.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
Right. Perfect plan, over and out. *Turns off her communicator* (Nezu, I'm afraid you're about to be fired.)

Operation: Find Deku Pt. 2

Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Princess Myne, it's an honor to have you help me in this time the world needs it. We must calm the crowd before they begin to riot.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
Riot? Why would they riot when they know they would be safe?
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
Because with my students gone with the legendaries to find their classmate, we would have to do our best to tell everyone about Midoriya coming back to campus.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
But didn't your rules of this institution say that once a student leaves, they are never allowed to return?
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
That's only for those who want to give up on the school completely. But for Midoriya, when he got accepted, he was still allowed to attend and come back to the school. This is why his classmates are bringing him back.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
With your help and the barrier in place, we'll be able to keep the safety rate and the number of evacuees at bay. For the barrier, we will shut down and start immediate transfer to Shiketsu with the underground electric railroad Tails designed. Now let's hurry, we don't have time to sit still and wait.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
(Little does he know that his precious barrier has been breached thanks to Snively's technology and the spy we had in the school). *Pulls out a poison dagger* You're wrong, sir. For there are actually two things wrong with this wall of yours.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
How are their two things wrong with the barrier in place?
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
One: The villains can break through before it could activate. Two: It needs a more secure firewall so it doesn't get hacked into by one of the PLF members.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
And how would you know about the flaws about the wall? Unless, you're working for the villains.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
You're wrong. I don't work for the villains. *Stabs Nezu in the heart* Because some of them work for me.
Nezu feels the piercing of the blade through his heart muscle, and from his chest cavity, he starts bleeding out. For the first time in history, the princess of Scotland has decided and outsmarted a rodent and principal of UA Academy. Nezu falls to the ground in pain in his own school in the hallway.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
Oh, I'm so sorry, Principal Nezu, I thought you would live longer to see the return of Lord Boxman and All For One's reign over their domain and take One For All.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
But, it only goes to show that not even the most rodents don't get the privilege to live long enough to see this glorious chance.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
*Gasping for air and making it to the stairway* M-Myne, you won't get away with this. My students and the f-faculty will-
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
They won't be able to do anything because the Legendaries have the brain size of a peanut. Who do they think they are trying to save those who are only meant to be used as tools?
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
Lord Boxman and All For One showed me a future of where I can rule all because of my line and role as the first princess and the next future queen. What would be better than ruling an entire nation than to rule the entire planet free of heroes.
Principal Nezu
Principal Nezu
*Last dying breath* The heroes will succeed. You just haven't realized that you already lost.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
On the contrary, you just haven't realized that you already lost the whole respect of Japan and the smiles of everyone's faces. *Grabs Nezu and throws him down the stairs* Goodbye, Principal Nezu.
Myne throws Nezu down the steps where they connect to the main entrance of the school. When landed, a pool of blood formed from his body, where Principal Nezu lied motionless with his eyes wide open. Myne, satisfied, gets ready to make the general announcement to the evacuees of UA. But first, she needed to hide the body.
After hiding Nezu's body, she begins to pull the tear trick to fool everyone. She heads outside where Present Mic and Best Jeanist are.
Present Mic
Present Mic
Well, here they are. But where's Nezu?
Best Jeanist
Best Jeanist
Hey, it's Princess Myne. Your highness, may I ask, why are you crying?
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
*Crying* It's, it's Principal Nezu. I was going to go talk to him, and then someone killed him as soon as I arrived. He was found with a stab wound in his chest.
Best Jeanist
Best Jeanist
*Shocked* He was stabbed? How?
Present Mic
Present Mic
No way that can't be true. How did this happen?
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
I don't know. But I arrived at the time I found him lying on the floor in a puddle of blood. *Crying* Nezu, I'm sorry! I should've done something, and I should've been there to help!
Present Mic
Present Mic
If the evacuees hear about this, then all hell is about to break loose when we tell them about Izuku Midoriya.
Best Jeanist
Best Jeanist
Listen, we don't have time to mourn about the loss of the principal. We have to worry and prioritize the people's safety and tell them that the boy who was being chased by the villains will be coming here to rest.
Present Mic
Present Mic
Yeah, but still, I don't think Nezu's death was an incident. I think their might be an agent of Boxman and All For One behind these walls.
Best Jeanist
Best Jeanist
Do you mean a spy? Don't be ridiculous. The security system would've gone off by now, and special countermeasures would've been ensured.
Best Jeanist
Best Jeanist
And so far, it hasn't done any of that.
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
(Fools. You don't know the intellect of the most smartest villain in the world along with the most dangerous. Snively knew this could happen, so he hacked into your "countermeasures" and disabled them.)
Best Jeanist
Best Jeanist
So then, who will give the announcement to the public?
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
I'll do it. (That gives Dingo plenty of time to escape and report to Snively.) *Walks over to the crowd*
Citizen 112A
Citizen 112A
What's going on?
Citizen 113A
Citizen 113A
Where's the principal? Why isn't he here to talk to us?
Citizen 114A
Citizen 114A
Best Jeanist, tell us! What's the announcement that you wanted to make?
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
Everyone, your attention, please. I have important news to tell. Both of them will be really shocking, but I hope you all will handle it.
Citizen 114A
Citizen 114A
What's going on? Who are you?
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
I am the first princess and future queen of Scotland, Myne Melromarc. Daughter of her royal highness Queen Mirelia Q Melromarc. And I'm afraid I have some tragic news. Principal Nezu, the person in charge of the school, was found dead today.
*Shocked and talks amongst themselves about Nezu*
Citizen 112A
Citizen 112A
The principal of the school is dead? How can that be?
Citizen 113A
Citizen 113A
You said that this barrier will secure our safety! How did this happen?
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
I don't know. I was going to talk to Principal Nezu when he called me up, but later, he was found lying in a puddle of blood. It's a tragic loss for both the students and for the school. But don't worry, we plan to prioritize your safety.
Citizen 112A
Citizen 112A
Safety? Safety?! Well, you're doing a really good job of it!
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
Please, everyone, calm down. There's also another announcement I would like to make. A boy from this academy will be joining us for his safety. He's the boy the villains are after.
*Shocked and angry* No way!
Citizen 113A
Citizen 113A
You aspect us to live with a ticking time bomb?!
*Angry* Don't let him in!
Princess Myne
Princess Myne
This is going to be harder than I thought. (But luckily, Boxman will be here and in charge of these idiots soon.)
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
*Inhales the toxic fumes* Smell that fresh pollution. Isn't it marvelous, Snively?
Yes sir. *Coughs* Positively glorious.
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Soon, all of the planet earth will be covered with the same fragrance. And we'll soon have the boy where he most aspects us to be.
All For One
All For One
The plan to take One For All is going smoothly as we aspected.
But wait, your All For One ship, how did you know that the walls of UA would be fortified? There's no way we could get in.
All For One
All For One
I had countermeasures added in case that happened. Both me and Boxman have sent one spy each to go beyond the walls of UA while Snively hacked into their system and disable the counter measures and alarms.
All For One
All For One
Princess Myne is one of the spies I sent to eliminate one of the biggest obstacles. Pretty soon, people's judgment will be at their lowest, and that's when we make our next move.
Very good your lordships. *Laughing*
Sir, we have an incoming transmission from Sleet and Dingo.
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Put them through.
~Lord Boxman.~
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Status report, Sleet.
~Well, you see, sir, your plan is working. Dingo slipped in and has taken excellent pictures of the school and its defensive measures. But Princess Myne eliminated Principal Nezu.~
All For One
All For One
Very good. That's marvelous indeed. She's relayed my instructions as well as I told her. Now remain two steps ahead of the heroes and the legendaries.
All For One
All For One
But do tell, what is it like in their Dingo?
Well, uh, they were all angry with the heroes because, uh, they said that the Class 1A kids are going to bring Izuku Midoriya back to the-
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Class 1A is going to find the target? Send me your surveillance pictures now!
Yes, sir. Right away, your amazingness.~ *Sends the recon photos*
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Hmm. Hmm. Sleet.
~Yes sir?~
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
Have you noticed that the boy is heading in the direction of the school, but not to the forest? What does that tell you?
Oh, I know. It means that he's smart and knows how to do a disappearing act.
No, you stupid idiot! It obviously means that he's going to the shopping district!
Lord Boxman
Lord Boxman
*Growls frustratingly* It means the kids are going to the one place where the All Might Statue stands.
All For One
All For One
Hold your anger, Lord Boxman. Do not get angry at your men. For they have a bigger responsibility that will come when the time has passed. For now, I knew this would happen. Which is why...
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
I have sent some assasins to get the target. And they should be their right now.
And who would that be Cell?
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
*Sighs* It's two of the villains that were free from Tartarus. According to their record, they were part of the Nabu Incident during their summer quarter. And now, they swear their allegiance to me, Boxman, and All For One.
*Sipping his coffee* Dude, what the hell? Why send villains from Tartarus to catch Izuku Midoriya instead of Pan and Videl. Obviously, they would be a better choice. Gohan would never attack his own wife and child.
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
I'm saving them for a special purpose, Shallot. Plus, this is my revenge on Gohan, not yours!
Rex needs more meat! Rex wants happy meal.
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
Oh, in that case, I want a big Mac with extra cheese and a large coke.
F**k it. I want the same thing but extra fries.
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
First of all, no. Second, there's no restaurants in sight. It's all been destroyed by the villains and Monster Zero, remember?
Son of b**ch!
Damn it, I forgot. Man, I can't believe we still did a number on this place. Hey, um, I have to ask, where are those villains now?
Perfect Cell
Perfect Cell
They should be on their way to the boy right now. And also the other fighters.
With Midoriya, he's been fighting assassins and villains on the streets to get answers on All For One and Boxman's whereabouts. Fight after fight, Midoriya was on the coverage of collapsing from exhaustion.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(I have to find Shigaraki! I have to find All For One! I have to find the League of Villains. I won't stop until everyone's smiles are protected and back to the way things are.)
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Looks up* (What? No, they can't be...)
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
So, it's the boy who defeated nine.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
That brat from UA. You know, there has been talk of you in the villain community. They said you would be like this. *Takes out a cigar* To tell you the truth kid, you're out of luck.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(Chojuro Kon. Kiruka Hasaki. Both of them worked for Nine. Both are incredibly strong, and they're working for Boxman and All For One. Good.) *Activates balckwhip* (Perhaps I can't some info from them.)
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Put those things away, kid. You know you're not strong enough or you don't have the energy to fight us. Hey, do it.
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Right. *Activates Slice* It would be wise not to fight and come along with us quietly and peacefully, Izuku Midoriya. Swatbots, detain him.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(Swatbots! So Boxman is near here. Good!) *Tries to move but gets a blurry vision* (But what can I use to get closer to them? Air Force? No, I don't have my gloves.) *Kicks three of the Swatbots*
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Hmm, so the boy doesn't have some fight in him.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
It doesn't matter. Retrieve the army, I'm subbing in. *Jumps towards Midoriya*
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
All units, fall back.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
(What?! They're being called-)
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
*Kicks Midoriya in the mid section*
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
GYAH! *Coughs up blood* (I wish I had my gloves right about now. Then I could've used air force or One For All at its fullest.) Tell me, who hired you to capture me?
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
*Pins down Midoriya* Can't say kid. But all I do know is that you're low on energy. Just give up the fight and surrender. Boxman and All For One will be pleased if you do. *Picks him up and throws him to the wall*
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Grunts in pain* (Damn it! He's right. But, I can't give up. I have to find out where All For One and Boxman are hiding.) *Gets stabbed in the leg by Kiruka* GYAH!
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Give up. You're not a hero. You're just a sad, broken little boy who's trying to find the light in this new world that has been created for all of us.
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Beast, let's bring him to the ship. I think he's had enough. SwatBots, bring the containment system.
The SwatBots brought a glass container, and they put the exhausted Izuku Midoriya inside. They lock the glass and escort the containment holder to the ship they rode in on to meet Midoriya at the town square.
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
*Calls Sleet* We have the boy. He didn't put up much of a fight than we expected.
~Excellent. You have done well, my criminal friends. I'll be sure to let Boxman and All For One know of your progress.~
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Hey, what about the school? Is the plan still going on?
~Yes. The school is going into chaos. Our spy will introduce us soon. Just meet up with your originals underground. Snively says there's a railway there that takes them to Shiketsu.~
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Understood. We'll be there shortly. Over and out. *Ends the call*
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
*Looks at All Might* Look at this, All Might. You've brought this upon yourself and others. Looks like you are not here to stop this madness.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
When did Japan suddenly fall apart?
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Don't you remember? It happened when Sonic sacrificed himself to destroy King Ghidorah by using the oxygen destroyer. But in the end, he failed.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
That poor bastard. He should've saved himself instead of worrying about the world.
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Anyway, let's just hurry and get on before someone catches us out here.
The Beast and Hasaki both walked into their hover unit that they borrowed from Snively and Lord Boxman. Midoriya, barely conscious, saw where he was and wanted breakout but couldn't.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Exhausted* (I have to break out of here. But, I think I need a minute...or two...) *Goes unconscious*
The Hover unit takes off and is about to go full speed towards the underground passage way to UA until...
Midoriya! They're getting away!
Vidro! Let's go!
Right Darling!
[+Vidro] Special Move: Spirit Glass Homecoming! *Aims at the ship*
The combined attack hits the rudders and the main engine. Both materials were heavily damaged. The ship was going down with Midoriya on it, and the assassins who tried taking him.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
Urakaka! Codey! Now!
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Right! Let's go Codey!
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Okay! *Flies with Uraraka*
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Touches the Hover Unit and makes it float* Now Codey!
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
*Pulls out Nicole* Nicole, torch mode.
Nicole uses a cutting laser made from atomic energy and light matter to make a hole big enough to get Midoriya out of the ship and onto the ground.
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Tsu, quickly!
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
Ribbit! *Uses her tongue and grabs the containment glass holding Midoriya*
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Class rep, we have him.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
Junior, go!
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Right! *Jumps up and uses Homing shot* Just hang in there a little bit longer, Midoriya. Hyah!
The containment glass breaks, and Chiatozu uses his psychic powers to keep Midoriya's limp body from falling hard on the concrete. Uraraka soon releases the Hover Unit, and it crashes onto the ground with the Swat-Bots and the villains inside.
I got him!
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
Good job, Chiaotzu.
*Checks for a pulse* He's alright. He's just exhausted.
I'd imagine. He must've had it rough out here for a long time trying to find the villains. (Though, I'm the blame for him being like this. I should've gone with him.)
Gohan, I know what you're thinking, and this is not your fault. The villains are the ones at fault for everything that has happened. And what happened back at the training island, it was something that you couldn't control.
Hanta Sero
Hanta Sero
The good thing is that we now have Midoriya. Now let's get out of here and back to UA.
Mashirao Ojiro
Mashirao Ojiro
Yeah. I don't even want to think who was behind of catching Midoriya like this.
Mezo Shoji
Mezo Shoji
I'll get him. *Leans in towards Midoriya then gets shot by a red barb* Gyah!
Fumikage Tokoyami
Fumikage Tokoyami
*Shocked* Shoji!
Rikido Sato
Rikido Sato
What was that?
Yuga Aoyama
Yuga Aoyama
Sacré bleu! Look, the wreckage!
All of them look at the ship moving, and from it, they see the villains that they thought they would never see again.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Hey, are those the...
Mina Ashido
Mina Ashido
No way!
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Weren't they locked in Tartaurus?
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
Looks like they're free now!
Minoru Mineta
Minoru Mineta
But how the heck did they know where Midoriya was?
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo Yaoyorozu
They must've have some sort of tracking device on him.
Denki Kaminari
Denki Kaminari
Man, I hate these guys!
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
Looks like they broke out and liberated by Boxman and his group.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Wella would you look at this. There are some legendaries with some students after all. Looks like those rumors weren't lies after all.
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
It seems they knew we would be here. Especially since we have orders.
I'll say this once. Forget what ever business you have with our friend here and leave while you still live. This is your one and only chance to walk away alive.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
So, you're Piccolo? I heard about you, but I never thought I would meet a real-life earth namekian. *Lights his cigar and puffs* But to tell you the truth, you're not wanted here. This is a restricted mission.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Now just hand over the boy nice and easy before we have to kill you all. And since you destroyed our units, we're going to have to take care of you by ourselves.
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Huh? Hey, that kid with the black hair...Isn't he Gohan?
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Oh yeah, Cell talks about him every day.
*Stunned* Did he say, Cell?
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
*Shocked* Yeah.
Where is Cell? Tell me, how do you know him?
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
I'm surprised you didn't know. We don't only work for Boxman and All For One, but we also work for Cell. He told us that you lost your wife and daughter because you couldn't kill them.
*Snarls* (Cell! So, they're the assassins that the principal was talking about.)
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
I also heard that you were too weak to save them when they needed you the most. Which makes me believe that you're the one Cell wants revenge on, right?
*Growls Angrily*
So what if he does? It doesn't make a difference that we're going to stop you here and now.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Looks at Midoriya's outfit* Deku, what did they do to you? Piccolo, he's gotten some infected marks.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
It must've been from the rain and from the attacks he received earlier to find the villains.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
*Angry* You two will pay for what you've done!
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
All right then. It's time to see how they handle themselves after the heroes of this world quit. Hey, we still have those soldiers, right? Get them from the wreck.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Got it. *Heads back to the Hover Unit and gets the eggs of the soldiers*
Chojuro summons all one hundred soldiers, Lord Boxman, created just for this event. They all emerge and begin to warm up by destroying nearby homes and apartments. This included stores and warehouses. Everyone was getting threads to fight them to protect Midoriya.
Here they come!
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
Get ready Chiaotzu.
Let's do this, darling.
(Don't worry, Midoriya, you rest. We'll handle things from here.)
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
I knew this would happen. Koda, Shoji, get Midoriya out here and far away fast. The rest of us will handle things here.
Koji Koda
Koji Koda
Right. Let's go.
Mezo Shoji
Mezo Shoji
Uraraka, I got him. Help me put him on my back.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Right. *Uses Zero Gravity on Midoriya* (Be safe, Deku.) Release.
Mezo Shoji
Mezo Shoji
You ready?
Koji Koda
Koji Koda
Yeah. Let's get going. *Running with Shoji to a safe place to lay low*
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Hey, they're getting away with the target.
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Soldiers, some of you stay. The rest of you, your targets are the two tall ones that just left and the green haired boy. Bring them to us. The rest of you kill the young heroes and the legendaries.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
You're gonna have to make us move you bastards!
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
There's no way we're going to give you our friend! *Hardens up*
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
*Powers up* Let's do this! There's one hundred soldiers in this batch! By my estimate, that gives us ten soldiers a piece. It doesn't have to be pretty, but it just has to be long enough for Koda and Shoji to get away with Midoriya.
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
I knew this would happen. We promised to fight by his side. And that's what we're going to do. Let's do this, everyone.
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
The heroes and the soldier bots get ready to clash together as they fmsquated off against each other. The soldiers rush in and charge head first. The heroes rushed in and began the fight. Each side traded blows, but the number of soldiers is quickly fading. Junior hits them with every attack he has. Iida does the same.
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
Neo tri beam! *Yells*
Man, these things are relentless!
Keep holding your ground, we're not done yet!
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo Yaoyorozu
Momo Yaoyorozu
How many of these things are left?
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
AP Shot! *Goes through ten soldiers*
Mina Ashido
Mina Ashido
*Uses her acid on the soldiers* I think these are the last ones!
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Then it that case, let's finish this and hurry up, so we can meet with the others! Zero Satellites! *Hits ten of the soldiers*
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
I won't let you go anywhere near Deku!
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
Kyoka Jiro
For Ms. Midnight!
Mashirao Ojiro
Mashirao Ojiro
Twirling Tail Dance! *Hits the last two soldiers* Got em!
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Hey, I'll go to the rendezvous point. Do you think you can...
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
I can handle them. Just go.
Kiruka Hasaki
Kiruka Hasaki
Roger. *Leaves for the rendezvous*
She's getting away!
I'll stop her!
Tien Shinhan
Tien Shinhan
Let her go, Yamcha. We have bigger problems to worry about than her.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Listen up, kiddies and heroes. This world you're living in doesn't belong to you anymore. You're in our domain. So unless you want to go home 6 feet under, I suggest you give us the boy.
Fumikage Tokoyami
Fumikage Tokoyami
So you can deliver them to the villains and have All For One take his quirk?
Rikido Sato
Rikido Sato
There's no way that's going to happen.
Denki Kaminari
Denki Kaminari
Yeah, so it's best that you get lost before we make you get lost.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
*Smokes his cigar* You all think you're tough, huh? Let's not forget that you couldn't even defeat me back on Nabu. I have a distinct memory that you all tried your little power move.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Sounds to me like someone forgot that they were frozen in ice and were forced to go into a deep slumber.
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto Todoroki
We took you head on once, and we'll do it again for the sake of our friend's life. No matter what happens to us, Midoriya will be coming with us.
You heard them. Leave now before things get very ugly.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Don't worry, I'll be ending our business here soon. But, I won't be leaving without the boy.
And just like that, you think we'll surrender because of the "ideal world" Lord Boxman created for you? Is that it?
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Well then, if you don't give me or tell me where the rest of your group took Midoriya, then I guess I'll have to force you to talk.
So it's a fight you want, huh? Then fine. We'll do it here. Since there are no civilians, we can go all out. Everyone here against you.
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
All right. I've been meaning to have a second round with this guy. Let's go!
Fumikage Tokoyami
Fumikage Tokoyami
Dark Shadow! *Pulls out his claws and Shadow cloak*
Everyone get ready. We don't know what to exp-
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
Everyone froze to hear the voice of someone they haven't seen in weeks and rescued today. Midoriya, trying to regain balance, leaning on a tree, regains his posture to move. With the little energy he has left, he moves towards his friends as Shoji and Koda tried to stop him from joining everyone on the battlefield.
*Surprised* Midoriya?
What the heck?
I thought he was unconscious.
That boy has some serious fight in him.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
*Weak* Why are you guys here?
Ochaco Uraraka
Ochaco Uraraka
*Concerned* Because we're worried about you.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
It's fine. Thanks for your concern, but I'm okay. Really. So leave. I'll handle Chimera.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
*Worried* Dude, obviously you're not fine. You're tathered, exhausted, weak, and you're fighting on empty reserves. Please, we're trying to help you.
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
He's right man. Get some rest, we can handle it.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
I said it's fine. Please, go back to campus.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
*Clapping sarcastically* Oh yeah, great speech. Let's give it up for the great and all-powerful One For All successor. So tell me, are you smiling now?
Please, Midoriya, we want to help.
Izuku Midoriya
Izuku Midoriya
This guy, the villain, is mine and mine alone. I can handle him. Just get out of the way!
Minoru Mineta
Minoru Mineta
Aw, great. Does this mean we have to fight two people now?
Codey Prower
Codey Prower
Looks like it.
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki Bakugo
Then make us move you busted ass All Might wannabe!
Tenya Iida
Tenya Iida
I knew Midoriya would do this. Once he makes up his mi d there's no going back on it. Let's do this class.
Junior Hedgehog
Junior Hedgehog
Toru Hagakure
Toru Hagakure
But what about the villain?
Tsuyu Asui
Tsuyu Asui
We can't fight Midoriya and the Beast at the same time.
You won't have to. Kirishima, Toru, Aoyama, you're with us on this guy. The rest of you handle Midoriya. The best your quirks can do in this situation is get in the way.
Yuga Aoyama
Yuga Aoyama
But are you sure? Because there are some things we want to say to-
Right now, your friend probably won't listen. Because of All For One. He wants to keep us all safe, so that's why he wants us to leave. Let the rest of your friends handle this. You'll get your chance, don't you worry about that.
Toru Hagakure
Toru Hagakure
Right. I'll do my best.
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro Kirishima
Yeah, I've been meaning to pick a bone with this guy for what he did to us on Nabu Island.
Chōjūrō Kon
Chōjūrō Kon
Well then, I guess today is my day. Looks like I'll be teaching all nine of you about whose world this really is.
Had a feeling he would say that. Everyone, keep your guards up.
[+Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Gohan, Krishima, Toru, and Aoyama] Right!

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