01 First Love: Wee! Woo!

“Madam! Please, hold on tightly!” shouted the driver to Lily who was sitting at the back.

“Huh? What’s wrong?” asked Lily in alarm.

“The brakes are broken!”

“What!?” exclaimed Lily. “We’re about to enter the interchange!”

“Maybe we can change route and not drive through the main highway!?” she suggested.

“We can’t!” replied the driver. “The traffic on other side is a bit heavy."

Lily extracted her phone out of her overcoat's pocket. She dialed a number. The phone kept ringing but no one was picking up.

Tut! Tut! Her battery’s dead.

“Oh no! Why now of all time!" she said in frustration.

“Let me borrow your phone. I’ll call someone for help.”

“Its in the box,” said the driver.

She got up and reached for the box to open it. She finally had the phone in her hand when the car suddenly moved side by side causing her to fall over and the phone flew out of the window.

“Oh no!” she exclaimed.

“I’m sorry miss! Are you alright?"

“I’m fine,” she said. “But the phone’s flew out of the window!”

The driver stepped hard on the break as he maneuvered to the left leaving a skid marked behind. He was hoping the brake would miraculously work, but the car wasn’t stopping, the break wasn’t working.

“D*mn it!” shouted the driver frustratingly.

Lily held onto the handle tightly as the car swerved again from left and right avoiding the cars and vehicles in front of them.

Traffic Monitoring Control Center (TMCC)

“Emergency! Emergency!” said the man on the phone. “There’s a car speeding up. It’s approaching towards Cloverleaf Interchange.”

Wee! Woo! Wee! Woo!

One police car and two police motorcycles were now on their tail. Two police officers, each on their motorbikes, managed to get past their car. One police signaled to stop and pull over but instead of pulling over the car sped up.

Lily, who was now scared, quickly stick her head out of the window and shouted to the police officers about the broken brakes. The police officers picked up the message and phoned the traffic control center.

“Have the driver turn to west seaside (WS) road ,” said the man from the control center. "And block all the lanes entering WS road.”

“Roger that!” said one traffic officer.

Soon more police cars arrived at the scene and traffic control officers made a blockage preventing other vehicles from entering.

“Miss!” shouted one police officer as he was trying to get near the over speeding car. Lily looked at him and suddenly a walkie-talkie flew inside the car. Lily picked the walkie - talkie that dropped under the front seat.

“Hello! Over!” said the man.

“Yes sir!” said Lily nervously. “We’re listening!”

“Drive through the wss road..We have already blocked any entry points towards WS road,” said the police officer on walkie-talkie.

“We have no choice but to let you plunged into the sea. Rescue team are already on the way.”

Lily looked at the driver. He nodded.

“Alright!” said Lily, frightened, gulping her saliva back to her throat.

“Are you alright, miss?” asked the driver, calmly.

Lily didn’t answer. She couldn’t hide her fright. It was obvious on her face.

“Sir! We’re almost at the seaside!” informed Lily to the police officer as soon they turned right.

“Alright. I’ll inform the rescue team to prepare.”

The driver was gripping on the steering wheel preparing to plunge into the water when suddenly a truck appear out of nowhere. The driver jerked the steering wheel to the other side. The car lurched then hit the truck and flew up in the air. It flipped twice before it plunged into the water.

Lily, whose world seemed to have moved in slow motion, flew up and down as it flipped hitting and slamming the roof and hit her head on the hood. Before the car plunged into the water Lily’s vision turned blurry and eventually went blank - she was unconscious.

“What happened!” shouted one police officer, shocked and surprised.

“I thought the roads are already blocked? Where did the truck came from? Hurry get them out of the water!”




Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!



manga  lover 💕😍😘

manga lover 💕😍😘

Nice Story 👍/Smile/



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