...The class continued with instruction on how to create shields. It was a crucial lesson, and everyone was paying close attention...
...The shield spell went beyond simple protection; with creativity, it could even create bridges. With discipline, the shield could be erected anywhere, and with strength, it would become resistant and could vary in size...
...At the end of class, while the students practiced conjuring invisible shields, Devyl stayed behind to talk to Trevis...
...The Adept didn't hesitate to praise Devyl: "You surprised me today..."
...Devyl tried to hide his discomfort, acting naturally: "Thank you..."
...Trevis got straight to the point: "You don't have to disguise your discomfort with me. You can act naturally..."
...Devyl breathed a sigh of relief and allowed himself to be more sincere: "Right. What do you want from me? You're not going to expel me, are you?..."
...Trevis clarified his curiosity: "Only if you want to pick a fight with Kairos. I'm just interested in knowing where you came from..."
...The question intrigued Devyl: "I came from Suanam. I already said that, it's on my application form..."
...Trevis deepened the questioning: "I want to know if you were born in Suanam or if someone abandoned you there..."
...Devyl had no memories; since he began to form memories, he had always lived on the streets: "I don't know..."
..."You have no memories of having a mother or father, right?..."
...Devyl nodded: "No!..."
..."Who gave you the name Devyl?..."
...He didn't know, he always had that name in mind, people on the street called him that too: "I don't know!..."
...Trevis analyzed him meticulously, something about Devyl's story didn't seem to add up. That's when he noticed something peculiar: a ring...
..."Where did you get this?" he asked, pointing to the ring on his little finger...
...Devyl looked at his hand: "Oh, this? It was a gift..."
..."Can I see it?" Trevis requested...
...Devyl didn't hesitate, he took off the ring and handed it to Trevis. Upon touching it, the Adept felt an immense weight, how could anyone carry that? As he breathed near it, the same phrase that Devyl saw appeared...
...Trevis read the inscription and had the feeling he had seen that phrase somewhere before, but couldn't remember where...
..."Do you know what this phrase means?" he asked...
...Devyl took the ring back: "No. But since my name means devil, maybe that phrase is for me, don't you think?..."
...Trevis felt he needed to investigate this further...
...As the weeks went by, between classes and nights interspersed with Alex and Gabriela, Devyl did his best to take advantage of all the new experiences that the academy offered...
...No one there knew how to extract every minute like him, whether it was having fun, spending hours in the library, or practicing spells. His determination to be accepted by a fallen grew with each passing day...
...And the teachers spared no praise, especially since he was the best candidate for Adept that year...
...Devyl was doing well, the nightmares had stopped, and now he could focus even more on his studies. One day, Kairos called him for a chat in his office. Devyl went reluctantly, but knew he couldn't refuse, after all, he had duties to fulfill and couldn't mix personal with professional...
..."I'll make myself comfortable here on the sofa as usual, Master Kairos..."
...Kairos, in turn, avoided eye contact for a long time, perhaps for the good of both of them, and Devyl shared the same thought...
..."You are the first in your class in everything, surpassing even the Braga and Silva families. Keep it up, and you will be recommended by all the teachers to all seven demons..."
..."The classes have helped me keep my mind focused..."
...Kairos perceived Devyl's allusion to his mental health. The master had never addressed the subject but was tirelessly searching for solutions to his condition. However, he preferred to keep this matter a secret until he was sure he could cure him...
..."Have you decided which Fallen you will follow?..."
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