...The day of punishment arrived, and Lucifer did not surrender passively. In a fit of rage, he destroyed much of what he possessed in the kingdom, nullifying possible future threats. He imprisoned and confronted angels and archangels who tried to oppose him, demonstrating his determination and fury in protecting Azazyel and his ideals....
...Steven ended his explanation with an immersive and epic narrative about the celestial war. He described how chaos spread, dividing the followers of Lucifer from the supporters of Gabriel. The battle culminated in the invocation of punishment by the archangels allied with Gabriel, who imprisoned Lucifer and his followers in the depths of the Earth....
...Azazyel, guided by Lucifer, tried to intervene, but it was too late. He witnessed his beloved being punished in his place, and in an act of love and sacrifice, he renounced his position as celestial commander and abdicated all his glory as the second favorite of the Creator....
...Years later, Azazyel descended into hell to rescue Lucifer and his brothers, erasing his own existence from the memory of those who knew him. This allowed Lucifer and his princes to be freed from the abyss....
...Behind this plan was Azazyel's desire to be loved, and Lucifer loved him deeply. In the name of this love, Lucifer destroyed the celestial kingdom, fulfilling Azazyel's wish and instilling fear in those who still supported Gabriel....
...Gabriel hid on Earth, in the place called Sanctum, to recover his strength and reinforce his army. Azazyel, in turn, used what was left of the celestial kingdom to create Atlantis, taking Lilith as his wife and granting her the title of Lady and Red Witch....
...The war did not end. Azazyel promised Lucifer that he would free him and give him Atlantis as his new kingdom, a place prepared with love by his beloved....
...When the time came, Azazyel used the dagger of eternity, sacrificing himself to free Lucifer. Lucifer was freed, but Azazyel had to die to be reborn years later. With his new body, he returned gloriously to Lucifer's side and, as part of the plans, imprisoned Gabriel once and for all....
...Sariel, Michael and Raphael were wounded and imprisoned by Fanuel, a spy for Azazyel who had betrayed them over the years. Raphael and Uriel were killed by Abaddon, culminating in his own death....
...The war had supposedly come to an end, but the shadow of Uriel and Raphael's revenge loomed on the horizon, awaiting a new reincarnation....
...The candidates enthusiastically applauded the captivating way in which Steven had presented this fascinating story, involving magic and storytelling in an exciting and vivid demonstration....
...Alex, noticing Devyl's absorbed gaze during the narrative, tried to steer the conversation towards a more personal reflection on the story....
..."Beautiful, isn't it?" he commented, trying to involve Devyl in the discussion about the love between Lucifer and Azazyel that led to the destruction of the celestial kingdom....
...Devyl, still immersed in the story, took a moment to understand what Alex was saying. Realizing the question, he nodded with a smile....
..."Oh, yes!"...
...Alex persisted, wanting to know Devyl's personal opinion on the actions of the protagonists of the story....
..."What do you think about their attitude?"...
...Devyl, back to reality, turned his gaze to Alex, showing interest in the conversation....
..."I think it's amazing. I wish I had people like Lucifer and Azazyel fighting for me."...
...Despite the answer, Alex wanted to know more and continued to question....
..."Have you chosen your favorite Fallen to make the pact with?"...
...Devyl looked at him for a moment and then looked away, smiling....
..."I liked Azazyel's attitude. If I were him, I would also do anything stupid to suppress something and give my life if necessary."...
...Devyl's answer conveyed a mixture of admiration and identification with Azazyel, revealing a bit of his own determined nature and, perhaps, a touch of youthful idealism....
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