Chapter 14~
Warning : 🔞🔞🔞🔞
Children's and reporters not allowed ❌
Devlin pressed vibrator to Mio's hóle....
Mio felt extrem sensation in just that....
Mio {MC}
**Wriggling and shaking head to saying Devlin to stop**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
How can I stop when it's only the beginning..??
Devlin Anderson {ML}
**Slightly push vibrator inside his hóle**
Mio {MC}
**Tears fall down and toes clenched**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Is it because of the gel..?? It's going in so easily....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Or... **Cold** Did you do this already with others..??
Mio {MC}
💭 What the fúçk are you saying..??
Mio {MC}
💭 Take that thing away from me....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
**Push more**
Mio {MC}
**Twitches and got hàrd**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Haha... Look at you....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
You are twitching like a wét dog....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Hahaha.... I like it....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
I like your reaction....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
I think I did good choosing you....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
**Push all at once**
Mio cúm as soon as vibrator went deep inside him....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
**Eyes widen**
Tied up Mio looked so léwd with his trembling body and half opened teary eyes....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Mio {MC}
💭 I... I never felt this type of sensation....
Mio {MC}
💭 My mind is blank and I can't control my body....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Look at this guy....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
I thought you don't like all this....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
But look at this....
Mio {MC}
💭 W.. what is that..??
Mio {MC}
💭 Why am I getting hàrd when I already cúm....
Mio {MC}
**Glance at Devlin**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
It will be so much fun to play with you.....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
**Took another toys**
Mio {MC}
**Pale** **Shake head**
Mio {MC}
💭 No... No.... not again.....
Finn {ML Assistant}
**Still waiting for them outside**
Finn {ML Assistant}
**Sigh** 💭 How much time passed already..? mm
Finn {ML Assistant}
💭 Is he not done yet..???
When Finn is thinking that Devlin come out from Mio's house....
Finn {ML Assistant}
Oh.... Huh..??
Devlin come holding unconscious Mio in his arms.....
Mio was covered with his old blanket...
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Take care of it....
Finn {ML Assistant}
**Nods** Yes sir....
Devlin took Mio to the car and drove off....
After they left Finn get inside the Mio house....
Finn {ML Assistant}
**Eyes widen** What the fúçk..??!!!
Mio's one room apartment was mess....
His old bed was filled with Mio's cúm... and his sweat.....
The toys which Finn brought for Devlin is all shattered around the house.....
And all those toys are covered with gel and Mio's cúm.....
Finn {ML Assistant}
Is he seriously use this all toys on that guy...???
Finn {ML Assistant}
I hope he is alright....
The Cursed Lover
he build up a tent /Facepalm/
What a jumpscare🤧
The Devil's Spawn