Mio {MC}
Who doesn't need it..??
Mio {MC}
Who has the money says 'Money is not everything'.....
Mio {MC}
Who doesn't have it says 'It is everything'.....
Mio {MC}
I am belong to the 2nd group of people....
Mio {MC}
Because I don't have it... And I really need it....
Mio {MC}
I spend 6 years of life in luxury....
Mio {MC}
But after I celebrated my 6th birthday.... Everything went downhill....
Mio {MC}
My father's business doomed and my mom died from sudden illness.....
Mio {MC}
Me and my older brother Mark.... Spend our rest childhood in slums.....
Mio {MC}
No money.... no food....
Mio {MC}
Not even have enough clothes to cover our selves....
Mio {MC}
**Smirk** And yeah we have plenty of debts that never going to end even of we sell our organs....
Mio {MC}
In that moment when we are struggling my father....
Mio {MC}
The man we respected and loved father.... Run away....
Mio {MC}
Run away leaving us a huge debt....
Mio {MC}
How can father do that to a his own children..??
Mio {MC}
My brother and i worked day and night to keep up with our lives.....
Mio {MC}
That's when I saw him....
Mio {MC}
The man who has no worries and smiling brightly to the camera....
Mio {MC}
Yes... The great actor.... Devlin... Devlin Anderson.....
Mio {MC}
I decided to be like him when I grow up....
Mio {MC}
The man who has no worries....
Mio {MC}
That's why I worked more hard and hard to become an actor.....
Mio {MC}
But life doesn't always give us the chance to do whatever we want....
Mio {MC}
One day when I celebrated my 17th birthday....
Mio {MC}
My brother get into an accident and fell into coma....
Mio {MC}
Now.... It's been 5 year's.....
Mio {MC}
Here I am still waiting for him to wake up....
Finn {ML Assistant}
Mr. Mio....
Mio {MC}
**Get up** Yes....
Finn {ML Assistant}
CEO is ready to meet you....
Mio {MC}
**Nods and follow him**
Mio {MC}
**Hold slightly trembling hand**
Mio {MC}
💭 No... You can't be scared now....
Mio {MC}
💭 You waited for this moment for a long time....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
So... Is he the one..??
Mio {MC}
💭 Here he comes... The man who inspired me....
Mio {MC}
💭 And made work hard in my life....
Mio {MC}
💭 The one who I hate the most in the world....
Finn {ML Assistant}
Yes sir....
Mio {MC}
**Stands up and bows**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
**Sit front of him frowning**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Is he underage..??
Finn {ML Assistant}
No sir... He is 22 years old now....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
He looks like a high school student....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Are you sure he is 22...??
Finn {ML Assistant}
Yes sir.... I already checked everything....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Your reports....
Mio {MC}
Ha yes..... **Give files to him**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
**Go through the files**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
No terminal or external illness....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
No scars in the body....
Mio {MC}
💭 I do have one... In my head....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
And everything is perfect....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
And.... **Go through another file**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
No criminal record or anything....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
But.... **Throw the files on the table**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Have a pile of debts and dying brother.....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
So you really need of money....
Mio {MC}
**Nods clenching hand**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Did you ever do this with others..???
Mio {MC}
**Shake head** N.. no.... it's my first time....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Hm.... **Glance at Finn**
Finn {ML Assistant}
**Bows and left**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
**Take gloves and start to wear them**
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Then... Get up and....
Devlin Anderson {ML}
Mio {MC}
**Eyes widen** Y... Yes...??!!
Innocent Authy
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what he is going to do😄.. operation 😂❤
too hot 😄
ur future husband 😄