To Save The World

To Save The World


It's Yeakato High school. All the students are doing well here. It's school time. The final boards exams are coming soon. Everybody is busy to study.

Now it is Class X. Sec A. Students were attending the mathematics class. The vibe is so nice. Here is our Sparkle just like her name she is really a very charming brilliant multi-talented girl. She is active in social media as well. There also she has a lots of friends but among them there is a boy named Cyler from Russia was her brother actually they met on Instagram a year ago. They don't have blood relation but they are like siblings. (sparkle doesn't have own brother-sister so she always wanted having a big brother). Her best friend Rehan from Oman. And Zen from Korea .

Their class president Siya was really a studious girl and also a top student. She can manage any situation beautifully. She always tries to make sure that noone of her classmates gets hurt or bullied. She makes them stay together. As all classes their was also a class clown like a funny boy Jodo. He is a little overweight but all loves him. There was a twin named Jen and Jon was a good photographer. Also a Krijo, Jenna, Siyon, Blue, Bora, Hoysik, Fang, Mok, Billy, Sigin, Luke more and more.

Here in school the students were studying and having fun. They were good friends atleast most of them were so nice to each other though as every classes there were some toxic people but still this class is something else a little different from all.

Suddenly they saw a news in tv that every students in class X to class XII will get a military training. People with this training will get benifits in jobs. All the willing students are requested to enlist their names to their class teacher.

Students were confused some were happy too for the benifits of job and some were worried to think about why all of sudden this notice came. Their class teacher adviced them to join it as they will get advantage in future all the students became excited for it. School bell rings. Time to go home. While discussing about it all of them went to their own places.

Their parents also decided to let them go. Some student didn't want to go but their parents forcefully make them go there. That day they were packing their stuffs some became emotional for leaving their parents some became excited some were worried for studies and some were like cares about nothing.

[Ok so lets know something there was a scientist he was like a little phycho type person. But he was literally a very brilliant scientist. Everything depends on his mood. So one Day Mr. Anderson was playing a video game while playing it he feels like this world is so boring he wanted to make it as interesting as the video game. It's something weird when a scientist went mad. He decided to make some deadly creatures. He also made there control places from where they would be automatically controlled. This 3 points will be Somewhere in Russia. As he made it just like a video game so to end this thing he decided if some one destroy this there points those electroflies ( he named them) will be automatically disappear or you can say all of them will be finished or dead. But he didn't tell it to anyone how to stop them. He just post a deadly dangerous scary picture and wrote there that " Be ready for the new journey Electroflies are coming"]

And this is time when everything going to be changed. Will they regret to go there? Actually what is going to happened with them???



Amaya Yeojin

Amaya Yeojin




Yeosina wozi

Yeosina wozi

Nice one interesting as well



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