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To Save The World


It's Yeakato High school. All the students are doing well here. It's school time. The final boards exams are coming soon. Everybody is busy to study.

Now it is Class X. Sec A. Students were attending the mathematics class. The vibe is so nice. Here is our Sparkle just like her name she is really a very charming brilliant multi-talented girl. She is active in social media as well. There also she has a lots of friends but among them there is a boy named Cyler from Russia was her brother actually they met on Instagram a year ago. They don't have blood relation but they are like siblings. (sparkle doesn't have own brother-sister so she always wanted having a big brother). Her best friend Rehan from Oman. And Zen from Korea .

Their class president Siya was really a studious girl and also a top student. She can manage any situation beautifully. She always tries to make sure that noone of her classmates gets hurt or bullied. She makes them stay together. As all classes their was also a class clown like a funny boy Jodo. He is a little overweight but all loves him. There was a twin named Jen and Jon was a good photographer. Also a Krijo, Jenna, Siyon, Blue, Bora, Hoysik, Fang, Mok, Billy, Sigin, Luke more and more.

Here in school the students were studying and having fun. They were good friends atleast most of them were so nice to each other though as every classes there were some toxic people but still this class is something else a little different from all.

Suddenly they saw a news in tv that every students in class X to class XII will get a military training. People with this training will get benifits in jobs. All the willing students are requested to enlist their names to their class teacher.

Students were confused some were happy too for the benifits of job and some were worried to think about why all of sudden this notice came. Their class teacher adviced them to join it as they will get advantage in future all the students became excited for it. School bell rings. Time to go home. While discussing about it all of them went to their own places.

Their parents also decided to let them go. Some student didn't want to go but their parents forcefully make them go there. That day they were packing their stuffs some became emotional for leaving their parents some became excited some were worried for studies and some were like cares about nothing.

[Ok so lets know something there was a scientist he was like a little phycho type person. But he was literally a very brilliant scientist. Everything depends on his mood. So one Day Mr. Anderson was playing a video game while playing it he feels like this world is so boring he wanted to make it as interesting as the video game. It's something weird when a scientist went mad. He decided to make some deadly creatures. He also made there control places from where they would be automatically controlled. This 3 points will be Somewhere in Russia. As he made it just like a video game so to end this thing he decided if some one destroy this there points those electroflies ( he named them) will be automatically disappear or you can say all of them will be finished or dead. But he didn't tell it to anyone how to stop them. He just post a deadly dangerous scary picture and wrote there that " Be ready for the new journey Electroflies are coming"]

And this is time when everything going to be changed. Will they regret to go there? Actually what is going to happened with them???

Chap - 2

Lets read the next chapter

Most of the students came in the school for the training actually not most of them of them had come for the training. They went to their own classes. All were excited. Then their class teachers showed them their room. The class X boys got a room and girls got a room near them. All of them gathered their class. Suddenly they heard noises. Through the window students saw the military cars getting entered. That was a wonderful moment Then while they were talking about it a young handsome tall boy entered. Everyone was looking at him it's Captain Yean he was the lieutenant. Then the sergeant Mr. Hun and some other soldiers. They introduced themselves. Students were so fascinated to see them. But who knows how hard this gonna be? Till then, they were taken this training as joke.

The lieutenant told them some rules. First of all they took all their phones. Students weren't ready for it. They started requesting. Fang was too much active in social media so she said " no no I told my followers that I'm going for army training. I will have to post pictures. Plese don't take my phone."But the rule is rule. All the phones were taken. They got to know that their training will be started from tomorrow morning 5 am. Hearing 5 am our twins had gotten heart attack. They can't wake up so early. Bora tease them saying late fellow late fellow everyone was laughing. Mr Yean told Jane and Jon to be a video recorder and gave them 2 comeras. All were excited about it. Jane and Jon showing eact other their camera features. The vibe was so nice everyone laughing smiling having fun. Mr. Yean was looking at them and there was something strange in his eyes Sia noticed it and asked him " Sir why you bring us here suddenly? We didn't suppose to be here from anyway." All became a little serious about it. But the Mr. Yean told them nothing except best of luck. Then the sergeant told them to take rest and organise their stuffs. They went to their rooms. Girls brought too many things like they came in vacation they were upset about the phone incident. The class president console them. About the boys we got to know Luke had brought a drone. They were excited about it. They were laughing smiling and all having fun.

Mr Yean was sitting in his room. He was thinking about something who was looking a little bit worried scared. The sergeant Mr Hun came there with a cup of coffee. He asked if he is ok. Mr Hun was like uncle for Mr Yean. Mr Yean said I really don't want this kids to get hurt. Mr Hun said "neither me. But what can we do it's the order. We know you faced a lot. We faced a lot. But we can't do anything if we refuse to train them then obviously other soldiers will be sent to train them. It will change nothing right? So let's train them and be with them till the war ends." Mr yean said " will the war end? Can we protect them all? " his eyes were shining. Something big was going to happened.

The next day,,

All the students wake up. Sia and Spark was all fine as they used to wake up early but the others were a little bit upset and angry foe few reasons they came here and they their phones now they have no contact with the family. Anyways all came out of their rooms they came in school ground now the training started it was harder than their imagination. They never even think in their dreams about it. During this training some students started crying like they can't do it plese let them go. But Mr yean told them it's ok you have to know it for yourself he told them it's just the beginning and it's just the workout. Then he gave each of them guns. Now some of them started playing with it they were like running and playing then Mr Hun and Mr Yean stopped them and told them it's not toys it's real and you know what would happen if accidentally bullet comes out. Jodo became scared and said sorry. Then they showed them how to shot the gun. Spark was really fast at it. Captain Yean came and hold her hands a little up to get perfect shot this was the first time they saw each other properly and talk. Mr. Yean told her hold the gun a little up she nodded. But he was also Impressed at her fast learning skills.

This was something else. Anyways after her he went to others too.

Then he told them he will take a test at evening so keep practicing. The students were doing hard work. Mr Hun came and gave them some snacks but students were so tired then refused to eat. They asked him are you showing sympathy we are so tired why Mr Yean ordered this? We are tired too much we wanna go home now. Give us back our phone too. Mr Hun said when you will know about everything then you will get to know why Mr Yean is giving you a hard time. Jenna asked him then let us know what is happening. He looked at her.

After that he gone and they eat the snacks. Jodo said them can you please give a little bit from yours I'm still starving. Jon said dumb can't you it yours. He said I have already ate it. Everyone started beating him. Mr Yean was looking at them from far. Spark noticed him and also noticed that he was looking worried.

The test time comes. Everyone was shooting but noone was parfect but Spark got the parfect shot like all her shots were right in the middle even Mr Yean was shocked he told her to keep it up. Some were punished a little for not getting the shot properly.

Then they were back to the physical training. That was really hard. They were running and crossing the narrow things punching the bags and running doing pushup and all.

At night they all were so tired and they were feeling pain all over the body. They came for the dinner they were discussing that how Mr Yean is so young. Some girls wanted to flirt with him. Boys started laughing at their nonsense talks. Mr Hun came their to eat with them to have a good friendly bond with them actually Mr Yean told him to do it. Students stopped talking he said don't be scared be like friends with us. Lemme know what you were talking. Then they were looking at each other suddenly one of them ask Don't you think Mr Yean looks really young. Mr Hun laughed and told oh that's it actually he is young he is just 20 and he was in the training too suddenly order came to train all the kids so he came here. But at young age he achieved a lot. Spark asked him " is he alright sometimes he looks a little bit worried his eyes maybe he smiles but I don't think he smiles from heart like he is hiding something heavy in his heart." everyone was looking at her cause Mr Yeah was right in the back of her. They signal her or wink at her to see the back. She looked in the back and saw Mr Yean is looking at her she said sorry to him he nodded and sat with them. Mr Hun was about to say something but he said to all focus on your training students it's important. You all will need it. Students nodded but spark feels like maybe he told it to tese her or something she was feeling a little arrogant.

After They back to their rooms girls were telling he is young handsome awwww I like it. Spark told them he is kinda rude though. Bora said that wasn't for you don't feel like that. She smiled and went to sleep. Siya told girls to sleep as they have to wake up early tomorrow.

Here Mr Hun told Yean " you should be a little nice and friendly with them don't you think you are being a little hard to them. Give a little time to get them adjusted here"

Mr Yean - " but we are running out of time. Electroflies can attack any moments students don't even know about it. I don't want any of them get hurt. I will protect them at any cost. They are our responsibility now ."

Mr Hun nodded and asked " btw that girl Sparkle is really well mannered and gentle and she is the only one who saw your sadness behind your smile. I like her behaviour "

Mr Yean smiles a little and said" Yea she is nice. She is perfect at shooting too"

Mr Hun was looking at him he said why are you looking at me like that. Mr hun said you are like my son though I'm not married but still ( they laugh) we are close enough. So my son is looking a little different today

Mr Yean was like hey no lemme study lemme study

Mr hun smiled and give him a coffee wished him good night and gone.

Later coincidentally both Spark and Yean was thinking about each other at night while sleeping. Spark be like why was he rude at me and Yean was like why I'm thinking about her...

Then while thinking of her he started playing guitar. There we got to know he is to fine in playing guitar

Lets see what happens next...

Chap 3

They wake up in the morning with a long face as they have to go for training again. Today they learned how to reload gun. They got too much training they practiced shooting as well and fighting skills. Some of them became so mad Jon was video recording all. Sometimes they tried to run but the soldiers capture them and returned them to the base. And slowly slowly they got good friendship with Mr Hun and Mr Yean. They all loved Mr Hun as he care for them like a dad and slowly they got to know well Mr Yean and understand that he is also caring he is doing too much things in just a young age.

Like that 3 days passed. During these days we got to know Krujo the funny and a little bit childish boy likes class president Siya a lot. Siya doesn't know it. But Siya scolds him a lot which looks so cute. And Jon and Siyon are in relationship. Siyon is interested in medical things. She wished to become a doctor. She knows a lot of things in medical like the basic knowledge. And here we go,, our Spark and Mr Yean. They had a cute bonding. One day while she is about to fall while training Mr yean saved her from falling but when she stand up he hit on her head while saying take care lil girl. She was like did I tell you to catch me.

The next day they again done practice that day it was really hard training that they did even have time take rest. All became tired and sleepy. But they were hungry as well so just after they finished students rushed to do dinner but Spark was so tired that she slept without having dinner. Siya tried to wake her up but no one can wake up her when she is in deep sleep. So all students went.

Mr Yean noticed that Spark wasn't there he asked Mr Hun if she had done dinner early. But Mr Hun said he didn't saw her to come. Yean became tensed. Seeing him worried for Spark Mr Hun asked the students that where is Spark. They said she was so tired that she slept. Yean told them you must wake up her and take her here to have dinner. They told him when she is in deep sleep it's impossible to wake up her. Actually she is hardworking girl. She does not become tired fast till these days she was sleeping for 3 hours only at night she used to wake up and do study. Hearing it all Mr Yean became worried for her health ( we can she the worry in his eyes)

Students told him to take the food for her and try to wake her up. Mr Hun also told him to do so. Then he went to her. She was looking so pretty while sleeping too. The way she was sleeping he didn't want her to wake up. He was looking at her gently. But as he was worried for health so he called her name. She moved a little but still sleeping. So he hold her hands and politely patted her head and calling her name. Suddenly Spark woke up. She was shocked looking at him here beside her. She saw that he brought food for her. She said sorry for not being able to go and do dinner but she was still too sleepy. Mr Hun smiled and told her it's ok lemme feed you. It was the first time she felt Mr Yean is not that bad as she thought he is. They talked a little. Spend a beautiful time together. Then he told her to take care of her health. Being alright is the first thing. Then they said good night to each other. He was about to go but Spark hold his t-shirt. He turned towards her. She said him thank you. He nodded and went back to the students. Students were shocked to see that Mr Yean wake her up and also feed her. One of them directly said Mr Yean taking good care of Spark. Then a girl became jealous and asked no no that's his responsibility isn't it Sir? She was winking at him. Seeing her others started laughing. She was trying to flirt him But that didn't work on him.

Ok so the next day during the training Mr Yean got a sudden emergency call. So now he had to go back to the army camp and he will be back at night. So he hurried and called class president but she was hurry to go to washroom so she sent Spark instead of her.

Seeing her he was shocked but he didn't know why but he was feeling happy too. So he told her that he is go to army camp he don't even have time to gather all and tell about it so she must tell it to others. Mr Hun will be here with them. For an unknown reason Spark also feeling something. She told him to come back early. ( As like she doesn't want to let him go)

Spark told it to others. Some students were planning to go outside to have look at their homes. Luke showed them his drone what he hiddenly brought here. So they slowly went to the balcony and Fang and Jodo and Krujo slowly came out of the room they were all planned and we're just about to leave the school with the help of drone as they were following it. Luke was controlling it from balcony. But all of a sudden Jodo make a noise and then think what they done they were running running but at they soldiers cough them. Mr Hun punished them all making them all doing extra pushups. They all promised to not leave the shool without their permission. But while all this happening Spark started missing Mr Yean and at last she asked Mr Hun " Where has he gone? Why he hasn't returned till now. It's late at night."

Mr Hun replied her that he must be busy don't worry. She said I'm not worried but I just asked. He laughed at her childish reply.

Then at night Mr Yean came back. Mr Hun asked him what happened here we got to know that now he got order to move the children to Russia where Electroflies attacking too much. They gave him 3 days to move all the children there. Mr Yean was worried as he wasn't sure if students are ready to know the truth. He was worried what if they don't accept the reality. What if they aren't able to fight?can he protect them all. Too much questions were there. He became tensed exhausted. Mr Hun console him. He said students are too much smart they must have already guessed about it not exactly but they surely know that they are making them prepared for something big. And he is a good person in just this age he is doing great. Mr Hun also told that "don't forget that you are also a young boy don't forse yourself too much. You are doing great. " Then Spark came seeing her both of them became confused. Me Hun asked her " Why didn't you sleep yet Spark?" she said " I wasn't sleepy. I saw his car. So I came to see if he is all good nothing else. Now I'm going. " Mr Yean stopped her. Mr hun went to his room saying them good night. Yean can't control himself and said her about Electroflies. Sparkle was scared to know about all of it. But the way Mr Yean broke down that day while saying about Electroflies and himself she also got emotional and console him. He put his head on her shoulder and they hugged each other. Spark was consoling him.

After he got a little ok she advised him to sleep and went to her room. Spark was still in shock but hugging him that way she was felling better and strangely Mr Yean also felling better and after a long time he slept properly...

Now what will happen? Will it be all fine after the student knows about the truth?

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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