What Is Love

What Is Love


Avery Sin
Avery Sin
**** shit💢 do you think sees us
Elizabeth mogrin
Elizabeth mogrin
i i don't think so 😅
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
**** *leave*
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid
honey are you okay *hold his hand*
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
m mom when I was walking around with my Guards i i heard a man shouting for help *treamble*
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid
Oh, my son you must have heard it wrong what if it come from tv
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Y yeh maybe
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Da dad where are you *stand*
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid
son I'm here *hold his hand*
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Mom dad cant I really never see again 😢
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Dad I remember when I was young I can see? I can see right? Dad *hold his dad hand tightly*
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Name:Avery Sin Alpha Age:21 Like:his favorite knife,cool thing,any types of weapon Dislike:bitches,two face people,****, others taking what's his
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Name:Cyrus Sigrid ?????? Age:22 Like:his mom,dad and his brother,best friend, delicious food Dislike:who hurt his mom and dad He's blind when he got accident with his brother when he was 5
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid Alpha 41
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid 43 Enigma




I can't believe this is your first book. You have a bright future ahead!



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