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What Is Love


Avery Sin
Avery Sin
**** shit💢 do you think sees us
Elizabeth mogrin
Elizabeth mogrin
i i don't think so 😅
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
**** *leave*
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid
honey are you okay *hold his hand*
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
m mom when I was walking around with my Guards i i heard a man shouting for help *treamble*
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid
Oh, my son you must have heard it wrong what if it come from tv
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Y yeh maybe
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Da dad where are you *stand*
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid
son I'm here *hold his hand*
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Mom dad cant I really never see again 😢
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Dad I remember when I was young I can see? I can see right? Dad *hold his dad hand tightly*
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Name:Avery Sin Alpha Age:21 Like:his favorite knife,cool thing,any types of weapon Dislike:bitches,two face people,****, others taking what's his
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Name:Cyrus Sigrid ?????? Age:22 Like:his mom,dad and his brother,best friend, delicious food Dislike:who hurt his mom and dad He's blind when he got accident with his brother when he was 5
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid Alpha 41
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid 43 Enigma


At night
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
*tracing knife onto cyrus next*
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Wa wahh wh whose their *touching/feeling who's their*
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
*checking if he's really blind*
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
*touch Avery hand* uagh wh
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
*cover his mouth*
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Who are you,how dare you enter my room*teary eyes* 😥
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
You're blink*cold voice*
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Y yes
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
please let go of my neck 😢 it's hurt
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
(so his blind he didn't see anything)
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
ohhh *chocked him* so its hurt
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
*cough* please mister who ever you are please let go of me *cough*
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
*let him go and leave through the window*
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Umm he's cute
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
*eyes turn red*
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
*feeling hot*shit I think I trigger my own rut
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
*climb again through the window of Cyrus*
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Wh who
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
*climb on top of Cyrus* love *kissing Cyrus neck
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Gosh you smell so ******* good *releasing his pheromones*
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
*eyes turn gold*
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
what what are you doing to me *tremble*
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Nothing baby I'm just loving you *open his(Avery) pants*
Got slap by Cyrus d on cheek
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Fu **** i it so bi big 😵
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Tsk your not omega but *smirk* (it won't hurt if I put it inside me right?)*gulp*


And Avery *** ** with Cyrus,Avery taking the lead
You can say that Cyrus is so innocent to that kind of thing but he knows what is good touch and bad touch
Next morning
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
*taking Cyrus **** ******* him*
Avery wear his clothes and leave from their help by windows
After sometimes Cyrus wake up shouting
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid
Ho honey *worried* our son
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid
*knocking* baby it's bad *open his door* what happen
Vixon Sidrid
Vixon Sidrid
Why are shouting
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Mommy *touching everywhere to feel someone's presens*
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid
Son*hold his hand*
Esmira Sigrid
Esmira Sigrid
What happen why are you shouting
Cyrus Sigrid
Cyrus Sigrid
Mommy their's a man here he did bad touch to me*tremble*
Even tough he's enigma he's like an innocent child cuz of his blindedness
Another side
Elizabeth mogrin
Elizabeth mogrin
Bro where tf where you
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
Shut up, I'm checking that guy who sees us this morning but *smirk* he's blind so that mean he didn't see anything
Elizabeth mogrin
Elizabeth mogrin
btw father called us
Father she mean head master
Avery Sin
Avery Sin
*frown* what does he want
To be continue

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