...Guilherme was an early riser by nature. Upon waking, he descended the stairs from his bedroom and headed to the kitchen, simultaneously getting organized. He wasn't very skilled at keeping things in order, much less a culinary chef, but he ventured to prepare his own coffee. For meals, he preferred to order food or visit restaurants, as the kitchen was not his forte and time was a valuable resource. Ever since he started living alone in his apartment, visits were scarce, and he rarely invited his parents to come over. The fight over his marriage and his father's threat to prevent his rise in the family business were the final straw that led Guilherme to leave home and found his own business, as he had always dreamed...
...Verifying that the coffee was ready, he poured it into the cup, sweetened it to his liking, and headed towards the window overlooking the busy streets below. In the distance, the sun was rising, marking the beginning of another hectic day in the vast metropolis of Sao Paulo...
..."Another day, another challenge. Let's go, do what needs to be done..."
...Guilherme grabbed his briefcase, left the apartment, and headed for the elevator, descending to the basement where his car was parked. It was a true symbol of status and refinement, a gleaming silver Audi R8, its sleek and aerodynamic lines contrasting perfectly with the hustle and bustle of the city. The roar of the engine upon ignition echoed in the basement, lending an air of authority to the environment. As he settled into the soft leather seat, Guilherme felt the sense of power and determination that the vehicle provided him. Driving through the streets of Sao Paulo, he knew he was living up to the expectations of a CEO of a renowned company...
...Meanwhile, Daniel found himself on the crowded subway, a human wave heading towards various destinations, including work, schools and colleges, or even unknown places. He had forgotten what it was like to get around the city during those peak hours...
..."I'm already starting to regret coming back," he muttered to himself, cracking a wry smile...
...Finally, a few minutes later, he reached his destination. Before him stood an imposing building, entirely dedicated to the renowned CRN, the company that would now welcome him...
..."I hope I don't screw this up..." he murmured, seeking confidence...
...As he entered the company's doors, he went straight to the reception desk, presenting his identification. The receptionist granted him entry and directed him to the penultimate floor, where the first interview would take place...
..."Please, Mr. Daniel, wait here in the hallway with the other candidates," instructed the receptionist...
...Meanwhile, the CEO was already at the company, waiting in a room next to the location where the candidate evaluations would take place. A glass partition separated the two environments, allowing only him and his secretary to observe the competitors. On the other side, the candidates would face a rigorous test, under the watchful eyes of other influential figures who would participate in the evaluation...
...Daniel would be the last to be evaluated. His calmness was remarkable, contrasting with the anxiety and nervousness of the other competitors. Confident in his abilities, he waited to be called...
...Beside him, Viviane, another candidate, observed Daniel with admiration. She couldn't help but notice his striking presence, his calmness and charm that would surely captivate the audience. Viviane was also a strong contender...
...Although she might be vying for the position of news anchor, she was confident that she would be selected for a position of great importance. She wouldn't leave the company empty-handed because, like Daniel, coming from a family of modest means, she knew the value of hard work to achieve success...
..."Good luck!" she said, striking up a conversation...
...Daniel faced her, noticing the young woman's beauty. "I wish you the same, miss!"...
...She smiled. "Viviane Monteiro... you may have heard of me..."
...Daniel, struggling to remember among so many faces and names from his own research on Brazil and his competitors, realized he had some recollection of her. He knew she had been involved in the same field since she was young, and he estimated she must be around twenty-five years old...
..."Yes! I'm Daniel Martins," he replied, trying not to appear inattentive...
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