Princess General

Princess General

Chapter 1- History beyond Her Story

"In my next life, we shall not meet again". I woke up with tears in my eyes, I had a very strange dream that whenever I think of it I can't recall the face of the man whom I swear this word. It's already 7:00 in the morning, I begin to fix myself or else I will be late in work. As I arrived in my office everyone greeted me I am the general manager of the finance department, and this company's owner is my EX- husband, imagine how many people in this company are gossiping behind our back, but I don't care I got use to it.

It's noon and I'm currently having lunch in the cafeteria when suddenly people starts to talk and whispers, here comes Li Jun my ex-husband with his new wife. " Hey, see that woman looking so flashy, what a *****" said Aira, my only true friend in this company "I want to gouge her eyes, why is she looking at you with that smirk as if she's saying: 'you are such a loser'" she added "Just don't mind them, I am all over him now" although during the past three years I keep asking myself why he had cheated on me, I learned to free myself in pain, how ironic, the man who once love me seems to hate me now. "Let's go" I stand and begin to walk.

So tired, after taking a bath I lie on my bed,

Li Jun is a part of my past now-a history, but why every time I see him I want to hear his explanation how did we end up like this when we are so much in love back then?

I was his first love, and he was mine too, our parents are good friends, that they don't want us to be separated in work even we got divorced hoping to give our relationship a chance. Tears flow into my eyes, how pity.

"Go, hide! I'm going to subdue the enemy"

"Princess be careful, the enemies are very strong"

"Wan, my dear child, I pray that on your next life, you will live happily and freely"

"Father, don't die on me!"

I wake up full of sweats, What was that? Another weird dream but it actually made my heart ache.

I was absent-minded the whole day, my phone rang

"Hey, are you free tonight?" it is Kadi, my best buddy in college

"Yah, I guess so"

"Wanna party"


"meet you in my Resto-bar then, pretty Lad"

I imagined Kadi's smirk and wink as she's saying those words.

I drive my car to go see Kadi when an old woman suddenly appear "Oh my! Did I just hit her?" I rush toward the old lady, but in my surprise I see nothing.

"Are you looking for me?" I got shiver all over my body as I heard her speak in my back

"It is almost time, you need to go back" she said

Is this old lady crazy? What nonsense is she spouting?

"When the time comes, you should not repeat the history, do not make the same mistake"

I hear the beeping of cars, oh yes I forgot I was in the middle of the highway , when I look in the old woman she's already gone

"What's bothering you" Kadi's words brought me to sanity, she offers me a glass of wine

"Nothing, I just feel that my life becomes weird lately"

She laughs, "Seriously, oh c'mon you are the only one whose making your life weird, you should give yourself a break, I know a place to relax"

"Where?, as if my "boss" will allow me to go on a vacation"

"Silly, just slap him in the face if he disagrees, my gosh your working too much"

It's past 1 o'clock in the morning when I and Kadi's got separated, I almost lost consciousness because of alcohol! Guess I need to restrain myself from drinking too much.

"Go back to the place, where you should belong"

Oh, I think I have drank too much that I begin to hear things. l got a blurred vision then I bump into someone and in my horror! It is the Old woman!

"You should know your history, you should go back, or he will come here"

"Whose coming?" I think am crazy too answering this lunatic old woman

"He who killed us all!".



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