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Princess General

Chapter 1- History beyond Her Story

"In my next life, we shall not meet again". I woke up with tears in my eyes, I had a very strange dream that whenever I think of it I can't recall the face of the man whom I swear this word. It's already 7:00 in the morning, I begin to fix myself or else I will be late in work. As I arrived in my office everyone greeted me I am the general manager of the finance department, and this company's owner is my EX- husband, imagine how many people in this company are gossiping behind our back, but I don't care I got use to it.

It's noon and I'm currently having lunch in the cafeteria when suddenly people starts to talk and whispers, here comes Li Jun my ex-husband with his new wife. " Hey, see that woman looking so flashy, what a *****" said Aira, my only true friend in this company "I want to gouge her eyes, why is she looking at you with that smirk as if she's saying: 'you are such a loser'" she added "Just don't mind them, I am all over him now" although during the past three years I keep asking myself why he had cheated on me, I learned to free myself in pain, how ironic, the man who once love me seems to hate me now. "Let's go" I stand and begin to walk.

So tired, after taking a bath I lie on my bed,

Li Jun is a part of my past now-a history, but why every time I see him I want to hear his explanation how did we end up like this when we are so much in love back then?

I was his first love, and he was mine too, our parents are good friends, that they don't want us to be separated in work even we got divorced hoping to give our relationship a chance. Tears flow into my eyes, how pity.

"Go, hide! I'm going to subdue the enemy"

"Princess be careful, the enemies are very strong"

"Wan, my dear child, I pray that on your next life, you will live happily and freely"

"Father, don't die on me!"

I wake up full of sweats, What was that? Another weird dream but it actually made my heart ache.

I was absent-minded the whole day, my phone rang

"Hey, are you free tonight?" it is Kadi, my best buddy in college

"Yah, I guess so"

"Wanna party"


"meet you in my Resto-bar then, pretty Lad"

I imagined Kadi's smirk and wink as she's saying those words.

I drive my car to go see Kadi when an old woman suddenly appear "Oh my! Did I just hit her?" I rush toward the old lady, but in my surprise I see nothing.

"Are you looking for me?" I got shiver all over my body as I heard her speak in my back

"It is almost time, you need to go back" she said

Is this old lady crazy? What nonsense is she spouting?

"When the time comes, you should not repeat the history, do not make the same mistake"

I hear the beeping of cars, oh yes I forgot I was in the middle of the highway , when I look in the old woman she's already gone

"What's bothering you" Kadi's words brought me to sanity, she offers me a glass of wine

"Nothing, I just feel that my life becomes weird lately"

She laughs, "Seriously, oh c'mon you are the only one whose making your life weird, you should give yourself a break, I know a place to relax"

"Where?, as if my "boss" will allow me to go on a vacation"

"Silly, just slap him in the face if he disagrees, my gosh your working too much"

It's past 1 o'clock in the morning when I and Kadi's got separated, I almost lost consciousness because of alcohol! Guess I need to restrain myself from drinking too much.

"Go back to the place, where you should belong"

Oh, I think I have drank too much that I begin to hear things. l got a blurred vision then I bump into someone and in my horror! It is the Old woman!

"You should know your history, you should go back, or he will come here"

"Whose coming?" I think am crazy too answering this lunatic old woman

"He who killed us all!".

Chapter II - Going back through time

"The one who killed us all"

I repeatedly hear this line on my mind damn!, and what's with another weird dream! I give a frustrated look when I saw my cellphone it got broken last night since I leave that old woman hurriedly.

Need to buy a new one

"Ma'am what model do you prefer?" ask the sales assistant

"The latest one" she guided me to the area where brand-new model of cellphones are.

A man smiles at me, is it flirting with me?

"Excuse me miss, have we meet before? You look somewhat familiar" he said as he approaches me

"Sorry but I don't know you" I said straight but somehow there is this sense of familiarity

"Oh I see, maybe we are old acquaintance in our past life" he said jokingly

"I'm Han Jo, may I know your name" as if I'm interested, but I don't want to embarrass him in front of everyone, so I accept his hand as I utter my name "Lin Wan".

I ask a month leave I think Kadi's right maybe I need a vacation.

Sadly to say I travelled alone my friend said that they have urgent matters to attend to.

Traveled in air for an hour I reach an Island with crystal clear ocean

"Welcome, to our hotel ma'am, this is your card key and your room is in second floor"

"Thank you"

As I tour around the Island I saw many people climbing stairs on a small mountain it caught my interest and begin to climb it as well. At the top, there's a sword that stuck on a stone just like the Excalibur in the Legend of King Arthur

"What a nice sword" I swear

"It is truly magnificent, It belongs to Empress Liwan, the only girl who fought the enemy on the border of their kingdom alone" Said the man next to me. Empress Liwan said to be the hero of six wars, died tragically in the hands of her own lover-the King. I got scolded by my history teacher in high school since I didn't pay attention to it.

"However, she died at young age, only on her early thirties" the man added.

"It's nice to have a chat with you miss-..?"

"Lin Wan" I don't understand, but I feel comfortable with this man

He smiles sincerely as he says his name "Han Cu"

Han Cu become my tour guide for a month, I had learned that this island is a gift to Empress Liwan by her childhood sweetheart Lee Siwan. On this Island there's a hidden palace inside a forest only locals knew about it that's why I am grateful to him that he brought me here today.

The palace is old but still magnificent, according to him, it is built by Siwan to express his deep love to Empress Liwan. A portrait caught my attention, It is a painting of a young man and woman smiling happily as they ran towards the field hand in hand.

"Are they Empress Liwan and Siwan?" I asked, Han Cu just nodded.

Another portrait got my interest it is a very beautiful woman who is in her late twenties, she had a heart shape lips, a golden hair and a deep brown eyes. She somehow looks very familiar as if I see her a month ago

Wait! A golden hair?! Is it like that old woman whose spouting nonsense! I look closely in the portrait It is really her! This must be her younger version!

"Oh, what's with the surprise look" Han Cu step towards me

"Who is she" I ask nervously

"She is Queen Quan Ri, the mother of Prince Siwan" I drop the portrait and as if all my blood run out in my body, What the hell is happening?? Why this queen is still alive for thousands of years?? and why did she approach me??


Suddenly we heard a loud crack and the whole island is shaking! An Earthquake! People begin to shout as they run to the entrance and exits of this palace

"Lin Wan come on, we need to get out" Han Cu hold my hand, and we begin to run but got separated when my feet got struck by a pile of wood. Then, just like a movie different scenes begin to flash in my mind, people who wear ancient clothing, a battlefield, then a palace.

And then everything went black.

Chapter III - Encounter

On the year 1502,

The 10th year of King Hanul reign

"My lady, please be careful, what should I do? when my lord find out that you sneak again, I will surely be punished "

(Bo Linger, lady in waiting of Liwan, 17 year old)

"Don't worry, I will take all the blame"

I jump in the back gate of our mansion in a man dress

(Qi Liwan, 15 year old the only daughter of General Qi")

"My lady wait for me!"

she walk towards the back door but I'm sorry

my Bo Linger, I want to be alone I use my Qingcong skills for her not to cope up with me.

Sure enough the view here is quite nice, maybe later I'm going to fight in this arena I've been grounded for 3days and I feel that anytime I'm going to die out of bored.

"That's the winner, he knocked all four people at an instant"

"Look at his dark aura, he looks even cool"

The man they talk about caught my attention, oh a man under Cres March, one of the powerful assasin organization, Why I know? Because in this man's dress embroidered their marksmanship, he also wore a red mask

"Who else will challenge him?"

I jump in the middle of the arena

Everyone shouted as if they are very eager to watch a show

"Little dummy, you're digging your own grave, Cry and beg then I will show mercy "

"A man who talk big is just an empty can, sorry to disappoint you, but a master don't cry"...

What a brave man, he jumps without a hesitation to fight me. I tried to sway him but he never shows any fear instead what I saw is a smirk, determination and enjoyment. I was a bit amused this must be a good and exciting battle. I rush towards him...

He started to wave his sword, truly only a skilled warrior but I without a weapon dodge it very well

Another cheer and shouts from the people

"Don't just dodge, finish it"

someone shouted

Pissed off, I don't want others to dictate me…

"Ha! That's fast, but you're bleeding"

said my rival, damn I got distracted a while ago how dare this man scratch me on my shoulder, alright let's be serious

I pulled his sword using my kusarigama, and jump on his back then kick him, since he is an experience warrior he managed to grab my feet and flip it, I twist my body then use my right feet to jump far away from him, my opponent really is powerful, he grab me in my waist and throw me with my left hand on the ground I managed to avoid the impact

another satisfied shouts from the crowd

I grab a whip on the corner of the arena their are weapons provided to be used. I started to whip him and he only hold my whip then flip it to me, such a strong force, I dash towards him I whip left and right and then tied him, he is bleeding

"Now we are even" I smirked

I walk closer to him when suddenly a dagger rush towards me, I look into the crowd and then saw men in black cloak, my real opponents arrived - The death squad, they are paid by someone I don't know to kill me they have my different posters such as wearing men dresses, a courtesan and so on..

" Need to go, till we see each other again"

I told to the man next to me then release him with my whip

I ran quickly using my Qing Cong I am out numbered there are at least 20men whose chasing me this time I forgot to mention, this is actually the third time they came for my life I could not be able to win if I fight them face to face

One of them is really fast he blocked me and aim his sword luckily I'm quick enough to use my kusarigama I killed him by hitting his neck

one down

"Who is that man, why he was chased by a dark organization like the dead squad" this question lingered in my mind, although he is a man he's so good at using a whip, I begin to change my clothes actually what I wear in the Arena isn't mine I just "borrowed" it from an unknown man who wants to kill me

I walked in the market, its so lively since the lantern festival is coming in a month then I saw the same man , he enters an abandoned house

I followed him..

Damn, I killed at least eight of them, but I'm really exhausted, they are experts in different weapons thanks to my master who taught me well. I need to hide at the corner of this street is an abandoned house I don't want innocent people to get involved. They are coming... three, no all the remaining twelve have come.

"Damn can't hold it" I whispered

"Need help" I jolt as I heard the voice in my back then face the one whose talking just to see a very handsome man, I didn't sense his presence he had a great inner aura.

"Who are -?…" I did not able to continue because a sword stung on the wood where I was hiding, I pulled this man sword and began to fight he is shocked but then start to help me "luckily I brought two" sword he said

The fight is so intense to kill four death squad warrior is extremely amazing "Hate this" he shouted who is he? his so strong even in the arena, he is the only person who managed to make me bleed then flee without being killed by me. There are only two opponents left and he seems exhausted, I was busy fighting when a dagger aimed at her but he is also fighting someone "Watch out" I shouted he dodged it but the one whom he's fighting raise his sword in my adrenaline rush I killed my opponent then rushed to him, I manage to block the sword, but it hit his hair, and it loosens his hair tie ...So beautiful..

And then a realization came to me that the one who challenge me in the arena and killed thirteen death squad members is a ...WOMAN!

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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