E.P.G.W. (Elemental Powers Gone Wrong)

E.P.G.W. (Elemental Powers Gone Wrong)

The Elemental War

The world was made billions of years ago by the elementals. Humans worship the elementals and in return the elementals gave them the power to warp an elemental.

During 1999 an elemental war started due to an unknown cause and the elementals tried to stop this war by starting an elemental storm, but the war raged on.

Now the helpless elementals decided to find a pure soul from each of the nation's and give them their powers to perhaps stop this war.

Water elemental: Sapphire you have been chosen by me to stop this war. You are a pure soul and now I am giving you my powers to stop this war.

Sapphire: Wait what me but I don't think that I'm ready tho I don't even have an elemental power.

Water elemental: You will now. Go to the center of the equator line. There you will find three other people who have been chosen by the other three elementals.

Sapphire: Wha-never mind. Ok.

The water elemental goes inside Sapphire and gives her the power of water.

Three hours later.

Sapphire: This is the center of the equator line. So shall I wait here? Wait is that a house in the center of the equator line?

She goes to the house and knocks on the door.

Melvin: Coming.

He opens the door.

Melvin: Who are you?

Sapphire: Sorry to come without asking. I'm Sapphire and you.

Melvin: I'm Melvin come on why are you still outside come in.

They both go inside the house and start chatting.

Melvin: So what brings you here?

Sapphire: Well I had been chosen by the water elemental to stop this war, and he told me to come here. Anyway what are you doing?

Melvin: I am preparing dinner.

Sapphire: Ok.

Ruby: Is this the center of the equator line?

Sapphire: Welcome you must have been chosen by an elemental.

Ruby: Yep that's me. I'm ruby I have been chosen by the fire elemental, what about you to?

Sapphire: Sapphire.

Melvin: Melvin. Come on take a seat.

Ruby: Ok. Thank you.

Ruby sits down and they continue chatting

Sapphire: Do any of know why the war started ?

Melvin: I don't know much I heard it started due to a fifth element or something.

Ruby: Whatever that's meant.

Emerald: Hlo.

Everyone: Hi.

Ruby: Are you an elemental?

Emerald: Name's Emerald the chosen warrior of the earth elemental.

Melvin: Come on have a seat.

Emerald: Thanks.

She sits down and they continue their chat.

Ruby: Hey how are your families?

Sapphire: Well to say none the less. They're dead.

Emerald: Same.

Ruby: OMG! You two are orphans too.

Melvin: I'm an orphan too.

Pearl knockes on the door.

Melvin: Come in.

Pearl: Hi.

Everyone: Hlo.

Pearl: Are you people elementals too?

Ruby: Yep.

Sapphire: All the elementals are here so should we get going?

Melvin: Not right now. I just prepared dinner. Eat it first.

Emerald: True. It is also getting late.

Melvin: Perhaps you can spend the night here.

Ruby: Agreed.

They eat dinner and go to bed.

The next morning.

Sapphire wakes up.

Melvin: Good morning.

Sapphire: Good morning. What are you doing so early.

Melvin: Cooking food.

Sapphire: Can I help?

Melvin: Sure can you do the dishes?

Sapphire: Okay.

They start doing chores around the house as the other three also wakes up.

They also start helping them as all the chores get completed.

They all sit down for breakfast.

30 mins later.

Pearl: I think we should get going now.

Melvin: wait. I have a small request-

Sapphire: Yes you can come.

Ruby: Ya we were planning to tell you to come anyways.

Melvin: Thanks.

They all get out of the house and get going. They travel the whole day and at night they set up tents. After that Melvin starts to prepare dinner and everyone starts to help.

Few moments later.

Melvin: Dinner's ready.

Ruby: God I'm hungry.

Melvin: Alright then dig in.

They all start to eat and then tell a sleep.

While sleeping Melvin hears a strange sound and wakes up.

Melvin: What's that noise? Wait where is pearl?

Outside Pearl is singing.

Melvin hears it and comes out.

Pearl in a clam voice: I'm in a field of dandelions. Wishing on everyone that you'll be mine.

She finishes the song and she hears a claps from the behind.

Melvin: You're an excellent singer.

Pearl Blushes hard-core.

Pearl: What are you doing here?

Melvin: Listening to you sing.

Pearl: Please, Don't tell anyone.

Melvin: Ok. But that will be a huge waste of this excellent tallant.

Pearl releases a sigh I relief.

Melvin: Why are you singing here?

Pearl: Because I can't sing in front of people.

She patts to the rock next to the rock that she was sitting at and Melvin sitts there.

Pearl: Why do you live in that house in the middle of no where?

Melvin: The soil there is wet and fertile plus it is next to the river which makes it a great door for l crops.

Pearl: That's not what I meant.

In pearl's mind: This is the first time I've looked at him and he's kinda cute.

Melvin: I don't remember much but from all that I can remember I was a beggar at the streets she could hardly even eat twice a day but even in those times I had a friend. I forgot her name but we used to share food, and play all the time but tragedy struck. One day while we were playing in the forest she slipped and fell on the river. I also jumped in the river to save her. I managed to grab her and threw her on the side saving her but I also got lost and ended up there. The last thing I remember of her is her warm hug.

In pearl's mind: Why does this story feel so familiar?

Pearl: I'm sorry to hear that.

Melvin: No need to be sorry.

They get interupped by a huge bang. Everyone wakes up and comes outside.

Emerald: What was that?

Melvin: The sound of war.Follow me.

They all follow him and reach towards the war.

Ruby: We need to stop this

Sapphire: But how?

Pearl: Ok Ruby. Let's make a sun.

Ruby: Genius.

Ruby flies up with Pearl right behind.

Ruby surrounded Both of them with fire and Pearl blastes it out using an air boom ability which formed a giant fire ball which looks like the sun.

Everyone sees this any get scared and runs away which stops the war.

Emerald: That was so epic.

Melvin puts his hand on pearl's shoulders.

Melvin: Pearl you're so cool.

In this time pearl triggers a flashback.


Pearl: Melvin come over here look.

Melvin: What happened?

Pearl: This ant is stuck between the rock.

Melvin: Wait I'll help.

He takes the ant out.

Melvin: There you go little guy.

Pearl: Thanks Melvin.

They continue playing.

25 minutes later.

Melvin: Pearl look a cat is stuck on the tree.

Pearl: We need to save it.

Pearl climbs the tree and saves the cat.

Melvin puts his hand on pearl's shoulders.

Melvin: Pearl you're so cool.

Pearl Blushes a little.

The flashback ends.

Sapphire: Guys look. We were too late. So many people have died already.

Pearl: Now what? This was one of the smallest war and also we couldn't save everyone.

Melvin: Don't worry everything will be fine. This is your first time and you did an exclient gob. Look at the positive side. You just saved so many peoples lives.

Emerald: Guys I think that there is another war going on.

Pearl: Where?

Emrald points towards the forest.

They go there and see a huge war going on.

Ruby: How do we stop this?

Emerald: Sapphire follow me.

Sapphire: Ok.

She follows Emerald toward the middle of the war.

Emerald: I will push them using my earth powers and you freeze them. Ok?

Sapphire: Ok.

Emerald and Sapphire manages to freezes them.

Emerald: This is a temporary solution. We need to look for another way.

Melvin: Pearl push everyone back.

Pearl: Ok.

She pushes them back as it is followed by a toronado of fire.

Earth nation warriors start to attack them from the underground but emerald brings them up and throws them away.

Everyone startes to run for their lives expect The fire people who blast at them but pearl blocks it and launches it back forceing them to retreat.

Ruby: Second victory of the day an I an exhausted let's go back to camp and sleep.

Everyone: Agreed.

They all go back to camp.

The next day.

Everyone wakes up and starts helping Melvin cook food.

Ruby: This food smells good.

Emerald: Yep.

Melvin: Alright everyone dig in.

After they complete the food they decided to go traning.

Ruby: We need to train hard to stop this war.

They starts traning.

Sapphire and Emerald are traning together.

Sapphire: Being an elemental is hard.

Emerald: Ya. We should train hard to fulfil our duties.

They start traning.

Pearl is meditating in a small rock next to a waterfall.

Melvin sees a strange storm.

Melvin: An elemental strom.

He again hears a huge sound saying "Attack".

Melvin: Not right not. Now is not the right time for a war.

He goes towards the sound of the war.

Melvin: OMG. This is the biggest war yet.

He goes towards Pearl.

Melvin: Pearl. There is an elemental war going on and an elemental strom is heading this way.We need to do something.

Pearl: I will deal with the war. You go call the other elementals.

Melvin: Ok.

She heads towards the war as the storm starts.

Pearl: Stop.

She tries to stop the war by pushing everyone back but the war rages on.

Earth leader: Everyone attack the girl.

Everyone attacks Pearl as she starts to defend.

As she pushes everyone back a Spike of earth bursts a hole through her stomach.

Melvin and others arrive just on time to see this.

Melvin: noooooo.

All elemental start attacking.

Earthquakes, fire stroms, Thunders and wind stroms hit the war in the form of the elements.

Pearl also starts to heal her body using the power of the elemental.

After she heals completely she also joins the war.

The fire leader sees Melvin not using any elements and starts attacking him but Pearl starts to defend him.

The fire leader manages to grab Melvin's cloth and he flies up holding Melvin.

Pearl: Ruby Melvin's in danger.

Ruby and Pearl flies towards the fire leader who starts to fly up.

After a few minutes.

Ruby: You need to stop. If you go any further than you will freeze.

They fly so high that there flying powers stop working due to the cold temperature.

As he starts to fall the fire leader blastes Melvin outside the atmosphere.

All three start to fall down as Melvin floats in space but a power surroundes Melvin. A power known as darkness.

Darkness: A new victim that also a pure soul this shouldbe fun.

Emerald manages to catch both Pearl and Ruby.

A dark energy crashes into the surface of the earth.

When the girls look at their friend they see him surrounded by dark energy, his aura dark and devious and him laughing uncontrollably.

Melvin: Hahahahaha.

He makes a black hole that starts to destroy earth.

Water leader: Retreat, Retreat.

Earth leader: Turn back.

Wind leader: Fly fly.

Melvin flies up the black hole and blast a beam towards the black hole.


The black hole increases in size and a giant beam of darkness blasts from the bottom side of the black hole destroying the surface of the earth.

Ruby: We need to stop this.

Emerald: But how.

Sapphire: Let's talk to our elementals.

Pearl: Good idea.

They all sprituly connect to the elementals.

Sapphire: Elementals currently we are stuck. We need to stop the darkness who is currently in the body of our friend Melvin.

Ruby: You're our only hope.

Wind elemental: We have one solution.

Emerald: What is it.

Fire elemental: Melvin has to win the mental war against the darkness. That's the only way for us to win this physical war.

Pearl: How do we do that?

Water elemental: We need to give him the control of his mentality.

Earth elemental: We will stop him. You get Melvin back.

Everyone: Ok.

The elementals come out of the girls body and start fighting the darkness.

Sapphire: Ok we need to get Melvin back. How do we do that?

Pearl: I know. Lets all sing the song "We are family" or "Friends" or even "This is what heartbreak feels like".

Sapphire: Any other bright ideas.

Ruby: I am completely lost.

Emerald: I have food made by him.

Sapphire: That might work. Anyone got a slingshot.

Pearl: I do.

Ruby: Do you know how to use a slingshot?

Sapphire: No.

Pearl: I do.

Sapphire: Ok shoot this mushroom on his mouth.

Pearl: Ok.

She shot the mushroom, and it landed on Melvin's mouth.

Emerald: Bravo.

Ruby: Wait it doesn't seem to work.

Pearl: Also we gave him out our place.

The darkness shoots dark bomb at the girls but the earth elemental blocks it.

Earth elemental: Girls run.

They all run towards the forest.

Sapphire: Wait. Why am I flying.

Pearl: Oh no. the gravity of the black hole is increasing. At this rate the entire earth will be destroyed.

Emerald: Pea-Pearl look behind.

She turns around and sees The Darkness.

Pearl: O-Oh n-no.

The darkness picks her up and flies towards the elementals.

The darkness: If you come any closer she will die.

He bites her in her shoulders.

Pearl: Ahhhhhh.

In pearl's mind: I need to trigger this past memories.

Pearl in a soft voice: I'm in a field of dandelions. Wishing on everyone that you'll be mine mine.

Melvin: Let her go.

Darkness: ??? What is going on? Why don't I seem to be controlling him properly.

She continues the song as the darkness loses more and more control over Melvin.

Darkness: No this can't be happening right now.

The darkness unleashed all his energy and again got his control back.

In Pearl's mind: This is my last attempt.

Pearl hugs him as he getts his body's control back.

Melvin: Let her go.

In Melvin's head: I need to stop this.

He takes control over one hand and punches a hole through his own chest. After that he bursts many holes in his body using dark bombs.

A huge earthquake strikes the battle.

Ruby: What is this earthquake.

Earth elemental: This continent is being divided into four by the earth people. At this rate the earth will be destroyed into nothing.

Sapphire: We need to stop this but how.

Pearl manages to get lose and falls down into the black hole.

Sapphire: Elementals Can you give us our powers back. Melvin has started to gain his consciousness back.

Fire elemental: Ok. It seems as if the darkness is busy.

All the elementals go inside their bodies.

Wind elemental: Pearl has fallen into the black hole.

Melvin hears Pearl screaming for help and snapps back into reality. He manages to get full control over his body.

Pearl's entire body has been consumed in the black hole instead of her hand which she is sticking out of the black hole for help.

Melvin flies towards the black hole. As her hand getts swallowed in the black hole Melvin also dives in.

He blasts out of the black hole with Pearl fainted in his hands.

After that Melvin takes a deep breath and inhale the black hole.

Pearl slowly opens her eyes.

Pearl: Am I still alive?

The wind elemental goes inside her.

Emerald: Great job Melvin but now we need to stop this war ones and for all.

Everyone: Yes.

They all fly towards the canter if the equator line.

Emerald: We need to stop this. Sapphire help me fix this.

Sapphire: Ok.

Both of them use their powers to keep the continent together but it's not enough as the continent separates fully.

Melvin flies towards the earth people and askes.

Melvin: Why are you doing this?

Earth warrior: The fifth element started this war,and we are stopping this by separating the world from us.

Melvin: Could you explain a bit better?

Earth warrior: Who are you anyways?

Melvin Realizes that he is the fifth element and thinks.

In Melvin's mind: I started this war so I need to stop this.

Melvin: How did the fifth elemental start this war?

Earth warrior: First answer my question. Who are you?

Melvin: Just answer.

Earth warrior: Ok. The fire people have the fifth elemental and they are not sharing with us so we are taking it by force.

Melvin: Oh so this is all just all just a huge misunderstanding.

He uses his darkness to form four ropes of darkness and used it to stop the division of the continents. He connects one rope to each continent and pulls it all together into one huge contient.

He attached all the continents and blasts a strong wave of darkness entering everyone's minds and he says to them "I am the fifth element and I plan to use it to make the world a better place. Stop this war for power and control. Live in peace I you shall know true darkness."

He flies down towards his friends and notices Sapphire and Emerald fainted on the ground.

Melvin: What happened to Sapphire and Emerald.

Ruby: We don't know?

Pearl: Perhaps the elementals do.

Ruby: Yes.

They both spritually connect to the elementals.

Sapphire: So this is the end?

Water elemental: Yes.

Ruby: What's going on?

Emerald: We don't have much time to live.

Pearl: How?

The darkness stole all our life force as power. Not just ours everyone's in the battle field.

Pearl with a sad expression: No.

Sapphire: This is the truth. With us the elementals will also go down too.

Ruby: But then who will protect earth.

Fire elemental: We are trying to find someone to replace us but we don't have enough time.

Pearl: What about Melvin?

Wind elemental: Yes Melvin he is perfect we'll give him out powers and he'll protect the earth.

Earth elemental: How come I never thought about this?

Water elemental: Girls you can say your last goodbyes. Soon you will not be able to.

They all come out of the girls body.

Water elemental: Melvin you have been chosen by us to become the next elemental.

Melvin: What about Pearl, Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby?

Earth elemental: They will be gone soon.

Melvin getts shocked and sad from the answer.

The elementals go inside Melvin.

Melvin: Pearl is this true?

Pearl: Ya.

Tears talk down from his checks.

Pearl with tears in her eyes runs to hug Melvin.

Melvin finally recognized Pearl.

Melvin shocked by this act says"Pearl you're"

Pearl after a pause: Yes, yes I'm your lost friend.

All the girls are shocked at hearing this.

Pearl: I don't care about anything. I don't care about what you think. I just want to hug you and make our last moment eternal lasting.

They both continue hugging as the girls bodies starting with the finger start to turn into dust.

All the girls smile.

All the girls: We'll always remember you Melvin. The bestest friend we could ever ask for.

They fade completely as he fully broke down into tears.

3 weeks later.

An asteroid heads towards earth with the speed of 1000km/s. As it getts closer Melvin sees it and flies towards it and bursts a hole through it destroying it completely.

Melvin lands on earth as People start to cheer for him.

People: Darkest elemental our hero.

But across the galaxy a new power has awakened after 3 trillion years.

Shadow of the galaxy: The power of darkness. It's so attracting and it is going to be mine.

To be continued in multiversal God!!!





Among ICUP AND EPGW my favourite has to be EPGW



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