Guardians: Let The Journey Begin
" Every story, book,myth, legend, and life have their ends but what if I told you this book has no end. Once the Villains or the evil are conquered then something else begins good or bad and with these effects there is no end but a beginning. I know what you're thinking this is boring or not what you want but It's just for you. My name is High T a character just like the rest, but I will be your guide or narrator through this adventure you will meet all kinds of people, Agents, orphans, and something out of the ordinary. Your whole world is based on Knowledge and it's all about to change, the history you know or the facts you think you know is wrong. It may not be a true story but it's a story about Adventure, Romance, Mystery, Action, and Fantasy. So get ready to meet the Fantastic Characters, A strange secret and the power of Imagination."
See you at the end of this book
I mean beginning
-High T
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