Mona Chen: Detective Extraordinaire #1

Mona Chen: Detective Extraordinaire #1

chapter one

the lying gardener.

Nanny Rose who had been eating a bag of cookies as she read the news magazine on the table labelled GOSSIP FIRST looked up as the door flung open and an extremely pretty freckle-faced girl ran in hurriedly and snatched the pack of cookies away from her. Nanny Rose look confused "what exactly does she want to say now" thought Rose to herself and she quickly stopped the girl from taking any of her cookies "give that back Mona" she said with a pair of hunting eyes looking straight at Mona "whoops my bad Nanny Rose I was just too excited and hungry" she said dropping the cookies back. " So spill child something must have happened "Rose said hopefully "well something did happen but how did you know "Mona asked looking shocked "well for one I've never seen you wear the wrong pair of shoes but now you aren't wearing any at all "Rose chuckled pointing at Mona's feet. Feeling stupid she said laughing "oh yeah anyways trust me what I'm about to say we will knock the old fashioned sandals of your feet ". rose looked at her and let out a sigh "ok ok I get it so spill "Mona looked around the kitchen and out the windows when she was sure there was no one about she sat on the chair opposite rose and said "you know the gardener's is a liar right "Rose look at her that fully "what has he done this time "she said "well didn't you grant him a sick leave last Tuesday "Mona said seriously "well the poor boy said he was sick and the garden and the lawn look perfect so I told him to take a short holiday I didn't do wrong did I "Rose replied "well no you didn't the only wrong thing you did was believing such a blatant lie "Mona said frowning "can't imagine he used your kindness to get himself a bride how horrid "she continued with an even sadder frown "whatever are you talking about please explain I'm getting a headache just thinking about this "Rose sighed "well the lad wasn't sick at all he did go home but on Thursday while I was buying a few lemon drops from the candy shop I spotted a couple walking into the store they looked familiar so I wore my hood so they wouldn't notice me then I took the table behind them and waited, about 5 minutes later the boy went down on one knee and proposed to the girl with a ring worth thousands of dollars a ring that I bought or should I say I gave cousin Merry and if you remember when she was here last month she lost it while picking berries in the orchard so I looked closely and realised it was the same ring but how did that young man get it so I followed them as they left the shop and as soon as I saw his face my heart skipped a beat it was James Larson our very own "sick" gardener the girl was also no stranger to me I recognised her immediately as thr school beauty of the local high school I think Jolly is her name yes Jolly Brown. I was honestly stunned by the whole situation then this morning when I went out to the flower shop I saw Jolly flaunting my cousin's ring to her friends and saying what a lucky girl she was I got mad and ran back home to see you and unfortunately I lost my shoes on the way" explained Mona who had now gotten herself a glass of warm milk and chugged it down as she fumed about the situation Rose looked up at the ceiling and then done at her feet then she said calmly "go to your room dear I think you need to sleep at least for a few hours "Mona looked at her and said "fine I will and I pinky promise I won't tell anyone about what I just told you "she said running up the stairs "I know you won't dear I know you won't" Rose said after her, looking out the kitchen window she saw a fig picking roses into a bouquet he was the gardener "really a bouquet of roses what a chilvarous liar" thought Rose she decided not to keep quiet about the matter and hurried out the kitchen through the back door and with her deadly stare and authoritative voice she said out loud "stop right there James I've got a few words to say to you Mister sickler" and with that she grabbed him by the collar, snatched the flowers from his hands and dragged him to the little cottage, James who had no idea what was going on could do nothing but comply.


"Nanny Rose wherever have you been" said a pretty young looking woman with copper red hair smiling" beating up the gardener that where" smiled Rose back at her "a gardener, Rose what a thorn you are" the pretty woman smiled again "now where is Mona "she continued "in her room Ma'am"replied Rose politely "thank you I have a few things to tell her see you at tea Rose "the lady said going up the stairs "will do madam" curtesied Rose. The young but not so young woman was Mrs Chen her boss a very nice one and an even nicer friend, she was pretty and had a mop of glossy copper red hair. she was tall and had an amazing figure. she had the prettiest clothes and an even prettier smile everyone loved hershe was British and although her husband was a Chinese he didn't look it well not that much though they had six kids Chichi, George, Money, Mona, Xintai and Jinha. "three annoying boys and three extra ordinary girls.... the perfect set" thought Nanny Rose smiling to herself working with the Chen family was the best thing ever and now with the help of her trusty partner inspector Mona they had once again solved another mystery. "The case of the lying gardener" she said to herself midst laughter.......








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