Class ends and everyone gets ready to leave, including me. I sigh as I get up, exhausted after another day of intensive training. Our fight classes have been getting more and more demanding and I can’t help but wonder why. It is not the only thing that has changed here in this school, a lot of things are different. Teachers seem more nervous, more quite, we can all see it. It looks like they are hiding something and no one knows what.

“Cassandra, before you leave, make sure to go and talk to your aunt. I believe she has something important to say” Says Mr Morton camly. I nod as I leave, grabbing my things and heading towards my aunt’s office. I try to wonder what could it be this time. Another letter from my parents? Another lecture about my grades? Whatever it is, I am sure is not in my best interest because it never is. When I get there, I knock on the door and then wait for a mere signal to enter.

“Come on in honey!” She screams from the other side of the door. I let out a long breath as i get ready to go in, making sure to put a big and bright smile on my face.

“Hi, auntie! Did you want to see me?” I ask after closing the door behind me. She’s sitting at the desk, taking care of millions of papers. Sometimes I feel bad for her, always alone with only her papers to make her feel better. It must be really exhausting.

“Yes, darling. I have someting i need to discuss with you. Sit, sit!” She says pointing to an empty chair. I do as she says, letting my things fall on the floor beside me and sitting down. She sets her papers aside to finally look at me. “God, you’re all sweaty Cassandra!” She almost screams.

“I just came from my class, I believe it is normal aunt.” I say with a little bit of an ironic tone. She rolls her eyes and lets out a small smile. “Is everything alright?” I ask getting straight to the point. My goal here is to waste as little time as possible so I can get to my dorm and take a long and steamy shower.

“Yes, yes, everything is great.” She says throwing her hand in the air. She does that sometimes, mostly when lying. “I just wanted to talk to you about a meeting.” She grabs her little mug and sips the coffe inside.

“A meeting?” I ask confused. She always said the school would be my responsibility one day, but only when she is unable to take care it. She lets go of the mug and looks me in the eyes. For a moment, I feel a shiver down my spine.

“Yes, honey, a meeting. You are not to worry much about it. But you cannot tell anyone.”

“Tell what?” I ask. See what i mean? She seems nervous and most definitely hiding something from me. Things are changing around here. I try not to think about the subject but it starts to make me wonder what is happening here in this school.

“You must keep this reunion a secret. No one can know about its existence let alone what it is about. Understand?” She asks with a bitter tone. I nod and then she continues. “Today at midnight. I want you to go to the west part of the forest.”

“Isn’t it forbidden?” I ask shocked.

“It is but I am giving you permission to go. But remember, do not talk about anyone about this matter.” She says rapidly and then looks at the clock and sighs.

“Wait, but how am I supposed to know exactly where the meeting?” I ask as she is getting up to do god knows what.

“You will see it then, don’t worry. Now I must leave.” She says while grabbing her almost empty mug and heading to the door. I stay still while watching her leave. “Oh, i almost forgot!” She turns to me suddenly and almost spills the little coffe there is left. She looks me in my eyes with a cold and dark stare. For a minute, it looks like her eyes have lost their notorious sparkle. “When you are there, do not talk to anyone, you must remain almost unnoticeable, invisible. Do you understand?”

“Yes, aunt.” I say a little bit hesitant. I notice she then lets out a smile of relief.

“Good. Now, I received another letter from your parents. It is in the first drawer of my desk, in case you want to read it. If not, just leave it where it is.” She says with a warm smile on her face.

“I’ll think about it.” I say knowing damn well I’m lying.

“I really think you should at least give it a look, honey.” I look away from her and look at her desk, I cannot hide my fellings and I am sure my aunt saw the disgust on my face. Just by the thought of touching something they also touched makes me want to throw up. I hear her sigh from across the room. “Do what you think it’s best for you. But remember to turn off the lights of your way out sweetie.” She says calmly just before closing the door and leaving me alone in that almost empty room.

I would not read the letter. Neither would i even try to look for it. I had no intentions of thinking about them or reading what they wrote. I know it all happened in the past but it feels so recent that I cannot imagine myself moving on and forgiving them. They will forever be murderers in my mind. No letter can change what I think and no action can make me forget the psychotic look on their faces. Those memories still haunt me and I do not want to be involved with people like them ever again.


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