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Class ends and everyone gets ready to leave, including me. I sigh as I get up, exhausted after another day of intensive training. Our fight classes have been getting more and more demanding and I can’t help but wonder why. It is not the only thing that has changed here in this school, a lot of things are different. Teachers seem more nervous, more quite, we can all see it. It looks like they are hiding something and no one knows what.

“Cassandra, before you leave, make sure to go and talk to your aunt. I believe she has something important to say” Says Mr Morton camly. I nod as I leave, grabbing my things and heading towards my aunt’s office. I try to wonder what could it be this time. Another letter from my parents? Another lecture about my grades? Whatever it is, I am sure is not in my best interest because it never is. When I get there, I knock on the door and then wait for a mere signal to enter.

“Come on in honey!” She screams from the other side of the door. I let out a long breath as i get ready to go in, making sure to put a big and bright smile on my face.

“Hi, auntie! Did you want to see me?” I ask after closing the door behind me. She’s sitting at the desk, taking care of millions of papers. Sometimes I feel bad for her, always alone with only her papers to make her feel better. It must be really exhausting.

“Yes, darling. I have someting i need to discuss with you. Sit, sit!” She says pointing to an empty chair. I do as she says, letting my things fall on the floor beside me and sitting down. She sets her papers aside to finally look at me. “God, you’re all sweaty Cassandra!” She almost screams.

“I just came from my class, I believe it is normal aunt.” I say with a little bit of an ironic tone. She rolls her eyes and lets out a small smile. “Is everything alright?” I ask getting straight to the point. My goal here is to waste as little time as possible so I can get to my dorm and take a long and steamy shower.

“Yes, yes, everything is great.” She says throwing her hand in the air. She does that sometimes, mostly when lying. “I just wanted to talk to you about a meeting.” She grabs her little mug and sips the coffe inside.

“A meeting?” I ask confused. She always said the school would be my responsibility one day, but only when she is unable to take care it. She lets go of the mug and looks me in the eyes. For a moment, I feel a shiver down my spine.

“Yes, honey, a meeting. You are not to worry much about it. But you cannot tell anyone.”

“Tell what?” I ask. See what i mean? She seems nervous and most definitely hiding something from me. Things are changing around here. I try not to think about the subject but it starts to make me wonder what is happening here in this school.

“You must keep this reunion a secret. No one can know about its existence let alone what it is about. Understand?” She asks with a bitter tone. I nod and then she continues. “Today at midnight. I want you to go to the west part of the forest.”

“Isn’t it forbidden?” I ask shocked.

“It is but I am giving you permission to go. But remember, do not talk about anyone about this matter.” She says rapidly and then looks at the clock and sighs.

“Wait, but how am I supposed to know exactly where the meeting?” I ask as she is getting up to do god knows what.

“You will see it then, don’t worry. Now I must leave.” She says while grabbing her almost empty mug and heading to the door. I stay still while watching her leave. “Oh, i almost forgot!” She turns to me suddenly and almost spills the little coffe there is left. She looks me in my eyes with a cold and dark stare. For a minute, it looks like her eyes have lost their notorious sparkle. “When you are there, do not talk to anyone, you must remain almost unnoticeable, invisible. Do you understand?”

“Yes, aunt.” I say a little bit hesitant. I notice she then lets out a smile of relief.

“Good. Now, I received another letter from your parents. It is in the first drawer of my desk, in case you want to read it. If not, just leave it where it is.” She says with a warm smile on her face.

“I’ll think about it.” I say knowing damn well I’m lying.

“I really think you should at least give it a look, honey.” I look away from her and look at her desk, I cannot hide my fellings and I am sure my aunt saw the disgust on my face. Just by the thought of touching something they also touched makes me want to throw up. I hear her sigh from across the room. “Do what you think it’s best for you. But remember to turn off the lights of your way out sweetie.” She says calmly just before closing the door and leaving me alone in that almost empty room.

I would not read the letter. Neither would i even try to look for it. I had no intentions of thinking about them or reading what they wrote. I know it all happened in the past but it feels so recent that I cannot imagine myself moving on and forgiving them. They will forever be murderers in my mind. No letter can change what I think and no action can make me forget the psychotic look on their faces. Those memories still haunt me and I do not want to be involved with people like them ever again.



It was almost midnight. A part of me was curious about this meeting but another part screamed at me to not go and stay in my room. But, although the reunion was undeniably suspicious, I would have to go. I could not disobey my aunt if I wanted to continue in this school. So I headed for the door. I sighed as I opened it, feeling the cold air outside. Everything was silent and dark and, if there was anyone outside heading towards the same place as me, they were being very discreet. I remembered I was to do the same. Not talk to anyone, remain silent. Almost like a ghost, I think to myself.

I slowly start walking, not really sure where. I leave the dorms, cross the training field and jump the fence that separates the school grounds and the forest. My aunt said I would recognise the place when I saw it but that didn’t help. I looked around but all I could see was darkness, there was not a single shadow or figure walking around. For an instant, I thought about turning around and going back to bed, but curiosity was guiding me. I kept walking and looking for some kind of hint when I saw a small light far ahead. It was small and almost unnoticeable. I had nothing to lose so I followed it.

As I got closer, I started hearing more unusual sounds, I could not figure out what they were exactly but they sounded like whispers. I was confused, scared and curious all at once. I thought I heard people but I saw no one. The little trace of light was a single candle burning on the floor, which, for a second, I imagined dropping to the floor and setting all these trees around me on fire. There were footprints on the muddy ground going deeper inside the forest. I hesitated for a minute before following them. I was sure this was what my aunt meant when she said I would just know but i was still reluctant.

I follow the path left by those footprints. The darkness got bigger but the sounds also got louder. Now I was sure they were whispers, even though I could not understand a word. Finally i saw a figure, although I wasn’t sure what it was. I got closer with my hands shaking. It was a person but I could not see who it was. Their body was covered by a black gown and there was a big hood hinding the mystery person’s face. They were in the middle of the track and, deducing by the light that came from behind the creepy being, I had to go through them. I closed my hand in a fist, ready for any type of action if necessary, but when I got close enough to see the details I realised they were simply holding another black gown. I looked at it confused, not sure what to do.

“Hi?” I said confused and in a low tone. No response. No movement. Nothing. I tried again. “Hello..?” There was a pause in time, at least for me, because nothing had happened. However, suddenly but calmly, the person gave me the gown. I grabbed it. It was soft and warm and as dark as theirs. Was I to wear it? “Am I supposed to wear this?” I ask but there is no response. Once again. I look at the person standing in front of me, searching for something that might make them stand out or recognise. I find nothing however. The black gown covers it all and, apart from some mud stains on the bottom, there was nothing I could use to distinguish this person.

They must have seen the confusion on my face because whoever there was behind that gown nodded at me, answering my question. I rushed to put the gown on and cover my face with the hood. “Thank you” I said, not expecting even a slight movement at this point. However the person started to move their hand up. Slowly.

They covered my mouth. “Shhh” I heard. A shiver went through my body as I felt their warn skin touch mine. I took a step back, shocked and little scared. The person stepped aside, leaving room for me to keep flowing the path, and then went back to their starting a creepy position. With a quick pace I walked past them, never looking back. I was sure they weren’t following me since I couldn’t hear anything behind me so I concentrate on what was ahead of me.

The path was iluminated once again by small candles. I followed them until I reached a large space full of people wearing the same black gown as me. There had to be at least fifty people there. All standing in a creepy way. Aligned by rows all looking to the same empty place. They were looking at something that seamed like an improvised stage, poorly built. I get closer fearful and stand next to someone on the last row. I feel their head turn to look at me but i do not there to look back to them.

Suddenly, from a far, i see five people entering the wanna be stage. They were different from us. Their gown were not black, they were the color of blood. Dark red. However, just like us. They all lined side to side watching us.

“Venite, venite milites! Hodie enim sol fulgebit!” It echoed around the empty large and weird room which its walls were only trees. I could not identify who had spoken but I deduced it would have to have been one of the five people standing there. It was Latin. I was sure of it since I have been learning this language since I was 9. Come, come warriors! Because today the sun will shine! It meant. “The war is getting closer and closer to us. The probability of losing is growing bigger. Now, we have decided to act too. Some of us reunited here will play an important part in a mission. It will be dangerous and it might last a long time. But do not worry, it is all been planed carefully.” Said the same person as before. I could not recognise the voice but it was surely a man.

“Tomorrow night, the chosen ones will receive a letter in their room with important rules and information. I want you to read it and then burn the letter. Memorize it all but do not write it anywhere else. We will know if you don’t do what it is said.” Said a man on the stage. Not the same man as before. No, the voice was diferent. “Do not talk about anyone about this matter and be sure that, if you do, there will be consequences.” He continued and a shiver went down my spine. “In two moons we will reunite here again. Until then, follow the unspoken rules. Vale! Deinde lunam videre!” He said.

“Vale!” The black gowned people yelled as the five left the stage. Once the small wooden platform was unoccupied they started leaving too, now very unorganised. I copied them and left between the trees. The path, where before was someone, was now empty and I had no problem getting back to the school grounds. While going back to my dorm, I overanalysed everything that had happened today, from the strange conversation with my aunt to the mystery reunion. I did not understand half of it but I decided I would try to get answers from my aunt tomorrow.

I jump over the fence again and cross the training field. It was still as dark and silent as before. I look around trying to find someone who might have left the same place as me but I see no one. It is all empty. I enter my room and close the door behind me. I take the gown off of my body and get ready to bed. I look at it as I try to fall to fall asleep, making a list mentally of all the questions I need to ask my aunt tomorrow.



I imagined I would be more tired today than I actually am. I think that what is keeping me going is the answers I might get today. The morning classes go by quickly and I try rush to the dining hall. Maybe if i eat my lunch quickly maybe i would have time to talk to her now.

“Cass, are you okay?” Aria asks. I look at her realising I wasn’t listening to a word she was saying.

“Yes. Sorry, I wasn’t listening. What were you saying?” I ask a little embarrassed.

“I was just asking if you wanted to be my parter in that science project.” She says, starting to walk towards the canteen. I follow her.

“Yeah sure.” I say a little uninterested.

“Oh and, by the way, I don’t think we should do a sleepover tomorrow. We have a lot of tests next week and I really wanted to start studying. Your aunt will kill me if I get a bad grade again.” She says laughing. I didn’t even remember our sleepover. But I was glad it wasn’t going to happen since that reunion would happen again tomorrow. For a moment I wondered if Aria would also leave in the middle of the night like me to go to a weird reunion. I wanted to ask but I knew I couldn’t so I stayed quiet and just nodded.

The events of yesterday didn’t leave my head. I found myself thinking about it all day, not paying attention to anything else but my thoughts and theories. I ate quickly and left with some lame excuse just so I had time to talk to my aunt before the beginning of the next class. I knock on the door.

“Yes?” I hear from the other side of the door.

“Hi auntie, it’s me. Can i come in?” I ask after opening slightly the door. She nods and I close the door as I step into the room. She points to the chair and i sit down letting my bag fall once again to the floor.

“So, tell me. What brings you here in the middle of the lunch time?” She asks while sipping her coffee.

“Look aunt, I have a lot of question.” I say. She looks at me with her cold and scary eyes. She knows what i am going to talk about and clearly she does not want to have this conversation. She lets go of her little mug, putting it down on the desk next to her. “And I need answers.” I dare to continue.

“Talk. But be careful with the words you choose to use.” She advises. Her face shows no emotion and her eyes don’t shine anymore. She leans back on her chair and crosses her arms. The light coming from the window behind her makes it hard for me to see the expression on her face now. And, for a moment, I wonder if I really should ask her about it. I think about my list. I have nothing to lose.

“What is that mission about?” I ask. She doesn’t respond for a second. She doesn’t move. Nothing. I wonder if she will even respond or if she will just stay quiet and ignore my question.

“What mission?” She asks with a confused voice. I look at her sceptical. Was she playing with me? Or just trying to act dumb?

“You know, the mission.” I say. She shrugged and I get frustrated. “Why won’t you tell me about it?” I ask.

“Honey, I have no idea what you are talking about.” She says calmly and clearly lying while she picks up her mug to sip more of her coffee.

“Come on aunt. It is impossible for you to not know about it. You were the one who told me to go to that weird reunion!”

“Cassandra, do not expect me to talk about it with you. You can not trust anyone. And in this world, I am no different than others. Therefore, I cannot be trusted too.” She says unamused.

“But-” She interrupts me, raising her hand and waving it up in the air like there is nothing to be confused about.

“But nothing! If you do not follow the rules there will be consequences. You have to understand this is much bigger than both of us. No one can afford making a mistake. Do you understand?” She asks with a cold tone. She was always so sweet and calm. I have never seen her acting this way. I realise that there is no point on asking anything else and that I will definitely not get the answers I need.

“Yes aunt.” I say, giving up and erasing my question list off of my mind.

“Good. Now, unless there is anything else you want to discuss about, you should leave and forget we even had this conversation.” I nod, pick up my bag and head for the door. I say a quick goodbye before leaving the room.

I did not get any answer but instead more questions. Bigger than both of us? Who was in charge? Who were the people in the dark red gowns? Why is everyone forbidden to talk about those reunions? Or the mission? What it is the mission about? What will we do? Why will we do it? Who is going? Will it be just students? So many questions traveled my mind at the same time and I couldn’t answer any of them. Now all I thought about was the letter I would receive tonight. And I truly hopped the letter would give me at least some answers.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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